Tag Archives: Marines

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Christmas is coming. Do you know a Marine who might not have read that fantastic book about some young kid from the rural area along the Chesapeake Bay outside of Baltimore who was going nowhere, decided to get out of school in his senior year before the report cards came out and enlisted in the Marine Corps? Well, here’s your chance to give him a great Christmas present personally inscribed to him and signed by the author. How can this happen you may ask. Well, it’s simple. you see, I happen to know the author very well. It’s me. LOL

I still have about 20 or so of the hardcover copies left over from when I ditched the publisher once I determined just how much they were ripping me off. The publisher priced the book way out of line, but I had no say in it. We argued via emails, texts, and phone calls for over a month, but I lost out. They claimed it was all based on page count. It is a long book actually 564 pages, but for you Grunts (like me) it has lots photos, so they set the price at $42.95.  Would you believe that my profit on each book they and Amazon sold was $2.73.

Anyway, I bought a load of the book before I dropped the publisher. Of course they didn’t give me the same deal they gave to Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I would like get rid of the books I have so I am offering a deal for this coming Christmas, but you have to hurry as we are leaving to attend my sister’s memorial service in Swansboro, NC on 9 December. Then we will continue north to our daughter’s house for Christmas in Pasadena, MD. We expect to be back home around 28-29 December. I will; however, have some books with me as we will travel north in our RV with the two cats and my new dog.

I will sell the hardcover version, which is a beautiful book by the way, personally inscribed to the person and signed by me. I have been selling it for $35.00, but for this one time Christmas deal, I sell it for  $30.00 and I will pay the postage, which is now $6.13. In the interest of full disclosure, I am making $5.94 on the each sale as I paid $17.93 per copy from the scumbag publisher. 

Anyway, if you are interested google my name on Amazon and it will take you to many reviews of the book. If your interest is then piqued, send me an email telling about this person you want to give it to, and whether you want it mailed directly to him/her or to you. That’s all there is to it. Email me at: sgt-b@comcast.net, or call me at (239)299-6738.

Here is the Table of Contents to give you a feel of what all the book covers if you’ve not read it.






1                                                              “Brewed on the Shores of the                                                                                         Chesapeake Bay”

2                                                              From the Halls of Montezuma

3                                                              Parris Island

4                                                              Infantry Training Regiment

5                                                              The Private’s World

6                                                              Schools Demonstration Troops

7                                                              Republic of the Philippines

8                                                              Treasure Island

9                                                              Crossing the Pacific

10                                                           Welcome to Japan

11                                                           The Price of a Lucky Strike

12                                                           The Monkey House

13                                                           Battery D, Second Battalion, Tenth                                                                           Marines

14                                                           Drill Instructor School

15                                                           The DI

16                                                           The Platoon Leaders Course

17                                                           Schools Demonstration Troops—Redux

18                                                           Republic of Vietnam

19                                                           “Corpsman Up”

20                                                           Only a Sergeant

21                                                           Sparrow Hawk

22                                                           Sheer Terror

23                                                           Operation Hastings

24                                                           Anderson Trail

25                                                           LCpl Albert Brigham, USMC

26                                                           Cpl Gary Wayne Olson, USMC

27                                                           Bordering on Ridiculous

28                                                           WIANE

29                                                           The Silent Majority

30                                                           Oldest Post in the Corps

31                                                           “Who the Hell’s Jim?”

32                                                           Hail to the Chief

33                                                           Officer Candidates School

34                                                           Staff Sergeant “Chesty”

35                                                           Special Ceremonial Platoon

36                                                           Anchors Aweigh

37                                                           Company “E”

38                                                           Amphibious Warfare School

39                                                           Go Army!

40                                                           Methodist College

41                                                           Okinawa

42                                                           Marine Barracks, Lemoore, California

43                                                           Armed Forces Staff College

44                                                           Recruiting Station, Chicago

45                                                           College of Naval Warfare

46                                                           Huxley’s Harlots

47                                                           G-3 Training Officer

48                                                           Landing Force Training Command,                                                                             Atlantic

49                                                           The School of Infantry

50                                                           The Consequences


A                                                             Marine Corps Rank Structure

B                                                             Abbreviations/Acronyms

C                                                             Glossary

The “Root”

Today is a day that we Marines of yesteryear will never forget.  Some of you reading this post may not have even been alive on that dreadful day. It was a day where we as Marines suffered more losses in one day since the battle for that infamous island of Iwo Jima. While I was not there in the heat of all of it, I was impacted indirectly. I was the CO of the Corps’ largest recruiting station at the time, and two of the Marines  lost on that tragic day were from Chicago. The city mourned and SgtMaj Collins and I participated in its mourning. Quite a memorable experience for us both. It’s all in “The Book.”

