Tag Archives: harris


Well, Carter is gone, and my flag is still two-blocked as it will remain. But do not despair my friends, we have a new legend to replace Jimmy, at least for a while. Joe Biden is the worst example of someone allegedly “serving” his country. Ha! The only person this ass ever served for his many political years was himself. I can’t remember when or even if, he was ever on the same side of an issue as I was regardless of its importance. And now he is so out of it that anyone who needs a favor probably has full access to the Oval Office to state their case and have old Joe issue a proclamation. What a disgrace. I wonder what it would cost me to have him  fire the Commandant of the Marine Corps today before he leaves office?

Here is another barn burner from my favorite author. Thanks Greg.

Lame Duck Legacy                                                              By: Greg Maresca

If there is such a thing as a sentimental moment at a political convention, President Joe Biden attempted such a ruse at the Democratic National Convention back in August when he recited from the Gene Scheer song, “American Anthem.” “The work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day,” said Biden. “What shall our legacy be?”

Fatefully, Biden stumbled awkwardly over the word “legacy” in waning attempt at crafting his own legacy. In retrospect, it was the perfect swan song for Bidenism that commenced 55 years ago in 1970.

Legitimacy of legacy lies in truth, and nothing else. There are no shortcuts.

Where to begin: The overrun southern border that has welcomed an estimated 21 million illegally, historic record inflation, out-of-control crime, wars in Gaza and Ukraine, the meteoric rise of China, an ever-exploding national debt, the COVID-19 vaccine debacle, the weaponization of the Justice Department, Hunter Biden’s pardon for federal tax and gun charges that the president said would never happen and a nation more at odds with itself since the Civil War.

Biden is a wandering and incoherent medically confirmed non-compos mentis elderly man with a “get-off-my-grass” aged fragility exhibiting the steadfast spitefulness of Alzheimer’s.

When the Easter Bunny had to show Biden where the exit was after a White House Easter egg hunt America needed nothing more. However, it kept coming. Biden’s descent into dementia put the finishing touches on decades of a blundering, self-aggrandizement political career. The whole charade finally crashed during the presidential debate in June, underscoring how Biden was holding a job way over his head. Arguably, it is the greatest of political scandals.

The thousands of pardons issued are highly suspected including the recent Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients – George Soros and Hillary Clinton, really?

With the death of former President Jimmy Carter, it is Biden who is our worst living President – another legacy splinter that ushered in Trump’s second presidential term.

Barack Obama disclosed years before that we should “never underestimate Biden’s ability to f**k things up,” and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, declared Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Biden’s political agenda was about power and self-enrichment and never about America. It’s Obama politics 101. Biden’s cognitive decline preceded his 2020 candidacy, and the entire Democrat contingent knew and so did anyone paying attention with the media being complicit.

Legacy, like its brother legend, is often distorted and overrated. Statues are torn down, and headstones are knocked over. After a generation or two, no one remembers or cares. Name an Academy Award, Nobel Prize or Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient from a decade ago. Rather, they are a trivia question – if they are lucky.

The innate, yet fallen human condition wants to achieve something of significance that outlives us other than a weathering tombstone with our name etched upon it. Some will pay a high price to do so even if it means selling out to evil.

The octogenarian Biden is spending his final days in the Oval Office telling war stories, while his staff works to spite the incoming Trump administration by banning oil and gas drilling in federal waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans using a decades old law that will make it difficult to reverse.

Enter the modern myth maker” the presidential library. Biden’s version will be constructed in Delaware – not Scranton. In honor of such an occasion, it will be a basement venue with the elevator incapable of reaching the first floor. Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents revised their Biden animatronic with Joe sleeping in a beach chair. Meanwhile, McDonald’s will feature a Biden burger that is Fluffernutter on burnt toast minus the beef.

The Democrat party and their media allies perpetuated a colossal fraud against America at the expense of national tranquility and security. They actively censored and criticized anyone that questioned Biden’s obvious cognitive impairments. And those constitutionally disposed to right the ship of state failed – the 25th Amendment be damned – is nothing short of treason.

This ongoing charade of woke democrats, leftists, and their enabling media should be more than enough to bury them all, but many remain incredulous.

After Obama and now Biden, who can blame them?

I wonder who’s idea it was to sell pieces of the border wall? Can you believe they had the audacity to do that. Have any of you bought a piece? LOL

Agenda 2030

THIS IS A MUST SEE VIDEO. . . . .YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS AND PASS IT ON TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK. If you don’t watch any other video or report concerning our border crisis you MUST watch this one. I wonder how many of our elected officials have watched it? I’ve sent it to all three of mine including my Governor! I strongly encourage you to do the same. This is serious!!

Sorry, but you will have to copy and paste in your browser – it is safe!


Agenda 2030, which I had not heard anything about, (I do not watch national news, maybe it hs been on there, but I doubt it) is a well planned, well executed, military style operation to destroy America as we know it today. If our politicians don’t get off their asses, we are doomed.  My question to my elected congressmen is how much money are we giving to the organizations mentioned in the video, as well as to Panama? Organizations such as Red Cross, Drs. Without borders, UNICEF, UN General Assembly, OIM, Hias, UNCR, NRC, and many more are hard at work creating a global community, which means the USA will be nonexistent.

