Tag Archives: liberal

God Help Us Save our Nation!

This video needs no introduction, except to say turn up the volume and listen to what he has to say, maybe even listen to it twice. And when you’re finished, send it to those you know of whom he speaks.

NOTE: You will probably have to copy and paste this hyperlink in your browser. It is safe, you have my word.


And when you’ve finished listening to that video, click anywhere on the one below, and listen to a very short one to have your memory refreshed from years ago, when all this started. I remember it well.

Yes, friends, we are at war. A war that our country has not seen since the Revolutionary War.  The democrat’s will not stop until we have become a member of the new globalist society. where scum like Bill Gates will merely become richer. Why did Soros feel it was time for him to get involved in our elections? Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I truly believe our country is doomed. We must be prepared to fight for our once great nation.  Agree or disagree, let me hear your comments.

Secretary without honor: Voices

6/16/2023 UPDATE: I posted this in 2016, and based on what is going on today with Trump, I decided to repost it bc I believe it is pertinent.  A lot has happened since the original post regarding folks in various positions disregarding the procedures for handling classified documents, some of whom are in jail while others are not. I am not condemning Trump bc I strictly believe in innocent until proven guilty, albeit the media doesn’t adhere to that dictum.

All I am asking is why isn’t this bitch in jail? Well, that’s an easy one to answer. Because she is a democrat. Over the years we have developed two sets of standards, one for  them and one for republicans. I liked what Pence recently said when he threw his hat in the ring for this next election. He committed himself to cleaning up the entire Dept. of Justice. The entire system is wrought with injustice; lady justice is not blind anymore.

Anyway, I reposted this one just to get into the fray. This thing with Trump will last a long time and will certainly not play out before the primaries. It will be interesting.

It is an interesting story line. BTW, when this was posted several ask what happened to Capt Chapman. He did, in fact, die from a scuba accident while stationed in Okinawa in 1979.

Stay Tuned.

This is a must read for anyone even considering voting for this person in the upcoming election. As one who grew up in the Marine Corps and imbued with the Honor, Courage, and Commitment with which the Corps adheres, I must vehemently agree with every word this author has written. Every politician, or anyone running for a political office needs to read this article. In fact, I will even go a step further and state that every so-called “citizen” of this once great nation should read this and do some soul-searching to see what their decision would have been in this captain’s situation. This officer’s father was one of the finest officers and Commandant of the Marine Corps under which I served. He did not attempt to save his son!

Hillary againWhen I hear people say Clinton emails don’t matter, I remember a young Marine captain who owned up to his career-ruining mistake.

Apologists for Hillary Clinton’s alleged criminal mishandling of classified documents say that it doesn’t matter, that she really did nothing wrong, or nothing significant. But the real question is not so much what she did as how she has responded to being found out.

Once during the mid-1960s when I was on active duty in the Marine Corps, I was the air liaison officer for a battalion of Marines aboard 11 ships in the Mediterranean. As the air officer and a senior captain, I had a rotating responsibility for the nuclear code book, kept in the safe in the operations room of the lead amphibious squadron command ship. I shared that duty with another captain, a squared away young man, liked by all he commanded and the son of a very high-ranking Marine.

On the day our ships were leaving the Mediterranean, we met the new amphibious squadron near Gibraltar and made preparations to transfer security codes and other sensitive material to the incoming Marine battalion. The young captain was on duty and went to the operations office to pick up the code book. He was alone in the office. He removed the code book and placed it on the desk while closing the safe. In a rushed moment, he stepped across the passageway to retrieve something he needed from his quarters. Seconds later, he stepped back into the operations office and found the operations sergeant having just entered, looking down at the code book.

Against all regulations, the code book had been out of the safe and unattended. It mattered not that it was unattended for only seconds, that the ship was 5 miles at sea, or that it was certain no one unauthorized had seen the code. The captain could have explained this to the operations sergeant. He could have told the sergeant that he “would take care of it.” He could have hinted that his high-ranking dad could smooth it over.