My friend and Marine brother Greg pays tribute to that fateful day. Thank you Greg.

Twenty and Counting                                        By: Greg Maresca

For those not keeping count, it was 20-years ago that this column first appeared in these pages. Through the auspices of the now retired Jake Betz, former editor of The News Item, he gave a fledgling part-time sports’ stringer and broadcaster an opportunity to write a featured op/ed.

Sometimes I wonder if Jake regrets unleashing this space that grew like a cancer – slow at first and then metastasizing to other publications and outlets who were willing to give it a play. That first column has mushroomed to nearly 1,000 was something I debated about writing.

I had possessed no desire to write it but felt compelled. Such an overreaching sentiment would rise like a phoenix about many subsequent issues, questions, and concerns that live rent free within my DNA.

Back in 2003, as the run up to the 20th anniversary of the Hezbollah attack on the 24th Marine Amphibious Unit’s headquarters at the Beirut International Airport approached, I waded through TV guides searching for at least one program on this forsaken piece of American history that should be anything but.  Sadly, and to no surprise, there was nothing, no documentary to be seen, heard, or read about. Not one news’ program discussing where the genesis of the War on Terror had its deadly roots firmly planted.

Seemingly, the day was going to innocuously pass like any other.

This was not going to happen on my watch.

There was just too much blood and treasure spent on that fateful early Sunday morning nearly half a world away to not remember.  The casualty count on this cowardly suicide attack on the Marine Corps hadn’t been that high since the battle for Iwo Jima.  The largest non-nuclear blast since both atomic bombs were unleashed during World War II would claim 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers nestled away in their bunks at 6:22 on that fateful Sunday morning October 23, 1983.

Being a used book aficionado, I found one of the few tomes written on the Beirut deployment in a flea market for the pricy sum of a quarter.  The volume was practically brand new, and I wondered if anyone had even read it before being exiled to the flea market circuit. No bookmarks or any notations were found within its pristine binding.  The late esteemed military history writer Eric Hammel’s “The Root: The Marines in Beirut” now stands guard over my ever-growing stack of must reads.

John Chipura had quite an incomparable story to tell but never would have the opportunity, but I would.  When I read about his tale months after the 9/11 attack, its irony was nauseating. Chipura, a New York City native of Staten Island, was serving in Beirut the day of the attack. He returned unscathed only to meet his end as a member of the NYFD based out of Brooklyn at the World Trade Center nearly 18 years later.

Regrettably, not much has changed as the Middle East remains the graveyard of American foreign policy after years of trying to fashion the region into a stable, peaceful, and prosperous place.

Taking on edgy and provocative issues encouraged me to read widely, while at the same time fostering the principles of an open society and free markets, which are today more important than ever in a culture growing with leftist orthodoxy and fanaticism.

Facts, analysis, and experience are the guide where edification matters more than good intentions or telling folks what they want to hear.  You cannot be concerned with what people think, do, or say, since being called into question and criticized is the byproduct and where having the skin and guile of a crocodile is all part of the gig. For those who disagree, the hope is to challenge them with a better understanding of an alternate yet reasoned out perspective.

Putting accuracy ahead of popularity and running counter to the contemporary ethos is both costly personally and professionally. There are plenty who do not care for this column, but thankfully there are also plenty more who do.

Out of fidelity to the truth, certain things must be said and written about.

There is no other way.

Thank you for reading.

Very well said Greg, thank you kind sir!





Originally posted 2023-10-23 11:09:15.

