Tag Archives: voting

WSJ editorial on voter fraud

Amazing, Unbelievable that we live in a modern high-tech country , yet we allow this to go on election after election. Now, I realize that the writer is a Republican and a lawyer, but it seems he has the facts backing up what he is saying. Yet, no one reports this or worse yet, does nothing about it.

President Trump’s promise to investigate voter fraud has drawn predictable responses from Democrats and the media, who insist there is no such thing and have been fighting for years to prevent any inquiry into the matter. But an investigation in Mr. Trump’s hometown shows that the problem is real.

In 2013 the New York City Department of Investigation—the storied law-enforcement arm of city government, which houses and manages all the city’s inspectors general and investigators—decided to test the system. City investigators posed as 63 ineligible individuals still on the city voter rolls. Each ineligible voter had died, moved out of the jurisdiction, or been convicted of a felony at least two years earlier.

The investigators didn’t go to great lengths to hide their attempted fraudulent votes. In five instances investigators in their 20s or 30s posed as voters age 82 to 94. In some cases the investigators were of different ethnic backgrounds from the voters they were impersonating. Yet each was given a ballot and allowed to cast a vote without question.

In other instances the investigators informed the poll worker that they had moved but didn’t have time to get to their new home on Election Day; all but one was allowed to vote. Only one investigator was flat-out rejected. He had the misfortune of trying to vote at a polling place where the clerk was the mother of the ineligible felon he was impersonating.

Ninety-seven percent of the barely disguised phony voters were allowed to vote unimpeded, and none was referred for criminal charges or officially reported to the Board of Elections. One can only imagine what a sharp operator trying to fix an election could do by flooding polling places with ineligible voters.

The Department of Investigation proved how easy it is to perpetrate such a fraud. More important, it showed that such illegal behavior doesn’t get reported or corrected. When the department published its report, the Board of Elections took no steps to prevent future fraud. Instead, the board complained that the investigators engaged in voter fraud and should be prosecuted. The district attorney refused to charge the investigators for their productive and lawful investigation.

Last year a Democratic New York election official, Alan Schulkin, was forced to resign after he was caught on tape telling the truth about electoral process. “Certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote,” Mr. Schulkin said. “They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.” In another case a local polling official reported to the police that a group of men had apparently voted more than once, while others were told they couldn’t vote because their ballots had already been cast. The police response, according to press reports, was that they don’t investigate alleged voter fraud.

In 2014 President Obama’s bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration concluded that maintaining accurate election rolls was a key part of the democratic process. Yet subsequent efforts to do so has led to claims of voter suppression, thereby stalling progress.

And while New York does not require identification to vote, its registration requirements are fairly strict and there is no such thing as same-day registration. Many states are less stringent, which would make the opportunities for fraud greater.

America has a flawed voting system that is susceptible to fraud and has few precautions against it. A federal investigation could go a long way toward ensuring citizens U.S. elections are honest.

Mr. Levy is vice chairman of the Republican National Lawyers Association.

Originally posted 2017-02-03 08:35:21.

Time to Vote?

Another barn burner of truths from the Colonel of Truth. Excellent read and I TOTALLY  agree with Andy.  I would NOT vote for anybody that does not agree with everything he says.  These August and early elections are very important as many of them deal with school boards. Ask the candidate specific questions! What say you????

Please copy and paste into your browser; it’s safe.



Originally posted 2022-05-17 12:01:45.

The Supreme Court and the Electoral Coup

The Supreme Court needs to do its job of adjudication. and protect and save the Constitution at this critical time.

By Scott S. Powell American Thinker December 5, 2020

Another good one from “Rip.” He often republishes articles written by Scott Powell from the American Thinker. This is a good one. It recaps all the BS that has gone on from day one of President Trump’s decision to run for CINC and Leader of the Free World. For those of you who may not have a grasp of basic Macro Economics, please read the paragraphs at the end very carefully as it reveals what the MSM or self-appointed Economist are not telling us. As one of those self-appointed Economists (by education and hobby), folks we are are in deep kimchi . And depending on how this election falls out, America will be rapidly become a third-world shithole.

