Tag Archives: Trump

Definitely Worth The Read

Before you read this post, which is an article written by a Dr. James Veltmeyer, you need to know the author. It’s difficult for me to believe he is from of all places the home of fruits and nuts, San Diego, CA,, but lo and behold he is!

Dr. Veltmeyer had an unlikely journey to his current position as one of San Diego’s most respected doctors. Born in South America, his family became homeless when his father abandoned his mother and siblings. His mother made the heartbreaking decision to send James alone (at age 11) to live with an aunt in the United States. After a two-year effort to obtain a visa, his aunt in El Cajon was able to bring James to live with her in San Diego County. Finally, when he was 19, his mother followed and he became the sole provider for his family, holding down multiple jobs while attending school full-time.

This folks is a LEGAL immigrant, not the scum who sneak into our country; he waited his turn and look what he has become.

Trump vs New World Order…… Written by Dr. James Veltmeyer who is a prominent La Jolla physician voted “Top Doctor” in San Diego County in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019.

By James D Veltmeyer, MD

The ongoing attacks by the political establishment on President Donald Trump –which began even before he was elected – are without parallel in history. The savagery, frenzy, and outright hysteria displayed by the President’s enemies within the Democrat Party, the media, and the various power centers of the globalist elites have no prior precedent.

This President has been spied on, lied about, made the subject of
phony foreign dossiers, insulted, ridiculed, scorned, mocked and
threatened. We have witnessed Hollywood celebrities advocate for
blowing up the White House, demand the President be beaten, jailed or even assassinated, and his children tortured and sexually abused. We have seen politicians in Washington try to convict the President of non-existent crimes, investigate him and his family members for everything from tax returns to guests at his hotels, project on to him crimes that they themselves have committed, and seed his Administration with leakers and double-agents.

No other President in American history has been treated in such a
shameful manner. Not Lincoln. Not FDR. Not Nixon. Not Reagan.
What is it about this President that has roused such demons in his
political foes?  What is it about this President that drives his
opponents to the brink of insanity? What is it about this President
that so terrifies and terrorizes the Pelosis, Schiffs, Schumers and
the George Soroses?

Is it simply that he is not part of the club, a brash outsider with a
different style? Is it merely because he’s outspoken and tramples on
political correctness? Is it because he’s sometimes unpresidential in
his demeanor (at least in their minds)?

Not at all. After all, aren’t these the same folks who loved Bill
Clinton whose extracurricular activities involved cigars and staining
blue dresses in the Oval Office? Of course, Clinton was beloved by the globalist elites who pull the strings on world governments. He gave them NAFTA, after all. He gave them the WTO. He made tens of billions of dollars for them and their stockholders through these unfair trade deals that cost America five million manufacturing jobs and closed 70,000 factories. He also gave the military-industrial complex plenty of profit-making military interventions, from Haiti to Bosnia to Serbia and Iraq. Bill Clinton, for all his corruption, delivered the goods for the New World Order.

Donald Trump, of course, never played ball with these globalists. He
was elected explicitly on an anti-globalist platform that put America
first. From day one, he started to implement that America-first
agenda, earning him the undying enmity of all those whose profits are secured by selling out American workers, American jobs, and America’s national sovereignty.

President Trump pulled us out of the TPP.  Billions in lost profits
for the globalists.

President Trump pulled us out of the job-destroying Paris Climate
Accords. Billions in lost profits for foreign nations like Communist
China, at our expense. Read NASA’s Report.

President Trump began the process of securing the U.S. border.
Billions in lost cheap illegal immigrant labor for the Business
Round table.

President Trump imposed tariffs on China, becoming the first President ever to address Beijing’s annual $500 billion rape of our economy. Billions in lost profits for corporations who ship our jobs to one of the worst tyrannies on the planet.

President Trump renegotiated NAFTA. Again, billions in lost profits
for the cheap labor crowd.

President Trump launched the process of extricating the U.S. from
endless foreign wars and avoiding new wars with nations like Iran and North Korea. Billions –perhaps trillions – in lost profits for the
globalist war machine.

Is the picture becoming a little clearer? In each instance, the
President’s policies have represented a dramatic upending of the
globalist agenda of both parties, the Carter-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama agendas of continuous war and the continuous looting of America’s wealth and hollowing out of the American middle class. With both parties and their representatives in Congress beholden to campaign donors whose profits are threatened by Trump’s America-first initiatives, is it no wonder that both Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans,  all Globalist-Socialist, are determined to bring this President down? Most of the mass media is controlled by these same global corporations. After all, doesn’t Amazon’s Jeff Bezos – the richest man in the world – own the Washington Post?
As was said in Watergate, just follow the money.  And -while you’re
following the money—see if it leads to a $500 million left-wing slush
fund run by a   shadowy Soros and Clinton -linked group called
Arabella Advisors which is funding the anti-Trump political agenda
through dozens of high-sounding front groups.

