Tag Archives: US

Must Watch Video

I do not know where and when Mrs. Hopkins made these remarks, or to whom she was speaking, but I have to say, everything rings true to me. It is quite lengthy (24:29), but worth your time to listen what she has to say,  and as an added benefit, it is interspersed frequently with typical British humor. I recommend sitting down with a drink of choice and listen to what she has to say. It is important for she gives us fair warning of things to come. Simply right-click on the below URL and click “open in new window.”


Katie is a strong activist for the soon to be minorities of the world – US. Go to http://hopkinsworld.com/ to see more should you choose. She is strong-willed and unafraid to speak out to defend the country she loves so much.

Semper Fi my brothers,


Originally posted 2018-09-05 10:27:45.