Tag Archives: Trump

A Man vs A Movement

This gentleman has a valuable message.  His analysis is concise and brilliantly on-point, in my opinion.  Few, if any, have stated our circumstance as clearly.

Tom Klingenstein is the Chairman of the Board, Claremont Institute (a conservative think tank). He explains why 2020 may be the most consequential election since 1860—and why President Trump is the man most uniquely suited to the moment.

Please watch and listen carefully, then share with everyone you possibly can. Might I encourage reading some of the comments viewers left after watching his talk. Provocative to say the least. 


Originally posted 2020-10-12 13:20:24.

America’s Chris Wallace Problem

Is anything more dangerous to our country than media bias?
I doubt it. Chris Wallace is an arrogant, egotistical smartass who should never have been allowed to moderate a presidential debate. He is as sneaky as a lizard, and that’s what makes him so dangerous to the world of respected journalism. Mr. McCain spells out just one example of how he posed questions to Trump. Disgusting Wallace, you piece of garbage.
Robert Stacy McCain
Chris Wallace on Fox News yesterday (YouTube screenshot)
When will Chris Wallace apologize to Katie Pavlich? More than once, Wallace has insulted his Fox News colleague on the network, as in a January segment about the impeachment of President Trump, when Wallace barked at Pavlich, “Get your facts straight!” As it turned out in that case, Pavlich was right and Wallace was wrong — and not accidentally so. The question at issue was Democrats’ demand that the Senate trial over what was called “Ukrainegate” include testimony from additional witnesses. Pavlich said this was unprecedented, and contended it was not the Senate’s fault that “the House did not come with a complete case.” Wallace began barking about “facts” in an attempt to rescue Democrats from the consequences of their failure.

Why did Wallace use his position as moderator of a presidential debate to parrot Gov. Brown’s rhetoric by claiming that “white supremacists and militia groups” were somehow to blame for the Portland riots?

Wallace’s dismal performance as moderator in Tuesday’s presidential debate reminded many viewers of such previous instances in which the Fox News Sunday host has shown his prejudice against Trump. And this matters, not only because of how that ugly televised carnival might affect the election, but because of what it tells us about the sad state of journalism in America. If Wallace is, Dov Fischer says, “the fairest moderator we can hope for in today’s Left-dominated media,” there is no hope for fairness. But what about those “facts” that Wallace presumed to lecture Katie Pavlich about? Even if we must resign ourselves to partisan prejudice from the media, must we tolerate journalists trafficking in outright lies?

That’s what Wallace did in Tuesday’s debate. Consider this question he aimed at President Trump: “You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left-wing extremist groups, but are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha and as we’ve seen in Portland?”

Where is the evidence that “white supremacists and militia groups” were to blame for violence in Kenosha or Portland, Oregon? Wallace’s question was not only tendentious, but counterfactual. As regards Portland, Wallace seemed to be echoing Oregon’s woefully misguided Democratic governor. After a man who described himself as “100% Antifa” murdered a Trump supporter on the streets of Portland Aug.29, Gov. Kate Brown issued this rather bizarre statement:

As elected officials and community leaders, we are coming together to condemn the acts of violence in Portland that have occurred as thousands of Oregonians have been peacefully protesting for racial justice and police accountability. The violence must stop. There is no place for white supremacy or vigilantism in Oregon. All who perpetrate violent crimes must be held equally accountable. Together, we are committing ourselves to do the hard work that will bring meaningful change for racial justice and police reform.

What did the murder of Trump supporter Aaron “Jay” Danielson have to do with “racial justice”? Danielson was white, but so was the Antifa radical who shot him to death, Michael Reinoehl. As for holding those “who perpetrate violent crimes … equally accountable,” why did Gov. Brown let Antifa wreak havoc in Portland for more than three months before deciding that violence is bad? Where is the evidence that “white supremacy” played any role in Portland’s anti-police riots?

More importantly, however, why did Chris Wallace use his position as moderator of a presidential debate to parrot Gov. Brown’s rhetoric by claiming that “white supremacists and militia groups” were somehow to blame for the Portland riots? Such a claim is not journalism but political propaganda, and that goes doubly so for what happened in Kenosha. In case you’ve been hiding in a cave for the past five weeks, riots erupted in this Wisconsin city on Aug. 23 after a police officer shot a black man, Jacob Blake, who had violated a restraining order and had a warrant against him on sexual assault charges. On the first night of what the national media insisted on calling “mostly peaceful protests” the BLM mob “hurled debris, smashed windows,” and set fire to the Kenosha County Courthouse and several vehicles.

