Is There Hope?

I seriously  doubt it, The silent majority remains, as always, silent. Perhaps it will wake up some day, but will it be too late?  While it is encouraging to hear a young person speak the truth, but the fact she received no acknowledgement from classmates says it all. Refreshing, honest, well said, sad but oh so true. Enjoy

At Harvard there are 12 ‘Houses’, and this senior, Julie Hartman, Harvard Class of 2022, was chosen by the Headmaster of her House to give a commencement speech — each House Headmaster chooses someone to give a speech. Julie delivered this address on May 3, 2022, at the Harvard Chapel.

When she finished, she received no applause or recognition of appreciation.

The silence was deafening!  But her words were refreshing and prescient…and gave me hope that the values this country stands for have not entirely vanished.  You may click on the link below to hear this address in its entirety.


Originally posted 2022-06-14 10:42:54.

4 thoughts on “Is There Hope?”

  1. What a remarkable, articulate, and honest young lady. May God bless her and protect her. She will need both to survive. But also, what a sad and sobering commentary of what the Country has become and is becoming before our eyes? C sends

  2. A very powerful talk but so true in many aspects. Where does loyalty lie these days? The teachings in our elementary, middle and high schools are not what they should be about but rather topics that those in elementary school have no need of learning at their ages. How prepared are high school graduates to not only enter college but qualified to perform a job function with constant supervision? Julie brought out many points that probably fell on deaf ears but should have been eye openers as to what is taking place in our country for many years. Hopefully one day people will realize how far down the U.S. has gone in comparison to our countries. Will that actually happen? I am not sure that it will or if it does it may be to late to correct the wrongs that have occurred.

  3. By the lack of applause, what better testament to how schools have warped the minds of younger generations. It’s sickening. That smart girl stood alone among her peers and that is a devastating warning for our future.

    1. You should research her name and learn what happened to her and how she was was treated by her fellow students and so-called “friends.”

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