Tag Archives: Propaganda

Liberal Lunacy

Remember the Limbo song from years ago, where the main line was “how low can you go”? Every time I read something akin to this post I think of that song and wonder just how low can these liberal out-of-touch professors go before someone recommends they be sent to the loony bin or funny farm. I can imagine what this nut teaches his young impressionable charges in his classroom.

Professor Claims Tom Brady’s Popularity Tied to Rising ‘White Supremacy’

A Rhode Island professor now says that Tom Brady’s popularity is due to “white supremacy” in a “post-Obama America.”

That Brady has won six Super Bowl rings, has earned three MVP awards, three All-Pro titles, and 14 Pro-Bowl appearances, has little to do with his success, as far as Professor Kyle Kusz is concerned, Campus Reform reported.

Kusz, a professor of kinesiology (Wait, what the hell is this, can you get a major in it from this university? And you did what would you bring to society with it?at the University of Rhode Island, made his accusation in a screed published this month entitled, Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America.

Brady’s great athletic success has less to do with his popularity than the “white rage and white supremacy” that has risen in the U.S., this professor of “the study of human movement” insists.

Kusz smears Brady’s 2015 Under Armour ad as an example of Nazi propaganda that “would not seem out of place in Leni Riefenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film, ‘Triumph des willens.’”

Indeed, this wild-eyed professor based his entire thesis on that one commercial, according to his comments to Campus Reform.

“I decided to research Trump and Brady’s public performances of their white masculinities and how they connect with broader debates about race and gender politics after a student in one of my classes brought the Under Armour commercial to my attention, and it piqued my interest,” Kusz said.

Kusz goes on to insist that Brady surrounds himself with white people to show fans his racial purity.

“It is a vision of Brady as a wealthy, white man who unapologetically enjoys, and has even made a habit out of, spending time with other wealthy white men who treasure time ‘with the boys’ over all others,” Kusz exclaimed. Going to the Kentucky Derby, for instance, “suggests his performance of white masculinity shares much in common with President Trump’s.”

The professor also claims that Brady’s refusal to loudly denounce Trump to the left’s satisfaction also proves he is a white supremacist.

All these accusations came to the professor’s mind after he moved to the New England area and began to see how popular Brady was.

“After moving here for work I became fascinated by the idolatry given to Brady, especially after Trump began to name-drop and use white sportsmen as surrogates during his 2016 campaign,” Kusz said. He added that he follows stories about race and gender in today’s society and how those stories “reflect broader struggles about social power.”

So, just what is a professor of “kinesiology”? Kusz’s field is the study of the mechanics of human movement and often has to do with helping learn how best to rehabilitate people after sports injuries. Apparently, that makes him an expert on white supremacy.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

Originally posted 2019-09-29 13:05:43.

FOX News – A Turd in a Tuxedo

From a dear friend, and fellow retired Marine Brother

All, this for your consideration.  Obviously can’t vouch for it all but do believe there was some stench in the past election and more to come in GA. And I did happen to see the Fox News episode when Newt was silenced. Comes from a good source: A retired Marine LtCol  who was our Bn Air Officer in RVN.

S/F’ Vic

Thanks Vic. Good scoop at the end for those of us who have trashed FOX and are looking for a more reliable news network.

If you regularly watch Fox News and have been noticing something feels “off” with their election coverage, you’re not wrong. Around a year ago, conservative political wonks turned off Fox News for good. The reason why has to do with events that unfolded in 2019. What did these conservative news junkies see that the rest of us missed? And why does it matter now?

Event Number One: The Passing of the Torch

Rupert Murdoch was the media titan who built and developed Fox News into America’s conservative news juggernaut. Murdoch had six children. Of the six, his two sons Lachlan and James were in contention to take over Fox News even though both of them had openly repudiated Rupert’s conservative politics. In 2019, Lachlan officially took over the reins of Fox News. James, the more liberal of the two, opted to invest a large portion of his multi-billion-dollar inheritance in liberal media ventures. Once Lachlan took charge, his goal was to move Fox News left. His moves were no surprise to insiders considering his public ties to climate change activism, donating to the Clinton Foundation, and proudly taking responsibility for pushing Bill O’Reilley off the network. It’s worth noting that Fox Business is a separate entity from Fox News, even though both channels are owned by a new, scaled-back Fox Network.

