Tag Archives: sanctuary

This Just In – WOW!










WASHINGTON (AP) – January 2018

President Trump disclosed that he has reached an agreement with Enrique Pena Nieto, President of Mexico, which provides for the sale of substantially all of the State of California to the country of Mexico

President Trump noted that this deal, which he claims “is his largest real estate deal ever” is a win-win for everyone involved. One of the benefits he says he will highlight during a prime time address from the oval office later this evening, will include using the proceeds received by the US from Mexico to

1) pay for the Wall (fulfilling yet another campaign promise), a wall which will now include the length of the eastern border of California

2) fund all the infrastructure spending in the remaining 49 states and

3) pay to relocate the 67 Republicans that currently reside in California .

He also noted that Federal money saved from the reduction of California residents on US social programs will allow those social programs to be cash positive in less than 3 years.

Mexican President Nieto announced that he has already introduced a bill to the Mexican Congress asking to change his country’s name to MexiCal.

Other benefits President Trump intends to discuss during this evening’s prime time address include:

California will now be able to act as a sanctuary state within MexiCal noting that there is much more room for the refugees who will find the climate in the State of California more desirable than the climate in US cities such as NYC, Detroit or Chicago .

The elimination of the existing border between Mexico and California will allow drugs to flow more freely between Mexico and the users in Hollywood . Drug tunnel diggers at the Tijuana border will now be able to use their skills to dig tunnels under Los Angeles to help ease congestion in that city and allow rioters to move about the city’s universities more freely.

The U.S. taxpayer will no longer be on the hook for any future disaster relief required once the next megaquake hits California . The space in the Capitol and other DC buildings vacated by representatives of California will be fumigated and turned into “time-out rooms” for the press as well as Liberty Centers where US citizens can meet with their congressmen to discuss the pursuit of economic freedom

Nancy Pelosi released a statement stating that she looks forward to making the Mexican President’s life miserable and prefers the year round weather in Mexico City to that of DC. Her office has already announced a schedule of fund raising activities for what is believed to be an upcoming campaign to run for President of MexiCal. Papers released along with Trump’s statement reveal that a newly incorporated real estate company, pmurT, Inc., which was intimately involved in the deal discussions, will receive a broker fee of $25 billion on the California sale.

An anonymous pmurT, Inc. representative has revealed that the profits on the deal are HUGE and will be used to purchase, develop and convert all abandoned US Federal facilities in California into special high end retreats and resorts which will assist California residents with managing their euphoria and transition into the nanny state they have so long desired to be. The exact northern border of the new MexiCal is still under negotiation.

Apparently the White House is concerned that certain members of congress may be unwilling to give up California ’s wine country and are suggesting that the northern border align with the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge . California residents will be issued special blue cards to cross the border into the US so that the total number of California liberals entering the US can be tracked and at any point in time not exceed predetermined levels. Residents that remain in California after the effective date of the sale will not be allowed to seek refugee status in the US in the future.

Mexican President Nieto stated he is thrilled with the deal and is looking forward to declaring Spanish the national language for his newly acquired territory and opening SSL (Spanish as a second language) schools throughout California . He also noted that funding for the transaction would come from the Mexican drug cartels, which have agreed to provide low interest loans to Mexico so long as they are allowed to move their cash out of Switzerland and the Cayman Islands back into Mexico tax free.

White House representatives refused to confirm rumors that a similar deal was in the works for the sale of Northeastern states from NY through Maine , to Canada .

President Trump wrapped up his statement stating, “this deal is HUGE and will help Make America, albeit a little smaller, Great Again”


Originally posted 2018-02-16 15:08:34.

Sanctuary City Protected a Dangerous Illegal. Guess What Happened Next?

This is an absolute outrage. Denver, get your head out of your butt. It’s time for POTUS to act on that city and stop their funds. If I were the parent/spouse of the victim, I would be in civil court immediately suing the city for billions, not millions. And what is even worse is their rationale for releasing him, a known felon. Where is all this going to end? In a civil war?

Two months after an illegal immigrant was released from prison in a “sanctuary city”—he was charged with murder.

Ever Valles, 19, was first arrested in October in Denver, on charges of possessing a weapon, vehicle theft, and eluding a police officer.

Because Valles was a “known gang member” who had been flagged by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The federal government issued an order to the Denver Sheriff’s Department, telling them to notify immigration authorities before they released him.

But Denver, a so-called “sanctuary city,” failed to notify ICE until about an hour after Valles was released on December 20. By then, it was too late.

Two months later, Valles murdered a 32-year-old man, Tim Cruz. Valles and an accomplice wore masks and backpacks, and robbed Cruz at gunpoint outside a Denver light rail station. During the robbery, one of the two men shot and killed Cruz.

Valles was arrested two days later. He was charged with first-degree murder and aggravated robbery.

In a statement, the city of Denver refused to admit they did anything wrong. They claimed they released Valles because being an illegal immigrant is a “civil matter”—while stressing that they “never and will never advocate for felons to remain on our streets—immigrants or not.”

