Tag Archives: Obama

How much of this are we going to tolerate?

A U.S. Navy veteran was brutally beaten and killed outside his own home in McAllen, Texas—while being carjacked by an illegal immigrant.

Jose Luis Oviedo, 56, served in the U.S. Navy for 15 years: from 1981 to 1996.

Oviedo was apparently home alone when he heard a noise from outside—where he found Andres Roberto Ortiz, 32, attempting to steal his car. Ortiz turned on Oviedo, severely beating the Navy veteran unconscious.

Several hours later, local police found Oviedo’s SUV abandoned in a ditch. Upon visiting his home to report the vehicle, they found him unconscious in the backyard.
Oviedo was rushed to the hospital, but never regained consciousness. After spending a month in a coma, he died last Friday.

Ortiz was taken into a custody ten days after the attack. Ortiz is a Honduran who is in the United States illegally—and had been deported multiple times by the U.S. government. (my bold added)

Ortiz was initially charged with aggravated assault and robbery. After Oviedo’s death, the county district attorney is seeking to upgrade his charges to capital murder. Oviedo’s son, Victor, 29, spoke briefly to the media about how his outlook had changed, after his father’s death at the hands of an illegal immigrant:

“I had no real opinion as far as the immigration stance goes, but now I believe that something like this could have been prevented had the right steps been taken,” he said.

Source: American Action News
Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/breaking-illegal-immigrant-brutally-kills-navy-veteran#jQb9ke4Z02ZEU5Jf.99

Originally posted 2017-03-02 10:47:59.

Conspiracy Theory?

I am NOT a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of one’s imagination; however, we are already seeing the actions Sperry is talking about with Lou Dobbs. It’s happening all across our nation already. Does any one think this is not a well thought out plan orchestrated by some one at the top? Sperry is a respected columnist at the New York Post. I urge you to listen to what he has to say, then you decide for yourself if this is some quack conspiracy theory.



Originally posted 2017-02-22 13:02:33.


State Dem leaders livid at Obama organizing group OFA

Leaked emails from a Democratic Party listserv account reveal the anger of local and state Democrat leaders at the relaunching of President Obama’s activist group, Organizing for Action (OFA).  Many Democrats around the country believe that the group siphons money and people from state parties, which directly led to the party losing more than 1,000 state legislative seats during the Obama years.

Daily Beast:

The nonprofit, which functions as a sort of parallel-Democratic National Committee, was founded to mobilize Democratic voters and supporters in defense of President Obama’s, and the Democratic Party’s, agenda. Instead, the organization has drawn the intense ire, both public and private, of grassroots organizers and state parties that are convinced that OFA inadvertently helped decimate Democrats at the state and local level, while Republicans cemented historic levels of power and Donald J. Trump actually became leader of the free world.

These intra-party tensions aren’t going away, especially now that OFA “relaunched” itself last week to protect the Affordable Care Act, boost turnout at congressional town halls, and train grassroots organizers gearing up for the Trump era.

This is some GRADE A Bulls**t right here,” Stephen Handwerk, executive director of the Louisiana Democratic Party, wrote in a private Democratic-listserv email obtained by The Daily Beast. Handwerk was reacting to news of OFA’s post-election retooling, which was shared “without comment” to the group of state-level Dems by Crystal Kay Perkins, executive director for Texas Democrats.

“It also to me seems TONE DEAF – we have lost over 1,000 seats in the past 8 years… all because of this crap,” Handwerk continued. “Let’s get through the next two weeks – but then we gotta figure this out and keep the pressure on. WOW.”

Others on the thread shared these sentiments.

“Yes, it sure is,” Katie Mae Simpson, executive director for the Maine Democratic Party, replied. “OFA showed up in Maine, organized a press conference on saving [Obamacare], with one of our Dem legislative leaders speaking, all without ever mentioning that they were in state and organizing. They hired someone I know, which is somewhat helpful, but my god, they don’t have a very good alliance-building process.”

Such grievances, though expressed privately, are nothing new among state Democratic Party leadership.

“[With] all due respect to President Obama, OFA was created as a shadow party because Obama operatives had no faith in state parties,” Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb told Politico last week.

“I love and adore everything about President Obama except for OFA,” South Carolina Democratic Party chairman Jaime Harrison (who is also running to chair the Democratic National Committee) said at a recent DNC “future forum,” according to The Washington Post.

The friction between the regular Democratic Party and OFA was predictable.  OFA, despite promises from President Obama and OFA’s backers, never functioned as anything except Obama’s private organizing army.  Any coordination with the DNC or local state parties happened only when the political interests of the president dovetailed with those of the local party infrastructure.  Otherwise, OFA monopolized fundraising and hiring political operatives at the expense of the party.

That President Obama didn’t care about down-ballot Democrats is obvious.  Republicans, with the help of the Tea Party, slaughtered the Democrats at the state and local levels.  The party has all but disappeared from many areas, and Democrats will spend the better part of the next decade just getting back to where they were in 2008.

OFA proved adept at backing Obama’s agenda, putting pressure on Washington Democrats to pass the president’s program.  But they were a disaster for Democrats beyond the Beltway, as huge GOP gains at the state level show.

Shame on you Obama!

Originally posted 2017-02-20 11:59:55.

Islamic Group Turns Down Trump Money to Fight Terrorism

Well, we taxpayers have just saved $800,000. That was easy. They accepted the money offered by their “brother,” but now reject it from President Trump. It’s amazing how he keeps on saving us money! However, what is disturbing about all this is their mission: “to serve the community and to bring our community to a position of excellence.” Really? How about bringing your community into America by accepting our values and laws, and helping us to fight terrorism?


