Tag Archives: Trump

What a Great Shot!

Hello Gang, I’m back. Sorry for the long disappearance, but my bride and I needed to get away from this house once it was finally put back together after Ian. We took off on 31 July in the  new (to us) RV in search of cooler weather, which we did not find until we got to Northern MN. Had a great 30+ day vacation and really enjoyed the northern  States of MN, WI, and MI. We especially liked the latter and spent several days in what they call the “UP.” We even spent a day on Mackinaw Island; what a treat that was. I learned the significance of the different spelling of Mackinac and Mackinaw. LOL

Anyway, Greg sent me a new article and I loved it and decided to post it today. I hope you like it.


The shot seen round the world                                      By: Greg Maresca


If a picture is worth 1,000 words, how much does that infamous mugshot of Donald Trump rate? Taking advantage of what Trump believed an opportunity, he posted the photo to the social media platform X after its release.

The numbers back Trump up. According to politico.com within the first 24-hours, The Donald’s 2024 presidential movement raised $4.18 million making it the single-highest 24-hour funding period of his campaign to date.

Booking photos of scandalous celebrities, the nefarious, and the reprehensible are nothing new, but this was of a former president of the United States where nothing like this has ever occurred in American history.

Such an event was unnecessary. Who wasn’t aware that Trump was under indictment in four jurisdictions that a typical mugshot was a necessity?  Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer David Hume Kennerly who has photographed ten presidents, said the Trump photo will be “the most published photograph ever.”

Ever since Trump announced his presidential campaign from the escalator of the Trump Tower in Manhattan in 2015, he has been a nonstop moving target for Democrats, their allies throughout the media and the unelected bureaucratic swamp that is the deep state personified. Baseless allegations and name-calling were just part of the daily activities as that echo chamber refused to stop ringing.

Both Trump impeachments were counterfeit and served as a blatant diversion of the deep state’s machinations that continues to chug along at full bore.  Considering the nonstop freight train that continues to pummel Trump over the last eight years, the Queens, New York native is still standing and is more cognizant than Joe Biden was 30-years ago.

The photo reminded me of a Parris Island dress blue photo shoot where only your war face would suffice. Any semblance of a smile or even a smirk would earn the wrath of the nearest drill instructor.  Trump’s pose would not have disappointed as it was a “you’re fired” scowl straight out of The Apprentice.

Booking photos are usually an exercise in humility. Trump made it into an opportunity to showcase his campaign’s grit and determination. The image is now blazoned on T-shirts, coffee mugs, even shot glasses and since mugshots are copyright free expect more of the same.

Photographs are much more than their pixels – they hold much of their mystery in perception – a moment forever frozen in time.  Trump is a living meme and more than willing to fight no matter the odds.  The mugshot is a rallying point for his base. Moreover, the photo is a significant political portrayal on just how far American politics continues to unravel at blinding speed.  Those pixels of Trump have cemented itself alongside iconic photos like the Iwo Jima flag raising and the flight at Kitty Hawk, securing itself a unique place in American history.

However, this is not a celebratory photo, no matter what political affiliation you identify with.  Since the advent of the FBI’s Most Wanted List, what criminal ever faced so many indictments in different jurisdictions nationwide simultaneously?

Other than those whose eyes fall here; how many folks do you know that truly recognize what this situation represents?  Conservatives understand that their Judeo-Christian culture is under attack and that it is them who is the primary target with the former president providing cover.

If a parent speaks out at a school board meeting, they are a domestic terrorist.  If a pro-lifer prays while hindering access to an abortion clinic, expect an early morning raid from the FBI. Declare that only women can get pregnant and be prepared for a garden variety of backlash.

Meanwhile, the Bidens, Clintons, Barack Obama, and every swamp dweller gets off scot-free.

Keep electing Democrats and expect more of the same.  The choice is elementary: either you are for this White House administration that is Obama’s de facto third term, or you are not.

The cases against Trump are all scheduled to be heard during the middle of primary season. If anything, it will showcase the Democrats’ duplicity and most of all their hypocrisy. When will the reality that the nation is drifting toward tyranny cast out the mote out of thy leftist’s eye?

The Left got their prized Trump mugshot.

The question remains – will it backfire?