Event Number Two: Fox News Hires the Haters

In March 2019, Fox News made a shocking move by hiring former DNC Committee Chief, Donna Brazile. She was famously fired from the DNC and CNN for leaking debate questions to Hillary Clinton prior to a 2016 Presidential Debate against Donald Trump. Another WTF hire was the failed VP Candidate, Paul Ryan. Ryan was named to the Fox News Board of Directors in March 2019. The well-known “never Trumper’ routinely stonewalled President Trump’s agenda as the Speaker of the House. And hired Juan Williams, a devoted Dem fired from NPR.   Constantly contradicts anything good said by or about President Trump.

Event Number Three: “Shut-Up, Or Else…”

Just a month ago, Newt Gingrich’s mic was cut when he had the audacity to utter the name George Soros in an interview on Harris Faulkner’s Fox News show, Overtime Outnumbered. During the interview, the conversation moved into a discussion on political funding. Gingrich was presenting indisputable facts about Soros’s well-known financial backing of many extremely left-leaning political organizations. The mic cut surprised both Faulkner and Gingrich which led to a long, awkward, pregnant silence on air. Was Gingrich’s censorship a signal to other conservative voices?

Fast forward to this past week, Judge Jeanine Pirro, the host of Justice W/Jeanine on Fox News since 2011 announced the topic of her weekly show. The topic: Election Fraud. However, she was fired/suspended before her segment aired. Was Pirro’s firing meant to send a message to other popular Fox News hosts?

Just days after Pirro’s firing and Biden’s bogus campaign victory speech, Laura Ingram the host of the Ingram Angle stunned Republicans. On her show, she took it upon herself to offer President Trump advice on how to act graciously upon his pending election concession. It was uncharacteristic of Ingram to take this defeatist position considering she consistently supported President Trump throughout his first term. As a former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Ingram knows the law and knows the election is far from officially decided She caved to save her lucrative paying job.

 Next, Tucker Carlson. With the highest ratings of any cable news show in the days leading up to November 3rd, where is he now that the blatant election fraud is being exposed? Strangely quiet given Carlson’s fierce commitment to our Republic.

Then, there’s Hannity. If anyone deserves to be called a Trump fan-boy, it’s Sean Hannity. Even he is noticeably restrained in his election coverage. Hannity knows full-well President Trump won in a landslide on Nov. 3rd and remains the winner even after the Dem’s election fuckery. Why isn’t Hannity crying foul? Then there’s Chris Wallace. His performance as a debate moderator drew such harsh criticism from both political sides, his professional reputation may not ever recover.

 Here IS what’s going on at Fox News

With just 73% of the votes counted in Arizona around midnight on November 3rd, Fox News made a stunning call, falsely awarding the win of the battleground state to Joe Biden. Now that we know the true nature of Fox News, have seen blatant election fraud, and seen a pattern of silence from the top talent on the channel; is it so far-fetched to think Fox News is playing a role in all of this?

There is no question the 2020 election is rampant with fraud and it continues. Proof is mounting, whistleblowers are coming forward, even Supreme Court injunctions have been issued. All of this will be investigated and litigated through the courts. Rudy Guiliani and the rest of the Trump legal team have vowed to fight. And, for good reason. The law is on Trump’s side. Recall this past summer when President Trump repeatedly warned America about mail-in voting and election fraud? Everything that’s happening now was anticipated by the Trump team, well in advance. Nothing so far has been a surprise to The President and his team.

Now that the fraud has been executed, it relies on two key factors to actually succeed.

Play number one is “lawfare”. The election fraud is designed to stir up chaos, forcing the election to be decided by the courts, rather than at the ballot box. How the Dems are weaponizing the law to manage the election outcome is called lawfare. The Dems are great at this. Remember Hillary’s numerous provable felonies when she mishandled top secret information on her personal server? The head of the FBI, Comey, called it a “matter” not a “crime”. A crime can be legally prosecuted, a matter cannot. See what they did there? Effective lawfare. Hillary walked.