It’s out in the open for everyone with eyes and ears, not only here in the United States but around the world.

The November U.S. Presidential election produced a fraudulent result — appearing to deliver a defeat for extraordinarily popular and remarkably successful incumbent President Donald Trump and a victory for extraordinarily unimpressive Democrat challenger Joe Biden.

Trump drew crowds of 35-40,000 and more at every rally. Biden couldn’t attract more than a few dozen at his public meetings — none of which could be called rallies. Biden’s handlers decided on a basement strategy early on, recognizing that a discharged and failing battery was no match for the orange energizer bunny. Additionally, why take the risk of gaffes in public appearances when you know that the fix is in with upcoming multilevel vote fraud.

First, a refresher and some background.

Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 as an outsider, the candidate whose “Make America Great Again” platform included draining the Swamp and taking on corruption in Washington.

Prior presidents had generally accommodated Washington corruption, and it naturally grew over time. A major contributing factor that compelled Trump to run was that under the Obama administration corruption became egregious. First Amendment rights were violated in new ways with surveillance conducted on select media reporters who criticized Obama, and with muzzling of some 160 patriotic conservative groups by Lois Lerner in her position as director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the Internal Revenue Service.

Then there was the outrageous saga of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband and ex-president Bill who played tag team in shaking down foreign governments for nearly a billion dollars, which got shoveled into the Clinton Foundation. All the while Secretary Clinton flagrantly violated U.S. Code § 1924 that prohibits the private storing of classified documents and confidential state matters, which she circumvented by use of an unsecure private server and email system. That was obviously implemented to cover up her conflicts of interest while serving as secretary.

And then there was Obama’s achievements: the Iran Nuclear Deal was consummated with the payment of $1.7 billion to the ruling mullahs in Iran, which the Senate wouldn’t have ratified were it a treaty rather than a backchannel deal. Obama’s crowning achievement — er crime — that lead us to today’s vote fraud dilemma was his oversight and approval of massive clandestine surveillance on Trump, his family and his entire campaign staff by way of an earlier fraud — the illicitly obtained FISA warrants to authorize surveillance — that were undertaken to facilitate an impeachment coup.

Because Trump was an outsider committed to fighting corruption and changing Washington’s ways, multiple coup plots against him were contemplated even before he was inaugurated. Taking down General Michael Flynn was just the beginning of the siege of President Donald Trump by the Deep State, instigated by the FBI Director James Comey. Flynn’s takedown was immediately followed by two years of the Mueller Commission investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to and collusion with Russia. Try as they might, no substantive evidence could be found. Then the baton was passed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who commenced impeachment hearings. That too failed for lack of evidence.

Since there were no penalties from the previous coup efforts based on the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants, it’s only natural that the Deep State and Democrat Party operatives were emboldened to make a third attempt by seizing on the coronavirus crisis to continue the coup effort in Trump’s fourth year — this time putting in the fix on the November 2020 Presidential election.

They took advantage of the lockdowns and public fear and pushed specific actions to game the system to increase their delivery of votes leading up to election day. First they legitimized the wholesale distribution of ballots and mail-in balloting, and then they blanketed swing states with armies of lawyers filing suits to challenge voter ID laws, signature verification laws and extending the deadlines for mail-in ballots. Changing rules in these ways in key swing states created ambiguities that contributed to voting irregularities, such as over-voting, ballot harvesting, filing fraudulent ballots from dead people still on the voter rolls, ballot dumps, and other fraud and poll place shenanigans.

And then there was the use of Dominion voting machines and software technology that were implemented in various jurisdictions in all swing states as well as 18 others. Dominion vice president of U.S. engineering, Eric Coomer, is on record acknowledging the programmability of Dominion voting technology to fix votes, saying;blicans “Don’t worry about the election; Trump’s not going to win. I made f***ing sure of that!”

Common sense, longstanding predictable voting behavior patterns in many specific jurisdictions, big data statistical pattern analysis and forensic analysis of Dominion Voting Systems machines and software, and polling place wrongdoings in the contested states don’t just reveal garden variety voting irregularities, but rather overwhelming massive voter and polling place fraud.