Postscript. Today as I write this there is a service going on at the Quantico, VA Marine Base cemetery and afterwards a  memorial at the Marine Corps Museum. I wish I could have been in attendance, but matters at hand did not allow me to do so. The service and memorial was for a great friend, a decorated hero, a Brother, and a dedicated Marine. His name was LtCol Vic Taylor, USMC (Ret). Although Vic was my monitor as a Major, I did not meet him until after we both retired and he lived on his ranch in Steamboat Springs, CO, and I on mine in Roscoe, MT. 

He sent me a picture of himself one time after we had a conversation on the phone about our early days in the Corps

LCpl B.V. Taylor, a Marine’s Marine!My thoughts have been about you all day my Brother! God bless you sir!




Originally posted 2023-09-11 15:09:27.

Finally, A Dose of Reality

Someone smart enough to put it all into words anyone, including those living under a rock, can understand. Mr. Massie has nailed it, he is absolutely correct, and regardless of your aisle leanings you have to admit to yourself he’s correct. Trump is neither a conservative nor a liberal. Great article Mychal! I salute you sir!

Mychal MasseMychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015.  RPC advocates for a colorblind society.  He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.”   He is the former National Chairman of the conservative black think tank, Project 21-The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives and a former member of its parent think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Trump is not a Liberal or Conservative, He’s a Pragmatist.
(Definition: A pragmatist is someone who is practical and focused on reaching a goal. A pragmatist usually has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and doesn’t let emotion distract him or her.)

“We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation was jocund, ranging from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics.  At one point, reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative, to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative, nor do I believe Trump views himself as a conservative.

It was my opinion that Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn’t see the problem as liberal or conservative; he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality that should be admired and applauded, not condemned. But I get ahead of myself.

Viewing problems from a liberal perspective has resulted in the creation of more problems, more entitlement programs, more victims, more government, more political correctness, and more attacks on the working class in all economic strata.

Viewing things according to the so-called Republican conservative perspective has brought continued spending and globalism to the detriment of American interests and well being, denial of what the real problems are, weak, ineffective, milquetoast, leadership that amounts to Barney Fife Deputy Sheriff, appeasement oriented and afraid of its own shadow. In brief, it has brought liberal ideology with a pachyderm as a mascot juxtaposed to the ass of the Democrat Party.

Immigration isn’t a Republican problem – it isn’t a liberal problem – it is a problem that threatens the very fabric and infrastructure of America.  It demands a pragmatic  approach, not an approach that is intended to appease one group or another.

The impending collapse of the economy isn’t a liberal or conservative problem; it is an American problem. That said, until it is viewed as a problem that demands a common sense approach to resolution, it will never be fixed because the Democrats and Republicans know only one way to fix things and the longevity of their impracticality has proven to have no lasting effect.

Successful businessmen like Donald Trump find ways to make things work; they do not promise to accommodate.

Trump uniquely understands that China’s manipulation of currency is not a Republican problem or a Democrat problem. It is a problem that threatens our financial stability and he understands the proper balance needed to fix it. Here again, successful businessmen like Trump who have weathered the changing tides of economic reality understand what is necessary to make business work, and they, unlike both sides of the political aisle, know that if something doesn’t work, you don’t continue trying to make it work hoping that at some point it will.

As a pragmatist, Donald Trump hasn’t made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 per hour minimum wage for working the drive-through at Carl’s Hamburgers.

I argue that America needs pragmatists because pragmatists see a problem and find ways to fix them. They do not see a problem and compound it by creating more problems.

You may not like Donald Trump, but I suspect that the reason people do not like him is because: (1) he is antithetical to the “good old boy” method of brokering backroom deals that fatten the coffers of politicians; (2) they are unaccustomed to hearing a candidate speak who is unencumbered by the financial shackles of those who owe them vis-a-vis donations; (3) he is someone who is free of idiomatic political ideology; and (4) he is someone who understands that it takes more than hollow promises and political correctness to make America great again.

Listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talk about fixing America is like listening to two lunatics trying to “out crazy” one another. Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Marco Rubio are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the bankers, corporations, and big dollar donors funding their campaigns. Bush can deny it, but common sense tells anyone willing to face facts is that people don’t give tens of millions without expecting something in return.

We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it brought us?  Are we better off today or worse off? Has it happened overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?

I submit that a pragmatist might be just what America needs right now.

People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance, but that is common among those who have never accomplished anything in their lives (or politicians who never really solved a problem, because it’s better to still have an “issue(s) to be solved,” so re-elect me to solve it, (which never happens) and those who have always played it safe (again, all politicians) not willing to risk failure, to try and achieve success.

