Tag Archives: scum

President Trump is a “Bum”

says, Lebron James. And we all know he is an astute literary genius when it come to politics right? And he is even more astute on matters of Economics. This is so funny and so true, You have to read  this excellent letter former Houston news reporter Hal Lundgren sent to that “Mr. Lebron,” who knows all. LOL I cannot wait to read or hear his well-educated response. Does anyone actually listen, let alone believe anything these idiots say? I guess there are some out there who do. Do You? Millionaire Idiots





August 6, 2018
Mr. Lebron James
The Los Angeles Lakers
2275 E. Mariposa Ave.
El Segundo, CA 90245

Dear Mr. James,

No one in my circles discusses French Modernist artists. That comforts me. Such a conversation would expose me as an illiterate on French Modernism, just as I am an illiterate on how to cook.

When I know nothing of subjects, my mouth stays closed. That’s at least one difference in us. You are an economics & policy illiterate.

Reporters who cover you want to be your buddy. They won’t embarrass you by being honest journalists and treating your words as economics illiteracy.

When you call Trump “a bum,” none of them will tell you that statistics rank him as one of our best presidents for black Americans. His tax cuts and freeing us from absurd regulations have resulted in — after only 18 months — the lowest unemployment numbers ever for Hispanic and black Americans, and one of the lowest numbers for women.


Remember when Obama mistakenly told us “Our lost manufacturing jobs are not coming back.” Maybe manufacturing job growth depends on a president who knows what he’s doing.

As a professional journalist, I cringe at some of Trump’s buffoonery, like repeating sentences and wearing us out with “huge” “great, “fantastic” and other empty adjectives. He is often coarse.  He was not my candidate. But there’s no question his policies have helped many more minority Americans than Obama.  It’s not even close. Today, he’s working to free many black and Hispanic prisoners who, in his opinion, have been in prison too long for relatively minor offenses Are you aware of that effort?

You need to look up Gross Domestic Product, adjusted for inflation, and learn what it means to everyday Americans. Learn what one GDP point means to employment and see how Trump has kept the number climbing.

Your buddy Obama? In addition to being our worst foreign affairs president and worst military commander-in-chief, his economic numbers all deserved an “F.” He is our ONLY eight-year president who failed to give us at least one 3% or higher year of adjusted GDP growth. EVERY other president achieved at least one year of 4.28% or higher growth. Aided by Vietnam spending, Johnson had an 8.48 year. The best peacetime year — 7.83 — belonged to Reagan. and Obama couldn’t even score a 3!!! Look it up.

You say you would speak to Obama but not Trump? How tragically uninformed you are. Obama had BY FAR the worst debt accumulation record of all our presidents. His economic blunders added about $9 trillion to our debt. NO OTHER PRESIDENT EVEN CAME CLOSE. That indebtedness will fall to you and your children.

Poor families suffered most. Obama’s awful job numbers forced a record number of people to take food stamps. Black household income under Obama fell steeply as black unemployment rose. Look that up, too.

But the worst part of what Trump inherited is that Obama, like Bush and Clinton before him, thought bribes and sweet talk were the best ways to deal with North Korea. As the North Koreans neared being able to wipe out Los Angeles with a nuclear-tipped missile, Trump became the first President to stand up boldly to the rogue nation. Notice North Korea, because of Trump, has stopped launching missiles over Japan? Notice North Korea has released political prisoners? Notice North Korea has begun to return remains of U.S. Service members? Absent sturdy spines, Clinton, Bush and Obama could not approach those major achievements.

Obama naively bribed the planet’s worst terrorist nation, Iran, with what was supposed to become a $150 billion handout. Did Obama not know many of those U.S. Tax dollars would help fund Hamas and Hezbollah terrorism? Of course, he did. He just didn’t care.

Remember the $800 billion of your and everyone else’s tax dollars in his early stimulus for “shovel-ready jobs.” Most of those tax dollars went to political cronies. He handed $500 million to Solyndra, a solar company run by boosters. The company soon went bankrupt. Our half-billion in tax money vanished with it.

Trump is often obnoxious, but people with courage can have that hang-up. Obama always talked big, then feebly stood by when Putin infringed on Ukraine and annexed Crimea.

But Obama’s most cowardly move came when he warned Assad not to cross “the red line” in Syria. When Obama’s warning was ignored, which Assad knew would happen, Obama did nothing.  Does that make him a “bum?”

It makes me sad that you, as someone with a national voice would be so ignorant of economics, and also presidential decisions. I encourage you to do more reading and thinking as you watch the nation’s GDP numbers rise and minority employment rise.

*Read about “Right to Try,” which frees terminally ill people to sign a lawsuit waiver and take an experimental drug that might not be approved for many years. Democrats fought this sensible plan for years because it would cost them PHARMA donations.

* Read about a Navy Obama left to Trump that struggled with about half its carrier aircraft unsafe to fly.

* Read about Trump’s giving the VA the right to fire any employee who neglects or abuses a patient.

* Read about Trump’s courage in challenging, actually demanding that, NATO partners pay their fair share rather than keep mooching off the U.S.

You might also read the wisdom of two of the world’s brightest people, black intellectuals Dr. Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams. They have written many books. Sowell and Williams’ integrity, remarkable insights and clarity of expression cause their common sense to soar off the page to readers.