People who think Trump is hated for his loud braggadocio persona and style don’t get it. Trump was targeted from the beginning because he threatened the Deep State, which includes a self-serving corporate elite, their Washington lobbyists, the internationalist establishment in and out of government, the one-sided politically corrupt media, as well as a myriad of unaccountable agencies that include the FBI, CIA, FEMA — to name only a few powerful bureaucracies that now operate with almost no Constitutional constraints.

Donald Trump was uniquely prepared and chosen for such a time as this. Seen in the context of historical America, the speed at which the demise of Constitutional law and rule in America was advanced during the Bush and the Obama administration’s years is startling. And today, it’s quite obvious — for Supreme Court justices and all Americans to see — that we are in the last stage of the takedown and final usurpation of the Constitution of the United States.

With distrust, division, and corruption being so prevalent in the big cities and lower courts of many of the contested states — as to nullify the seriousness of over 400 affidavits documenting vote fraud and polling place irregularities, documenting that there were more votes cast than registered voters in quite a number of jurisdictions, and overwhelming evidence of massive computer driven vote manipulation associated with key states’ use of Dominion Voting Systems, and pay-to-play corruption at the highest level of Republican Party-led Georgia government to contract with Dominion to use their voting machines — the Supreme Court is compelled to adjudicate.

The American people cannot allow fraudulent election results or even the appearance of such to stand. It undermines the Constitution and demoralizes the citizenry. When people lose confidence in the integrity of elections, their respect for government is eroded and their willingness to comply with the laws it legislates is undermined.

Democrats and some establishment Republicans may want to pursue the easier course of denial and ignore the facts of massive vote fraud because it delivers their desired results and/or it protects their crimes, but the world is watching to see what we do as a nation.

Allowing proven election and vote fraud to stand would irreparably damage the nation’s moral authority and relegate the United States to the status of banana republics and communist regimes. And with that status would come ever more corruption, cynicism and even the collapse of the U.S. currency.

The U.S. dollar is backed by nothing except the full faith and credit of the United States. If that faith and trust deteriorates, so does the nation’s currency. No one wants to talk about it, but the U.S. financial balance sheet is now in its weakest condition in the last 200 years.

Between 1960 and 2000 the total national debt-to-GDP ratio averaged between 35-55%. By 2010 debt-to-GDP rose to 90%. With the $3.5-trillion-dollar COVID pandemic bailout-stimulus, total national debt is now nearly $27.5 trillion and the U.S. debt-to-GDP stands at 128%, a ranking shared with countries like Mozambique and Eritrea.

For those with critical thinking faculties and a knowledge of history, there can be little doubt that this extraordinary energetic leader Donald Trump is what is needed for a time such as this.

With America facing almost insurmountable challenges and unfinished business, a decisive majority of Americans voted for his reelection because they sensed that a return to a corrupt establishment government was simply not an acceptable option.

The Supreme Court needs to do its job of adjudication and protect and save the Constitution at this critical time.

Scott Powell is senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and founder of Remington Rand LLC

Originally posted 2020-12-06 11:36:59.

Ballot Bonanza

Another great one from Greg, thank you sir. Folks, fasten your seat belts as this coming election is shaping up to be the biggest scandal America has ever experienced. At least in my lifetime. This one will make the Florida “hanging chads” incident look like child’s play. I voted yesterday and I was very impressed with the way my early voting precinct in Lee County, FL handled everything. from social distancing, not allowing entrance without a mask — who in their right mind would even think of coming to vote without a mask, maybe they needed a new one knowing they would have masks to provide — to the layout, organization, and politeness of the workers. Well done Lee County!!

Yes, I stood in line in the hot sun for about twenty-five minutes, but hey, this my duty, a duty I served to protect. So, get off your ass and go vote in person, wear a mask, social distance, wash you hands when your done, and wear your little “I Voted” sticker on your shirt with pride.