Donald Trump has his total financial empire at risk in running for president; that says it all.  “Success for the U.S.A.!”

Originally posted 2016-08-23 23:04:50.

The Undecided

This is another good one from my favorite contributor, Marine Greg Maresca. You should send it to all your undecided “friends,” that is if you have any. I don’t!

THE UNDECIDED                                                                by: Greg Maresca

At least three percent of American presidential voters are “undecided.” In a tight race, provided the polls are accurate, such a modest percentage (158 million voted in 2020) translates to 4.7 million Americans remain fence sitters and could be the difference in November’s election.

Even Pope Francis is undecided, or is he? The pontiff’s take on America’s presidential race was concise saying, “Both are against life: the one that throws out migrants and the one that kills children.” Francis advised American Catholics to “choose the lesser evil.”

How anyone who is paying attention has yet to make up their mind is astounding. Conceivably, the undecided are more indecisive than anything, yet subconsciously they don’t realize it.

Perhaps the most potent of political questions that transcends every presidential election needs to be asked repeatedly:

Are you better or worse off than four years ago?

A concise examination is revealing and all too obvious.

As Vice President, Kamala Harris was appointed to “stem immigration across the U.S./Mexico border” and permitted the wave of nearly eight million illegal and unvetted immigrants. The results of which continue to flood our schools, hospitals, charities, courts and housing with an annual price of half a trillion dollars. The influx of illegals is dangerous and calculated as Democrats add to their constituencies knowing no illegal will bite the hand that feeds and enables them, while seniors have had to exhaust their savings or find employment to make ends meet.

American foreign policy has been a fiasco starting with the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that cost 13 American lives while leaving billions in armaments to America’s enemies. When given a choice of supporting the police during the BLM riots, Harris balked. The Keystone pipeline was shelved, and energy expenses skyrocketed that fueled historic record inflation that saw insurance, utility and grocery prices skyrocket.

Harris won’t come clean on her real priorities which amount to the redistribution of wealth by taxing unrealized capital gains, establishing price controls, while you pay for others’ college tuition and Medicare for all – including illegals.

One Harris proposal is a $25,000 down-payment on a mortgage courtesy of Uncle Sam that has nothing to do with buying a house; rather, it’s about buying votes.

Harris will continue with the same economic and energy policies that brought upon the highest inflation rate in decades while identity politics continue to run amuck infesting every institution and level of government. Harris may prove to be more disastrous that Biden, pleasing America’s enemies.

What has been totally dismissed during this campaign is how the trustees from the Social Security Administration have been ringing the bell that the SSI trust fund will become insolvent in 2033, while Medicare’s insolvency will follow three years later in 2036.

Those infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, which is actually the hatred of conservatives, has caused them to lose objectivity. While the left nonstop compares Donald Trump to Hitler, is it any surprise that attempts on his life continue? Yet, it is the left that continues to assure Americans that the real threat is not the side doing the shooting.

Many will vote for Harris only because of their contempt for Trump, which on the deductive reasoning scale is a zero. Recently at a stoplight, I was behind a Sheetz gas tanker that had an advertisement saying: “I don’t have to think. The app knows my usual.” This is exactly what the left desires in its electorate – no need to think.

Provided he wins, Trump will serve only four years. And for whatever reason(s) you loathe him, his policies were successful in growing the economy and keeping the nation secure.

The deciding voter must choose between someone who changes as the moment dictates or someone who speaks the inconvenient truth, and has endured two impeachments, four federal prosecutions and survived two assassination attempts. One at least loves the country, flaws and all. The other is a disciple of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”

Steering this ship of state that has lost its rudder takes leadership not a figurehead and definitely not a puppet. Elections have consequences and we certainly get the leaders we deserve.

The direction couldn’t be any more opposed: Capitalism or Socialism.

Still undecided?

Then perhaps you need to sit this one out.

I am convinced that Obama is finishing his third term and hoping for a fourth. Neither of the puppets of the last 3 1/2 years combined don’t have the brains to pull off some of the shit they have.

Hope Endorses Joy

By: Greg Maresca

The Democrat presidential ticket’s watchword is the thematic term: joy. When the news broke, I thought of an episode of Hogan’s Heroes where Col. Klink was reminiscing about his pre-war outings with the Nazi program: Strength Through Joy. The program was pure propaganda that promoted Nazism and monitored dissident and anti-state behavior.

