Tag Archives: Delaware


Well, Carter is gone, and my flag is still two-blocked as it will remain. But do not despair my friends, we have a new legend to replace Jimmy, at least for a while. Joe Biden is the worst example of someone allegedly “serving” his country. Ha! The only person this ass ever served for his many political years was himself. I can’t remember when or even if, he was ever on the same side of an issue as I was regardless of its importance. And now he is so out of it that anyone who needs a favor probably has full access to the Oval Office to state their case and have old Joe issue a proclamation. What a disgrace. I wonder what it would cost me to have him  fire the Commandant of the Marine Corps today before he leaves office?

Here is another barn burner from my favorite author. Thanks Greg.

Lame Duck Legacy                                                              By: Greg Maresca

If there is such a thing as a sentimental moment at a political convention, President Joe Biden attempted such a ruse at the Democratic National Convention back in August when he recited from the Gene Scheer song, “American Anthem.” “The work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day,” said Biden. “What shall our legacy be?”

Fatefully, Biden stumbled awkwardly over the word “legacy” in waning attempt at crafting his own legacy. In retrospect, it was the perfect swan song for Bidenism that commenced 55 years ago in 1970.

Legitimacy of legacy lies in truth, and nothing else. There are no shortcuts.

Where to begin: The overrun southern border that has welcomed an estimated 21 million illegally, historic record inflation, out-of-control crime, wars in Gaza and Ukraine, the meteoric rise of China, an ever-exploding national debt, the COVID-19 vaccine debacle, the weaponization of the Justice Department, Hunter Biden’s pardon for federal tax and gun charges that the president said would never happen and a nation more at odds with itself since the Civil War.

Biden is a wandering and incoherent medically confirmed non-compos mentis elderly man with a “get-off-my-grass” aged fragility exhibiting the steadfast spitefulness of Alzheimer’s.

When the Easter Bunny had to show Biden where the exit was after a White House Easter egg hunt America needed nothing more. However, it kept coming. Biden’s descent into dementia put the finishing touches on decades of a blundering, self-aggrandizement political career. The whole charade finally crashed during the presidential debate in June, underscoring how Biden was holding a job way over his head. Arguably, it is the greatest of political scandals.

The thousands of pardons issued are highly suspected including the recent Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients – George Soros and Hillary Clinton, really?

With the death of former President Jimmy Carter, it is Biden who is our worst living President – another legacy splinter that ushered in Trump’s second presidential term.

Barack Obama disclosed years before that we should “never underestimate Biden’s ability to f**k things up,” and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, declared Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Biden’s political agenda was about power and self-enrichment and never about America. It’s Obama politics 101. Biden’s cognitive decline preceded his 2020 candidacy, and the entire Democrat contingent knew and so did anyone paying attention with the media being complicit.

Legacy, like its brother legend, is often distorted and overrated. Statues are torn down, and headstones are knocked over. After a generation or two, no one remembers or cares. Name an Academy Award, Nobel Prize or Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient from a decade ago. Rather, they are a trivia question – if they are lucky.

The innate, yet fallen human condition wants to achieve something of significance that outlives us other than a weathering tombstone with our name etched upon it. Some will pay a high price to do so even if it means selling out to evil.

The octogenarian Biden is spending his final days in the Oval Office telling war stories, while his staff works to spite the incoming Trump administration by banning oil and gas drilling in federal waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans using a decades old law that will make it difficult to reverse.

Enter the modern myth maker” the presidential library. Biden’s version will be constructed in Delaware – not Scranton. In honor of such an occasion, it will be a basement venue with the elevator incapable of reaching the first floor. Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents revised their Biden animatronic with Joe sleeping in a beach chair. Meanwhile, McDonald’s will feature a Biden burger that is Fluffernutter on burnt toast minus the beef.

The Democrat party and their media allies perpetuated a colossal fraud against America at the expense of national tranquility and security. They actively censored and criticized anyone that questioned Biden’s obvious cognitive impairments. And those constitutionally disposed to right the ship of state failed – the 25th Amendment be damned – is nothing short of treason.

This ongoing charade of woke democrats, leftists, and their enabling media should be more than enough to bury them all, but many remain incredulous.

After Obama and now Biden, who can blame them?

