The Gloves are Off!!

WOW!! This is one powerful advertisement. The gloves have certainly come off . President Trump is on the attack! We’ve never seen an election campaign ad like this one! Love it, and I’m certain many of you will as well.  Watch and enjoy. Wonder how many of the MSM will run it? What’s amazing he does not attack any of his current opponents — no Bernie or Sleepy Joe.

The 2020 Election

Originally posted 2020-04-23 10:56:30.

5 thoughts on “The Gloves are Off!!”

  1. Wow that gave me chills, I pray we bury the dirty bastards deep and bury the shovel and leave no marker. Semper Fi

  2. The Dems are desperate alright. Biden is half senile. They have grasped at straws with Bloomberg and the public didn’t want him. They thought about bringing Hillary out of moth balls but she’s in no condition either. Now they look at Cuomo but the lefties want a black woman or no body. Sadly this ad will never be seen except maybe on Fox news or OAN tv. If your already a Trump supporter you might see it run. If your not you will never see it. The media is panic stricken now and will pull out all the stops to de-throne the DON. And all we can do is vote.

    1. Yep, ALL Conservatives MUST VOTE to try and beat out all the fraudulent votes from the Dems coming from the blue states, especially CA

  3. Sleepy Joe will probably pee himself when he has to face off with The Donald at a debate…. If you thought he hit Hildabeast hard wait till he gets a hold of crazy ole sleepy Joe.

    1. LOL, you got that right. But they had better check Joe for an earpiece as he will definitively need some instant guidance to questions. Or as with Hildabeast, someone will provide him with the questions in advance. The Dems are really desperate at this point in time.

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