Folks, the New World Order gang is in full retreat all over the globe.
From Brexit in the UK to the populist governments of Hungary and
Poland to the Yellow Vest movement in France and Salvini in Italy, the middle and working classes are demanding the overthrow of their nation-destroying overlords. The overlords who have flooded their countries with unassimilable immigrants from North Africa and
surrendered their sovereignty to the European Union and its
unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. They have lived the unfulfilled promises of the globalists, that giving up national sovereignty and relocating jobs abroad would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. The exact opposite has happened. The globalist vision has resulted in $7 trillion of pointless wars in the Middle East, an immigration crisis, the loss of jobs, and declining standards of living.

In the United States, Donald J. Trump has emerged as the New World Order’s most tenacious and determined foe as he fights the good fight for the American people, our constitutional rights and liberties and the sovereignty of our nation. He is an existential threat to the New World Order. Unlike other Republican presidents of the recent past, he can’t be bought and has no price. Unlike them, he doesn’t give in and he doesn’t give up.

Go ahead, globalists. Try your impeachment games. Try your Senate
trials. It won’t work In fact, it will backfire on all of you as – after three years of trying to prevent the Electoral College from
voting for Trump, stopping the inauguration, unleashing Jim Comey and the FBI, CIA spying, Robert Mueller and his phony Russiangate probe, tax returns, emoluments, Kavanaugh, and all the rest – the patience of the American public is wearing thin. We aren’t as stupid as you think.

Something you will recognize clearly come November 3, 2020.

This, my friends, is the type of immigrant this country needs, not the scum we have streaming across our borders to take advantage of our system while not intending to assimilate or give anything back!

Originally posted 2020-01-18 11:31:44.


I rec’d the following this morning from a Blog to which I subscribe (Bunkerhill – God, Guns, and Guts Comrades). It is a very informative, truthful, well-researched blog filled daily with astounding facts very few are aware of, and this morning’s is a whopper. Today’s blog references an article from The Telegraph, the British News Service, dating back to 15 July 2015. The piece was written by Mr. Con Coughlin, the paper’s Defense Editor on the Iranian Nuclear Deal.

Obama’s Iran deal has just granted an amnesty to the world’s leading terrorist mastermind.

As head of the Quds Force in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Qassem Suleimani is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading terrorists. Now Barack Obama has effectively granted him an amnesty.

For a decade a more he has been the driving force behind an array of Iranian-sponsored terrorist groups, from Hizbollah to Hamas, which have orchestrated a reign of terror throughout the Middle East.

From a purely British perspective, he was responsible for training and equipping the Shia militias in southern Iraq who killed scores of British troops during the dark days of Iraq’s sectarian conflict following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, and was reported to have trained the Taliban in the art of making deadly roadside bombs that killed and mutilated our Service personnel serving in southern Afghanistan.

So you can imagine my amazement when, leafing through the more obscure annexes of President Barack Obama’s “historic” deal with Iran (page 86 of the annex, to be precise), I found that Mr Suliemani – as the White House no doubt now refers to him – has been granted an amnesty and taken off the list of proscribed Iranians – together with a number of senior members of the Revolutionary Guards.

Thanks to Mr Obama’s scandalous capitulation to Tehran, Mr Suleimani has overnight gone from being one of the world’s most wanted terrorists to the White House’s newest best friend.

This is just one of the many troubling indications contained in the detail of the accord struck in Vienna between the P5 +1 and Tehran – that’s the official line, of course. The reality is this shoddy deal was worked out between the ayatollahs and the White House, with countries like Britain – which used to take a robust view of Iran’s endless procrastination on its nuclear activities – left impotent on the sidelines.

Another example of the craven concessions the White House had made to Tehran is the way future inspections will handled. Iran’s disinclination to make full and transparent disclosures on its nuclear programme is well-documented. Given the opportunity to cheat, they will do so. Which is why inspections by qualified teams of nuclear inspectors is so important.

Only from now on the onus will be on the West to make the case that Iran is not playing by the rules by handing over its intelligence to prove so. For under the terms of the accord, we must “justify” the need for inspections, which in effect means handing over all the intelligence we have on Iran’s illicit activities. Of course Iran has been desperate to find out how Western intelligence learned about the existence of nuclear enrichment sites like Natanz and Fordow and, if we comply with the requirements set out in the accord to the letter, this is what will happen, with all the implications that will have for all our sources who risk their lives to tell us the truth about what the regime is up to.

If I were Suleimani, I’d be organising an enormous party right now to celebrate a deal that is truly a “historic victory” for Tehran.

Should you not believe Mr. Coughlin, you may read the entire piece of trash (below) forced on America by a Muslim loving, narcissistic, incompetent POTUS and brokered by his  communist, lying, POS posing as his Secretary of State.

I don’t know about any of you, but I did not know any of this at the time, but there should have been some honest, caring , patriotic Americans at the time who should have been knowledgeable enough to raise holy hell. Now that we have killed the POS someone finds out he was given free reign to do as he pleased by our own hand. Did any of our illustrious MSM take the time to read the entire transcript or did they simply assume if it was brokered by the “Messiah,” it had to be a good deal. Our elected officials, and all the departments of government involved in over site and justice were obviously asleep at the wheel.

What have we become? Sheep!!!

Originally posted 2020-01-13 09:40:26.