Please comment and don’t hold back on your feelings about this.

Originally posted 2023-10-30 16:48:33.

Electile Dysfunction

I had (and still have) since Tuesday 3 November 2020 believed in my heart of hearts that the election was the worse thing that happened in America in my lifetime. But as usual with the help of our infamous left leaning media, we as Constitutional loving Americans turned a blind eye to all the evidence. Even the dumbest, non-caring, self-centered  scumbag alive should have been able to clearly see that America had become a third-world shithole as far as the ability to hold a legal national election. I was literally beside myself and became the angriest person alive to my family and friends. I am sure that my thirty-six years of blood, sweat, and tears to this once great nation had much to do with my angst.

Then the democratic party immediately began attacking Trump with the help of their appointed gang of misfits throughout the administration who were appointed to positions of authority not because because of their experience or knowledge, but due to their race, being queer, or female, or transgender. Such a disgrace for a country founded on the principles of justice.

Greg has done a magnificent job of researching the anomolies between the past elections. Enjoy.

By: Greg Maresca

Numbers can’t lie. Since the dust has settled on the 2024 presidential election, the dustup on the 2020 election begs many questions. The numbers don’t add up or add up way too much thanks to being able to multiply after hours.

The disparity between the two elections was telling with Trump winning the Electoral College in 2024: 312 to 226 and the popular vote by over three million: 75,579,513 to 72,420,967.

Trump’s electoral victory was the most by a Republican since 1988 and his third presidential election win in a row.

Barack Obama received 69 million votes in 2008 and 65 million in 2012. In 2020, Sleepy Joe Biden’s basement campaign collected 81 million.  Trump had massive rallies, while Biden couldn’t draw flies.

Early returns had Trump winning but like a political vampire rising before dawn, Biden’s crop of absentee ballots, vote harvesting and drop boxes rolled in by the truckload as the steal was on.  Taking advantage of COVID, democrats refused to “never let a crisis go to waste.”

One of the biggest miscarriages of justice in American politics was the premeditated, unabashed, and overt theft of the 2020 presidential election by democrats, the mainstream media, and left-wing elitists.

Stolen elections, however, are nothing new to the American political landscape.

In 1960, Democrats stole the election for John F. Kennedy. He won Illinois by 8,858 votes thanks to Chicago Mayor Daley’s political machine. Texas, home of Kennedy’s Vice President Lyndon Johnson, was in on the theft, too.

Does anyone really believe they run fair elections in Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and New York, where big-city democrat machines have dominated for over a century?

In the 1992 presidential election while covering in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, I was told before the polls opened that democrats are always ahead by at least 500 votes. This was Columbia County, not Chicago and more than 30 years ago.

At 92, longtime conservative avantgarde Phyllis Schlafly summed it up: “Why wouldn’t people who kill babies also steal elections?”

In both 2016 and 2020, the presidential race was decided by a few ten thousand voters dispersed across a handful of battleground states. These mostly urban voting precincts utilize the hackable Dominion voting machines that made late night ballot dumps feasible and unverifiable.  Biden won Georgia by 11,779 votes; Arizona by 10,457; and Wisconsin by 20,682.

All margins that can be overcome with a collective effort.

During this year’s Casey/McCormick senate race, election officials openly defied a 2023 Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision by counting illegal ballots attempting to usurp the initial results that favored McCormick, the republican challenger.

Bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza exposes the voting fraud that you were told didn’t exist in the film “2000 Mules.”  Why have laws on proof of voter eligibility and ballot counting requirements and deadlines if they aren’t enforced?

Without enforcement anarchy reigns.

Republicans failed to call out the big cheat immediately in the 2020 election and until the malefactors are identified, convicted, and imprisoned, such nefarious criminality at some point will resurface.

Harris collected about nine million fewer votes than Biden in 2020.

Yet, many still believe the 2020 election was untainted. What is outright dismissed and forgotten is how a stolen election would nullify any legislation passed over the last four years.

The aftermath of 2020’s coup d’état that undermined our constitution has resulted in dozens of lawsuits and an army of trained poll watchers that produced fewer delays and a more consistent and timely accounting in 2024.

This is the first of three presidential elections where Trump won the popular vote including the Electoral College. The 72 million votes tallied for Harris is more than Hillary Clinton’s 65 million in 2016 when she lost to Trump. It is on par with Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008, and higher than Obama’s 65 million when he won a second term in 2012.

With Trump having won the 2020 election, democrats are drafting articles of impeachment that made him ineligible to run in 2024.  Other democrat initiatives include counting illegal ballots to prevent any Republican “threat to democracy” and if that doesn’t work abolishing the popular vote altogether.

When Harris implored “we are not going back,” she was wrong again.

We are going back – to a road leading faithfully forward.


Thank You Lord!



