Tag Archives: constitution

Biden’s Briar Patch

What is going on in the swamp these days? There is always so much going on among the creatures, tis hard to stay tuned up. Recv’d this missive from my good friend, fellow Marine Brother, Greg, this a.m. Biden just cannot stay out of trouble. To quote a famous Philosopher, “Stupid is what stupid is.” Why do so many of his remarks, promises, and decisions come back to bite him in the backside? Well, this one surely will. Stay tuned.

By: G. Maresca

With Republicans poised to win back the Senate after the November midterm election, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who is the court’s second-longest serving member, announced his retirement at the end of the court’s term this summer.

Biden promised during the 2020 South Carolina primary that provided he was elected his first appointment to the nation’s highest court would be a Black woman. Biden prefers identity politics taking precedent over qualifications.

Perhaps Biden is trying to make up for the fact that when George W. Bush nominated Janice Rogers Brown, a black woman for the U.S. Court of Appeals, she was opposed and filibustered by Sen. Biden. Brown was eventually confirmed and then nominated by Bush for the Supreme Court but replaced by Samuel Alito due to Biden’s opposition. In 1987, Biden bashed renowned judge Robert Bork, a Ronald Reagan Supreme Court nominee, so maliciously that he transformed Bork’s name into a verb.

Biden weaves a long and sordid tale with Supreme Court nominees, so don’t be fooled by this latest “first” just ask Janice Rogers Brown.

Biden’s appointment record speaks volumes with Kamala Harris as Vice President and Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of Energy – pure ideological selections. Biden’s first year has been a disaster yet, he continues along the same path as he kowtows to the extreme elements of his party. By announcing his intention to only consider black women, Biden insults his nominee, the court and nation.

Biden did his nominee a disfavor and thus put her judicial qualifications in question for the remainder of her career. The search will be limited to roughly 2% of the national lawyer consortium, which narrows the pool tremendously, while handcuffing the best candidates.

Biden’s nominee will not change the court’s balance of power but it will make it much younger.

The nation deserves a robust debate about the nominee, whether Black, Hispanic White, Asian, man, or woman. Diversity does not afford one to accurately read the law better. The increasing acceptance that gender and race, rather than individual merit, is the most important characteristic no matter how well-intended, should raise fervent alarm.

Even if the nominee was the best, she is denigrated by being chosen for race and gender rather than capabilities and credentials. She will certainly not get the disgraceful grilling that Kavanaugh received at his nomination hearing. Nor will she be asked why does any accomplished Black woman stoop to being played as a political pawn?

Biden was reminded that nominating Diana Ross to the Supremes happened a long time ago and he should select Kamala Harris already a torchbearer as the first woman who was Jamaican and Indian to become a Black woman.  Oh yeah, do that Biden, good choice. Wait, stop, watch this short video.

Replacing Harris with a competent vice president would enhance Biden’s ticket should he run again, or who can lead the ticket if he is unable.  

Biden said he will miss Breyer, as he is especially fond of his chocolate ice cream. Wait, stop, sorry to interrupt again, but watch this short clip of our clear thinking president

Naturally, any criticism of Biden’s pick will be treated as racist and misogynistic.

Once upon a time in America, Martin Luther King’s dream had relevance: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Many who observe King’s legacy embrace racism and sexism and fool no one.

Rather, they threaten and intimidate.

Biden treats the Constitution as a mere suggestion rather than the nation’s foundational law while failing to live up to his oath to faithfully uphold it.

Democrats run government by quota, rather than merit. Meritocracy is dead as race, gender, religion or lack thereof, is what characterizes contemporary America and not for the better.

This fall, the Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding race discrimination in admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina. Biden’s nominee, who gained her seat by race and gender, will now adjudicate such cases.

Breyer’s last line of his resignation letter reads: “Throughout, I have been aware of the great honor of participating as a judge in the effort to maintain our Constitution and the rule of law.”

That should be priority one.

Sadly, it is anything but.

Ice Cream anyone?


Originally posted 2022-02-03 09:18:11.

FBI = Federal Bureau of Intimidation?

