Come Fly With Me!

Trust me, you will love this short clip! A liberal couple get their justice, but not what they expected or wanted. I wish I knew what airline this was; I’d like to send them a congratulatory email and might consider flying with them every time I must fly!  Everything is all about them. I LOVE IT!!!

Wasn’t that great? I just love that the young man simply sits there calmly while this woman runs her mouth. Her meek,  whimpy husband sits there while she rants, then he tries to make amends.

LOL Damn, don’t you just LOVE IT?

Originally posted 2022-03-23 09:58:18.

8 thoughts on “Come Fly With Me!”

  1. Oh hell yes, I hope when she gets to Portland she stays in the shithole she probably helped create. Peace. Semper Fi

  2. Dealing with a lot of up and down pain as I am recovering from a total reverse shoulder replacement surgery and learning to type with my left hand but this literally gave me joy and for awhile felt no pain. When she and her husband got booted off that literally “changed the climate” on that plane.

    1. What???? Damn Dave, you best take care of yourself. Is that from swimming ya think? Yes, the plane applauded as they left. LOL Who the hell did they think they were that would grant them another seat because of a shirt someone was wearing. Typical Liberal, and not a young chick either. I hope they missed the next flight and the funeral, and it will all be the airline’s fault. Will probably attempt to sue!

  3. As I have read before, and see proven time and time again…”Liberalism is a mental disorder”.
    I really admire the young man’s composure and the professionalism of the crew.

  4. Y’all mean a Wokie got her comeuppance? Will wonders never cease! Life’s a b*tch, then you die. Feelings are your problem. S/F

    1. If that flight was so important, she should have shut her mouth. LOL I loved it

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