Who said you couldn’t learn anything from a sitcom?

Einstein said, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

Barack Obama was once the Democrat’s hope candidate, while Kamala Harris is now their joy nominee. Democrats wouldn’t know this, but hope and joy are not campaign slogans but Christmas.

What is there to be joyful about?

Let’s count the ways.

Joy is someone else paying your student loan and your mortgage down payment. Joy is universal income and not having to work with free healthcare. Joy is more debt, inflation with increased oversight and regulation. Joy means high energy prices and power outages. Joy is eliminating the filibuster and packing the Supreme Court. Joy entails public school indoctrination and unrestrained illegal migration, no police or prisons. Joy is knowing Planned Parenthood has a mobile bus offering free abortions and vasectomies. Joy is higher food and gas prices, tens of millions of illegals, terrorists and drugs flooding the border. Joy is taxing unrealized capital gains while supporting Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax. Harris is much like Warren; except she is a real Indian (when not playing the Black card).

What’s not to like?

The most memorable Democrat Convention moment was opening night when Joe Biden angrily yelled for all to embrace joy that you could bottle and even wash your dishes with it.

Harris’s campaign slogan might surprise her innumerable staff members who through the years left her employ overdosing on all that joy. Perhaps the media should interview them. Then again, that is not their job. The media’s job is to get Harris elected. Democrats plan to ride the wave of obfuscation into the White House as their media buddies work the oars and sails.

Three months ago, if someone said Harris would own the top of the Democrat ticket without earning one primary vote, they would have been laughed at Kamala style on steroids. The worst president in modern history has passed the baton to an even worse candidate. Her meteoric rise is totally fabricated, forced, and fake. Yet, this inept, and awkward vice president is somehow the most qualified, the most wonderful, and the most inspiring figure in American politics.

The media made Obama a celebrity whose accomplishments, intelligence, and work ethic were irrelevant. Now, they have Harris, who will save democracy despite not winning one primary for the office she seeks. It’s all counterfeit, resembling a high school popularity contest, but few care. All the while, the mindless masses continue to digest this narrative hook, line, and joy.

Making joy a virtue of frivolity was the highlight at the Democrat’s latest kumbaya of a convention. Subsisting on vibes rather than substance. The Dispatch’s Nick Catoggio used another sitcom (Seinfeld) to juxtapose the convention to “a show about nothing,” and he was hardly alone.

The last thing Democrats want is the issues front and center believing the formula: personality – policy = joy is enough to keep the White House. Moreover, as Robert Kennedy, Jr, recently said, “Who needs policies when you have Trump to hate.”

Those who believe Harris is making the calls on policy are the same who believe Biden has full mental acuity. Biden was “sharp as a tack” before “they” (including Harris) couldn’t hide it anymore.

Yet, Kama-chameleon and her cheerleaders joyfully run away from everything they have stood for.

Ignorance is bliss. It is also Harris’ foremost strategy.

Accepting the nomination as a cackling caricature of the Wicked Witch of the West dressed in mournful black does not project joy but is a ghoulish facsimile underscoring a campaign that is out for blood. Harris’s constant crackling does not perceive optimism, but of mental limitations – the notorious giggling fool – the epitome of style over substance.

Can you feel the joy?

Rather, that is your wallet being emptied.

If you haven’t figured it out, the Harris/Walz campaign of J.O.Y. is precisely an acronym:

Joke’s On You.

PS. I love it; the new theme is now “JOY.”


I receive a plethora of daily emails from everyone reference Trump and DeSantis, which I sometimes read and delete; however, I recv’d one yesterday from a gentleman who posts on the blog periodically. I read it twice. It’s long so you need a few free minutes to take it all in. It is a very well documented and written. It’s all fact, not fiction, or BS, but only one  opinion – his at the end. If you are having doubts as for whom you would voter in the primary, or the general election itself, read this article first before you decide. He gives credit where it’s due and criticism where it is deserved. Enjoy and learn.

His email said,

Hi Colonel:                                                                                                                                  I appreciated the article that you posted today regarding the military and Ron DeSantis. I live in Iowa, the first caucus State, and have written an analysis of my thinking regarding the choice of Trump or DeSantis. That analysis is attached to this email, in case you are interested. I’m hoping my thinking will affect some of my conservative friends.

Best wishes and many thanks for your blog,                                                        Bob 

Trump or De Santis-for whom shall we vote?

