Tag Archives: NBA

NFL – Does the “N” really stand for National?

If so, why?

I have not watched any NFL game since two years ago except the Super Bowl this past January, or was it February, hell, I don’t remember and really do not care. I refuse to spend the Lord’s Day watching scum sucking anti-Americana millionaires play with a ball and think they are heroes. Oh, I do watch college football , and I have my favorite teams e.g., Bama and the Volunteers for example. I doubt very seriously if I will see any knee bending or disrespect there, but one never knows??  I cannot and will not watch these scumbags taking a knee or disrespecting something I served for much of my life and for which I shed blood. 

If any of you do watch the NFL, and I don’t have a problem with that — it’s your choice and I respect that, may I ask a favor? I would like to know if you see any advertisements from USAA. They have been my bank, mortgage company, brokerage account, IRAs, and insurer of home, boats, and cars for over 46 years. I do know they advertised last year, but I don’t know about this season. If they are doing that it would be the biggest example of hypocrisy I’ve ever witnessed. If I find they are advertising on the NFL network, the CEO will get a letter from me that will burn his hands while he reads it — guaranteed! And I just may pull all my accounts from them?I would like for someone to provide me a list of all the companies who advertise  NFL games. I will research them and get there contact information and publish on this blog in case anyone else wants to write them bitching and threatening to stop buying their product. We can write all the correspondence we want to addressed at the NFL and it will do no good. They must be hit in the pocketbook. I understand companies that advertise NBA games have already started complaining because they are not getting the viewership promised in their contracts. The NBA has already leaked out they intend to change things next season reference the outspoken scum like Lebron Scumbag James. We can do this folks, I know we can. Let’s become a united voice.

This video is a must watch, and if you are like me, you might need a Kleenex.


Originally posted 2020-10-24 14:18:12.