But the Marine Corps’ values are honor, courage and commitment. Honor is the bedrock of our character. The young captain could not ask the sergeant to betray his duty to report the infraction, no matter how small. Instead, the captain simply said, “Let’s go see the colonel.”

The results went by the book. The amphibious squadron stood down. Military couriers flew in from NATO. The codes were changed all over Europe. The battalion was a day late in leaving the Mediterranean. The captain, Leonard F. Chapman III, received a letter of reprimand, damaging his career. He stayed in the corps and died in a tragic accident aboard another ship.

I saw some heroic acts in combat in Vietnam, things that made me proud to be an American and a Marine. But that young captain stood for what makes our Corps and our country great.

Phillip Jennings is an investment banker and entrepreneur, former Marine Corps pilot in Vietnam and Air America pilot in Laos. He is the author of two novels and one non-fiction book

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Originally posted 2023-06-16 09:00:16.

MLB at its Greatest

LOL, I am not surprised by this at all. What else would one expect from the a third world shithole. Personally, I have never been a big MLB sports fan. Oh, I used to watch it periodically when I had nothing better to do with my time. Then it got so darn boring that I’d rather sit outside and watch the grass grow. That does not mean that I didn’t recognize it as “America’s Game.  What else could be more American than Father and son going to the stadium for hotdogs, cokes, and beer. Well, have fun now fathers, for you may have to explain some things to that young son. Good luck.

You can’t spell blasphemy without LA                     By: Greg Maresca

 The Los Angeles Dodgers are making plenty of news, none of which is for their play on the baseball diamond. Rather, the Dodgers have sold their souls to the whims of the woke. Headlines resulted after the Dodgers announced they would be honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at their annual Gay Pride Night on June 16th.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are anything but a group of pious Catholic nuns, rather they are a militant collection of drag queens who profanely mock God, nuns, and women. They go by names such as Sisters: Edith Myflesh, Anal Receptive, and Porn Again. Their blasphemy of Christianity doesn’t end there as they proudly host a “Hunky Jesus” event and endow a pro-abortion, “Free Choice Mary” award. “Go forth and sin some more!” is their motto.

 How is parading around in costume insulting Catholics a symbol of pride?

For a billion-dollar professional baseball organization, this is certainly a bizarre way to conduct business. The sports’ world, drowning in virtue signaling, has sold out to the woke minority without firing a shot.

When called out on these drag queens, the Dodgers lived up to their longtime moniker and quickly dodged right and disinvited the dragsters. Unable to resist the leftist LGTBQ+ blowback, they dodged again, this time going hard left by not only reinviting the Catholic mocking drag queens and offering “our sincerest apologies,” but will award the dragsters “the Dodgers’ Community Hero Award for service to the LGBTQIA2S Community.”

Why stop there? The Dodgers should change their name to the Los Angeles Drag Queens that would complement their prominent Bud Light sign in the outfield grandstands at Dodger Stadium.

 Why limit such profane mockery to only Christians?

Why not expand their repertoire to include The Mullahs of Mecca, who can do a drag rendition of the Islamic prophet Muhammad? While talking promotions how about black-face minstrel day … well, you get the idea. The left’s overwrought double standards never ceases to amaze.

Once upon a time in America, MLB teams had events like bat day, picture day, and seat cushion day to entice the fringe fans out to the park. In 2023, it’s perversion. Apparently, producing, promoting, and playing baseball is simply not enough. Is their product on the field that skewed that they must supplement it with such derogatory fashion as honoring drag queens that mock Catholics?

How do you explain this garbage to a 10-year-old who just wants to enjoy a game at the stadium?

 It is no secret that the Dodgers have been hosting Gay Pride Night for the last decade. Throughout that tenure, the only thing emanating from Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez was silence, until now. The Archdiocese called on “all Catholics and people of goodwill to stand against bigotry and hate in any form and to stand for respect for one another and for the religious beliefs of our communities of faith.”