I believe in my heat of hearts that Trump will win this election, I mean he has God on his side. Surely if the other side wins, He may find himself restricted in America like never before.

I’m remined of the story, if I may digress, about the homeless man who showed up in a church wearing rags. The pastor told him he was not welcome in this church dressed like that. He was instructed to go home and pray to God and ask what the proper attire should be to come into this church. The  following Sunday the homeless man showed up, of course in the only clothes he had – rags. The Pastor stopped him and asked if he had done what he was instructed to do last Sunday, The man replied that he had. The Pastor asked, “Well what did God say”? The man politely replied that God said he  didn’t know, He’d never been in this church.

May be a funny story, but with true meaning. This election is about much more than politics, personalities, and policies. It’s about the future of our country as a Nation.

By: G. Maresca

There are some Americans who have received numerous ballots in the mail over the past month that you’d think they were already deceased.  Who among us has not read or heard about mail-in voting shenanigans occurring throughout our fruited plain?

For Democrats there are no wrong addresses, only misplaced and uncounted ballots.  Covering elections years ago, the standard refrain throughout the Pennsylvania Coal Region was the Democrats always had a 500-vote advantage before the polls ever opened their doors

Recently, military members from Pennsylvania had their ballots recovered along the side of a road, while trays of ballots were found trashed along a highway in Wisconsin.  The Newark, N.J. Star-Ledger reported a mail carrier was arrested by the FBI after being caught on camera tossing ninety-nine ballots in the garbage.

Supposedly all those ballots cast were for Republican Richard Nixon. Okay, they weren’t for Nixon, but the point is this election could be another 2000 Florida-election fiasco on steroids.

Project Veritas, a non-profit organization of investigative journalists, reported stolen ballots from senior citizens and public housing in Minnesota were confiscated among supporters of Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar. They also released a video documenting a Hispanic woman in Texas, who claimed she was “bringing at least at least 7,000 votes to the polls.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton reports eight states including Pennsylvania have registered voters totaling in excess of 100% of those eligible, which violates the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.  Accordingly, the counties of Chester, Delaware and Bucks have failed to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls.

A federal judge in Wisconsin has allowed for an extra week to count mail-in/absentee ballots.  Another judge did the same for Michigan, but consenting for two weeks — both states in 2016 were won by razor-thin margins by Donald Trump.

According to David Becker, director of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, Nongovernmental groups have inundated Pennsylvania voters with mail ballot applications that has contributed to a deluge of duplicates sent to dead folks, prior home owners and stray cats.

Pennsylvania Republicans have filed an emergency request with the U.S. Supreme Court hoping to undo a State Supreme Court ruling mandating that state election officials accept all mailed ballots up to three days after the election. With 20 electoral votes of the 270 needed to win the presidency, Pennsylvania, like Michigan and Wisconsin are among the most hotly contested states with Trump winning Pennsylvania last time by 44,292 votes out of more than 6 million cast.

These ballot tales are as numerous as the votes they supposedly represent.

Properly applied for and submitted, absentee ballots are legitimate, but are often not counted unless in sufficient numbers.  Normally, one percent of mail-in ballots are disqualified.  According to the Wall Street Journal, in April’s Wisconsin Democratic primary, 2.5% of ballots were disallowed – the equivalent of three times Trump’s victory margin in 2016, where 134,000 Wisconsinites voted by mail.  This year, 1.8 million ballots are expected.

By voting in person, your vote is much more likely to count.

The risk of not getting counted is higher for absentee and mail-in ballots that are subject to challenge and disqualification that include questionable signatures and witnesses.  Who marked that mail-in ballot and were you unduly influenced or mentally competent when you did? What about your elderly mother’s ballot at the nursing home?  Did she really make the choice, or was she helped?  When mailing did they offer to help others as well, or perhaps accidentally forgot to deposit them?

If Democrats lose the election, they will blame someone besides themselves.

Will it be a mere coincidence, or a calculated “discovery” of missing ballots in heavily Democrat areas, where the race is just too close to call?  Expect an army of Democrat lawyers to file lawsuits as these “missing ballots” are ripe for harvesting.