Or, you could ignore vital Trump decisions and remain an illiterate on both presidential achievement and economics. If you disdain knowledge and keep calling Trump or any other U.S. president a bum, people will begin to wonder who’s the real bum.

Hal Lundgren

Originally posted 2018-12-03 15:24:12.

Charity? Really?

Someone please define the word “charity” for me as I don’t have my Websters with me at the moment, and then apply it to the below email I received from a friend today. Am I  an idiot,  an imbecile or just a silly conservative who shouldn’t be asking such stupid questions? As my fiend says he cannot state with certainty if these figures are genuine, but it seems the document is valid. Like CNN would say, it came from an undisclosed source.

We’re Here to Help!

Clinton Foundation IRS information

I have attempted to fact check this before sending, as from various web sites, including the left leaning SNOPES, and the referenced National Center for Charitable Statistics. I cannot disprove it.  It appears to be genuine.  Though you might be interested in the numbers.

Have you wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded so suddenly after Hillary was no longer in a position of influence? Perhaps this summary will provide some insight?

This is real. You can check the return yourself (see below). The real heart of the Clinton’s can be seen here. Staggering but not surprising. The below figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation tax return for 2014, found on the National Center for Charitable Statistics web site. You can obtain the latest tax return on any charitable organization there.

The Clinton Foundation:
Number of Employees (line 5) 486

Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612.00

Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (this is less than 3%)

Total expenses: $91,281,145.00

Expenses include:
Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00
Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00

Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00
Travel $8,000,000.00
Meetings $12,000,000.00

Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00

So it required 486 people, who were paid $34.8 million, plus $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION! And they called this a CHARITY?

This is one of the greatest white-collar crimes ever committed. And just think, one of the participants was a former president and one wanted to be elected President of the United States. If justice was truly served, they would both be in prison.

Feel free to pass this on to your friends so they can also be informed.

And, as an added bonus, if you want to see the actual IRS tax return, http://seriousgivers.org/wp- content/uploads/2016/09/ 311580204_201412_990.pdf


990 Return ofOrganization ExemptFromIncomeTax 2014




Originally posted 2018-03-19 15:37:20.

Marine Colonel has the final word!

The below email was forwarded to me by a best friend, fellow Marine, and brother with whom I served several times, but first aboard the “Mighty Chi,” the USS Chicago  CG-11. I was the MarDet XO and he, then Capt. Charlie Tyrian, the CO. One of my worst tours of duty, I was to spend the first year as XO, then when he departed I was to fleet up to be the CO. However, I pulled some strings for the first and only time in my career and to get the hell off after the first year. I tired of watching Naval Officers shit on enlisted men (it’s all in the book). 

Anyway, I do not know the Colonel who actually wrote the below piece, but he definitely has command of the English language and makes his point loud, clear, and concise that any idiot “should” be able to understand, but they won’t. And as for the scum who started this whole thing (my Senator, and I use that term loosely, Durbin, he surely falls into the category described below.

And the Marine Colonel has the final word!!!

Don’t know about you, but I have been somewhat amazed & amused by the outpouring of distress regarding the use of the vulgar word “shithole.”

Now, as an Officer of Marines, I worked very hard at avoiding obscene verbiage, although admittedly some times without success.  The avoidance of profane language was, in truth, a much greater challenge.  With regard to vulgar terminology…  well let’s say I learned at the feet of the most talented and original users and creators of vulgar terminology: Marine Staff Non-Commissioned Officers! 

The essential element in the deciphering of any language, be it orthodox or non-orthodox, is identifying to what does the word infer or refer. In the case of the word in question, “shithole” refers to a PLACE and not a person or a people.  For one to refer in a vulgar manner to a person or a people, the appropriate term would be “shithead” or“dickhead” or better yet, the more popular “asshole.”

Typically, the word “shithole” would be used in two consecutive and highly dependent sentences:  “Jeez, what a shithole!” followed immediately by “Clean this shithole up!!!”  In neither sentence does the word “shithole” refer to its inhabitants, although there may be an asshole or two in the group.

No doubt Marines and our brethren Soldiers clearly comprehend this distinction.  Air Force officers surely would not use such language, and besides, they have contract laborers to clean things up.  Similarly, the use of the word would be beneath the dignity of a Navy officer; that’s why they have Chiefs and “Swabbies.”

Like many of you to whom this email is addressed, I have been to a “shithole” or two in my time.  I believe I know of which I speak.  Certainly, we have seen our share in Southeast Asia, but until you have stood in some wadi shithole in the Sudan or Somalia or Oman… well, you haven’t lived!

So, in the interest of enlightening the over-educated, yet blithely ignorant masses, you have my permission to disseminate the important distinction in the use of vulgar terminology that I have attempted to illuminate.

Peace be with you. Semper Fidelis!

Tony Latorre Col USMC (Ret)

Originally posted 2018-01-29 10:18:18.

David J. Harris Jr. Speaks for Me

I am sure you have seen lots of videos on the recent millionaire NFL scum, but this one tops all that I’ve seen. Mr. Harris definitely speaks for Jim Bathurst. It’s powerful. Watch and if you agree, please pass it on; it needs to go viral. 


Originally posted 2017-09-28 16:33:43.