The next morning, the Biden campaign issued a statement that declared, “We must dismantle systemic racism. It is the urgent task before us.” The BLM mob apparently took Biden’s words as a command to “dismantle” Kenosha. On the second night of riots in the city, the arsonists torched a car dealership, a furniture store, and a state Department of Corrections office, among other targets. Perhaps Chris Wallace can explain how “white supremacists and militia groups” were responsible for this violence, but probably what he had in mind were the events of the third night of the Kenosha riots. That was when a convicted child rapist named Joseph Don “JoJo” Rosenbaum attacked 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse.

By the way, has Chris Wallace ever mentioned Rosenbaum’s criminal record on Fox News? He considers himself authorized to lecture others about how important to “get your facts straight,” why wouldn’t he want to share with Fox News viewers the fact that Rosenbaum was convicted of raping five pre-teen boys in Tucson? The story of what happened in Kenosha on the night of Aug. 25 doesn’t make sense if you don’t know that the man who attacked Rittenhouse was a very dangerous criminal who had served more than a decade in Arizona prisons.

Rosenbaum was captured on video that night taunting a group of armed men who were guarding a Kenosha business against the angry mob: “Shoot me n****!” When Rosenbaum later set a fire, Rittenhouse ran with a fire extinguisher to put out the blaze. Video shows Rosenbaum chasing the teenager across a parking lot where he cornered him, and Rittenhouse fired in self-defense, fatally wounding his attacker. As I explained last month (“The Media Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse,” Sept. 3), Rosenbaum’s attack set off the chain of events in which two other rioters were shot, after the angry mob chased Rittenhouse. An 11-minute video produced by attorneys for Rittenhouse clearly shows that the teenager acted in self-defense.

Contrary to what Chris Wallace asserted to a TV audience of millions of Americans during Tuesday’s debate, Kyle Rittenhouse is not a “white supremacist,” nor is he a member of any “militia group.” That was made clear in a report Thursday by two young Wisconsin contributors to the Federalist, Evita Duffy and Kylee Zempel, who were on the scene in Kenosha during the riots:

Robert Stacy McCain is the author of Sex Trouble: Essays on Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature. He blogs at TheOtherMcCain.com.

Originally posted 2020-10-02 12:23:35.

Who Won?

Okay, I gave it a day to think about the debate as I was not in any mood to write anything yesterday. Some of you may not agree with me and if so, please feel free to say so in your comment. I’ve read all the BS coming across the internet for two days, and feel I must say something now.

Winner? Well, if there was any one of the three debaters, I would say it was a draw. Yes, I said three. Wallace was the worse mediator I have witnessed since debating began years ago. Several times it appeared the debate was between the President and Wallace. And I have to say, I expected that when I discovered who would be the moderator. Like the saying about apples falling from the tree, he is his Dad’s son.

Our president showed off his bullying. He appeared pissed when he walked onto the stage, and it got worse as the debate went on. Why did he have to get personal about Biden’s son? Yes, I know he is a dirtbag, but Biden’s reply was surely accepted by the left.

There is much empathy out there for Biden and his mental problems among his side of the aisle, and all Trump did was increased it. Trump needed to shut up and let Biden talk. The more he talked the more his mental condition was coming out. I feared that Biden would be wearing something that would allow him to expose his mental issues. And I saw this on the internet this morning:

Some have said this is fake; I don’t think so. Numerous times when he was quiet it appeared he was listening to someone. And it was then that he looked into the camera instead at the moderator and gave his “Vote” speech. I’m suspect he was signaled to do that.

But is sum, I was mad at Trump and his bullying, and his constant interruptions. But I will say that questions were asked of Trump when it was his two-minute turn, Wallace would ask Trump more questions interrupting him talking time away from his two-minutes which used up his time. I believe that was Wallace’s plan. Also, I thought some of the questions were way off base and dealt primarily with the past. He’d set the stage for the question by bringing up things Trump (and Biden) had said, then ask a question. Of course, this caused Trump to attack the past issues he used to set the stage before he got to the question and that’s when Wallace would interrupt him.

Overall, the whole event sucked big time with no obvious winner! Our president needs to act presidential dammit! A woman said it best on a Facebook page. She said—paraphrased—I don’t like the way Trump acts and his constant bullying, but I do not elect a president based on his personality, I vote for a person because of his agenda and his plan for America; that’s why I will vote for Trump again.

And I too do not cast a vote for a personality; how stupid is that? However, many folks do just that. I may be pissed at Trump, but I will still vote for him!!!!!

Your turn—let me have it!

Originally posted 2020-10-01 12:48:51.

Trump’s Tax Issue is BS!

It never ever ends with the NYT, they turn any Trump announcement into a headline, but never tell the whole story. Anyone who reads that despicable piece of garbage without doing some research is simply stupid, something none of us can ever fix.

Trump Didn’t Avoid Taxes, He Prepaid Them.

By Dick Morris

Monday, 28 September 2020 02:37 PM

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Contrary to the false impression in The New York Times story, Donald Trump did not avoid taxes.

He pre-paid them.

In 2016 and 2017, he requested and got an extension to file his returns.

