Absolutely Criminal

Still on the road traveling. Currently in NC visiting grandson and great grandson, but got this from a fellow Marine and just had to get it out. If you had any idea that our Govt was being run by honest, trustworthy, dedicated supporters of freedom, you live under a rock and are a blind fool. 

The video reveals the truth about how things are done under the Biden regime. I wish the congresswoman would not have taken so long to say what she had to say, but it is worth watching some of it, then shut her off, she rambles on far too long. But the message needed to get out.

Originally posted 2022-08-10 11:34:13.

4 thoughts on “Absolutely Criminal”

  1. This seems to be the new norm for conducting business in D.C. if this type of behavior is shocking to you then you haven’t been paying attention. Sure Pelosi needs to go but so many more need to go as well to make a noticible difference. This is why term limits need to happen.

    1. No sir I don’t pay that close of attention. At my ripe age I don’t watch any news, listen to any podcasts, etc. Maybe you’ll be there some someday and appreciate my position. LOL. I assume you are joking about term limits. You actually expect those fools to vote themselves out of a job? Now, that’s funny.

  2. Who was it again that was supposed to be “the Deplorables”? Jim, as you said, too long but highly illustrative of our govt at work these days. Not much has changed since “you will have to vote on the bill to be able to read it”.
    Hope your trip has gone smoothly with lots of opportunity to enjoy family and friends. Hello to Nancy and Edgar too.

    1. Amen. So hard to believe that our Govt is run that way, but the libs love it, they het their way and we all just suffer. Seems to me that bill could be declared illegal, but what do I know. That Pelosi is an absolute criminal bitch for allowing that to happen. Trip going well, but to be truthful, we ate tired of visiting people and am looking fwd to suspending a few days in Charleston, SC by ourselves.

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