Tag Archives: snowflakes

Marine Colonel has the final word!

The below email was forwarded to me by a best friend, fellow Marine, and brother with whom I served several times, but first aboard the “Mighty Chi,” the USS Chicago  CG-11. I was the MarDet XO and he, then Capt. Charlie Tyrian, the CO. One of my worst tours of duty, I was to spend the first year as XO, then when he departed I was to fleet up to be the CO. However, I pulled some strings for the first and only time in my career and to get the hell off after the first year. I tired of watching Naval Officers shit on enlisted men (it’s all in the book). 

Anyway, I do not know the Colonel who actually wrote the below piece, but he definitely has command of the English language and makes his point loud, clear, and concise that any idiot “should” be able to understand, but they won’t. And as for the scum who started this whole thing (my Senator, and I use that term loosely, Durbin, he surely falls into the category described below.

And the Marine Colonel has the final word!!!

Don’t know about you, but I have been somewhat amazed & amused by the outpouring of distress regarding the use of the vulgar word “shithole.”

Now, as an Officer of Marines, I worked very hard at avoiding obscene verbiage, although admittedly some times without success.  The avoidance of profane language was, in truth, a much greater challenge.  With regard to vulgar terminology…  well let’s say I learned at the feet of the most talented and original users and creators of vulgar terminology: Marine Staff Non-Commissioned Officers! 

The essential element in the deciphering of any language, be it orthodox or non-orthodox, is identifying to what does the word infer or refer. In the case of the word in question, “shithole” refers to a PLACE and not a person or a people.  For one to refer in a vulgar manner to a person or a people, the appropriate term would be “shithead” or“dickhead” or better yet, the more popular “asshole.”

Typically, the word “shithole” would be used in two consecutive and highly dependent sentences:  “Jeez, what a shithole!” followed immediately by “Clean this shithole up!!!”  In neither sentence does the word “shithole” refer to its inhabitants, although there may be an asshole or two in the group.

No doubt Marines and our brethren Soldiers clearly comprehend this distinction.  Air Force officers surely would not use such language, and besides, they have contract laborers to clean things up.  Similarly, the use of the word would be beneath the dignity of a Navy officer; that’s why they have Chiefs and “Swabbies.”

Like many of you to whom this email is addressed, I have been to a “shithole” or two in my time.  I believe I know of which I speak.  Certainly, we have seen our share in Southeast Asia, but until you have stood in some wadi shithole in the Sudan or Somalia or Oman… well, you haven’t lived!

So, in the interest of enlightening the over-educated, yet blithely ignorant masses, you have my permission to disseminate the important distinction in the use of vulgar terminology that I have attempted to illuminate.

Peace be with you. Semper Fidelis!

Tony Latorre Col USMC (Ret)

Originally posted 2018-01-29 10:18:18.

2017 – The Year of Racism

Happy New Year Folks, thank goodness 2017 is gone for it was  the year of racism. Chad gives us a great review of 2017. Of course, there is not guarantee 2018 will be any better unless the snowflakes, liberals, and progressive globalists make it so. Of course, it could be better if the silent majority would stop being so silent and become the vocal majority. But then, that likely will not happen since they prefer to take silent actions, which I sure hope they do so during the mid-term election.

Here’s Chad’s take on the year. Enjoy.

Originally posted 2018-01-01 08:57:06.

Happy New Year – I Hope!

Ok, now that we have officially went back to work (some of you LOL) after all the celebrating, and 2021 is over and done with, perhaps it is time for a look back provided by my good friend and fellow Marine Greg. What a year it was! Filled with so much BS from everyone it was almost unbearable.  Even some of our Rhinos came out of the closet and showed their true leanings. And one popular Dem has sent the liberals into a spiral. Tis time for a respite away from the demise of America as we knew it and surely the loss of our Corps unless things change rapidly. Meanwhile enjoy Greg’s pickings.

Countercultural moment: When the Fiji men’s rugby team won gold at the Olympics, they got on their knees prayed and then sang a hymn in thanksgiving to God.

Oxymoron: The Webb telescope launched on Christmas has NASA anticipating it to reveal a “quantum leap of understanding of who we are, how we got here, what we are, and how did it all evolve.” This is exactly what Christmas discloses to Christians.

 Snowflake hire: Harvard University’s chaplain is atheist Greg Epstein, author of the book “Good Without God.” That spinning sound is Pastor John Harvard working his way to China.

 Bamboozlement for the ages: It took four presidents trillions of dollars over 20 years to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.

Most telling poll: Ten out of every six folks bemoan voting for Biden.

 Quote: Thomas Sowell: “Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?”

 Biography of the year: Jason Riley’s, “Maverick: A Biography of Thomas Sowell.”  If you are not familiar with the esteemed 91-year-old Sowell, make it a New Year’s resolution.

 Best speculation movie script:  Biden’s evacuation from Afghanistan: “Dumbkirk.”

Florida’s top Realtor: Former New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, who oversaw thousands of New Yorkers fleeing for the Sunshine State.

 Facts and Stats: “Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America” by Charles Murray. “American Whites, Blacks, Latinos, and Asians, as groups, have different means and distributions of cognitive abilities.” Murray tackles an ideological and emotional topic head-on that is data-driven. Murray underscores how Asians, Whites, Latinos, and Blacks have different rates of violent crime that parallel academic achievement.  The book is a must-read for those hypnotized by the Critical Race Theory crowd.

Most telling: During the fighting in Gaza, an Arab woman brought her wounded son to an Israeli hospital where Jewish doctors saved him.  When asked what kind of future she saw for him, she countered: “I hope he will be a martyr.”  Nice

 Next federal holiday: August 4. Provided you don’t know, well, you are racist.

 Rename: Despite a more than 100% spike in homicides, the city of Minneapolis is renaming a part of the city George Floyd Square. Why not rename the city: Floydopolis.

Best marketing: Krispy Kreme handed out a daily free donut for those who were COVID vaccinated in a country where more than half the people are obese.

Latest Superhero: Black Superman: Where any Kardashian rather than Kryptonite is his undoing.

 Leftism’s Man of the Year:  George Floyd spent his life cultivating a criminal rap sheet where he once held a loaded gun against the stomach of a pregnant woman. Nancy Pelosi eulogized Floyd saying, “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice. Your name will always be synonymous with justice.”  Floyd’s name will be synonymous with justice like Benedict Arnold’s name is tantamount with patriotism.

 Telling headline: The New York Post: “American Idle.”  More than three million Americans remain unemployed collecting benefits despite nine million job openings. America is infected by the French variant.

 Heartless trophy: Lady Gaga’s dog walker was shot while walking her two bulldogs. Gaga offered a $500,000 reward for the dogs, but no reward for the gunman who shot her dog walker.

 Revealing Biden quote: “We choose truth over facts.”

 Tasteless joke award: New Scientist reports a woman in Pennsylvania can drink water and urinate alcohol due to yeast in her bladder. It is called “Bladder Fermentation Syndrome.” New Scientist could be sued for either revealing the formula for Coors Light or exposing the production process for Busch Beer.

Donkey retro: Democrats brought back the 1918 pandemic, the 1968 race riots and the 1973 gas lines within the same year.

 2022 Nobel forecast: Biden will collect the Nobel Peace Prize. When he takes the stage in Stockholm, he will thank the members of the Motion Picture Academy for his Oscar.

 2022 Prediction the good and the bad: The Supreme Court will rule there is no constitutional right to abortion sending Roe v. Wade to history’s dustbin. While a major stock market correction is coming to a brokerage account near you.

Originally posted 2022-01-06 13:01:34.