Another great revelation from my dear friend and Marine Brother. Is this what our law enforcement agencies are supposed to be doing in a free democratic society? I think not, but they are. This has to stop, and stop now. We need to write our elected mafia who are allowing this to happen without uttering a word. Thank you Mustangs, and press on Brother!

FBI: Broken Trust

by bunkerville

by Mustang

Good morning, America — or, as Joey Tribbiani might say, “How you do’in?”  Good, I hope — but I’m not placing any bets.  Recently, our friend Mark alerted us to a recent Rasmussen poll suggesting that Nearly half of Americans see Biden’s FBI as a “personal Gestapo.”  That may seem a bit extreme, except that the Biden Attorney General’s Office recently doubled down on its requirement that the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division open up investigations on parents demanding accountability from their local school boards.  That’s right, folks.  The FBI is less concerned with Moslem extremists than John and Mary Doe, who object to idiotic racial theories being crammed down the gullets of their young, impressionable children.
Then they came for the SocialistsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionistsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the JewsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a Jew
Then they came for meBut there was no one leftTo speak out for me

Mustang also blogs at Fix Bayonets and Thoughts From Afar0


Originally posted 2022-01-12 14:38:25.

The Census Myopia

Wow, cannot believe the number of hits on the blog yesterday, well over 500 and the majority were on the LtCol  Scheller post. I want to thank everyone who made comments.. I really enjoy getting comments on posts and yours yesterday were on the mark! As I I am sure you have heard by now he was relieved of his duties as the CO of the Advance Infantry Training Bn, School of Infantry (East), Camp Lejeune, NC at 1430 that very day. The reason given was lack of confidence, which has become the standard cause since the Obama admisntration. 

As a LtCol, he is guaranteed 25 or26 years (can’t remember which) service under DOPMA , unless he is court martialed and kicked out. Of course, there are a variety of other lesser punishments the heavies could dish out. From the comments he made after being relieved, it appears he may just resign his commission and get out on his own. Of course that would be without retirement. Personally, I would stay in the remaining three years doing whatever shit job they decided to give me, then retire. But that’s his decision. I do hope we are able to follow the case and find out what happens.

On to something new this morning, another great article from my favorite contributor, Greg Maresca. Greg is a historian and does so much research on his comments. This one is loaded with thought provoking knowledge, most of which were new to me. Enjoy and once again, pray for our nation.

By: G. Maresca

The nation’s Founders recognized that a government of the people, by the people and for the people needed a consistent census. That is why every ten years a census is required by the Constitution.

The custodian of the national census are its numbers, but its progeny has always been – politics.

The census boils down to Congressional representation, which in turn, makes the political stakes and the scramble for federal monies paramount.

The nation’s overall population increased only 7% from 2010 – the second slowest ever – aided by a plunging national birth rate. The Hispanic population grew by 12 million to 62 million. Black America grew at two million to 46.9 million. The Asian population was up slightly, while Native American and Alaska Natives stayed about the same.

Most are moving South and West with the majority fleeing the Northeast with the mid-Atlantic states having lost 30.5% of their seats in the House of Representatives since 1950, while Florida has more than tripled.

Such a population shift means seven states lost one seat in the House. Pennsylvania, New York, California, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and West Virginia will all forgo one seat. Rural America got older while half of the nation’s counties lost population. States that warrant more seats include Texas with two and Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, Oregon, and Montana with one additional seat.

Republican state legislatures have been tasked with redrawing 187 Congressional districts to 75 for Democrats. With the 2022 midterm elections a little more than a year away, conditions would be primed for Republicans to win the House as they need just five seats.  However, the ten largest cities grew and remain the epicenter of the progressive left making the 2022 midterm no Republican guaranteed win.

What stood out most about the 2020 Census was that for the first time in its longstanding history, the number of white Americans dropped by nine percent and now comprise less than 60% of the nation. The mainstream media played it up hailing it as a “historic demographic milestone.”

California was one state where whites are now in the minority with 34.7%, while Hispanics were the majority with 39.4% of the population. Hawaii and New Mexico are the other two states where whites are in the minority.

Consequently, the nation is becoming more diverse as people claiming a multi-racial identity grew by over 226% with 33.8 million or 10% of the population. Whereas, in 2010, only nine million claimed to be multi-racial.

