Tag Archives: God

Mary Had a Little Lamb

I picked this up in a restaurant in Myrtle Beach, SC and thought I’d like to share it. You may (and should) share as well. Unless, of course, you find fault with it, then delete it from your mind.

Mary had a little Lamb; His fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere Mary went the Lamb was sure to go.
He followed her to school each day. Twasn’t even the rule
To have the Lamb at school.
He made the children laugh and play
But then the rules changed one day.
Illegal it became to bring the Lamb of God to school
Or even speak His name
Everyday got worse and worse, and days turned into years
Instead of hearing children laugh, we hear guns shots, drugs, and tears.
What must we do to stop the crime that’s in our schools today?
Let’s bring the Lamb of God back to school
And teach our children how to pray.

Author Unknown

Originally posted 2018-09-15 08:06:56.

God Help Us!

The following was sent to me by John Reim who is an old time 8th & I Marine long before me. He received it from another old “slider and glider,” Bill Marshall, Drum & Bugle Corps 1957-59. I don’t usually do religious posts, but this one hit me where it hurts, and I hope it does you too!.

                        Hate of Self… America in Decline?                                                              “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;                                 but when the wicked bearith the rule, the people mourn.”            Proverbs 29:2 KJV

                                                 And Mourn We Shall

A very scary thought, but not simply a thought,,, it is truth for “When the wicked bearith the rule.”  Riots, murders, crime of all sorts, corruption in government, contempt for America on the world stage. The wicked has more openly revealed itself beginning Jan. 21st 2021, and the price is being paid.

                                                       Hate of Self

As we watch the nation we love slide farther and farther from the ideals and dedication to the God the “Founders” relied on for guidance, it is because of the nonchalance of attitude we find ourselves in the dilemma we are presently facing. While attempting to understand the wandering of this nation towards its present state, there was a discovery that forces us to look back several decade to the regression of this nation. Let us begin with the Democrat agenda and the attitude of “Hate of Self.”

It is determined that today, over 30% of this nations population is now ,,, anti-American. Only 36% of our youth claim to be proud to be American. 40% of millennial claim no religious affiliation what-so ever. This according to Pew Research Center. The major reason of hate??? Dedication to God.

God is a hindrance. Hindrance of an agenda once considered sinful and immoral. Hindrance because God makes the rules and as long as God makes the rules to which we must live,,, they cannot impose theirs. Recent past, churches were vandalized and invaded because of this hate.

Beginning with the eliminating of prayers to the God of the Bible in public schools, escalating to same sex marriage, murder of the unborn, educating children K thru 12 on transgenderism and a past prayer on the floor of Congress to the monotheistic god Brahma that asked for a blessing of Congress. That prayer for blessing from a pagan god could very well become a curse.

God has been mocked, demeaned, ridiculed and mostly eliminated by this nation that once relied on His powers to guide it. When there are no longer pleas for guidance, blessings and freedoms “Endowed by our Creator,” – those guidance, blessings and freedoms will no longer be.

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” 

In this prophetic announcement by Washington, this nation was forewarned of disaster if / when this nation strayed from those rules. The choice, the determination, and the commitment of this nation to comply with the “Eternal Rules of Order” is nor a request,,, it is a command. A command from the Almighty Himself. The “Smiles” (blessings) of Heaven cannot be expected of given to this        nation or any other that breaks God’s “Rules of Order,” — as this nation has done.

History will verify. Judgement will come. Whether a direct command from the Almighty or a decision by Him to leave us to our own demise — still judgement will come.

This nation once blessed so favorably was a beacon to the world of what an obedient nation would resemble. Now no longer obedient,,, now no longer blessed. Now a nation in decline. Now under the present administration, a laughing stock to the world.

What blessing can come to a nation that has broken every “Rule” given humanity to live by in order to live by the rules of the “Politically Correct” and the Democrat agenda. Under the guise of tolerance of many broken “Rules” and the condemnation of opposing speech and action, a new and intolerant agenda of the “Far Left Democrats” will descend this nation into the most deceptive lie  since Satan said to Eve. “You will not surly die.” They did …. and so shall this nation if not soon realizing this great lie being told to us.