As required, he made an estimated tax payment of $1 million in 2016 and $4.2 million in 2017. Then, it turned out that he did not owe that much in taxes, but, rather than demand the money back, he let the IRS keep it and apply it to any future tax he owed.

So — when he only paid $750 in taxes for the first two years of his presidency it was because he had already overpaid during the two previous years and just reduced his payment by that amount.

Over the longer term, Trump overpaid his taxes by $72 million.

Because some of that overpayment was more than two years earlier, he was not allowed to offset it against current taxes. But Obama changed the law to allow taxpayers to go further back and he offset his tax liability in future years by citing his overpayment.

So Donald Trump did not avoid paying taxes, he prepaid them.

So what’s wrong with that?

Many taxpayers overpay or have more withheld from their paychecks than they end up owing in taxes. They look forward to a deserved refund each year.

Some even use the process as a way of saving money.

All that Trump did differently, was to leave the money at the IRS and take the refund over several years. A government strapped for cash should reward such conduct, not vilify it.

And, since no good deed goes unpunished in politics, the president also being skewered for taking a charitable tax deduction of $119 million for agreeing not to build homes on a 200 acre plot in Westchester, New York and a similar one in Los Angeles.

In each case, Trump bought the property planning to build a golf course and homes on them. Both times, the local zoning board refused to allow the development.

So Trump donated the right to develop develop this land to charity and took a deduction of $119 million, called a charitable easement.

So now the beautiful land in each location will be preserved forever wild as a place of refuge for people, birds, and animals.

Beyond these points, several facts emerge:

  1. Trump never used any illegal means to reduce his tax liability. He always followed the law.
  1. He never used his power as president to get the IRS to pull its punches even though he appoints the director who serves at his pleasure.
  1. He took advantage of every way to cut his tax burden. Do you know any taxpayer who doesn’t?

Can’t wait for tonight. Someone PLEASE check Sleepy Joe’s ears for a fob.

Originally posted 2020-09-29 13:08:08.

The Bitch is Back!

I’m sure this will bring lots of Vietnam Vets to their side. LOL. However, I don’t think I will tune, will you?

When is Soros going to disappear from our country?


The Biden campaign, which has bombarded President Donald Trump with attacks about his respect for U.S. soldiers, will be campaigning this weekend with Jane Fonda, a celebrity best known for fraternizing with enemy troops during the Vietnam War.

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris is set to join Fonda at a Saturday virtual event held by progressive advocacy group Supermajority. The event—titled “Supercharge: Women All In”—will “bring together thousands of women to laugh, sing, dance, and celebrate women’s political power,” according to the group’s website.

Fonda traveled to North Vietnam in 1972 as part of an anti-war protest that saw her pose for photos with enemy troops on an anti-aircraft gun. The photo sparked outrage among Vietnam veterans, earning her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” Fonda’s public appearances remain subject to controversy—a group of Ohio veterans called on the actress to donate her $83,000 speaking fee to the families of fallen soldiers ahead of a May appearance at Kent State University.

Harris and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have criticized President Donald Trump on veterans’ issues in recent weeks. During a September “veterans roundtable,” Biden criticized Trump for ignoring “the bounty on the heads of Americans in Afghanistan,” referencing a slew of June reports that claimed Russia bribed the Taliban to kill U.S. servicemen. One day before the roundtable, Marine Corps general Frank McKenzie—who oversees military operations in the region—told NBC News that a review of U.S. intelligence failed to corroborate the alleged bounties.

Harris promoted the roundtable in a tweet, saying American veterans “sacrifice so much for our nation and deserve our respect and gratitude, both while on active duty and after.” The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment on her upcoming appearance with Fonda.

Fonda has long supported Harris financially, contributing nearly $6,000 to the Democrat’s Senate campaign since 2016. The actress also gave $1,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in June after donating a combined $10,300 to Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.), Democratic governors Steve Bullock (Mont.) and Jay Inslee (Wash.), and billionaire Tom Steyer during the presidential primary.

Saturday’s event will also be attended by Warren, twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.). It will feature a “yelling room where participants are encouraged to scream out their emotions,” according to event organizers.

Supermajority was launched in 2019 by a group of progressive activists, including former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards and Black Lives Matter cofounder Alicia Garza. The group has raised $2.5 million in 2020, with $2 million coming from liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC. Supermajority aims to train and mobilize “a community of all ages, races, and backgrounds to fight for gender equality together,” according to its website.

Fonda in 2017 said she does not regret her trip to Hanoi during the Vietnam War but does regret the infamous photo with North Vietnamese troops. She added that while she is not “proud of America today,” she is “proud of the resistance.”

“I’m proud of the people who are turning out in unprecedented numbers and continue over and over again to protest what Trump is doing. I’m very proud of them, that core,” Fonda said.

Originally posted 2020-09-25 12:36:05.