Tag Archives: shopping

Shopping – California Style

Folks, you are not going believe this video you are about to watch. In fact, if you suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure perhaps you should not watch it. And in case you are wondering if this was taken in some third world shit hole, it wasn’t . . . .  but wait a second . . . . . . . .  let me rethink that. I guess you could call San Francisco a third world shit hole. Is Tony still singing that damn song about leaving his heart there? Probably not as he snuffers from Alzheimer, so he probably doe not know what has happened to his one-time great city.

This is what is happening in within the borders of our once great nation, Remember now, don’t let your white privilege come into play just because all these folks in the video are not white. Remember they are depressed, underprivileged, down trodden, and disadvantaged. And keep in mind BLM is supporting this kind og behavior. I suspect that this is probably within Madam  Pelosi’s district, and these are the folks who keep her in office. 

I don’t think you will see this on the any evening news, except perhaps from Tucker, actually he is on the video. Stand by to be entertained!


Now, was that not enlightening? Is your neighborhood next? I know mine isn’t. not with our Gov.


Originally posted 2021-06-24 08:46:03.