
In The Navy

If you have kids, grandkids, or friends who have some and they want their children to perhaps follow in some distant relative’s’ footsteps and join the U.S. Navy, they need to watch this. It’s a hoot!  You don’t have to watch it all since it’s about 7 minutes long as it won’t take you long to get the idea as to where the Navy’s priorities are today. Aren’t they or shouldn’t they  be defense oriented; I mean they come under the Department of “Defense” right? I don’t think so. And you can be sure the other services are going in the same direction, and yes even our once beloved Corps since our leader supported pride month Folks this is really hard to watch if you are cut from the same cloth as me. I could not stop laughing at these two idiots. I can only imagine what our potential enemies are thinking when they see where our military’s priorities are right now.

Lord, please help us.

Originally posted 2022-06-23 13:23:26.

Is There Hope?

I seriously  doubt it, The silent majority remains, as always, silent. Perhaps it will wake up some day, but will it be too late?  While it is encouraging to hear a young person speak the truth, but the fact she received no acknowledgement from classmates says it all. Refreshing, honest, well said, sad but oh so true. Enjoy

At Harvard there are 12 ‘Houses’, and this senior, Julie Hartman, Harvard Class of 2022, was chosen by the Headmaster of her House to give a commencement speech — each House Headmaster chooses someone to give a speech. Julie delivered this address on May 3, 2022, at the Harvard Chapel.

When she finished, she received no applause or recognition of appreciation.

The silence was deafening!  But her words were refreshing and prescient…and gave me hope that the values this country stands for have not entirely vanished.  You may click on the link below to hear this address in its entirety.


Originally posted 2022-06-14 10:42:54.

Does Watching TV Make You Stupid?

Well, watch the video and you may learn just how stupid you really are. It’s amazing how Americans are duped by watching TV shows and especially the commercials.

Now, I know not how accurate the actual figures are, but they come from the government. Of course, we all know how well we can trust the government, but I suspect the actual figures are close to reality. It will probably surprise some fo you to learn the population breakdown between blacks and Hispanics. However, if you watch the new shows on TV, and especially those horribly biased commercials placed by nationally known companies I’m sure that’s what caused the highly skewed estimates by Americans. Just who are these commercials aimed at, you and me? I doubt it.

Originally posted 2022-04-15 12:45:52.