These presently running our government are Globalist, – New World Order — anti-God people.

To accomplish their agenda, this nation must become insignificant, weakened, non-Christian, unarmed and worldly minded. Either we believe their lie and die as a nation … or not and live.

Semper Fi,                                                                                                                           Bill Marshall

Thank you Bill and God bless you sir!

Originally posted 2023-03-17 11:58:49.

Independence Day – Really?

Another thought-provoking message from Greg. We have so much to think about this 4th of July, but in today’s society I fear that many folks will think of nothing but hamburgers, hot dogs, pop, beer, and a day off from work, that is for those who are working and not  taking government handouts. Meanwhile the “silent majority” sleeps.


Freedom’s landscape

By: G. Maresca

As America plans to celebrate the nation’s birth by taking inventory of the hotdogs, hamburgers, soda and beer, the most treasured and esteemed American stock lies forsaken along freedom’s continuum.

In his seminal work, “Crisis and Leviathan,” economic historian Robert Higgs argued how in the 20th century the federal government grew as a result of three crises: World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. In the 21st century, you can add 9/11 and COVID-19 to the list. During those crises, the federal government went about raising taxes, instituted more spending programs, and added to their arsenal more regulatory power.

With the heady combination of 9/11 and COVID, the government continues to fester as America devolves into Gotham City. I was reminded of this during a recent trip to the airport. I was not flying, just dropping off, and still had to remove my shoes, empty my pockets, and go through a full body scan in order to escort my daughter to her departing gate.

What Benjamin Franklin, our first self-made American, said over two centuries ago certainly resonated: “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

As we traversed the terminal there was a sketching of the top ten skyscrapers in the world. The U.S. has only one on the list at number six – the Freedom Tower in Lower Manhattan – that was supposed to fill the void left when the World Trade Center met its untimely fate on 9/11. A generation ago, America had all ten.

Besides the overwrought airport security courtesy of The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), I couldn’t help but wonder what other things have been compromised all in the name of security in a time of heightened emotions “where something must be done.”

Never underestimate governmental mission creep.

Enter the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA and an emboldened National Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts that illegally spies on more than three million Americans, and this is according to that leftist fortress, The New York Times. Not to be dismissed was America taking on the costly role of being the unwanted landlords of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Government’s resulting muscle has grown too penetrating and too concentrated. Many throughout the federal bureaucracy are overly determined to inject this power into all aspects of American life. Proposals for more legislation, regulations, and interventions is akin to treating a poisoned patient with more poison.

Solving problems caused by too much government with more government is no answer.

Evidence of this can be found in the latest Gallup poll where only 19% said they trusted the government “most of the time.” Juxtapose that to the same 1958 poll where nearly 75% said they trusted the government to do the right thing “most of the time.”

Government has devolved into a centralized religion telling houses of worship to close, while giving abortion clinics the green light to remain open during a pandemic. Government bureaucrats sell voting and vaccines as salvation while indoctrinating America’s children through public education.

The government has banned God in the classroom, the locker room, the public square, public buildings, and ignores His teachings when writing its laws. Observing constitutional limits that does not provide for a “right” to abort an unborn child is depicted as violating “women’s rights” when the left cannot or will not define what a “woman” is.

The country is on a suicidal path culturally and taking our freedom along for the ride. The Founding Father that would not be surprised: Franklin.

On September 17, 1787, as the delegates departed the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, Franklin was asked what kind of government the convention had created. Franklin famously replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Franklin also remarked how “freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.”

Freedoms ceded to government are rarely regained.

On the cusp of celebrating America’s independence, the nation is fighting a cold war with itself that has most Americans wishing for a sense of normalcy, but at what price?

Originally posted 2022-06-30 09:18:52.

