Ok, Mr. Berger, you asked for it, so here it comes.. Was this part of your FD 2030 plan. I’m sure it was, or you are even less of a Marine than I originally thought. You should meritoriously promote her to Major so she can lead the way to your new USMC (United States Misfit Corps). Meanwhile you purge Marines who won’t take the shot and let officers wear their religious head gear. BTW, how’s all that “stuff” helping recruiting? Getting much help from the retired community? I don’t think so from what I hear.
Oh BTW sir, there is a great article in the June issue of the Gazette about these staffers Moe, Larry, and Curly task with coming up with a new name for this organization that some brain child in DOD came up with in the year 2042. You should read it. Or maybe you already have — Nah, you wouldn’t waste your time reading something like that. You’re too busy trying to beat down all those foolish retired generals that have not a clue what they are talking about. Happy Wokeness sir!
Lesbian Marine Corps Pilot Dreams of Waging War on Conservative Americans Over Roe v. Wade Repeal

A lesbian marine corps pilot is fantasizing about going to war with the “domestic” enemies of America, who she describes as the conservative members of the Supreme Court following the repeal of Roe v. Wade.
The pilot was profiled in an NPR article published on July 4 where she stated that conservatives are a worse threat than any foreign terrorist because of a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with.
“We swear an oath, ‘To support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic’ … Well, it’s time to start worrying about the domestic, because clearly we have more of a problem here than we do anywhere else,” Marine Corps Capt. Meleah Martin told NPR.
“It’s really disappointing when something like this happens, because, like, how do I defend that?” she continued.
“We thought The Handmaid’s Tale was, you know, just an entertaining show, but we’re honestly headed back towards that direction, you know what I mean?” Martin said. “It’s just sad to see. It’s crazy,” Martin added.
Big League Politics has reported on the purge in the military of patriotic individuals who love freedom and stand for traditional values:
“In what is being hailed as a victory for diversity and progress by Democrats, transgenders are now shockingly overrepresented in the Armed Forces.
A study from the National LGBTQ Task Force has shown that transgenders are two times as likely to join the Armed Forces as their counterparts who do not suffer from gender dysphoria. One reason might be the free genital mutilation surgeries offered by the woke military.
The National LGBTQ Task Force is taking their findings and demanding for more taxpayer-funded giveaways and privileges for transgenders.
“The Defense Department must allow transgender people to serve openly,” said Darlene Nipper, deputy executive director of the organization.
“It’s wrong that these brave men and women — who sacrifice so much through their service to our nation — should have to fight for their rights both as active military and then as veterans,” Nipper added.
The study showed that transgenders participating in the study blamed discrimination for their inability to hold a job. This is being used by lobbyist groups like the National LGBTQ Task Force to demand more handouts.
“The reality is that after honorably serving their country, transgender veterans often face discrimination in employment, housing, health care, and in other settings,” said Nipper.
“Transgender people must be able to serve in the military if they choose to and after their service, they must receive all benefits and services free from discrimination,” she added.
This is happening while conservatives and patriots are being expelled from the military for exercising their 1st Amendment rights.”
This is why the military is being purged. The regime wants demonic LGBT perverts who will not hesitate to shoot on Americans. Some of them even brag about how they would do it at a moment’s notice. This is the New America under the “liberal world order” pushed by the illegitimate Biden coup regime.
Originally posted 2022-07-10 08:48:17.
Every Marine should read this article. Throughout this history of our beloved Corps there have many Legendary Marines but I believe most Marines still give the distinctive title of the Most Legendary Marine to LtGen “Chesty” Puller rather than Gen Mattis. The after view of history often finds previous beliefs in reason, what happened, and what people there at the time truly did. For instance a great many of we Marines at sea preparing to amphibiously assault Cuba and Castro during the Cuban Missile Crisis were dismayed, disappointed, and even mad after listening to President Kennedy’s speech halting the assault and instead blockading Cuba. Only in the past few years as it been revealed that the Russian Commander on Cuba was prepared to launch “evey nuclear weapon he had agains the United States” when we began offensive action against Cuba. Likewise the Commander of the Russian Nuclear submarines tracking our super carrier were prepared to launch nuclear torpedoes. Hundredes of Thousands US Citizens, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen would have died horrible death and millions more maimed, burned, and hit with massive amounts of nuclear radiation sickness, as would our nuclear counter launch by missils and SAC against Russia suffer, as would the whole world have. Today I have a far different opinion of President Kennedy’s actions at that time. It may be that we will have a different opinion of Gen Mattis in the years to come as well when hind sight is more clear. Personally I held the General in the highest regard until he became Sec Def and it has declined since then, and at an escalating rate as I’ve watched him join forces detrimental to the well being, and in fact destructive, to our armed forces and our beloved Corps itself. SAD
Semper Fi
DB Wright
an old Gunny
How Mattis Betrayed His Fellow Marines At The Behest Of The Deep State
[COURTESY: MSG Leon Sonnenburg, USSF (Ret)]
DB, thanks for the input. I have known all along that Mr. Mattis (not a general in my mind) was a fraud, a Cocker Spaniel Marine. All that bravado he dished out was simply for the troops ears, not anyone else’s, and the troops bought into it totally. My initial post on this fellow drew criticism only from young troops who served under him and heard all that BS. But it drew praise from many officers who served under him. He fired a regimental commander in the race to Baghdad who I knew personally and was one of the best company commanders I ever had. He fired him because he cared more about his troops’ lives that getting to Baghdad first.