Donald Trump

Simply stated, the Republican Presidential nominee for 2024 will be either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. No matter how much I like or dislike either of these guys, the reality is that, unless one of them is elected President in 2024, a Democrat will be President for four more years; and, it does not matter which Democrat as they are all horrible.

Therefore, the question is: should we nominate Trump of DeSantis? Let’s consider each of them.

Prior to his running for President and while he was initially seeking the Republican Presidential nomination, I was not a Donald Trump fan. He struck me as egotistical, vulgar, uncouth, and unprincipled.

When Tiger Woods’ wife discovered his serial infidelity, Trump’s sage advice was for Tiger to tell his wife that he could not be the husband and father that she and their children needed, and therefore he should spend the balance of his life playing golf and being a playboy. This is the advice and worldview of a fourteen-year old boy, not a mature, responsible man. It was not surprising to me that Trump was working on his third marriage.

His feud with Rosie O’Donnell was also off-putting, not that I took her side, but rather because his name-calling and abusive behavior was obnoxious and unnecessary.

Finally, during the primaries, I found his mean, personal, dishonest attacks against his Republican opponents to be disgusting. Referring to Ted Cruz, a decent and honest man, as ‘lying Ted’ or Marco Rubio as ‘little Marco’ made Trump look like a little man who was trying to make himself look bigger by cutting down others.

Notwithstanding his obvious personal shortcomings, it was also unclear what his political philosophy was, or if in fact he actually had one. For years he had supported both Republican and Democrat political candidates based upon his assessment of who could provide the most help to his business enterprises. There was no sign of any honorable principles in his personal, business, or political life.

After he won the Republican Presidential nomination and during the 2016 fall campaign, I referred to Trump and Hillary Clinton as ‘heart attack’ and ‘cancer’ respectively. She was ‘cancer’ insofar as she would continue to build a larger government that would continue to gradually suck the life and freedom out of our Country. He was ‘heart attack’ as one would never know if, based upon some ridiculous pretext or emotional outburst, he would launch or cause a nuclear weapon, start a war, or use his Presidential powers to destroy his real or perceived enemies.

During the campaign, Thomas Sowell, one of my favorite economists and political commentators, wrote a series of article on Donald Trump in which he documented Mr. Trump’s unfitness to be President. However, Professor Sowell was also far from being a fan of Hillary Clinton. As the election grew near, Sowell wrote an article comparing the plight of the American voter to that of an American fighter pilot in World War II whose plane had been disabled, but who yet had enough control to land the plane in the ocean or on land. If he chose the ocean, he might die from the crash’s impact, he might drown, or he might be eaten by sharks. If he chose land, he might also die from the crash’s impact or if he survived the landing, he might be captured by the Japanese, tortured, and then shot. Such was the choice between Trump and Clinton. In fact, it kind of made me envy the World War II pilot’s situation. Finally, in a column written just before the election, Sowell indicated that while he thought that Trump would be a horrible President, Clinton would be worse; and, therefore, he would be voting for Trump. I had toyed with voting for a third party candidate, however, my brother rightly pointed out that either Trump or Clinton was going to be the next President, and that with Trump there would be a wider possibility of outcomes; that is, with Clinton, you knew you would get ‘awful’ while with Trump you might get ‘awful’ but you might not.  So, in 2016 Jeanne and I both voted for Donald Trump for President. It was a good decision.

Trump’s policies as President, to my pleasant surprise, were generally quite good.

He was tenaciously pro-American as evidenced in his renegotiating trade deals, confronting China on trade policies and intellectual theft, luring businesses back to the U.S.A., and withdrawing from agreements that were disadvantageous to our Country, including the Paris Accords, and the Iranian nuclear agreement. He also insisted that our NATO allies should pay their dues and not make suckers out of the U.S.A. since we regularly paid our dues.

His foreign policy was also quite strong. Dropping a super-bomb on a Taliban camp sent a signal of strength. Similarly, when he hit a joint Russian-Syrian air base with dozens of missiles after the Syrians used chemical weapons on their own people, it was a policy of strength. When he changed the rules of engagement in Syria and Iraq allowing our troops and allies to decimate Isis, regular beheadings of Westerners that had become common during the Obama years ceased; and, Isis was essentially destroyed and become a non-factor. I really liked his policy that, rather than start wars where thousands of our young men would be killed, he would target the leaders of bellicose countries. He did this when he targeted and killed an Iranian General who had been instrumental in planning and executing the deaths of many American.