A Solid Right “Cross”

I am going to ignore all the Biden FUPAH’S over the past few days because I choose to not report any more of that buffoons’ antics. I’m sure your internet is full, as is mine, of all his missteps. He’s simply lost in the world of euphorbia as he “thinks” he is the leader of the free world. Ha! That in itself is a joke; how can a puppet be a leader when it can’t move its own mouth?

Anyway, another good one from Greg takes priority over puppets.

By: G. Maresca

The brief video of Byron Cross speaking against a proposed transgender elementary school policy last month at a Loudoun County, Virginia school board public hearing was a shot over the leftist bow.

The proposed policy: “Staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence, regardless of the name and gender recorded in the student’s permanent educational record.”

Cross, a physical education teacher in the Loudoun school district stated: “It is not my intention to hurt anyone, but there are certain truths we must face when ready,” he continued. “I love all of my students, but I will never lie to them regardless of the consequences. I’m a teacher, but I serve God first, and I will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it’s against my religion, it’s lying to a child, it’s abuse to a child, and it’s sinning against our God.”

Natural law and biology are on Cross’s side. Various white paper studies say 75 to 90% of children struggling with gender dysphoria return to their natural gender by puberty. Moreover, it is the adults who support their dysphoria that are another hurdle for the child to revert back to their true gender.

What the left fails to understand is that resistance to the transgender movement is not about hate or phobia, it is about getting help for those in need. Much of this undertaking is indoctrination rather than dysphoria. America is a center-right nation, not the leftist daydreams of AOC and the squad.

Common sense, where art thou?

For speaking out as a private citizen the school district suspended Cross. It was their way of demonstrating to other teachers what will happen provided they dare question future board proposals. This is what now happens in the land of the free and the home of the brave when one courageously possesses the honesty and humility to cross the woke cancel culture.

Fear and intimidation are useful tools to silence those who disagree. Make no mistake our very freedoms lie in the balance. Such tyrannical behavior by publicly elected officials should result in their immediate recall. Anyone involved in Cross’s suspension has no place in office as they do not respect or value the 1st Amendment.

Leftist ideology cannot exist in truth because it is a lie. Throughout history, it has led to ample agony, anguish and death. Once upon a time in America, the national media worked to expose the left’s lies.

Today, they are willing participants.

 A Virginia court rightfully reinstated Cross who spoke as a private citizen making his suspension unconstitutional. The Alliance Defending Freedom, who represented Cross, saluted the decision: “Educators are just like everybody else – they have ideas and opinions that they should be free to express.”

Despite the outcome, the obvious threat to those who resist remains clear.

President Biden omitted recalling the incredible bravery exhibited on the anniversary of D-Day this past June 6th, but he didn’t forget transgenders saying: “To transgender Americans across the country — especially the young people who are so brave — I want you to know your President has your back.”

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro juxtaposed the stark difference saying: “Bravery circa 1944: young men charging from the choppy seas of the English Channel onto the corpse-strewn beaches of Normandy, hellfire raining down upon them, to liberate a continent. Bravery circa 2021: young men identifying as women, and vice versa.”

It was encouraging to see a God-fearing man like Cross stand up for truth and common decency, while entrenched in the belly of the beast. Cross refuses to surrender public education to the left. Hope is alive and can be found among fearless Christian conservatives who speak up and take a stand.

One stands up and then the next and it builds.

Pendulums always swing back.

But just how far remains to be seen.

Irish philosopher Edmund Burke said nobody made a greater mistake than doing nothing because they could do only a little. If we all do what we can, we can restore our nation where mutual courtesy, shared decency, and common sense become common once again.

Well, there you have it folks as far as the swamp goes for the day. I’m sure there’s more, but there is always so much I just cannot force myself to fill the pages. Thank goodness, someone had common sense and reinstated him; bet that relationship is going well. I would love to be in his shoes. Ha!

Originally posted 2021-06-17 10:43:02.

A COVID Christmas

Please allow me to take this moment to say that I sincerely hope  all my blessed followers had a wonderfully merry Christmas regardless what your local dictators may have said. Mine said have a joyous Christmas with your families and friends, but then I consider myself fortunate by choice to have a sensible, for the people, Governor. My bride and I go to church every Sunday and then to a late breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants.  Life is good in Florida.

