Tag Archives: Mexico

Made in the USA

I picked this up off the internet several days ago and passed it along to folks I thought would be interested. Now I decided to post it. Is it all true? Maybe not; however, I am a nut about this hearsay of foreign goods. We have been duped for years into thinking anything made in China, Vietnam, Mexico, Guatemala, and all the rest of the world is cheaper. Well, check it out gang, it’s NOT! In fact, in many cases it is more expensive , and surely of less quality. Before I buy anything, and I do mean anything, I look to see where it’s made. Granted sometimes I have no choice, because over the years some things are no longer made in the US. As an Economist, I am not so quick to  blame the CEO’s as most folks do. It boils down to one fact; they are in business to make a profit and if our government has hamstrung them to the point where they cannot make a profit for their stockholders, they either close the doors or find a way to make the product cheaper. That is what happened, plain and simple. So, don;t shoot the CEO’s for trying to do their job. Might I encourage you to test some of what you read here. The President is trying his best to bring the companies back into the fold, we can help.


sells Goodyear wiper blades for almost
half the price that you will pay
on the outside and they are made in
the U.S.A. Read and do the following.

Unfortunately our      
politicians and top CEOs have
pushed for trade to China and Mexico
for years so Americans are now out of

Did You Know that there is no     
electric coffee maker
made in the US and that the only
kitchen appliances made in the US is
Viking? This information came from
the a report by Diane Sawyer. Hopefully this has
changed or will soon!!

That’s why I don’t buy
cards at Hallmark anymore, They are
Made in China and are more expensive!
I buy them at Dollar
Tree – 50 cents each and made in USA

I have been looking at     
the blenders available on the
Internet. Kitchen Aid
is MADE IN THE USA. Top of my list

Yesterday I was in     
Wal-Mart looking for a
wastebasket. I found some Made
In China for $6.99. I didn’t want to
pay that much so I asked the lady
if they had any others. She took
me to another department and they
had some at $2.50 made in USA. They are
just as good.. Same as a kitchen rug I
needed. I had to look, but I found some Made in
The USA – what a concept! – and they were $3.00

We are being     
brainwashed to believe that everything that
comes from China and Mexico is cheaper. Not so.

One Light Bulb at A Time.

I was in Lowe’s the     
other day and just out of curiosity, I looked
at the hose attachments. They were all
Made in China. The next day I was in Ace Hardware and just for the heck of it I checked the hose
attachments there. They were made in USA

Start looking, people     
. …In our current economic
situation, every little thing we
buy or do affects someone else – most often,
their job.

My grandson likes       
Hershey’s candy. I noticed, though, that it is
now marked “Made in Mexico.” I don’t buy it

My favorite toothpaste     
Colgate is made in Mexico …now I
have switched to Crest.

You have to read       
the labels on everything.

This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed
60W light bulbs and Bounce dryer
sheets. I was in the light bulb
aisle, and right next to the GE
brand I normally buy — was an
off-brand labeled,

“Everyday  Value.” I picked up both types of
bulbs and compared them: they were the same
except for the price . .. .the GE bulbs
cost more than the Everyday Value
Brand, but the thing that surprised
me the most was that that GE was
Made in MEXICO and the Everyday
Value brand was made in – you guessed
it – the USA at a company in
Cleveland, Ohio.

It’s way past time to start     
finding and buying products
you use every
day that are made right Here.

So, on to the next       
aisle: Bounce dryer sheets. Yep,
you guessed
it, Bounce cost more
money and is made in Canada. The
Everyday Value Brand cost less, and was MADE IN
THE USA! I did laundry
yesterday and the dryer sheets performed
just like the Bounce Free I have been
using for years, at almost half the price.

My challenge to you     
is to start reading the labels when
you shop for everyday things and
see what you can find that is Made
In the USA –
The job you save may be your own or your

If you accept the     
challenge, pass this on to others
in your address book so we can all
start buying American, one light bulb at a

Stop buying from       
overseas companies – you’re
sending the jobs there.
(We should have awakened a decade

Let’s get with the      
program and help our fellow
Americans keep their
jobs and create more jobs here in the

I passed this on.. ..Will you???    
If you care about
American workers, you will pass it on






Originally posted 2019-10-17 09:36:03.

Logic and Logistics

I have not been closely following the caravan(s) coming up through Mexico. Oh, I get a glimpse of their whereabouts now and then, and hear of the MSM following along beside a woman with a small child carrying an Ecuadorean flag sobbing about her needs and what America can do to help her and her small child. Hmm. Interesting?” Yes. Heart wrenching? Absolutely not!

First of all, these folks seem to be well nourished, well-kept, and clean. So I am wondering how can that be? They supposedly have traveled hundreds of miles through terrain which would not be considered highly hospitable, allegedly harangued by police and soldiers in attempts to halt their progress. Yet all has failed or even slightly deterred them from the mission, which is………what? I’m told by the MSM they want help and demand the USA to provide it. Nah, I don’t think that’s the “real” mission. Perhaps it might be to arrive at our border on Election Day to make a statement for one of the political party’s. Hmm, now that makes it even more interesting.

I was not a logistics officer in the Corps, but I did know a lot of them, some were even friends. But as an infantry enlisted and officer, I did, on occasion, have to move large numbers of Marines and sailors over not so hospitable terrain for several days. So I have some questions for the MSM, which I am wondering why they have not already been asked.

