Tag Archives: globalists

Can’t Fix Stupid





Eleven Democrat Senators represent states where Donald Trump won against Hillary Clinton. Only three of them, Joe Manchin from West Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp from North Dakota, and Joe Donnelly from Indiana, voted for the Constitution-loving Judge Gorsuch.

The other eight pledged to filibuster and vote against the qualified Judge Gorsuch. Most of them are up for reelection in 2018.

  • Bob Casey (Pennsylvania) – 2018
  • Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin) – 2018
  • Bill Nelson (Florida) – 2018
  • Debbie Stabenow (Michigan) – 2018
  • Gary Peters (Michigan) – 2020
  • Claire McCaskill (Missouri) – 2018
  • Sherrod Brown (Ohio) – 2018
  • Joe Tester (Montana) – 2018

If you live in any of these states, call your senator immediately and let them know that you’ll vote against them in 2018 and help sweep the Senate for Republicans to Make America Great Again.

Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/here-are-the-red-state-dems-voting-against-gorsuch#dfspJgF5fySdHSuI.99

The Democrats are not in favor of the constitution. Why you ask? That document stands in the way of their globalist dream of world power. They have to get rid of it or beat it down so far that it no longer means anything. That’s why they did not want a constitution-loving Supreme Court Judge. IMHO


Originally posted 2017-04-15 10:18:22.

Replies Requested

Received a comment on my post entitled “Let’s Forgive Everyone” from a person who shows a link to his/her blog entitled, https://cafebedouin.org/. I visited the blog and all I can say is OMG, here’s another “one.” While I did reply with a few comments, I thought I’d post his comment so my followers could reply directly to him. Have at it folks, and as all of you do, please don’t hold back.

By Illinois, you must mean Chicago. The rest of the state shares your preferences. The idea that people poor enough to steal, with addiction problems, etc. might benefit from something other than jail time doesn’t sound as wrong-headed as you are desperately trying to paint it here.

Originally posted 2021-01-04 10:22:33.

Let’s block out the sun!

Received this today from one of the great blogs I belong to: https://bunkerville.wordpress.com. “God, Guns, and Guts Comrades” Might want to check it out, great coverage of what the crazy earthlings (mostly liberals and globalists) are doing. Here is one that absolutely astonishes me to no end. Bill and his crazy wife, Melinda are really dangerous.

They are hailed for all the money they donate to charities, BUT WAIT, when you have nothing else to do, check out where those charities are located. See if you can find one in the US. All these nut cases are concerned about is the earth, the hell with anyone living on it. What about growing food or all the solar energy fields the world has created? Really dangerous and I find it hard to believe that any one is going to allow them to do this. But then Joe and the Ho are globalists as well.


Bill Gates who apparently is willing to risk life on earth as we know it, and is apparently all set to spend his gazillion buckaroos in an elaborate scheme to change life or otherwise eliminate it all together for the sake of the earth. Anyway, he has been complaining that there are far far too many humans here anyway so what the heck. Who cares if there is a disaster? Here tis:

The plan sounds like science fiction — but could be fact within a decade; every day more than 800 giant aircraft would lift millions of tons of chalk dust to a height of 12 miles above the Earth’s surface and then sprinkle the lot high around the stratosphere.

In theory, the airborne dust would create a gigantic sunshade, reflecting some of the Sun’s rays and heat back into space, dimming those that get through and so protecting Earth from the worsening ravages of climate warming.

This is not the crackpot plan of a garden-shed inventor. The project is being funded by billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates and pioneered by scientists at Harvard University.

Indeed, the plans are so well advanced that the initial ‘sky-clouding’ experiments were meant to have begun months ago.

SCoPEx is, however, on hold, amid fears that it could trigger a disastrous series of chain reactions, creating climate havoc in the form of serious droughts and hurricanes, and bring death to millions of people around the world.

One of the Harvard team’s directors, Lizzie Burns, admits: ‘Our idea is terrifying… But so is climate change.’ An advisory panel of independent experts is to assess all the possible risks associated with it.

Want to know how he is going to do it?

Read more

Well, fellow earthing’s, what do you think?

Originally posted 2020-12-29 11:48:03.

Legitimacy of Biden Win Buried by Objective Data –

Emerging information from the states render his victory less and less plausible.

What does all this evidence mean? IMHO — NOTHING. The fix is in, and has been for the past year. We are doomed to become a third world shit hole. Having just celebrated number 80 this past Friday, I’m almost to the point I don’t care anymore. If that POS Biden and his globalist’s cronies do end up where they should never even have come close to being, they can’t hurt me. However, my heart goes out to my children  and grand children. Likewise to all those Republican lower income families who will find themselves struggling even more having to pay for all the extravagant benefits everyone will lavishing enjoy on their behalf. For all you globalist progressives who made it all happen;, suck it up. My Trump Nation Flag will conti8nue to fly proudly under my American Flag on the pole. If that POS does end up in the Oval office, and all goes the way I fully expect it to in months or years, I want everyone who passes my house to know I had nothing to do with it.