Curiously, no mention of the Dodgers, who underscored how anti-Catholic bigotry remains the oldest and most acceptable of American prejudice.

Los Angeles translated from the Spanish “the city of angels” and not Hell’s version, is home to one million Catholics, many of whom are traditionally minded baseball fans who are Hispanic.

What about the Catholic ballplayers? Perhaps they don’t know that Dodger Hall-of-Fame pitcher Sandy Kofax, a practicing Jew, declined to start the opening game of the 1965 World Series because it fell on Yom Kippur.

The Dodgers believe Christians can be bought off with a “Christian night” in July that will somehow make amends that is not only offensive but distasteful. People need to stop ignoring this insanity and step up to the plate – no exceptions.

No person of faith should support any business or organization aligned with such perversion that ridicules our Judeo-Christian heritage. Righteous anger should turn this publicity charade into the Dodgers’ version of Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney’s transgender moment. Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light’s parent company, has suffered a continuous drop in sales ever since. So has Target. Americans need to continue to respond by closing their wallets and continue what economists say is the most successful conservative boycotts ever.

Follow the money is the only game corporate America truly comprehends.

Oh, let’s not forget about the other corporations who seemed to be falling on their swords one after the other like Target, Kohl’s, and of course the greatest of all, Bud Light. BTW, have you seen the latest commercial developed by some entrepreneur for BUD?

WARNING: this commercial is rather explicit, so if you have tender ears, just skip it.





Originally posted 2023-06-02 10:43:25.

D-Day Approaches

Hi Gang, the D in this case stands for DEBT, our countries debt! I hesitated to post this article, but I really think it needs to be out there so people understand what is going on in our country today economically. As a self-made Economist who loves the topic and follows it more than anything else we are about to reach a turning point in America. June 1st is D-Day folks. This has never happened in the USA and if it does this time, it will have far reaching impact on many things, not to even mention America’s reputation throughout the world. I’ll save my further comments  after you read it.

Billions of dollars of veterans benefits could be imperiled if the U.S. defaults on its debts, though the full extent of the fallout is uncertain because of the unprecedented nature of a default.

About $12 billion in veterans benefits are expected to be paid out June 1 — the same day the Treasury Department has named as the earliest day a default could happen if Congress doesn’t act to avoid it.

A default would likely delay those benefits, but for exactly how long would depend on the Treasury’s next move after a default, experts who spoke to Military.com said.

“There is significant uncertainty as to what would occur because we’ve never been there,” said Rachel Snyderman, senior associate director of business and economic policy for the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Washington, D.C., think tank that estimated how much money in veterans benefits is due to be paid in June.

At issue is what’s known as the debt ceiling or debt limit, which is the amount of money the Treasury can borrow in order to pay the nation’s bills. The exact timing of the “X date,” or the day the Treasury runs out of cash, is a moving target since it depends on how much tax revenue comes in, but Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned it could happen as soon as June 1. If you care to, look up this idiots bio and see how many Econ courses she has ever taken. She just learned how to spell Treasury when she got the job.

Pentagon officials have sounded the alarm about how a default could affect paychecks for service members.

House Republicans are demanding spending cuts in exchange for lifting the ceiling. The White House has maintained Congress should raise the ceiling immediately to avoid even the specter of a default and that any talks about spending cuts should be handled separately, though President Joe Biden has signaled an openness to clawing back unspent COVID-19 funds as Republicans have demanded. LOL, Biden wants to raise the ceiling THEN talk about cuts, that is so funny, it’s crazy. Does anyone really believe he means that. One of those famous, “The check is in the mail ” statements.. And they are still paying COVID payments? 

With the deadline fast approaching, Biden and congressional leaders met at the White House last week, and staff-level talks have continued since then. A second meeting between Biden and congressional leaders had been scheduled for Friday but was canceled. Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., are next scheduled to meet Tuesday, Biden said Monday.