“The Tun”

Well, after all the many years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, it’s finally happening Marines. We as Marines always took pride in the fact that we were born in bar. And now the tavern is being rebuilt. From the website “TheTun.org” here’s the report:

Lieutenant General Calvert L. Worth, Jr., Commanding General, II Marine Expeditionary Force, and Medal of Honor Recipient Major General James E. Livingston, USMC, (Ret.), joined representatives from the six organizations with a heritage at The Tun in Philadelphia for a groundbreaking ceremony in Philadelphia on November 10, 2024, the 249th birthday of the United States Marines Corps. The Tun Legacy Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is rebuilding the historic Tun, the birthplace of the Marines, to coincide with the 250th birthday of the United States Marine Corps in 2025 and America250 in 2026. In a nod to The Tun’s significance in the history of the Marines, participants in the groundbreaking used hand-held entrenching tools (E-Tools) for the ceremony.

The Tun Groundbreaking

The Tun Groundbreaking

Please go to the website and read all about the plans as well as look at all the photos of the groundbreaking ceremony on the Corps’ 249th birthday. The Marine in the daper sport coat (5th from the left) is MGen James (“Jungle Jim”) Livingston who was my Regimental Commander when I had 2/6 back in 1987-88. For some reason I was not aware of this event for had I known about it, I would have been there. I will tell you this though, I will be there for the commemoration planned for the Corps’ 250th birthday! Care to join me?

And while you are there, PLEASE make a donation; it’s tax deductible, but that should not be the reason for a donation. We must make this happen! We need our bar back. LOL. I have already made mine; do yours Marine.

What a Great Shot!

Hello Gang, I’m back. Sorry for the long disappearance, but my bride and I needed to get away from this house once it was finally put back together after Ian. We took off on 31 July in the  new (to us) RV in search of cooler weather, which we did not find until we got to Northern MN. Had a great 30+ day vacation and really enjoyed the northern  States of MN, WI, and MI. We especially liked the latter and spent several days in what they call the “UP.” We even spent a day on Mackinaw Island; what a treat that was. I learned the significance of the different spelling of Mackinac and Mackinaw. LOL

Anyway, Greg sent me a new article and I loved it and decided to post it today. I hope you like it.


The shot seen round the world                                      By: Greg Maresca


If a picture is worth 1,000 words, how much does that infamous mugshot of Donald Trump rate? Taking advantage of what Trump believed an opportunity, he posted the photo to the social media platform X after its release.

The numbers back Trump up. According to politico.com within the first 24-hours, The Donald’s 2024 presidential movement raised $4.18 million making it the single-highest 24-hour funding period of his campaign to date.

Booking photos of scandalous celebrities, the nefarious, and the reprehensible are nothing new, but this was of a former president of the United States where nothing like this has ever occurred in American history.

Such an event was unnecessary. Who wasn’t aware that Trump was under indictment in four jurisdictions that a typical mugshot was a necessity?  Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer David Hume Kennerly who has photographed ten presidents, said the Trump photo will be “the most published photograph ever.”

Ever since Trump announced his presidential campaign from the escalator of the Trump Tower in Manhattan in 2015, he has been a nonstop moving target for Democrats, their allies throughout the media and the unelected bureaucratic swamp that is the deep state personified. Baseless allegations and name-calling were just part of the daily activities as that echo chamber refused to stop ringing.

Both Trump impeachments were counterfeit and served as a blatant diversion of the deep state’s machinations that continues to chug along at full bore.  Considering the nonstop freight train that continues to pummel Trump over the last eight years, the Queens, New York native is still standing and is more cognizant than Joe Biden was 30-years ago.

The photo reminded me of a Parris Island dress blue photo shoot where only your war face would suffice. Any semblance of a smile or even a smirk would earn the wrath of the nearest drill instructor.  Trump’s pose would not have disappointed as it was a “you’re fired” scowl straight out of The Apprentice.

Booking photos are usually an exercise in humility. Trump made it into an opportunity to showcase his campaign’s grit and determination. The image is now blazoned on T-shirts, coffee mugs, even shot glasses and since mugshots are copyright free expect more of the same.

Photographs are much more than their pixels – they hold much of their mystery in perception – a moment forever frozen in time.  Trump is a living meme and more than willing to fight no matter the odds.  The mugshot is a rallying point for his base. Moreover, the photo is a significant political portrayal on just how far American politics continues to unravel at blinding speed.  Those pixels of Trump have cemented itself alongside iconic photos like the Iwo Jima flag raising and the flight at Kitty Hawk, securing itself a unique place in American history.