The second key play is the “information war”. This is where Fox News is playing a key role. Here’s the breakdown: Fox News delivered blatantly fake news by calling AZ a win for Biden. They delivered the lie early. So early in fact Fox News dominated the news cycle and grabbed control of the election narrative going forward. Fox News is attempting to position President Trump as the loser who is fighting a losing battle against fake election fraud in the courts, because he can’t take the L. Having Fox News deliver this news is part of the plan in order to give the lie credibility. To add extra credence to the hoax, the management at Fox News has succeeded in manipulating their top talent to support the fake narrative. The left is counting on the average Trump supporter to believe the lie since it comes from the trusted“conservative” Fox News and its top personalities. The rationale goes like this: If Fox News is reporting Trump lost AZ, it must be true. Why would Fox lie about the Republican candidate to their Republican audience?

Do not underestimate the power and effectiveness of the “information war”. It’s meant to demoralize Trump supporters, weak-kneed Republican politicians, law enforcement, the military, foreign leaders etc. The left does not want an energized, organized opposition fighting for America’s election integrity. What we’re seeing now isn’t the Dem’s kill-shot, they’re trying to soften the target. The mainstream media knows it can make any claims about who won the election without consequences, especially since it’s a coordinated attack. They need Trump supporters to give up and concede in order to win.

For the people who want a free and fair election, internalize this: the media doesn’t decide elections. Trump won in a landslide. The Dems cheated to try to win. Every legal vote will be counted so states can legally certify official results. All the criminal participants from local election officials to the head(s) of the fraud operation will be prosecuted. None of this will happen quickly, but it will happen. Trump and his team are in full control of this fight. As he came off his well-deserved round of golf over the weekend, his only quote was, “We’re gonna win. Wait.” The only outstanding question is, are you going to give the opposition what they want? Are you going to get weak, loose hope, and abandon our duly elected President?

Where to go from here?

It’s critical for us all to combat the “information war”. This means staying informed with real, accurate news and sharing it with our friends, families, and neighbors. It’s not easy because social media platforms and the coordinated mainstream media have created an information firewall. However, with a little persistence, sharing with our networks by using word-of-mouth neutralizes the firewall. By texting, emailing, and conversing we are creating our own media network that offers more information that is being hidden from everyone. So, the question becomes where to find real news to share since Fox News has proven to be a turd in a tuxedo

It’s time to switch to alternative news sources. To make the jump, it takes some temporary “getting used-to”. Be prepared for things like lower production quality, occasional technical glitches, and watching on other devices — unless you put in a little work to figure out how to connect your phone or internet to your TV. It may take downloading a new app or visiting a new site. These minor short-term inconveniences are worth it to get real, honest news.

 To get started, here are my three 24/7 news channel picks to replace Fox News (linked)

OANN: One America News Network

  •  24/7 news channel. Scrappy and accurate. OANN is building serious cred with reporters in the official White House Press Pool and former military intelligence. On-air talent can be dry, but they consistently deliver the goods.

General Information:  www.oann.com

Watch on Cable or Satellite TV:  where to watch guide

YouTube:  Archived and livestream

Streaming Services:  Apple TV, Roku or Amazon’s Fire TV

OANN Programming Schedule:  www.oann.com/schedule

Newsmax TV

  •  24/7 news. Positioned to be the next conservative media giant. Recently came out strong in support of election integrity by refusing to air Biden’s bogus victory speech. Newsmax checks the facts. Delivers a wide range of programming.

General Information:  www.newsmaxtv.com

Watch on Cable and Satellite:  DirecTV Ch. 349, Dish Network Ch. 216, Comcast Xfinity Ch. 1115.

Full list of carriers and channels. Note channels differ depending on state and carrier. State-specific channel guide

Livestream:  newsmaxtv.com, Roku, Pluto TV (app on google and Apple app stores) channel 236, XUMO, and DistroTV

YouTube:  Livestream and archived

AVN: America’s Voice News

  •  24/7 news. Strong Programming Lineup. AVN is on the move. Heavy investment in new programs and upping overall production quality. Reliable and accurate. Lots of insider, breaking news embedded in several programs e.g. National PulseBannon’s Warrooom etc. The live-chat feature on the AVN YouTube Channel is worth a try.

Originally posted 2020-11-29 14:25:06.