McCarthy sounded a pessimistic note Monday, telling reporters he thinks the two sides are still “far apart” and that it “seems like [administration officials] want to default more than they want a deal.” Certainly, so they can blame it all on the GOP

While the Biden administration and House Republicans have been trading accusations about whether the GOP proposal to slash overall government spending would mean cuts to the Department of Veterans Affairs, less talked about has been how veterans could be affected by a default.

The Bipartisan Policy Center’s estimate of payments that could be missed, including veterans benefits, is based on analysis of past Treasury reports on its daily transactions, Snyderman said. The estimate for veterans benefits covers any benefit administered by the VA, she said.

In addition to the June 1 payment, another round of veterans benefits is expected to be paid June 30.

“With each additional day that impasse continues, there could be an exponential impact on what that payment delay could look like,” Snyderman said.

Experts see two possible scenarios for how the Treasury could try to pay U.S. bills after hitting the debt ceiling. In one scenario, the Treasury could choose to prioritize making certain payments before others as cash comes in. In that case, how long veterans benefits and military pay is delayed would depend on where they fall in line for priorities. Yellen has downplayed the possibility of prioritizing payments, doubting that it is technically feasible.

In another scenario, the Treasury could wait until it has enough cash in hand to make a full day’s worth of payments in the order in which they came due. Then, if a default happened June 1, veterans benefits due that day might see only a short delay, but delays for later veterans benefits and other payments would grow the longer the impasse lasts.

“We’ve never defaulted, and we’ve never breached the debt limit, and because it’s so unfathomable, there’s no public playbook for what to do in a situation when this happens,” said Marc Goldwein, senior vice president and senior policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

“Some prioritization is probably possible, but it would be difficult for them to justify continuing to pay full veterans benefits and not paying other things,” he added. “It’s possible they would do that. Veterans are very popular. But I think we should assume that at least payments would be delayed.”

A lengthy default could equate to up to 30% in cuts for non-interest government spending, Goldwein said.

In addition to potentially hitting veterans benefits, about $12 billion in military and civilian retirement pay that is expected June 1 and about $4 billion in military salaries that is scheduled for June 15 could be disrupted by a default, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin alluded to the potential effect on military pay in congressional testimony last week.

“What it would mean realistically for us is that we won’t, in some cases, be able to pay our troops with any degree of predictability,” Austin said at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing Thursday. No kidding Jose, someone woke this fool up, go back to sleep you POS.

Administration officials issued similar warnings the last time the U.S. was close to a default in 2021. That year, Congress approved a debt limit increase with days to spare after Senate Republicans agreed not to block legislation. While Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress at the time, they didn’t have the 60 votes typically needed to advance legislation in the Senate.

The negotiating dynamics are different this time because Republicans now control the House. The last debt ceiling crisis when Republicans held the House and Democrats controlled the White House and the Senate in 2011 ended with an agreement to lift the debt ceiling in exchange for steep spending cuts.

— Rebecca Kheel can be reached at rebecca.kheel@military.com. Follow her on Twitter @reporterkheel.

Okay, here is my take.  First of all I find it interesting  the only folks they are talking about being hurt are the military and the VA recipients, what about all the others who will be impacted by this, hopefully including all the illegals, welfare, elected officials, and government workers in general. No, they want to hit home to the compassionate types. Oh dear me, our soldiers and our vets. Hogwash! We’ll handle it.

My take. I want the USA to default, I really do. I know that sounds crazy, but I personally and professionally as an Economist, hope McCarthy stands his ground and doesn’t give Biden one inch. Then we’ll see how all those department heads who got their job, not because of their intelligence or background, but because of their sexual orientation, skin color, or whatever figure out how to handle the issues brought about by a default.

I’m living on a military retirement and am a VA recipient so this will hurt Nancy and I very much. But, we CANNOT keep raising the debt limit and keep spending and spending, Can you imagine what thirty trillion dollars looks like folks. No you can’t, and neither can any of us.