However, this is not a celebratory photo, no matter what political affiliation you identify with.  Since the advent of the FBI’s Most Wanted List, what criminal ever faced so many indictments in different jurisdictions nationwide simultaneously?

Other than those whose eyes fall here; how many folks do you know that truly recognize what this situation represents?  Conservatives understand that their Judeo-Christian culture is under attack and that it is them who is the primary target with the former president providing cover.

If a parent speaks out at a school board meeting, they are a domestic terrorist.  If a pro-lifer prays while hindering access to an abortion clinic, expect an early morning raid from the FBI. Declare that only women can get pregnant and be prepared for a garden variety of backlash.

Meanwhile, the Bidens, Clintons, Barack Obama, and every swamp dweller gets off scot-free.

Keep electing Democrats and expect more of the same.  The choice is elementary: either you are for this White House administration that is Obama’s de facto third term, or you are not.

The cases against Trump are all scheduled to be heard during the middle of primary season. If anything, it will showcase the Democrats’ duplicity and most of all their hypocrisy. When will the reality that the nation is drifting toward tyranny cast out the mote out of thy leftist’s eye?

The Left got their prized Trump mugshot.

The question remains – will it backfire?

Postscript. Today as I write this there is a service going on at the Quantico, VA Marine Base cemetery and afterwards a  memorial at the Marine Corps Museum. I wish I could have been in attendance, but matters at hand did not allow me to do so. The service and memorial was for a great friend, a decorated hero, a Brother, and a dedicated Marine. His name was LtCol Vic Taylor, USMC (Ret). Although Vic was my monitor as a Major, I did not meet him until after we both retired and he lived on his ranch in Steamboat Springs, CO, and I on mine in Roscoe, MT. 

He sent me a picture of himself one time after we had a conversation on the phone about our early days in the Corps

LCpl B.V. Taylor, a Marine’s Marine!My thoughts have been about you all day my Brother! God bless you sir!




Originally posted 2023-09-11 15:09:27.

Buy The Book Now

Author's PhotoHi Folks, Colonel “B” here, or for my troops of yesteryear “Sgt B” here. I have an announcement to make. If you are interested in buying my book, please do not go to the publisher; they charge way too much for all three versions (hard, soft, and eBook). I had no say in setting the retail price of the books, it was all their doing. It is a POD (Print On Demand), which means I paid to have it published, and they charged me an arm and ½ a leg. You could go to Amazon, but they charge too much as well. Last I checked the hard cover was over $42.95, which is what the publisher charges, and then you have to add postage. In the 8 years since publication, I have gotten back my initial investment. So, I sell only the hard cover because it is a beautiful book—not that I am biased at all—and it has some acknowledgements on the dust cover the soft cover does not. And, it will look good on your book shelf—smiles. I sell it personally inscribed for whomever it is going to for $35.00. I also now have the soft cover for $30. It’s not a paperback, it is merely a soft cover copy. You are getting a good read, cheaper than anywhere else, and it’s personally inscribed just for you. If you’re a Marine, or it’s going to a Marine, I eat the postage. Please understand, I do not get the fantastic discount that Amazon and Barnes & Noble get, I mean I’m only the author. This is not a money-making endeavor for me at this point—I simply want folks to read it. So, if you are a Marine, want to learn about Marines, or know a Marine, here’s a chance to get a book that I guarantee will be enjoyed! Click on “Contact Me’ and fill out the contact form, put “autographed copy” as the subject, send it, and it comes to me. Once I receive it, I will contact you for the inscription information, and will tell you how to pay for it. Thanks folks, and have a great Marine Corps day. Semper Fi, Jim

UPDATE: As of September 2020, I have severed relationships with the publisher; therefore, the book is no longer available from iUniverse or any of the online retailers.  I only have copies of the hard cover and am able to sell them for $35 personally inscribed and signed. Should you desire a copy, please do as instructed above by sending me an email at the “Contact” link and I will personally email you with details. Thank you and Semper Fi;


Originally posted 2016-03-25 17:08:05.