Mattis tried to make himself up to be another Patton, but lacked the integrity and honesty. Thousands of books in his library, but I doubt he actually read any of them, especially those dealing with combat leadership. No TV and not married – all bravado served out to the young Marines. Vanity is not one of his virtues, he reads too many of his own press clippings. Simply a POS in this Marine’s eyes!
This pilot person’s statement is beyond belief. She is advocating civil war. I’m surprised she is still wearing the uniform and not some Leavenworth jumpsuit.
Someone shove her and that jet over the side of the flight deck, unsat pos. Semper Fi to all of the Real Marines.
This woman appears to be one of the extremists that Sec Austin said should be located and removed from the services.
LOL, well, I don’t that POS Austin was speaking about Wokes, he was talking about us, LOL
I supported people who have different sexual desires (I’m trying to say this as nicely as I can) when they served in the Military. I did expect them to serve as “Green Marines” and not “advertising” or “Poster People” shouting from the roof tops their differences and “swishing” around on duty, or while in uniform. Just being Marines. I especialy expected such from Staff NCO’s and even more so from Officers. Now I see this;
Lesbian Marine Corps Pilot Dreams of Waging War on Conservative Americans Over Roe v. Wade Repeal
It was in my MilTech morning email.
I find this brave “Lesbian Marine Corps Pilot” Marine Corps Capt Meleah stating she is fantasizing about going to war with the “Domestic” enemies of America. She raises her sworn Oath to Protect and Defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Then ” profiled in an NPR article published on July 4 where she stated that conservatives are a worse threat than any foreign terrorist because of a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with.”
There were things decided by the Supreme Court while I was serving as a Marine that I personally disagreed with and might express that disagreement in private conversation with people I knew. But as a Marine it was my duty to support our Constitution and what is, or is not, Constitutional is assigned to the Judicial Branch of our Government and the writing of laws to the Legislative Branch with the signing of theier legislation into law lieing with the Executive Branch. As a check if the Executive Branch vetoes passed legislation then the Legislative Branch may override ride that action making what it passed the law of the land. If challenged in the Judicial Branch then it is their duty to determine if it falls under the Constitution and if so rule in favor of it and if not against it. But it is the duty of our serving military to protect and defend the Constitution which clearly lays out the duties of the 3 branches and not to question it as a member of our military! If they want to protest as a private citizen then certainly they have that right but may not identify themselves as serving military. When they cross that line, and this Captain clearly has done that then they are in violation of the UCMJ and their service branch’s rules and orders.
But with the current Commandant we have in office acting in ways detramental to the traditions of our Corps. He has radically removed and disbanded heavy tank units, aviation assets, artillery and other units that reduce what has always been a required strength in amphibious landings without any testing, vetting, and input from the very units disbanded. Now after an outcry from his officer corps and senior NCO corps he is testing with no comparable standard as they were disbanded.
I find myself wondering what happened to the Corps we from the past served, defended, and protected, as we also served our nation, government and defended our Constitution, often with our blood and very lives. I would, with respect for the rank of Captain (though it appears this particular “Captain of Marines” has no concept of what exactly that means and demands) suggest she review, what I’m sure “she” was clearly and thoroughly instructed in OCS, the duties and conduct expected of a Marine Officer!
While the Captain is at it perhaps the Captain should also review who founded this nation. It’s early settlers were fleeing religioius persecution in England, France, and later other European nations. The Pilgrim’s were fleeing religious persecution in England and came to the new world to practice their religious beliefs in freedom. The eventual State of Maryland was setteled by English Catholics fleeing persecution of Catholics and the Tutor Government as it established the Church of England and made war against Catholics. Our Declaration of Independence, followed by our adopted Constitution and approved by the original 13 states recognized the right to worship and bear arms amongst many other thins and since then has been Amended with some Amendments later repealed. Always in accordance with our Constitution. Throughout all those years our serving military has guaranteed the continuance of those remarkable documents by their service, blood, and lives.
Our nation needs to return to its core roots and our government’s 3 sections need to review the powers granted to them by our Contitution and take back those powers other branches have assumed wrongfully over the years including the departments of our executive branch and return to the States “those powers” not specifically assigned to the Federal Government in the Contitution. Our congressional members need to quit focusing their full time efforts on getting re-elected but serving the citizens who voted them into office and what they want. They also need to quit their blind submission to their political party leaders in Congress and instead give that allegiance to the voters who elected them wishes and what is best for our nation as a whole.
I do believe that another purge of our military needs to occur to return its leadership into the hands of non partisan politically military leaders at all rank levels and keep politic’s and civil movements out of our armed services.
Just an ole Gunny’s 2 cents worth! I love the Corps I served and still do but it is really getting hard watching shameful actions we see daily by too many of our Corps leaders!
Semper Fi
DB Wright
Thanks DB, your comments are always welcome!!
When does this nightmare end?
Afraid it won’t till we get rid of the wokes. But hopefully, the change will start this November.
To all the freaks that want to go to war against conservatives— ” I’m your huckleberry”.
LOL, Yes, she’s rough, tough F35 pilot. Tough while she’s in the air, but bring that woke bitch down to the ground and let’s see how tough she is. Bring it baby!!
Demonic describes it perfectly…
This has gotten so sickening, I have no words. I’m just glad I served back in the “70s when we didn’t have to put up with this crap.
God help us all……Joe
May God have mercy on all of us.
Well ain’t they special !? They’ll be daisies if they do.