I will wish you a very happy new year if you can. I will not have a happy one as best as I can see into the near future. Our MSM wants you to believe 2020 was the worst ever. Well, don’t chalk it up to record books just yet for 2021 may prove to be a close competitor.

Here another thought provoking article from one of my favorite authors.


By: G. Maresca


American religiosity has been in decline for more than a generation and with the added fear of COVID-19, many Christian leaders have deserted their flocks.

Welcome to Christmas 2020, where the biggest crisis is not a virus but a lack of faith.

Church leaders have conceded to government diktats in this era of COVID-19 in a doleful attempt to brand themselves as benevolent.

The Constitutional right to freely worship, virus or not, was underscored with the recent Supreme Court ruling prohibiting arbitrary limits on church attendance.  Despite the court’s 5-4 decision, religious liberty has never been in more need of defense, especially when New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo dismissed the ruling as “irrelevant” and “political.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom had imposed a 10 p.m. curfew, which would have made attending Christmas midnight Mass, a criminal offense.  Perhaps Newsom would find Mass more acceptable if it were celebrated in the French Laundry restaurant – site of his crowded birthday party?  This is another example of directives made by the faithless affecting the faithful in the ongoing leftist agenda to secularize America.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen would be appalled how the church hierarchy has acquiesced to the state.  The state prohibits Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, yet liquor stores remain open.  Churches should have had the same rights as beer distributors, pot smokers and abortion clinics – all deemed essential.

Mandatory masking, overflowing hand sanitizer, and social distancing are in vogue in houses of worship, but what is missing are the children.  Churches will not survive without them.  Few in the pews are under age 50.  Sign-up sheets, roped off pews, and parking lot services did little to bring anyone back, let alone evangelize.

Limiting, or worse, cutting off sacramental grace from Christ’s mercy has only deepened the divide.  The science supporting lockdowns has failed to stop the spread, and may prove deadlier than the virus it was meant to heed.

If anything, COVID-19 underscores daily that no human endeavor can prevent our eventual death from any cause.

Any government that has the authority to restrict your livelihood, family gatherings, and houses of worship is worse than any virus.  The alternative is subservience, empty pews, and lost souls.

The COVID-19 generation may never come back.  The unrelenting attack on Christianity will never cease until the faithful stop kowtowing to tyrants.  Science isn’t going to save you and it is no coincidence Democrats are leading the charge.  What do you expect from a political party that has forced religious sisters to provide for contraception?   The left knows all too well that faith can be exorcised by breaking one’s spirit and will.

Too many politicos claiming to be Christian believe Jesus Christ came to put a chicken in every pot rather than to feed souls and offer salvation.  As long as a portion of a bishop’s budget is generated from government service contracts, towing the party line will be its low-hanging fruit.

Where are the bishops’ supernatural faith?

Where are today’s St. Thomas Mores, and St. Joan of Arc’s, or Fulton Sheens?

Prophetic voices must emanate among the bishops to speak truth to this abuse of government power.  As suicides and other mental health issues increase, we need more prayer, not less.  The secularist, dictatorial governors and mayors and designated so-called experts seeking to oppress worship reveal their contradictory priorities, daily.

Christmas is not the time to take counsel of your fears, but recall the hope that only a sincere faith provides.  Has there been a year in living memory when the Christmas promise is in such demand?  The reason for the season is here, and never leaves.  Jesus was born during one of the darkest periods in human history as the Roman Empire begot moral depravity on an unparalleled scale.  Our Lord did so by entering the world in the humblest of ways to show He will go anywhere when invited.

In a remarkable sign, Jupiter and Saturn crossed paths this past week appearing as one body in the night sky.  They were closer than they have been in nearly eight centuries and was labeled the “Christmas Star.”

Many need to heed the message the angels announced that first Christmas: Fear not!

The child whose birth we celebrate is Emmanuel, “God with Us.”

If God is with us, who can be against us?


Originally posted 2020-12-26 10:26:05.