I wonder who’s idea it was to sell pieces of the border wall? Can you believe they had the audacity to do that. Have any of you bought a piece? LOL

A Typical American Family

NOT!!! This would make a great mini-series on TV; however, the problem is that none of the liberals would tune in thus the network would lose a substantial amount of ratings. It’s filled with high drama, and unbelievable actions by everyone involved. I feel sorry for Beau, he seemed to be the only “normal” person in the story.

What is amazing to me is that they are still getting away with all their discretions and felonious actions; all because everyone who matters in the U.S. today e.g., administration, DOJ, FBI, DA’s, local authorities, and of course the numero Uno – the media – hate Trump. 

Can you even imagine the screaming from rooftops by the democrats if any of Trump’s family would have committed any of these actions? Of course not!

The Biden’s: A “Hallmark Family…”Here is a REAL story: Joe Biden & his first wife, Neilia, had three children: Hunter, Beau and Naomi…  In 1972, his wife Neilia and Naomi, tragically died in a car accident…

Joe eventually married a woman named Jill (his current wife, the “PHD”)…

Joe already knew Jill, because she had been Hunter’s babysitter (Yeah, THAT seems like something out of “Father Knows Best” – marry the babysitter)… They had a daughter named Ashley,   who lives ‘a quiet life’ and is frequently in and out of rehab for various substance abuse issues…

Now sadly, the sanest, most normal one of the 3 surviving kids, Beau, died in 2015 from a brain tumor… He had been married to Hallie and they had 2 children, a boy and a girl named Natalie, who was 11 yrs. old when her dad died…

Enter Hunter Biden, in 2015, to “comfort” his brother’s widow… Mind you, Hunter is married at the time, to Kathleen Biden, since 1993… He starts screwing around with his dead brother’s wife in 2015… Hunter’s wife Kathleen finds out about it and they separate… Hunter moves in with his dead brother’s wife, Hallie, and her two kids, and they have a grand old time…

Hunter ultimately gets divorced from Kathleen in 2017… But, before that happens…

Hunter starts screwing around with a stripper, while still shacking-up with his dead brother’s wife, before his divorce is finalized and gets the stripper pregnant… Hailie kicks his butt to the curb supposedly for this indiscretion in 2018…

OK, at this point in the drama, he is still legally married to his first wife, living with his widowed sister-in-law and has knocked up a pole dancer… You following this…??? Can you begin to imagine if that was one of Trump’s sons…???

He denies the stripper’s baby is his, although a paternity test proves otherwise and eventually he marries yet another woman named Melissa in 2019 after knowing her for 6 days… And should you NOT believe all that you’ve just read, go to Google and put this in: 

…Hunter Biden’s wives and girlfriends…

Does the fairy tale end there…??? Why no, no it doesn’t…

This just sets the stage…

Enter the laptop from hell… Loaded with e-mails, text messages, photos, child pornography, videos and other sordid digital images of drug use and rampant weirdness…

Hunter Biden dropped the laptop off in Delaware, his home state, to get it repaired… It seems he dropped it in some water while in a meth-induced state of mind… He then neglected to pay the $m8500 repair fee and the laptop became the repair shop owner’s property for non-payment…

When the owner saw what was on it, he was so disturbed that he contacted the FBI… No response, it wasn’t a “noose” hanging in a NASCAR garage… The DOJ…??? No response, it didn’t involve Trump’s tax returns…

Eventually, it landed in Rudy Giuliani’s possession and he turned it over to the Delaware State Police ‘AFTER making 4 copies’ of the hard drive…

Turns out, there’s quite a lot of child pornography on there… Much of it involving youngsters on Hunter’s many trips to China…

The Chinese Communist Party uses this as a blackmail tactic…

They supply the young girls, they film you, unknowingly and then they can keep you “in line,” while paying you the big $$ to do their bidding, like lucrative deals with your VP father…

Millions of dollars were paid to Hunter Biden for favors with the U.S. Government while Joe Biden was VP under Obama…

For 8 years Hunter made the contacts and split the money with his father, referred to as the “Big Guy” in all e-mails detailing how their ill-gotten gains would be split-up amongst all the criminals involved…

Did Joe Biden sell out his country and used his meth head son to do it.?

Doesn’t this make you proud to be an American knowing we elected this scumbag as our leader and the Biden’s our first family?




Originally posted 2023-03-22 10:57:42.