Tag Archives: DOJ

A Typical American Family

NOT!!! This would make a great mini-series on TV; however, the problem is that none of the liberals would tune in thus the network would lose a substantial amount of ratings. It’s filled with high drama, and unbelievable actions by everyone involved. I feel sorry for Beau, he seemed to be the only “normal” person in the story.

What is amazing to me is that they are still getting away with all their discretions and felonious actions; all because everyone who matters in the U.S. today e.g., administration, DOJ, FBI, DA’s, local authorities, and of course the numero Uno – the media – hate Trump. 

Can you even imagine the screaming from rooftops by the democrats if any of Trump’s family would have committed any of these actions? Of course not!

The Biden’s: A “Hallmark Family…”Here is a REAL story: Joe Biden & his first wife, Neilia, had three children: Hunter, Beau and Naomi…  In 1972, his wife Neilia and Naomi, tragically died in a car accident…

Joe eventually married a woman named Jill (his current wife, the “PHD”)…

Joe already knew Jill, because she had been Hunter’s babysitter (Yeah, THAT seems like something out of “Father Knows Best” – marry the babysitter)… They had a daughter named Ashley,   who lives ‘a quiet life’ and is frequently in and out of rehab for various substance abuse issues…

Now sadly, the sanest, most normal one of the 3 surviving kids, Beau, died in 2015 from a brain tumor… He had been married to Hallie and they had 2 children, a boy and a girl named Natalie, who was 11 yrs. old when her dad died…

Enter Hunter Biden, in 2015, to “comfort” his brother’s widow… Mind you, Hunter is married at the time, to Kathleen Biden, since 1993… He starts screwing around with his dead brother’s wife in 2015… Hunter’s wife Kathleen finds out about it and they separate… Hunter moves in with his dead brother’s wife, Hallie, and her two kids, and they have a grand old time…

Hunter ultimately gets divorced from Kathleen in 2017… But, before that happens…

Hunter starts screwing around with a stripper, while still shacking-up with his dead brother’s wife, before his divorce is finalized and gets the stripper pregnant… Hailie kicks his butt to the curb supposedly for this indiscretion in 2018…

OK, at this point in the drama, he is still legally married to his first wife, living with his widowed sister-in-law and has knocked up a pole dancer… You following this…??? Can you begin to imagine if that was one of Trump’s sons…???

He denies the stripper’s baby is his, although a paternity test proves otherwise and eventually he marries yet another woman named Melissa in 2019 after knowing her for 6 days… And should you NOT believe all that you’ve just read, go to Google and put this in: 

…Hunter Biden’s wives and girlfriends…

Does the fairy tale end there…??? Why no, no it doesn’t…

This just sets the stage…

Enter the laptop from hell… Loaded with e-mails, text messages, photos, child pornography, videos and other sordid digital images of drug use and rampant weirdness…

Hunter Biden dropped the laptop off in Delaware, his home state, to get it repaired… It seems he dropped it in some water while in a meth-induced state of mind… He then neglected to pay the $m8500 repair fee and the laptop became the repair shop owner’s property for non-payment…

When the owner saw what was on it, he was so disturbed that he contacted the FBI… No response, it wasn’t a “noose” hanging in a NASCAR garage… The DOJ…??? No response, it didn’t involve Trump’s tax returns…

Eventually, it landed in Rudy Giuliani’s possession and he turned it over to the Delaware State Police ‘AFTER making 4 copies’ of the hard drive…

Turns out, there’s quite a lot of child pornography on there… Much of it involving youngsters on Hunter’s many trips to China…

The Chinese Communist Party uses this as a blackmail tactic…

They supply the young girls, they film you, unknowingly and then they can keep you “in line,” while paying you the big $$ to do their bidding, like lucrative deals with your VP father…

Millions of dollars were paid to Hunter Biden for favors with the U.S. Government while Joe Biden was VP under Obama…

For 8 years Hunter made the contacts and split the money with his father, referred to as the “Big Guy” in all e-mails detailing how their ill-gotten gains would be split-up amongst all the criminals involved…

Did Joe Biden sell out his country and used his meth head son to do it.?

Doesn’t this make you proud to be an American knowing we elected this scumbag as our leader and the Biden’s our first family?




Originally posted 2023-03-22 10:57:42.

Paradise Lost


Critical things to think about in 2023

I never dreamed I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all my life and the one I served for nearly thirty-six years. I have never wanted to live anywhere else. This is my home—I was born here. But now every day when I wake up and have my morning coffee, I come face to face with the reality that everything is changing for the worse. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, no matter how much I pray, something evil has invaded our nation, and I personally believe our lives are never going to be the same.

I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life—so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think I may well have entered the Twilight Zone. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind!

You can’t justify this insanity:

If a guy pretends to be a woman, I am required to pretend with him.

Somehow it’s un-American for the census bureau to count how many Americans are in America. I have a neighbor who was a census taker. He told me he counted everyone in the house, legal or not. When ask why, he said it means more money for the county.

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.

It was cool for Joe Biden to “blackmail” the President of Ukraine. He laughed while bragging about it.

Hunter Biden is a crook, but the DOJ nor any of its agencies will investigate him. He has literally become untouchable no matter how much wrongdoing he commits.

Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.

People who never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.

People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees, many of which were in majors that they now cannot find jobs, but oh it was fun.

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous and lengthy vetting process, but any illiterate gang banger or terrorist who jumps the southern fence is welcome.

Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care to those who jumped the fence is okay.

If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college free.

If you cheat in an election nothing happens to you, but if you point out the mathematical errors of that election you are a conspiracy theorist & disdained.

People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.

We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan for us.

Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while others are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.

Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people but keeping them in custody is a violation of their rights.

The imbeciles in this country elected—with the help of outright fraud from a group of about five key states—an incompetent president who can’t string a series of words together into a coherent sentence. We as a nation have become the laughingstock of the entire world—no nation will ever trust us again.

Nothing makes sense anymore—no values, no morals, and no civility. People are dying of a Chinese virus, but it’s racist to refer to it as the China virus even though it began in China.

And, of course, pointing out all this hypocrisy makes me a “racist!”

We are clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good.

Our once viable political parties are in shambles. One is run by a collection of minority misfits appointed by leaders whose interests are self-centered and self-fulfilling. While the other is run by a collection of old, tired, worn out has-beens who have made their fortunes in the political arena and need to be ousted, and some new breeds who know what needs to be done, but are shouted down and suppressed by the has-beens.

And the biggest has been of all is one who did a good job as president but did not know how to win friends and influence people. And as a result was hated so much even by some members of his own party. Yet, he continues to run his mouth and talk ill of fellow party members thinking that will put him in good graces with the members at large. He would do well to remember a phrase from the greatest GOP president in my lifetime, “No Republican should ever speak ill of another Republican.”.

Wake up America, the once great unsinkable ship  America has hit an iceberg and it’s taking on water and sinking fast. We are being shouted down by the generation who came of age during the participation trophy era and believe everything needs to be fair and everyone deserves what they want, regardless of the cost to society. We Americans are drowning. Speak up while you still have a breath and a voice, for soon you will have neither.

This needs to be sent on to a lot of people. Please do it.


Originally posted 2023-02-28 13:18:12.

American Citizenship

Listen to this naturalized American citizens’ message to the President.  Sadly, Joe, nor his “Border Czar” Harris,  will never hear this, and even if they were tied to a chair and had this played to them, they would not be able to process it.  But it’s a message that a lot of people should hear and think about. Please listen to him, and be sure to pick up on how long it took him to become a naturalized citizen by doing it legally.  What a tragedy. I personally know one Canadian who came to America with a green card, married a local gal, had children, started his own landscaping business, donated tons to local charity groups, but it still took him eight years to become an American citizen. Yet these bastards streaming across the Border Czar’s border get all the benefits of a naturalized citizen at taxpayers expense and some even want to allow them to vote. And someone commented on one of my recent  posts refuting my belief that we are a third world shithole. I stand by my claim. We are a lawless, segregated, open border, immoral society who cannot conduct a legal election. We have laws, but they are applied discriminately. Excuse me while I go throw up.

Originally posted 2022-09-21 10:51:07.

Voter Fraud – Already Started.

Received a notice card in the mail telling me my mail-in ballot would be sent to me twenty-five days prior to the election. Hmm, when I applied for my driver's license here in FL I must had applied for a mail-in ballot. Whoops, that "ain't" going to happen. I want to be damn sure my vote is counted, so I called and changed it to in-person voting. Folks, the fraud has already started, I fear this will be the worst election for fraud in our country's history. I fear it will be worse than some of the third world shit holes' elections. These liberal thugs ARE NOT going to allow the linchpin of democracy to play out legally. They simply cannot allow Trump to have four more years.

Pennsylvania: Mailed-In Military Votes for Donald Trump ‘Were Discarded,’ FBI Says

Federal authorities are investigating “discarded” mailed-in ballots in a key Pennsylvania county that swung to President Trump in 2016.

Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis contacted the FBI related to “potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections,” the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a news release.

The FBI, working with Pennsylvania State Police, has been conducting interviews and reviewing physical evidence since Monday in Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton.

“At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot,” the DOJ said.

“All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.” Is this a surprise to anyone?

The DOJ said the inquiry “remains ongoing.”

The Citizens’ Voice reported County Manager David Pedri said the county “identified an issue and reported it to the authorities.”

“We are confident that it will be successfully resolved so it will not have an impact on the integrity of the election process,” Salavantis told the paper. And if you believe this you know the saying< I have a bridge. . . . . ‘”

In 2016, Trump won Luzerne County 57.9 percent to 38.6 percent, according to published results.

In 2012, President Obama won the county 51.5 percent to 46.7 percent, the county reported.

Absentee ballots have not been mailed out to general voters yet. Pedri said that should happen the first week of October.

The Postal Service is investigating after three trays of mail, which included mailed-in ballots, were found thrown in a ditch in rural Wisconsin.

The mail was found “near the intersection of highways 96 and CB, near the Appleton International Airport” and was turned over to the postal service.

“The United States Postal Inspection Service immediately began investigating and we reserve further comment on this matter until that is complete,” USPS spokesman Bob Sheehan said.

The post office did not disclose how many ballots were discarded in that instance.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.

Originally posted 2020-09-25 09:42:58.