I have written all three of my national elected officials and told them to stand their ground, make everyone hurt so they understand what is at stake here. I encourage you to do the same, then tighten your belt. Nuff said. Semper Fi,

Originally posted 2023-05-16 17:08:53.

God Help Us!

The following was sent to me by John Reim who is an old time 8th & I Marine long before me. He received it from another old “slider and glider,” Bill Marshall, Drum & Bugle Corps 1957-59. I don’t usually do religious posts, but this one hit me where it hurts, and I hope it does you too!.

                        Hate of Self… America in Decline?                                                              “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;                                 but when the wicked bearith the rule, the people mourn.”            Proverbs 29:2 KJV

                                                 And Mourn We Shall

A very scary thought, but not simply a thought,,, it is truth for “When the wicked bearith the rule.”  Riots, murders, crime of all sorts, corruption in government, contempt for America on the world stage. The wicked has more openly revealed itself beginning Jan. 21st 2021, and the price is being paid.

                                                       Hate of Self

As we watch the nation we love slide farther and farther from the ideals and dedication to the God the “Founders” relied on for guidance, it is because of the nonchalance of attitude we find ourselves in the dilemma we are presently facing. While attempting to understand the wandering of this nation towards its present state, there was a discovery that forces us to look back several decade to the regression of this nation. Let us begin with the Democrat agenda and the attitude of “Hate of Self.”

It is determined that today, over 30% of this nations population is now ,,, anti-American. Only 36% of our youth claim to be proud to be American. 40% of millennial claim no religious affiliation what-so ever. This according to Pew Research Center. The major reason of hate??? Dedication to God.

God is a hindrance. Hindrance of an agenda once considered sinful and immoral. Hindrance because God makes the rules and as long as God makes the rules to which we must live,,, they cannot impose theirs. Recent past, churches were vandalized and invaded because of this hate.

Beginning with the eliminating of prayers to the God of the Bible in public schools, escalating to same sex marriage, murder of the unborn, educating children K thru 12 on transgenderism and a past prayer on the floor of Congress to the monotheistic god Brahma that asked for a blessing of Congress. That prayer for blessing from a pagan god could very well become a curse.

God has been mocked, demeaned, ridiculed and mostly eliminated by this nation that once relied on His powers to guide it. When there are no longer pleas for guidance, blessings and freedoms “Endowed by our Creator,” – those guidance, blessings and freedoms will no longer be.

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” 

In this prophetic announcement by Washington, this nation was forewarned of disaster if / when this nation strayed from those rules. The choice, the determination, and the commitment of this nation to comply with the “Eternal Rules of Order” is nor a request,,, it is a command. A command from the Almighty Himself. The “Smiles” (blessings) of Heaven cannot be expected of given to this        nation or any other that breaks God’s “Rules of Order,” — as this nation has done.

History will verify. Judgement will come. Whether a direct command from the Almighty or a decision by Him to leave us to our own demise — still judgement will come.

This nation once blessed so favorably was a beacon to the world of what an obedient nation would resemble. Now no longer obedient,,, now no longer blessed. Now a nation in decline. Now under the present administration, a laughing stock to the world.

What blessing can come to a nation that has broken every “Rule” given humanity to live by in order to live by the rules of the “Politically Correct” and the Democrat agenda. Under the guise of tolerance of many broken “Rules” and the condemnation of opposing speech and action, a new and intolerant agenda of the “Far Left Democrats” will descend this nation into the most deceptive lie  since Satan said to Eve. “You will not surly die.” They did …. and so shall this nation if not soon realizing this great lie being told to us.

These presently running our government are Globalist, – New World Order — anti-God people.

To accomplish their agenda, this nation must become insignificant, weakened, non-Christian, unarmed and worldly minded. Either we believe their lie and die as a nation … or not and live.

Semper Fi,                                                                                                                           Bill Marshall

Thank you Bill and God bless you sir!

Originally posted 2023-03-17 11:58:49.