Flyers or Faggots?

Another good one from my friend and our fellow Marine brother, Greg who certainly has a way with words. Amazing that it takes a Russian to remind us who were are and what we stand for.  Surely the Philadelphia Flyers of the NHL don’t know who they are or what they are supposed to stand for as role models.  Maybe they should change their name to the  Philadelphia Faggots – the pride of the city of Brotherly Love. I wonder what their attendance record is for home games?

The DIE penalty box
By: G. Maresca

On a recent mild January evening in the City of Brotherly Love, the affection of one home team NHL player was anything but mild. A firestorm of disgruntled wrath erupted upon Ivan Provorov, a Russian native and a defenseman for the Philadelphia Flyers, compliments of the LGTBQ+ agenda and their woke confederates of the diversity, inclusion and equity crowd (DIE).

It reminded me of the old standby: I went to a hockey game and a boxing match broke out.  However, this fight underscores how secular humanism is attacking religiosity for the cultural soul of the American nation.

Provorov, a Russian Orthodox Christian, refused to wear a “Gay Pride Night” jersey with the rainbow flag or use a rainbow-taped hockey stick during warm-ups before the game. “I respect everybody, and I respect everybody’s choices,” Provorov said following the game. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion.” It is the gay lobby and their media allies who couldn’t help themselves in falling over each other making a huge issue over why one player decided not to conform and prostrate himself to the LGTBQ+ agenda.

Provorov is not making a stand saying gay pride night should not be held. He is merely exercising his right to decide and be left alone. Being compelled to support the tenets of a faith other than his own is as un-American as it gets – until now. No one should have to be a billboard for another’s political, social, or religious beliefs.

Symbols of faith, freedom, and courage are rare in contemporary American society and yet it is a Russian, no less, who is the model of strength and conviction in this torrid era of national wokedom.  This is why many supported him on several websites by selling out his jersey.

Provorov takes all the risk as standing tall against the leftist mob takes plenty of puck. Most would rather not jeopardize being maligned and browbeaten. Provorov spoke for others without the courage of their convictions, while expressing one of the basic dogmas of Christianity: “love the sinner, hate the sin.”

Since inclusivity is the goal, perhaps the Flyers will host a “Christian night” where players will wear jerseys saying: “Jesus Saves?”  What about “MAGA hat night,” too?

A truly free society does not mandate that their citizens conform to any agenda that forsakes their own believes and traditions. Such hollow virtue signaling only serves to chip away and rust our liberty. The fact that so many are unable to differentiate between honoring one’s country and applauding who people sleep with says much about how distorted our values have become.

First comes the demand for tolerance, then comes acceptance, followed by celebration, and finally mandated participation.  The perpetually aggrieved and offended are never satisfied, provided they do not get their way they move on to the next outrage and repeat the process over again.

As a nation we are consumed in a protracted episode of the Twilight Zone, where it is heroic to disrespect and protest the American flag, while hoisting and paying homage to the gay pride colors is not only expected but unquestioned.

The LGTBQ+ movement is not merely about acceptance of certain sexual proclivities and gender identity with preferred pronouns; rather it is a wholesale secular religion that must be acknowledged over one’s own religious and conscientious beliefs. The great marketing ploy that LGTBQ+ is about “love” is a canard in the first degree. Although they preach tolerance and acceptance, they embody the exact opposite provided you dare to disagree.

The harassment of Provorov violates our Constitutional rights. These are the same rights that leftists shove in your face when convenient for them. Provorov understands America better than the many who thrive on victimization and outrage. With his Russian roots, he knows all too well about Marxism’s groupthink.

Provorov deserves respect, not ridicule.

It has never been about tolerance, diversity, or equity.  Rather, it is about submission and conformity. If it were about inclusion, the left would acclaim Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett and Thomas Sowell.

They don’t.

They disparage them.

Sadly, we have devolved into what we once condemned and fought against, and it has taken a Russian to remind us.

I certainly have not forgotten what I abhor and am against, and I surely do not need a Russian to remind me – do you?

Originally posted 2023-01-28 16:25:43.

3 thoughts on “Flyers or Faggots?”

  1. This sums it up for me. “It has never been about tolerance, diversity, or equity. Rather, it is about submission and conformity.” The prog left are the least tolerant people on earth.

  2. Sadly, many Americans do need to be reminded. This is one of our many problems.

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