Here’s Greg

In case you haven’t noticed, I have been absent, UA, AWOL, or simply MIA. LOL. Sorry gang, but am still on vacation traveling in the RV visiting relatives. Am currently in MD to celebrate my daughter’s 60th this Saturday. For the first time on the trip, I have a solid Wifi connection so I thought I would peak at what is in my laptop. WOW. For those of you who do not know what minimize means, let me say again. NO EMAIL TRAFFIC. There are a few exceptions and Greg is one of them and he has sent me a good one. With that, here’s Greg.

Clearing the ledger

By: G. Maresca

There is plenty to say about brevity, but that would defeat the purpose.  Neither time nor space affords me the opportunity to opine on the many headlines, stories, and political twists that comprise an average news day – let alone an entire week.  With that in mind, let’s clear the ledger.

The Federal Reserve has yet to learn the hard lessons of the 1970s inflation that when growth of the money supply slows, so does the increase in prices.

Considering the rapid increase in inflation, it should lead to a major reform in the capital gains tax but it won’t considering Congress is home to so many fiscal illiterates.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a bill into law that allows all teachers to conceal carry a handgun – with librarians allowed to use silencers.

German leaders of the anti-immigration party called Angela Merkel the worst Chancellor in Germany’s history – now that is saying something.

Why can’t the left comprehend that Title IX was never meant to allow male athletes to compete against female athletes?

How fortunate the nation is that Merrick Garland is not on the Supreme Court.

With unstable financial markets, and increasing crime, Democrats want you to turn in your weapons.

 The tithe at the Church of Green Energy is well over 10% and it is anything but voluntary.

Leftist fanatics find their way to university faculties, journalists, and district attorneys, while those on the right are ostracized, threatened, and fired.

The issue of Nazism was settled in 1945 when the notion of white supremacy was soundly defeated by the forces of white privilege.

Every school board in the country needs to make the U.S. Citizenship Test, administered to naturalizing immigrants, a high-school graduation requirement.

At this point, any abduction by aliens, is not an abduction, but a rescue.

The ability of children to read has become secondary to what they are allowed to read – for fear they may learn to read between the lines.

At the rate U.S. drug laws are being repealed, Hunter Biden could get indicted for not bringing enough drugs for everyone.

Perhaps the U.S. needs to expand the census to South America so that they can register in advance of arriving.

Many Democrat policy proposals are not only radical, but scientifically, economically, and numerically illiterate: Medicare for All and the Green New Deal violate the laws of economics, physics, and mathematics.

Socialism is contrary to human nature, while capitalism is the only proven economic system.

Wise decisions about how to utilize deficits start with understanding the factors that actually play into it and sadly many of our politicians don’t have a clue. Congress does not want the responsibility of governing, just the perks.

Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat no less, has doomed humankind by not supporting Biden’s green agenda.  And here I thought Donald Trump was humanity’s greatest villain. You need a scorecard to keep track of who the Democrats blame as the greatest nemesis of humanity each week.

Arguably, the nation’s two most existential threats are China and our national debt and Republicans need to start selling it that way.

Arizona executed its first prisoner in nearly eight years and for his last meal he requested some Kentucky Fried Chicken before kicking the bucket.

Dr. Seuss’s latest: There is Disorder at the Border by Executive Order.

A cargo plane arrived in Philadelphia from Australia with three million cans of baby formula on board.  Apparently, each can is labeled: Foster’s. Relax, it is a joke albeit a weak one. But any mother reading this can at some level certainly relate.

Have you noticed that when any leftist threaten to leave the U.S., they only mention white enclaves like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand?

Heinz Field was renamed by the Pittsburgh Steelers to Acrisure Stadium as the insurance and real-estate company acquired the naming rights for next 15 years. Granted, a good number of Steeler fans may not be able to spell or even pronounce the new name; but they will certainly ketchup sooner than later.

A recession is when your neighbor loses their job, a depression is when you lose your job and a recovery when Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats lose their jobs.

Originally posted 2022-07-28 11:03:51.

4 thoughts on “Here’s Greg”

  1. #45 Speaker of The House in ’23. Payback that… a bitch.

    1. Sorry Randy, but you are replying to an old, worn out, beaten up Marine Grunt of 36 years. So, you’ll have to explain that one to me in Grunt terms. LOL

  2. One of the best posts I’ve read in quite some time. We’ll done.

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