Apparently, many who identified as white in the past are now claiming otherwise.

Since 2000, the census permits multiple options regarding race or ethnicity. The ways we define minority status are as diverse as the people defining themselves.

Personal preferences don’t seem to matter as much as perception.

Racial identity politics took center stage following the 2012 murder of Trayvon Martin. Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was identified as white, provoking allegations that he racially profiled Martin, who was black. When it was revealed that Zimmerman’s mother is Latino and his father white, he was reclassified as Hispanic and then, white Hispanic.

More Americans are pulling a Sen. Elizabeth Warren who claims she’s 1/32nd Cherokee and thus Native American.

People use their mixed-race background to gain advantage. Many who were half black but passed for white avoided discrimination. Today, some flip the script to claim minority status in order to obtain select college admissions, scholarships, and employment promotions.

The diversifying of America exposes the mythical and fraudulent racist narrative of critical race theorists.

Since America’s white population shrank, so should the number of scapegoats and excuses. It won’t because whites are just too convenient of a piñata for the culture’s ills. Contemporary society thrives on victimhood, so culprits like white, straight, conservative, Christians will remain in demand to populate the lion’s den of leftist angst.

Once upon a time in American immigration policy, both my grandfathers were considered non-white because they were Italian. The same held true for the Irish and the Jews. Perhaps somewhere in the future one’s racial makeup will be an afterthought as Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society will become a reality.

Genetics says skin color is all about melanin levels.

When will society finally agree?

Postscript: Back when the census was being conducted, I had two neighbors who were working for the bureau conducting the door to door interviews. Talking to one, I asked who all he was counting, he said, “Everyone.” To which I queried, “You mean everyone in the household regardless of citizenship.?” He said yes. When I asked why, he replied that it means more money for our county. Later I asked the other neighbor and he said that was illegal and he should not be counting everyone in the household, especially of they are illegal immigrants. So, the takeaway is, how much faith can we place on the results of the national census. 

In the interest of full disclosure, the first neighbor was a die hard liberal (he’s since moved), and the second is as far right as me, and brutally honest.

Originally posted 2021-08-28 12:13:13.

America is in Deep Trouble

Friends, fellow Americans, I personally believe this is the most important posts I have ever posted in the nearly six years I have been running this blog.

it is A MUST READ!!! Furthermore, it NEEDS to be shared with every friend and relative in your entire address book PLEASE!

William caught me off guard on this one. Defund the police? Of course, the  “National Security Force” will handle all the problems. WOW! Ifr this read does not give you the shivers, you’re dead.


                                          Their Agenda, Our Future

Control has been a step in the agenda of the “Progressive” movement since Obama first uttered the words of their desire to “Fundamentally Transform” this nation. Way too many people had no idea what he meant when he spewed those words of treason. Now at this time, who can deny the “Transformation” promised is not well underway. Who will deny their “Collapse” and “Control” is not becoming a reality?

                                   Civilian National Security Force                                                (AKA – Homeland Security Police / Federal Protective Service)

Keep an eye on this one. – A warning came in an editorial sent June 2nd, 2013 when Obama stated, ” We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the U.S. military.” In another statement, Obama said, “We have a great opportunity to really transform how we think about community law enforcement relations.” Now, knowing Biden is nothing more than an Obama puppet, one more quote from Obama. “You can judge me by those I surround myself with.” The same applies to Biden which has in his regime, many “leftovers” from Obama to carry out their agenda.

As previously mentioned in a recent editorial, the “Rights”— “Endowed by our Creator” and the Constitution of this nation have been substituted with the “Privileges” they have allotted us. How can the citizens of a nation,- rights guaranteed,- be so willing to give them up? In the march to complete their agenda of “Control,” they will lead the politically and morally blind down the path of destruction. Many have asked the question, “What happened?” — Stupid happened.  Uninvolved happened. Uninformed happened. I don’t talk religion or politics happened. Fear happened. The attitude of it can’t happen in this country happened. And on we go.

Over the past twelve years, attempts have been made by me to reveal the agenda of the “Progressive” mindset and expose them to be the haters of this nation they once concealed. Now, they openly express that hatred. There has been a desperate and truthful attempt to expose  the “enemies of state” I believed them to be. Their concealed motives and quest for power was not openly presented by them,,, until now!