A California Islamic school has become the fourth Muslim group to turn down federal funds to fight terrorism under President Donald Trump’s administration, funds they had been receiving under a program developed by former President Barack Obama.

The Bayan Claremont graduate school’s board made the decision to turn down $800,000 in federal funds made available via the Department of Homeland Security through a program created under Obama known as countering violent extremism, or CVE. Officials say the program is aimed at fighting terrorism by attempting to undermine extremists’ abilities to recruit terrorists around the world. Fox News reports the rejection of the funds was borne of a desire to disassociate from Trump.

[T]he fledgling school’s founding president, Jihad Turk, said “officials ultimately felt accepting the money would do more harm than good.”

“It’s “a heck of a lot of money, (but) our mission and our vision is to serve the community and to bring our community to a position of excellence,” Turk said. “And if we’re compromised, even if only by perception in terms of our standing in the community, we ultimately can’t achieve that goal,” he said, adding that accepting the funds would be short-sighted.

Originally published by The Blaze.

Originally posted 2017-02-15 08:09:37.


Well, Carter is gone, and my flag is still two-blocked as it will remain. But do not despair my friends, we have a new legend to replace Jimmy, at least for a while. Joe Biden is the worst example of someone allegedly “serving” his country. Ha! The only person this ass ever served for his many political years was himself. I can’t remember when or even if, he was ever on the same side of an issue as I was regardless of its importance. And now he is so out of it that anyone who needs a favor probably has full access to the Oval Office to state their case and have old Joe issue a proclamation. What a disgrace. I wonder what it would cost me to have him  fire the Commandant of the Marine Corps today before he leaves office?

Here is another barn burner from my favorite author. Thanks Greg.

Lame Duck Legacy                                                              By: Greg Maresca

If there is such a thing as a sentimental moment at a political convention, President Joe Biden attempted such a ruse at the Democratic National Convention back in August when he recited from the Gene Scheer song, “American Anthem.” “The work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day,” said Biden. “What shall our legacy be?”

Fatefully, Biden stumbled awkwardly over the word “legacy” in waning attempt at crafting his own legacy. In retrospect, it was the perfect swan song for Bidenism that commenced 55 years ago in 1970.

Legitimacy of legacy lies in truth, and nothing else. There are no shortcuts.

Where to begin: The overrun southern border that has welcomed an estimated 21 million illegally, historic record inflation, out-of-control crime, wars in Gaza and Ukraine, the meteoric rise of China, an ever-exploding national debt, the COVID-19 vaccine debacle, the weaponization of the Justice Department, Hunter Biden’s pardon for federal tax and gun charges that the president said would never happen and a nation more at odds with itself since the Civil War.

Biden is a wandering and incoherent medically confirmed non-compos mentis elderly man with a “get-off-my-grass” aged fragility exhibiting the steadfast spitefulness of Alzheimer’s.

When the Easter Bunny had to show Biden where the exit was after a White House Easter egg hunt America needed nothing more. However, it kept coming. Biden’s descent into dementia put the finishing touches on decades of a blundering, self-aggrandizement political career. The whole charade finally crashed during the presidential debate in June, underscoring how Biden was holding a job way over his head. Arguably, it is the greatest of political scandals.

The thousands of pardons issued are highly suspected including the recent Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients – George Soros and Hillary Clinton, really?

With the death of former President Jimmy Carter, it is Biden who is our worst living President – another legacy splinter that ushered in Trump’s second presidential term.

Barack Obama disclosed years before that we should “never underestimate Biden’s ability to f**k things up,” and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, declared Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Biden’s political agenda was about power and self-enrichment and never about America. It’s Obama politics 101. Biden’s cognitive decline preceded his 2020 candidacy, and the entire Democrat contingent knew and so did anyone paying attention with the media being complicit.

Legacy, like its brother legend, is often distorted and overrated. Statues are torn down, and headstones are knocked over. After a generation or two, no one remembers or cares. Name an Academy Award, Nobel Prize or Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient from a decade ago. Rather, they are a trivia question – if they are lucky.

The innate, yet fallen human condition wants to achieve something of significance that outlives us other than a weathering tombstone with our name etched upon it. Some will pay a high price to do so even if it means selling out to evil.

The octogenarian Biden is spending his final days in the Oval Office telling war stories, while his staff works to spite the incoming Trump administration by banning oil and gas drilling in federal waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans using a decades old law that will make it difficult to reverse.

Enter the modern myth maker” the presidential library. Biden’s version will be constructed in Delaware – not Scranton. In honor of such an occasion, it will be a basement venue with the elevator incapable of reaching the first floor. Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents revised their Biden animatronic with Joe sleeping in a beach chair. Meanwhile, McDonald’s will feature a Biden burger that is Fluffernutter on burnt toast minus the beef.

The Democrat party and their media allies perpetuated a colossal fraud against America at the expense of national tranquility and security. They actively censored and criticized anyone that questioned Biden’s obvious cognitive impairments. And those constitutionally disposed to right the ship of state failed – the 25th Amendment be damned – is nothing short of treason.

This ongoing charade of woke democrats, leftists, and their enabling media should be more than enough to bury them all, but many remain incredulous.

After Obama and now Biden, who can blame them?

I wonder who’s idea it was to sell pieces of the border wall? Can you believe they had the audacity to do that. Have any of you bought a piece? LOL