Where do they shit?  A human excretes roughly one pound of feces per day. Thus, a caravan of 7,000 would create 3.5 tons of shit. Where is it? Who collected it? What did they do with it?

Where do they eat? Who is feeding them? Where do they sleep? Better yet, who is paying for all this?

Does anyone really believe that one day out of the blue, 7,000 Ecuadorians woke up and said, “Hey, Let’s all march to the American border, and demand they let us in and take care of us.” Really?

Well, I have an idea who is paying for it, but I’ll let you decide for yourself.


Originally posted 2018-11-01 10:27:39.

The Border Issue

In case you have not been keeping up what’s going on at the southern border; I know it’s hard because DHS is not allowing any reporters anywhere near the border. But, they couldn’t stop my very favorite Senator Ted Cruz, the only one BTW who is pushing term limits knowing he will be out of a job. Albeit, they definitely tried to stop him from seeing the conditions and filming under the guise of “respecting their dignity” — yeah right. You will have to copy and paste into your browser. Why isn’t the MSM shouting to the rooftops, oh, I forget, they don’t care as it’s a Biden issue.


Originally posted 2021-03-30 13:29:12.


You ask what does USSA stands for? Read on!

Unityville, USSA

By: Greg Maresca


America has endured the worst public health crisis in a century, 70 million claims for unemployment, trillions of dollars in borrowed “stimulus,” civil unrest, a belligerent communist China, convoys of illegal immigrants on their way to the border, which begs the question what exactly is the priority of the Biden administration?

Apparently, impeaching the former president in an attempt to divide the GOP by splintering the MAGA and establishment Republicans, while simultaneously signing a record number of presidential executive orders is.

Call it unity – Biden style, which offers platitudes about bipartisanship and national harmony, while delivering leftist executive orders on a historic scale.

Our cognitively challenged executive order signer-in-chief is ratifying whatever his leftist minions put in front of him as your next president in waiting Kamala Harris is seemingly pulling the strings standing in the shadows.

With thousands of National Guard troops from every state in the union present for Biden’s inauguration, you can put to rest the notion that no one ever shows up for Biden.  Then again, perhaps they were there to ensure that Biden does not flee back to his basement campaign bunker.

How can signing so many executive orders on his first day in office – more than any other president – truly desire unity?  Talk of unity is one thing, but to govern, as the cliché goes, is to choose.  Biden’s choice is clear – govern by executive fiat. Biden’s calls for unity are strictly virtue signaling and intended to shame all who disagree.

Recall Biden’s October interview with ABC News honcho George Stephanopoulos where candidate Biden emphasized how “executive orders are the response of dictators.”  Biden talked up consensus, but since becoming president he has done the exact opposite.

Biden’s executive orders include wrecking women’s sports by allowing a man who identifies as a woman can now compete against them.  Ending thousands of jobs by stopping the Keystone Pipeline, and terminating the deportation of illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes – all extreme measures.  In 1984, President Reagan established the Mexico City Policy, which forbids American tax dollars from supporting international abortions.  In 1993, President Clinton rescinded it. Since then, the policy has been re-enacted by every Republican president and rescinded by every Democrat.  Biden desires to revoke it permanently.

The Wall Street Journal is calling Biden’s executive order jamboree the biggest expansion of federal power since the Great Society with more on the way.

Democrats and their allies throughout the mainstream media have insisted that conservatives need to be “reprogrammed and reeducated,” a phrase out of Nazi Germany, which has only fueled hateful rhetoric throughout social media.

Welcome to 21st century America where the literary works of George Orwell continues to spook our fruited plain.  One wandering soul pontificated how they are looking forward to political reeducation classes because they always wondered what college would have been like sober.

When I get back from my re-education camp, I will grasp that Unityville is not just a township in Pennsylvania’s Lycoming County, or a hamlet in South Dakota, but budding from sea to shining sea.  In my new reprogrammed unifying self, I will forever congratulate Joe Biden for winning the 2020 presidential election and Bobby Bonds for breaking Major League Baseball’s home run record, Lance Armstrong for his numerous Tour de France victories and those Tinsel Town actors for getting their darling progeny into elite universities.

If the Biden administration was serious, they would consent Congress to legislate, while promoting a spirited public discourse – stimulating the democratic process on a national level.

Instead, Biden has doubled down on “identity politics” and resuscitating “critical race theory,” while promoting equity over equality that divides people into victims and villains by race, gender, income, and education, ad nauseam.

Whatever happened to just being an American?

Over the next four years forget about the nation’s Fourth Estate of holding the Biden administration accountable. Only the next election can do that and given the severe lack of historical and civic knowledge of your average American that is unlikely to happen. Moreover, any semblance of unity will not be possible if we cannot agree that an inflated government is no universal panacea.

We are not yet the United Socialist States of America – but certainly on our way.

Gang, if you don’t think we are on our way to becoming the USSA, you’ve been living under a rock. We, as conservatives, MUST continue the fight or we will become the USSA.  Someone has even developed the country’s flag when it happens. DO NOT donate to the RNC or the GOP; they are not our friends. Donate to individual candidates even if they are not in your State, but vet them thoroughly! God help us!





Originally posted 2021-02-03 19:31:58.