From the American Spectator

David Catron


During the weeks following November 3, innumerable election experts and statistical analysts have pored over the voting data upon which former Vice President Joe Biden’s purported campaign victory ostensibly stands. A growing body of evidence ranging from straightforward ballot audits to complex quantitative analyses suggests that the tabulation of the votes was characterized by enough chicanery to alter the outcome of the election. Consequently, a consensus has gradually developed among the auditors of publicly available information released by the states, and it contradicts the narrative promulgated by the Democrats and the media. The more data experts see, the less convinced they are that Biden won.

Among the analysts who question the legitimacy of Biden’s victory is Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, a cybersecurity expert whose technical expertise was touted by the New York Times last September and who has been described as a hero in the Washington Monthly. It’s unlikely that either publication will be singing his praises for his work pursuant to the recent election. His damning analysis of the electronic manipulation of votes that occurred in the early hours of November 4 appears in a sworn affidavit included with C.J. Pearson v. Kemp, a lawsuit filed by Attorney Sidney Powell in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. His nine-page affidavit (Exhibit 26) describes how it is possible to manipulate votes, where this occurred, and sums up his findings as follows:

I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden. These alterations were the result of systemic and widespread exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS, Scytl/SOE Software and Smartmatic systems that enabled operators to achieve the desired results. In my view, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia is by no means the only expert to reach the conclusion that widespread vote-tampering occurred. This examination of the election results, for example, uses quantitative analysis to identify some very odd anomalies in the 2020 vote patterns. But it isn’t necessary to be a sophisticated statistician or cybersecurity expert possessed of arcane knowledge of how voting machines operate to see that enough ballot fraud occurred to change the election results in several states. That Keshavarz-Nia provides his findings in a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, renders him highly credible. Still, his conclusions are rather opaque to anyone without an enormous amount of training and experience in his field. This requires many of us to take what he says on faith.

Bearing this in mind, Matt Braynard of the Voter Integrity Project (VIP) approached the 2020 results in a far less arcane fashion. His team analyzed publicly available data on absentee ballots, and he explained his findings in a way that any intelligent voter can understand. VIP looked at suspicious ballot activity in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Among the most significant VIP findings involved people who changed their state of residence, yet voted absentee using their prior address. In Arizona, which Biden “won” by 10,457 votes, there were 19,997 questionable votes. In Georgia, which Biden “won” by 12,670 votes, VIP found 138,221 such votes. In Wisconsin, which Biden “won” by 20,608 votes, there were 26,673 such votes. As Braynard told the Epoch Times:

This election, it appears to me, has been decided by ballots that are highly questionable.… I can give you the list of the people who voted in this election, who filed National Change of Address cards in Georgia, moving themselves to another state.… I can also show you the subsequent state voter registrations of these individuals in other states, who then cast absentee ballots back in Georgia.… I have no confidence that Joe Biden is the deserved winner of this election.

Braynard has been asked to present the findings of the Voter Integrity Project to Monday’s hearing with members of Arizona’s legislature. Moreover, as Braynard tweeted Friday, “The VIP findings have also been included in court filings in PA, GA, MI, WI, and AZ, including declarations we collected.” Sunday, another tweet by Braynard revealed that the FBI has proactively requested VIP findings that may indicate illegal ballots.  Meanwhile, no discussion of 2020 election skulduggery is complete without a discussion of the Democrat precincts that record more votes than registered voters. Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) tweeted the following on that perennial topic: “According to an affidavit in the MI lawsuit, one Michigan precinct/township had 781.91% turnout. How does this happen?”

Good question. No fewer than six precincts listed by Rep. Posey experienced turnout exceeding 120 percent. Another 10 allegedly enjoyed 100 percent turnout. This is an insult to the electorate’s intelligence, and it happened in Democrat precincts all across the nation. From World War II through 2016 average turnout in a presidential election was about 56 percent. Yet we are expected to believe that, in 2020, the national turnout was 66 percent. It simply does not pass the laugh test. This looks to be the result of widespread Democrat chicanery facilitated by high-handed flouting of federal, state, and county election laws. Joe Biden’s victory is no more legitimate than his plagiarized rhetoric or working-class credentials. His Potemkin presidency would be no more authentic than the man himself.

Have a nice week — if you can.

Originally posted 2020-12-14 10:47:39.