Tag Archives: social security

Social Security Waste & Fraud

You really cannot make this stuff up.  This report claims that this problem was discovered ten years ago and still has not been fixed. I can’t even begin to estimate how much money was and is still being paid to dead people. Someone is getting the checks. I wonder if the SSA knows whether the checks are cashed or not; probably not, civil service folks don’t want to bother with that. This seems to me to be something that could be easily fixed. Obviously,Americans are not reporting to the SSA when someone dies. OMG

Elon Musk’s DOGE team has unearthed jaw-dropping irregularity from the U.S. Social Security database.

The numbers are truly mind-boggling: over 25 million Americans registered aged 100 and older, with some purportedly older than the U.S. Constitution itself.

Late Sunday night, Musk tweeted a staggering claim accompanied by a table of ages, suggesting that the Social Security Administration might be paying out benefits to “vampires.”

“According to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the ‘death’ field set to FALSE. Maybe Twilight is real, and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security,” Musk quipped.

The table Musk provided shows:

  • Age 0-9: 38,825,456
  • Age 10-19: 44,326,480
  • Age 20-29: 47,995,478
  • Age 30-39: 52,106,915
  • Age 40-49: 47,626,581
  • Age 50-59: 45,740,805
  • Age 60-69: 46,381,281
  • Age 70-79: 33,404,412
  • Age 80-89: 15,165,127
  • Age 90-99: 6,054,154
  • Age 100-109: 4,734,407
  • Age 110-119: 3,627,007
  • Age 120-129: 3,472,849
  • Age 130-139: 3,936,311
  • Age 140-149: 3,542,044
  • Age 150-159: 1,345,083
  • Age 160-169: 121,807
  • Age 170-179: 6,087
  • Age 180-189: 695
  • Age 190-199: 448
  • Age 200-209: 879
  • Age 210-219: 866
  • Age 220-229: 1,039
  • Age 240-249: 1
  • Age 360-369: 1

This information released by Musk aligns with the audit conducted by the Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General (SSA OIG) in 2015.

According to the 2023 report:

In 2015, we reported that SSA had not established controls to annotate death information on the Numident records of numberholders who exceeded maximum reasonable life expectancies of age 112 or older and were likely deceased.

At the time, only 35 known living individuals worldwide were age 112 or older, however, SSA’s Numident included 6.5 million numberholders age 112 or older whose record did not contain death information.

Therefore, the numberholders’ information did not appear in the full DMF. We recommended SSA add death information to approximately 1.5 million Numident records where the numberholders’ death information appeared in SSA payment records.

We also recommended SSA determine whether it could efficiently correct the approximately 5 million remaining records. SSA agreed to explore the legal and technical feasibility, as well as the cost, to establish an automated process to update the millions of Numident records for individuals who appeared to be alive and age 112 or older, but ultimately decided not to update these records.

In response to our 2015 report, SSA considered multiple options, including adding presumed death information to these Numident records. SSA ultimately decided not to proceed because the “. . . options would be costly to implement, would be of little benefit to the agency, would largely duplicate information already available to data exchange consumers and would create cost for the states and other data exchange partners.”

SSA also believed a regulation would be required to allow it to add death information to these records, and adding presumed death information to the Numident would increase the risk of inadvertent release of living individuals’ personal information in the DMF.

We note that, as of January 2023, the full DMF included death information on approximately 137 million deceased numberholders. Over 18 million missing death records represents more than 10 percent of the records in the full DMF.

Therefore, the death information SSA currently provides Federal benefit-paying agencies–and will begin providing to the Department of the Treasury’s Do Not Pay initiative in December 2023–to help prevent improper payments to deceased individuals, omit information for more than 1 of every 10 deceased numberholders.

As of 2024, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that approximately 101,000 Americans are aged 100 and older, representing about 0.03% of the total U.S. population, according to the Pew Research Center.

Individuals aged 110 and above are referred to as supercentenarians, a subgroup that is exceedingly rare. As of February 2025, the Gerontology Research Group reported that 136 Americans belong to this category.

Currently, the oldest living American is Naomi Whitehead, born on September 26, 1910, in Georgia, making her 114 years old. The longest-lived person in U.S. history is Sarah Knauss, who lived to be 119 years and 97 days, passing away on December 30, 1999.

For years, conservatives have sounded the alarm on government waste, fraud, and abuse—particularly within entitlement programs.

The Social Security Administration (SSA), riddled with inefficiencies, appears to have an entire army of ghost beneficiaries cashing in taxpayer-funded benefits.

Drive on Elon!!!!

Congress Read and Ask Yourself WHY?