I know you all have been waiting for this. LOL I had to wait to see what Greg said before I posted my personal thoughts on Tuesday. Truthfully I shut the TV down and went to bed around 2400. Just couldn’t handle it anymore; he was at 246. Woke up to pee at 0200; all that Scotch had to get out. Afterwards I went out to the living room and turned on the TV just for a peek, and at around 0218 FOX News gave the election to Trump. I wanted to go out and start up the motorhome and lay on the air horns and wake the entire neighbor-hood up. That morning I texted my neighbor and told her what I was thought of doing and she said: “I was awake and I would have come outside in my PJ’s screaming”

What is there to say? All the pollsters and the fourth estate (the so-called guardians of our democracy) all got it wrong. I shall have more to say later, but let me post Greg’s excellent article and read your comments.

Election hangover
By: Greg Maresca

Despite democrats posing as election officials, Dominion voting machines, the questionable
counting of votes, foreign interference, ballot box fires in several states, ballot stuffing, cyber tampering, and voting by illegal immigrants, the best possible outcome of a decisive victory – both with the popular vote and the Electoral College – was a stark and much needed reality.

Even with the outcome well in hand, Trump Derangement Syndrome will not go away as those infected can’t stand the thought of how Donald Trump is a quasar of politics. No one in American history has been attacked as relentlessly, by such a phalanx of powerful forces, and for as long as Donald Trump.

It would be nice to know just how many noncitizens voted but the nation’s fourth estate – its media – just ain’t interested and underscores just how the media continues to fail the American Republic.

What about the polls that got it wrong?

Pollsters almost always oversample democrats. When no one was looking, plenty voted for Trump understanding that the course the USS America was on was headed straight to oblivion and that a change was absolutely necessary.

Leading up to the election, Barack Obama was not too happy that some independent thinking Black men would actually vote Trump over Kamala Harris. This underscores how out of touch the bi-racial Obama is. You would think by now Obama would know that a good percentage of the brothers will take the fat, white, blonde every time.

Even the Amish turned out for Trump. If Harris had an advantage with the Amish it was, they were the only Americans not ticked off about the high price of gas as they rode their horse
buggies flying their Trump flags on the way to the polls in Pennsylvania.

During the campaign, plenty of RINOs were exposed that are too many to mention and played the part of the useful idiot extremely well.

I held my breath and not my nose when I voted. With Trump’s remarkable and victorious political comeback, he has plenty of work ahead and is now exclusively positioned to accomplish plenty. However, will the Left’s hostility of hatred, fear, and animosity toward Trump attempt to obstruct him from performing his duties and keep his life in the crosshairs? Rather than chaos and a drop in the markets hurting the American greenback, the nation refused to go the banana republic route.  The aftereffects had a distinct 2016 vibe as Trump peaked with the fall foliage.

Had those democrat honchos truly believed that Harris was leading in the polls; she would have remained sequestered. However, that was far from the case and Harris was compelled to appear time and again in public where she cannot help to expose herself as the incompetent DEI candidate she was. Her campaign was summed up in one sentence when she appeared on “The View” when she swung and missed with her slow-pitch softball of an interview when asked what she would do differently from President Joe Biden over the last four years. Harris was unapologetic and direct saying, “There is not a thing that comes to mind.”  Game. Set. Match.

Harris won the democrat’s nomination for president without winning a single primary vote.

Perhaps the democrats will learn from this? To Harris’s credit, she did concede with dignity even though it was several hours after the fact.

If it’s any consolation to both sides of the aisle, all those political text messages and postcards will finally cease….

How any one with a brain and, at minimum cares even a tad about America, could cast a vote to a person who has never accomplished anything  in her lifetime is beyond me. But then; that’s the society within which we live today. I want to be Trump’s head of the DHS. LOL

Something tells me there will be a pile of bureaucrats looking for a job come Inauguration Day. I suspect Trump will retreat to his once TV Show, “You’re Fired!”


America’s Own Cold War

Yes it is, in fact, a war! But you will not hear about on any of the national news networks. For all intent and purpose it doesn’t exist. That is unless you live in TX or AZ, or one the many sanctuary cities and states. How can this be you might ask. We have laws about immigration, why are they not enforced? Simple, that POS in the White House and his Secretary of Homeland Security have directed the Border Patrol to allow them enter despite the TX Governor deploying forces to stop them. Wasn’t that whore VP assigned as the Border guru by the POS. We hear nothing about the border unless it is to attack my Governor for shipping some to Martha’s Vineyard. Watch this, but be prepared to get angry.

I try to watch as many of my Governor’s press briefings as I can. Recently he was interviewed at length and the final question the interviewer asked was “What would be the first thing you would do if you were elected as the next president.” Without any hesitation at all he said “Relieve the current Secretary of Homeland Security and close the border.” Guys, that’s why I will vote for him. That has to be the number one priority for the next POTUS.

If I were him, I would set about finishing that damn wall. And while they are building the wall, I would deploy the 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg and the 1st Marine Division from Camp Pendleton to the AZ/TX border to assist the Border Patrol. Hell, they could conduct all sorts of training including live fire training, while they are forcing those scumbags back across the river. How to force them back; easy, water cannons. That border MUST be closed. This is our country. If they want to seek asylum make them go through the procedures set up to allow that. Nothing upsets me more than to have laws and not enforce them. Sickening.

Originally posted 2023-07-26 11:47:37.