(Oh, really, you knew you were releasing a felon. There has to be a  broken federal law here somewhere?)

Source: American Action News
Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/this-sanctuary-city-protected-a-dangerous-illegal-guess-what-happened-next#UZrFIztqd7eGCGls.99


Originally posted 2017-02-23 14:58:49.


The following was published today by a good friend and fellow blogger of “God, Guns, and Guts,” which was written by another dear friend and brother Marine who goes by the moniker “Mustang.” I believe he speaks of a particular city whose former Mayor has thrown his hat in the ring after waiting till all the Democrat debates have been played out; I reckon so he would not have to answer questions from his fellow near-do-wells.. What a sly fox and a POS (in my view). 

I found the read interesting and factual, but let’s face it, considering the society in which we live, the term “factual” means very little any more.

Meanwhile the war clouds continue to form over the once great state of VA.,

And the impeachment trial of our President began today. Wow, isn’t life great in America?

Why Sanctuary?

by Mustang

In law, “sanctuary community” has no standing because in the United States, no one is above the law.  No state may refuse to obey federal laws in matters constitutionally assigned to federal authority.  No community within a state has the right to ignore federal authority.

When communities declare themselves sanctuary entities, they are in effect exercising a kind of civil disobedience, which may be (and should be) punished under the law.  Under American law, there is no legitimacy attached to civil disobedience —no matter what arguments may be used to justify it by law breakers.

But the issue has taken on a new dimension.  Not only do civil administrators declare their intent to ignore federal law, they produce writs that prohibit constitutionally sworn police officers from obeying federal laws, as well.  It is a dangerous conspiracy that threatens the United States, its several states, and communities within those states.

Cloward and Piven at the Motor Voter signing law

I believe that “conspiracy” is the correct word for what is happening in the United States today.  A refusal of obey federal law with respect to immigration appears related to the so-called Cloward-Piven strategy devised in 1966, the purpose of which was to overwhelm the lawful exercise of federal power to such an extent that federalism fails; a situation in which the federal government can no longer execute its Constitutional authority or mandate.

Sanctuary cities may not be the most important issue facing the Department of Justice, but if one believes that illegal immigration has reached the point where it imposes a clear and present danger to the security of the United States, its several states, its thousands of communities, then the federal government must act to settle this issue permanently.

Let’s recap:

  • Illegal immigration is illegal.
  • Illegal immigration is a burden to lawful citizens in terms of taxes, infrastructure, access to policing, medical treatment facilities, public education, and community services.
  • Illegal aliens pay less in taxes (sales taxes, etc.) than they receive through state and local services (Source: Congressional Budget Office).
  • The presence of illegal aliens poses a significant risk to lawful residents in terms of violent crimes, drugs, drunk drivers, community health and sanitation.

On 9 January 2020, Ms. Maria Fuentes, aged 92, a citizen of Richmond Hill, Queens, New York, was brutally raped and murdered at the intersection of Liberty Avenue and 127th Street in Richmond Hill by 21-year old Reeaz Khan, an illegal alien from Guyana.  Reeaz was roaming the streets of New York City despite a federal order for his deportation for prior assault and illegal weapons charges. Aren’t you New Yorkers proud of that?

He was roaming free on the streets of New York City because the New York City Police Department refused to honor a federal retainer request.  Quite naturally, the NYPD now claims that they never received such a request from federal law enforcement agencies.  Oh sure, they never got the request. LOL

The evidence of this particular case shows that Reeaz Khan pounced upon his 92-year old victim from behind, throwing her to the ground, sexually assaulting her, and then ran from the scene of his crime.

This illegal alien has now been charged with seven charges, including second degree murder, first degree manslaughter, first degree attempted rape, first degree sexual assault, and tampering with physical evidence.  Reeaz claims that he came upon the woman, found that she was passed out, and tried to render aid but in the process, his pants fell down and his genitals came in contact with hers.  I hope he has a masterful attorney.

DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf observed that New York City is in a state of complete breakdown of law and order and blames this partly on New York City’s sanctuary policies.  Wolf said, “NYC proudly passed sanctuary city laws and bragged about it for months.  But now the citizens of NYC are facing the deadly consequences of these sanctuary policies.  You get what you ask for folks.

In 2019, New York City experienced 300 murders, an increase of 8% over the murder rate of 2018.  Maybe sanctuary policies aren’t working as well as everyone on the left claims.  Nor should we forget the senseless murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco, California —the home of Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Sanctuary is not a new concept.  In times past, the word refers to a wide range of protective measures that may be taken by communities on behalf of those who residents believed deserve protection.  Lately, though, we have taken the word sanctuary and added to it the word community, but in the absence of any statute that defines sanctuary city, we find the notion somewhat confusing.

In law, “sanctuary community” has no standing because in the United States, no one is above the law.  No state may refuse to obey federal laws in matters constitutionally assigned to federal authority.  No community within a state has the right to ignore federal authority.

Other than that, all is well in the swamp


Originally posted 2020-01-21 16:05:21.