Tag Archives: gore

You’re Selfish, Badly Educated, Virtue Signaling Little Turds

This video needs no comments or words of introduction, other than  to warn those who might believe in the climate change hoax; perhaps you should not watch it, as the contents may make you run to your safe place under your bed. I, for one, do not believe it.

But, before we go there, here are a just a few of Al Gore’s “ECO-FRIENDLY” homes, LOL.  But now remember, he wants you to drive less, use less, eat less, and maybe even have less sex (that may use up too much oxygen.) LOL
















Nuff said. Should you want to read the commentary, it is provided under the video. I, personally, think the video is much better, but you decide

To all the school kids going on strike for climate change: You’re the first generation who’ve required air conditioning in every classroom, you want TV in every room and your classes are all computerized. You spend all day and night on electronic devices. More than ever you don’t walk or ride bikes to school, but you arrive in caravans of private cars that choke suburban roads and worsen rush hour traffic.

You’re the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and update perfectly good, expensive luxury items just to stay trendy. Your entertainment comes from electric devices, furthermore the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on artificially inflating the population growth through immigration, which increases the need for energy, manufacturing and transport. The more people we have, the more forests and bush land we clear and the more of the environment that’s destroyed.

How about this, tell your teachers to switch off the air conditioning, walk or ride your bike to school, switch off your devices and read a book, make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food.

Nope, none of this will happen, BECAUSE you’re selfish, badly educated, virtue signaling little turds inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a Noble Cause while they indulge themselves in western luxury and an unprecedented quality of life.


Originally posted 2019-09-30 08:10:27.

Hillary’s Final Disgrace

I know this video is a few weeks dated, but it is so powerful (watched it twice) I just has to post it. Bill Whittle is always so direct and to the point, but he nails them all here. Hillary’s Final Disgrace And to all the idiots in this country who donated to her cause, I hope you get your money back — NOT! This is a must see.








Originally posted 2017-01-01 10:28:18.

Facts Folks – Look it up!

I have come to the conclusion that one cannot provide the “Village People” and their followers with facts, as they know better. Damn, I liked their music, so I hate to use their moniker to explain the current list of dem candidates i.e., a fake Indian, a gay guy, a communist, and a man who can’t remember where he is or for what he is running, but what else can you call them; maybe the class of clowns?

Anyway, I digress. I lived through all of which the video speaks, except the actual establishment. Oh I was alive then, but far too young to remember it. But my folks sure did; until the very day they expired the ONLY president worth a damn was “their” FDR for starting it all. Of course, they didn’t know about the subsequent changes because they were died in the wool Democrats and assumed it was for the good of the people.

How many of the other side realize who did what to OUR Social Security, which is no longer “social.” Hell, our elected officials do not even belong to it, or do they??????


Originally posted 2020-03-02 10:29:05.