After Russia invaded Ukraine during Biden’s Presidency, a poll was taken which found that 59% of Americans believed that Russia would not have invaded if Trump were President. Actually, 100% of Americans should have believed it, since Trump had been President for four years and Putin did not invade Ukraine during that time.

His handling of North Korea was also quite effective insofar as he made it clear that he wouldn’t tolerate any military action from them (My nukes are bigger than yours and unlike yours, mine actually work), but he balanced that with a charm offensive with North Korea’s leader. This resulted in a suspension of North Korea’s missile launches in the Pacific and over other countries such as Japan.

I also fully supported his effort to stop illegal immigrants from coming to our Country at their whim. He tried very hard to build a wall at our Southern border, and had some success even though Congress consistently refused to provide funding for the wall.

The economy also performed very well during Mr. Trump’s term, at least until the COVID pandemic started. His economic policies which included lowering marginal income tax rates and eliminating costly regulations encouraged increased productivity.

Regarding tax policy, doubling the standard deduction so that most taxpayers would not have to itemize and essentially eliminating the deduction for state and local taxes were brilliant economically and politically. Listening to Democrat Governors vociferously complaining that their rich citizens could no longer deduct their state income taxes on their federal income returns was quite enjoyable. Let that sink in, Democrat Governors who continuously complain that the rich are not paying their fair share of income taxes were now whining that their rich citizens were paying too much federal income tax-priceless.

However, probably the best thing that Mr. Trump did while President was to appoint three outstanding constitutional jurists to the Supreme Court which resulted in the overturning of the Court’s previous abortion rulings and the end of affirmative action.

In my view he did not perform particularly well during COVID as he gave too much power and credibility to public health hucksters; however, I cannot blame him too much for this sorry episode in American history as the whole crisis could not have been foreseen by him nor was there any good recent precedent on how to handle such a ‘pandemic.’

During his four-year tenure, he was impeached twice and was subjected to a special counsel investigation due to a claim that he had colluded with the Russians to fix the 2016 Presidential election. Both impeachments and the Russian collusion charge were laughable and were only taken seriously by feeble-minded people, mostly Democrats.

Mr. Trump’s strengths included being a strong advocate for the well-being of the United States and its citizens; being very intelligent including having a fair amount of common sense or ‘street smarts; being a problem-solver, (for example, trying to fundamentally change the nature of our relationship with North Korea); knowing, understanding, and supporting free-market capitalism.

Mr. Trump, like the rest of us has more than a few weaknesses, however, by far his greatest problem is his pride, ego, and total self-love that prevents him for taking responsibility for anything that goes wrong and enables him to claim credit for anything that goes right. This manifested itself in high rates of turnover in senior positions in his administration including Secretaries of Defense and State, Attorney General, National Security Advisor, and Chief of Staff. This is also the source of a lot of his childish name-calling.

Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis was elected Florida’s Governor in 2018 by a slim margin (less than 1%) over a dreadful Democrat candidate and was re-elected in 2022 by almost a 20% point margin. The people of Florida clearly like him and his policies. His statement that “Florida is where ‘woke’ goes to die” is very popular with a huge portion of the population that hates ‘wokeism’ but feels powerless to do anything to oppose it short of not drinking Bud Lite or shopping at Target.

He first gained attention during the COVID pandemic when he demonstrated that he actually had a brain and could think for himself. After reviewing the data, he rightly determined that COVID was not a mortal threat to most healthy individuals; and, therefore, he opened Florida’s businesses, churches, and schools long before most other states. He did a great job of making the vaccine widely available as soon as possible, particularly to the most vulnerable, while not penalizing anyone who chose not to get the shot. He was savagely criticized by the mainstream media for this approach as he was called Ron DeathSantis. However, he held his ground to the benefit of the State’s businesses, school children, and citizens.

He also signed parental rights legislation that included the following two provisions:

A school district may not adopt procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying a parent about his or her student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being, or a change in related services or monitoring, or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student to withhold from a parent such information. School district personnel may not discourage or prohibit parental notification of and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being. This subparagraph does not prohibit a school district from adopting procedures that permit school personnel to withhold such information from a parent if a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect, as those terms are defined in s. 39.01.

