Tag Archives: electric

Gas or Electric

OMG, What’s next gang? There is not enough going on in this once great Nation, that we now have to hear that coking on a gas stove is bad for our health. This would be so hilarious if it weren’t so true. Keep it Joey, you are outdoing yourself.

Another good one from my friend and Marine Greg Maresca

A cooked-up nanny state crockpot

By: G. Maresca

The left wants you driving an electric car and now cooking on an electric stove as they want to ban gas stoves. Richard Trumka of the Biden administration’s Consumer Product Safety Commission said gas stoves should be banned under the guise of public-health.

This is the same administration claiming the border is secure and inflation under control.  We are $31 trillion in debt with Social Security heading toward insolvency and the left wants to know what you cook on.

After criticism, Trumka backtracked saying President Biden is not in favor of banning gas stoves. Trumka mistakenly said the unspoken bestowing new meaning to the expression: gaslighting. When it comes to the climate alarmist agenda, there is always something simmering on the burner.

Rather than cook on gas stoves, the Biden’s will not only cook but heat the White House by burning all those classified documents stored in their garage at Car-a-Lago. Was this “find” of classified materials the roadmap to route Joe and his Corvette to the exit ramp? Such fodder is a column for another day.

The left had their bedrooms liberated with the Obergefell vs. Hodges decision and have now moved into your garage, bathroom, and kitchen.

Leftists claim gas stoves are a health hazard.

Cooking is chemistry and the noxious gases created are from the ingredients, the digestive tract and sometimes from poor ventilation, but not natural gas. This is not about your health or renewable energy; it is about power and control. People need to realize when government bureaucrats regulate health, safety, and energy, they are nothing but trojan horses for unchecked hegemony.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has taken the appliance truck hostage saying all new gas stoves, hot water heaters and furnaces will not be sold starting in 2025.  By 2035, New York will join their Californian brethren where it will be illegal to purchase a gas vehicle.

Such “bans” are part of the Great Reset that will supplant individual freedom of choice with government diktats. Liberty is taken one small bite at a time all in the hallowed name of the common good. Famed science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein said decades ago that “there is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”

How convenient that the Inflation Reduction Act includes an $840 rebate for electric stoves. Provided subsidies, rebates, and tax credits are ineffective, coercion follows. We will be like Cuba is with cars except with gas stoves that are a half century old. We will be scrounging and fabricating parts to keep our gas appliances serviceable.

mocrats are pro-choice and follow the science loyalists except when it comes to gas. According to Consumer Reports, more gas is used to generate the electricity needed to run an electric stove than a gas one. Likewise, gas stoves are not the preferred stove to cook on and do not stay hot after use. How many restaurants on Martha’s Vineyard cook with electric? Moreover, gas stoves still function when the power goes out.

No matter what the science says, including published peer reviewed analysis of data, you will still be labeled as a “climate denier and a crackpot conspiracy theorist” if you don’t agree. Perhaps the solution lies in having your gas stove identifying as electric along with any other gas appliance.

As the electric grid grows more strained with each passing year, going all electric where a portion is dependent on unreliable and destabilized renewable power has plenty of consequences.

Electric cars, light bulbs, toilets, pronouns, and now gas stoves as it is one absurdity after another. What’s next? The FBI kicking down my door and wrenching away my quarter century chrome shower head from my warm wet hands.

Burger joints and steak houses will go the way of phone booths and VHS tapes. Enter gluten free soy cuts on an electric stove cooked by an LGBTQ+ illegal immigrant.

So, leave the key under the mat when they come for your gas appliances and go out and get your COVID booster and make sure your mask covers your nose.

What’s there not to like?


Originally posted 2023-01-21 17:49:10.