Vax or No Vax?

With all the questions being asked, but no answers proffered, one has to wonder who is telling the truth, or perhaps it should be is anyone telling the truth. Personally, I do not believe his Highness Fauci, and haven’t from the very beginning.. His crutch is “science.” Wants us to believe him because it’s science and too complicated for us normal folk to understand so we are supposed to trust him.  Well, watch this short video where Rep Jim Jordan (R OH) asks some important  questions and listen to the answers, then you decide.

Is Fauci full of it or what? I took the VAX; have not taken the booster and do not intend to.  My choice.


Before you leave I have another short video for youy to watch. Let’s just call it a typical night out with the boys in LA County. Enjoy.

Wasn’t that fun? Just another night in a lawless third word shithole!


Originally posted 2022-01-25 10:22:04.

16 thoughts on “Vax or No Vax?”

  1. Two subjects. First I got the shots. Second one gave me side effects. Figured 3rd one was only half dose so it would be fine. WRONG. Third shot almost killed me. I’m done. NO MORE. Want the shots then go for it. Don’t want the shots, it should be nobody’s business. Second video was cold blooded and definitely popcorn worthy. Been shot at a few times myself but never faced full auto or I’d be missing these great videos and blogs.

    1. LOL, was wondering where you were Hazel, thought you were sick or something. Couldn’t believe you weren’t commenting on the popcorn movie. LOL Good to have you back. Stay away from those shots, there bad for you. Instead drink single malt!

      1. Don’t know if you’ll see this but yes, I was very sick with pneumonia. I have to start drinking that single malt for sure. I loved that one sided shoot out video. Best part was that fat guy that kept peeking out and then just walked out over the bodies like nothing happened. He was probably headed for Mc Donald’s. He kept peeking because he was really hungry. That gave me a chuckle. That had to be a drug turf war or something. Great clear footage for once of the purge in California.

        1. Wasn’t that a great video, I watched it three times with no popcorn. Glad to hear you are back with us Hazel.

    2. A retired Sgt Maj brother of mine , has heard some scuttlebutt that there’s at least 3 high ranking folks in the DOD whistleblowers who’ve got the data that proves the DOD has purposely covered up , serious side effects and death’s etc. All related to the vaccine. If true our people have been deliberately and knowingly poisoned. By the politicians and Flag officers.

      1. Hazel, nothing, absolutely nothing would shock me anymore. We, as a people, are being screwed everyday but Obama now into his third term. Joey is calling the shots and neither is that Harris Bimbo. I truly believe Obummer is behind all this shit. He said he was going to change America, but could not finish what he st5arted in two terms, so now he has Joey. No way are they going to allow him to be replaced by the Bimbo, she’s a dumb as rock. and can’t follow directions; at least Joey can do that.

  2. The first video was educational and supports what we all really knew, but I just didn’t know how very corrupt the whole system is. And the Democrats just want to investigate Trump when Fauci et al are the ones that should go to jail. The second video is just disgusting. We treated wounded NVA in Vietnam better. If they resisted, they got shot. Otherwise, we gave them medical treatment. This video shows just how evil many in our country have become. May God please help us all…

  3. not certain now I found your web site. Enjoy your posts… I send them tomy quantico ocs NCO key snail mail.

    1. Welcome aboard George, always glad to add another Brother! Especially a Greek! LOL. Love ya brother!

  4. I don’t think those boys were following faucis mask rules. Probably be counted as COVID deaths.

    1. Well, of course they were COVID deaths. LOL Wasn’t that fun to watch? Wasim for me, no collaterals damage, just themselves; that’s good.

  5. Good morning Sir , Great post , I haven’t taken the Vax or Jab as some of us call it. And have no intention to do so it’s a hill I’m willing to die on. I believe in science it’s the money behind the science I have a serious problem with. And as far as Fauci goes he is a chicom prostitute just like the vast majority of DC. Gain of Function is Biowpn research. It should be notes I haven’t taken the regular flu shot in over 10 years and haven’t been sick one time since either. And many say well it’s free , so where the small pox blankets?! Saying My body , my choice now , triggers them. 😂. Now I don’t believe every jab is a poison , most are probably a placebo. But I believe folks are playing Russian roulette. Every time they get a booster. My primary care doctor is a former Army doctor and he’s against the Jab as well. And as for LA etc. well , let the Purge and Hunger Games begin. I’ve got popcorn. S/FI!

      1. Sir , I don’t mean to be so callous with the popcorn , with all these progressives and their socialist ideals , they might think that they are progressive but they are definitely not toward thinking unless crime and chaos is the goal.

        1. Not a problem Chuck; having popcorn and maybe a beer or two would have made that video even more enjoyable.

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