Examples of such subterfuge have existed before, and it defies logic to think that unscrupulous players will not be at it again.

Many voters have been influenced to believe that you should skip voting at the polls for fear of contracting COVID-19.

When the sanctity of casting one’s ballot becomes increasingly questionable, voter fraud escalates resulting in a direct threat to any election’s integrity and taints the democratic process.

The most important civic duty one can do is vote – and vote in person if at all possible.


Originally posted 2020-10-31 14:35:50.

25th Amendment

Pelosi Is already working to install Kamala Harris as president. Conspiracy theory you may contend, I think not. This plan is much more logical, but then no one ever referred to this woman (loose term) as logical. I, personally,  consider her something unspeakable in the venue. But knowing what is going on with the puppet Joe, this has to be their plan. Folks voting the left ticket are not voting for Sleepy Joe as president, they are voting Harris as president, and ny of them smart enough have already figured that out..

I received this from a brother Marine. Thanks Smitty! 

You may have heard some hype about the 25th amendment recently. The rumor on the street is that Nancy Pelosi wants to use it to get rid of President Trump. That’s a misdirection. Removing Donald Trump is not the goal with this plan; Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are.

By all means, Nancy Pelosi would remove President Trump with the 25th amendment if she could. She already impeached him with no criminal accusations and a bastardized impeachment process. But, using the 25th against President Trump simply isn’t viable.  The reasons lie in how the 25th Amendment works.

There are a few ways the 25th can be invoked to remove a sitting president. The first involves death, in which case the Amendment merely declares that the vice president takes over. The second method is by the president’s own volition. A sitting president can formally declare himself unable to serve the office. At that point, the vice president assumes the role. Obviously, not neither of those scenarios work for Nancy Pelosi.

The third way (and the one that matters in this case) is if the president is declared unfit to serve. In order to do this, the vice president has to agree that the president is unfit. In addition to this, there needs to be a majority agreement in either the president’s cabinet or both houses of Congress. Since the Democrats don’t control the Senate, President Trump’s cabinet or the vice presidency, there is absolutely no way Pelosi can weaponize the 25th against President Trump.

Even if the Democrats took the House and the Senate this November, they would still need Pence’s help, and he clearly won’t sign on to such a plot. Neither would members of his cabinet. So while Speaker Pelosi wants you to think her newly formed committee to study the 25th amendment is about ousting President Trump, that is a misdirect. It can’t happen. The real target is Joe Biden, and Trump even pointed that out on Twitter on Sunday.

Assuming Biden and Harris win in November, the plan is to get rid of Biden and install Harris as president. Why would Pelosi want to do this? Trump pointed out that Biden isn’t extreme enough for the radical, left-wing portion of the Democrat’s base.  They’re just trying to use voters to get him in office so they can install someone they really want.

There are two ways this could play out. The first is that the Democrats plant a bunch of traitors in Joe’s cabinet and Harris is able to ouster him with only their support. She becomes president, and the American people have no say in the matter.

The second is if they retain the House and win the Senate. Then, the Democrats can ouster Biden regardless of who is in his cabinet. All they need is the support of Kamala Harris, and we all know the lengths she’ll go to in order to gain power.

Remember Senator Harris slept with a married man to get her first job in politics and has flipped flopped on issues she said were important to her like the Green New Deal and fracking so Biden would put her on his ticket. She personifies the Democratic willingness to do and say absolutely anything for power.

Why do the Democrats want Harris instead of Biden? There are two reasons. First, even they realize that he is a senile old man who can’t do the job. Second, Harris is willing to do anything for the office. She will bend and give people like Pelosi anything she wants in order to get that power. She’ll suspend freedoms and abuse the presidency in ways we’ve never seen before. Harris being a radical leftist is a bonus.

The Democrats always work like this. They don’t want you to select your leadership. They don’t want to hear your voice on how this country is run. As Harris put it herself, the American people can’t be trusted with their own decisions. That’s what the left has in store for our country.


Originally posted 2020-10-16 09:55:04.