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

These two provisions essentially prohibit school personnel from initiating gender transitioning for a child without the parents’ knowledge and approval; and prevent homosexual and transexual indoctrination of children between the ages of four and seven. This should be non-controversial. It isn’t. The bill resulted in the fury of hell being thrown at Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature. Some of the most fierce and powerful opposition came from that great family-friendly Corporation, Walt Disney. However, DeSantis stood his ground and the bill was passed and signed into law.

As a result of the battle described above, DeSantis and Disney had and continue to have conflict. DeSantis appears to be winning since, as previously stated, he was re-elected with a margin of almost 20%, while Disney’s stock has declined in value by approximately 50% during the last two years.

He has also supported and enacted similar legislation designed to protect children from having their bodies mutilated even with parental consent as well as laws banning men from using women’s bathrooms and showers. He has also supported, helped to pass, and signed legislation that bans men from competing in women’s sports.

DeSantis has done other good things such as flying illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard so that their residents could demonstrate how loving and accepting they are toward such immigrants. Just kidding of course, the rich liberals living in Martha’s Vineyard are loving, accepting, and protective of illegal immigrants as long as they don’t have to be near them or in any way deal with them.

Recently, he signed a bill that reduced from fifteen weeks to six weeks from conception, the period in which a woman in Florida can get an abortion. While many see this as a sell-out of the prolife position, I believe it is a realistic improvement over the status-quo-ante which will save lives and move policy in the correct direction.

He also fired a county attorney who indicated that he would not enforce the abortion, parental rights, and other bills listed above.

While idiots around the country were defunding the police, DeSantis and the Florida Legislature were luring good policemen to the state; and, people in Florida, with a few exceptions in large cities, enjoy a secure low-crime environment. Florida regularly pays bonuses to their police officers and also pays signing bonuses to officers to come from other states.

He has done a lot of other good things such as quickly rebuilding Florida after a massive hurricane wreaked destruction on the State. But the bottom line is summarized in two facts: The people of Florida re-elected him with a margin of almost 20% points; and, people are now voting with their feet by moving to Florida each year by the hundreds of thousands.

So, which of these two guys should we support? As the Presidential election season approached, I was optimistic that we had two very strong potential candidates to run against Joe Biden or whatever warm body the Democrats chose to run in 2024. Currently, Mr. Trump has a significant lead among Republicans for the 2024 nomination. I believe this is because of three factors: he is better known nationally than DeSantis, his policies as President were excellent and produced more wealth and freedom for the average person, and most Republicans are disgusted with the political elites’ obsession to destroy him for relatively minor infractions while ignoring the sell-out of our country by the Democrats (see the Southern border and Biden’s selling influence, access, and secrets to the Chinese). When Trump’s home at Maro Lago was raided, my first instinct was also that we had to nominate and elect him to clean-up the vermin that is in control of our government/legal system/country.

However, since he announced that he is once again running for President, Mr. Trump has made a compelling case for voting for Ron DeSantis. At a time of crisis in our Country, when Joe Biden and the Democrats are systematically destroying our rights, freedoms, and prosperity, it should be ‘all hands on deck’ to oppose and stop them. The left is not our loyal opposition, they are our enemy and the greatest threat to the continuation of our Country as a free and prosperous nation. Ron DeSantis has been a powerful leader and voice against the insanity that is being visited upon us by Biden and the political left. When Trump began his campaign, not by attacking Joe Biden and the Democrats, but by attacking Ron DeSantis, I consider that an act of political treason. His attacks have been childish (Ron Desanctimonious), and dishonest (DeSantis wants to end Social Security, locked-down Florida during the pandemic, and wants to increase retail prices by over 20%).

Trump has made it clear that when it comes to the well-being of the Country or his political future, the latter comes first with him. With Trump, it is all about Trump, first, last, and always. It is why he never served in the military (DeSantis did), because in the military one must be willing to give one’s life for his Country; that is, put the Country before yourself. It is why he is currently married to his third wife (DeSantis is still married to his first wife); that is, because a real man, to have a successful marriage, puts his wife and children first. It is why he cannot keep staff long-term (DeSantis can and does)-see above where I list the turnover in key positions of his administration.

In summary, currently, I believe that Ron DeSantis is a better, more principled man than is Donald Trump, is just as strong as Trump, and is able and willing to put the well-being of the Country and his family before himself. Trump or DeSantis? I think it is clearly DeSantis.

Originally posted 2023-07-21 12:26:07.