Good afternoon earthlings, I trust you enjoyed your day off yesterday. If you did not have off, shame on your employer, it’s a National Holiday! And for my Marine brothers I trust you enjoyed the day before. We have often been criticized by our brother service members who say 10 November is not our birthday. The say we picked that day because the next day was a holiday and we would have a day to sober up after our Birthday Ball before having to go to work. Hell, I don’t know, maybe their right, but it sure always worked out for me. LOL

Aside, I was wondering what birthday was my first to celebrate as a Marine. Have you ever asked yourself that?  So, did the math, it was the 177th. Ouch!

Now for the purpose of the post. A fellow Marine brother sent this to me and I had seen it before, but thought it had to some great ideas in it, so I decided to post it. However I first vetted it, as I follow Buffet on some economic issues — he is a good economist –and I knew it didn’t sound like the Buffet I knew.

See my comments in RED.

Warren Buffett is asking everyone to forward this email to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each of those to do likewise. This is not true. Buffet would NEVER do thsi.


Let’s see what people pressure is all about.

Salary of retired US Presidents .. . . . .. . . . . .. . $180,000 FOR LIFE. Me thinks this one is okay considering all the BS he has to pout up with for four years. Of course some deserve the BS.

,Salary of House/Senate members .. . . . .. . . . $174,000 FOR LIFE. This is stupid. OMG

Salary of Speaker of the House .. . . . .. . . . . $223,500 FOR LIFE. This is really stupid. Another OMG

Salary of Majority / Minority Leaders . . .. . . . .$193,400 FOR LIFE Stupid. A bigger OMG

Average Salary of a teacher . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .$40,065 Well? What are teachers qualifications, I believe that should weigh heavily on salary????

Average Salary of a deployed Soldier . . .. . . .. $38,000. Shut up Jim!

Here’s where the cuts should be made!

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

“I could end the deficit in five minutes,” he told CNBC. “You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.” Yes, he said this, BUT he was simply answering a question from the anchor. He did not recommend it, but said it was that easy to fix the deficit.

The 26th Amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only three months and eight days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971 – before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land – all because of public pressure.

Warren Buffett is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.

Congressional Reform Act of 2022

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they’re out of office.

2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. I disagree with the “past” requirement, don;t grandfather it, they made that decision so make them stick with it. With no current and future influx to the fund, it will go broker over time. That’s good.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. No, as I said let them keep their funds and slowly go broke.  All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose. Yes, absolutely, why should they not particpate in SS? They keep stealing from it, perhaps that will put an end to that!

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. Just like the rest of us in the federal government.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. Of course, give me one erason why not?

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people. Come on folks this is a given, why are they exempt from some things?

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 3/1/22. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.

Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three days for most people in the U.S. to receive the message. It’s time!



Now, I shall say it, if you agree, pass it on.

Semper Fi, Jim

PS If you are wondering how I feel reference the election ….. like shit! But I have not given up. Trump should take Hillary the snake’s advice and not concede. I think you can bet he won’t!

Originally posted 2020-11-12 15:45:21.

Facts Folks – Look it up!

I have come to the conclusion that one cannot provide the “Village People” and their followers with facts, as they know better. Damn, I liked their music, so I hate to use their moniker to explain the current list of dem candidates i.e., a fake Indian, a gay guy, a communist, and a man who can’t remember where he is or for what he is running, but what else can you call them; maybe the class of clowns?

Anyway, I digress. I lived through all of which the video speaks, except the actual establishment. Oh I was alive then, but far too young to remember it. But my folks sure did; until the very day they expired the ONLY president worth a damn was “their” FDR for starting it all. Of course, they didn’t know about the subsequent changes because they were died in the wool Democrats and assumed it was for the good of the people.

How many of the other side realize who did what to OUR Social Security, which is no longer “social.” Hell, our elected officials do not even belong to it, or do they??????


Originally posted 2020-03-02 10:29:05.

Social Security Numbers

From the Washington Examiner

Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable! Please take note of the portion of the report I have indicated in red below. It appears our last President (and I use that term loosely) chose to stop having whomever was responsible for notifying employers (IRS?) of a mismatch in SSN’s. Thus allowing this travesty to explode leaving employers no way to verify the SSN’s of the scum they are hiring.

Massive Illegal Alien Social Security Scam Exposed

A massive Social Security scam has been discovered, to furnish illegal aliens with fake documents. The Washington Examiner reports:

Nearly 40 million Social Security numbers have been stolen and used by illegal immigrants and others to get work, according to agency records obtained by an immigration reform group.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that from 2012 to 2016 there were “39 million instances where names and Social Security numbers on W-2 tax forms did not match the corresponding Social Security records.”

The group said that there is a “thriving black market” used by illegal immigrants to get Social Security numbers needed to get a job.

Their report draws attention to a move by former President Barack Obama to stop sending so-called “no match” letters to employers notifying them that numbers used by employees on the wage forms do not match their identity.

The threat of identity theft is a serious criminal issue, that could threaten the retirement of thousands of seniors.

Originally posted 2018-09-11 17:25:05.