During these past years, editorials sent has reached many. I’m thankful for those that have taken heed and have forwarded.  There were thousands of editorials sent and hours of research presented. There is now a loss for words. I find myself at a point where I can say no more than has already been said. The “Progressive” movement has now become bold and blatant enough to tell you themselves. It has been said that over the years “I’ve been ‘Preaching’ to the choir.” The problem now is, the choir has stopped singing.

In every situation there is a final chapter. This one is mine. I have run the race. I have fought a good fight. It’s just now time.

I’m hoping someone younger will take up the baton being passed.

                                                   Final Thought

What the “pretenders of good deeds” do in the future will be with even more boldness and arrogance. All has been covered and revealed by me in the past.  Difference being is what they and the news media will call it. Regardless, – the deceit, deception and corruption will continue. Invasion by “Illegals” from over a hundred countries will be supported or ignored.

The attempt to “Fundamentally Transform” will continue. Their conniving desire to “Collapse the System” will be their driving force. Their unscrupulous agenda is to make the citizens of this nation dependent upon their government, according to their plan. “Control” will then be in their hands. Socialism / Communism is now obtainable — if allowed.

When things get so bad we just can’t imagine a situation. When the tears of emotion, because of a great loss, can no longer be held back. When we feel the death of something so many have sacrificed to protect appears inevitable. When we see the clouds of the “perfect storm” developing, and and it appears there is nothing can be done to stop it. Is it then we discover we’ve slept too long? Is it then we submit to the “Transformers”? Is it then we relinquish our freedoms to those that will take them from us? Is it then, indeed? We watch… We look into the clouds of the storm that will devastate the remains of a nation once blessed like no other and see the promise of the “Founding Fathers” being replaced by the evil ambitions of the deceitful and corrupt. UNLESS,,, “WE the people” wake up.

Semper Fi & may God bless America.

Bill Marshall


Please view the attached video and realize what some have given while others remain silent.  Remember those that have given their lives for this country.  Give nine minutes of your time to watch as we approach Memorial Day.

AND,,, may the heroes of the past that  have served and died for the freedoms of this nation be not in vain.  Turn up your sound / full screen, and click on Mansion. – It is Powerful! You can never see this too many times. Memorial Day is coming soon and is not just about having cookouts. (If allowed)


Please click on “Mansions” and watch this on Memorial Day, best get a Kleenex first.

Originally posted 2021-05-25 15:53:13.

A Star-Spangled Misfire

I have been remiss from posting any gobbly gook from the swamp creatures of late, but with good reason. We just returned from a weekend in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to witness our granddaughter graduating from the University. WOW.  Impressive is an  understatement! I’m sure some of you attended a university as large and impressive, as Alabama, but I had not. I was awestruck. At my granddaughter’s suggestion, I even had a “Yellow Hammer,” actually I had three, and I might add suffered the entire next day. LOL

But then I digress. Great article from my favorite presenter. Although growing up only 30 miles from D.C., and having been stationed there for two years, I must admit I really did not know much of  its history. Oh I knew it it was not a state, but beyond that I have to claim ignorance. Just in case you fall into the same category, please copy and paste the link below for a very good explanation of D.C. and why it is not a state from the Encyclopedia Britannica. 


Then read Greg’s excellent article about Biden’s attempt to simply expect Congress to make it a state.

By Greg Maresca

In May 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama announced during a campaign stop that he had been to 57 states. Such an embarrassing blunder was glazed over like a Crispy Cream donut. In retrospect, it was perhaps a Freudian slip. Provided Democrats get their way, they will get closer to 57 by adding Washington D.C. as the 51st state with Puerto Rico waiting on deck.

As president, Obama must regret not going for broke with the whole socialist agenda when he had the chance. President Biden has certainly wasted no time in picking up the slack in his first 100-days in office.

Provided you need to be reminded: elections have consequences.

In Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers created a special federal district for the sole purpose of not being a state. Writing in The Federalist No. 43, James Madison clarified that without a separate federal district, the federal government “might be insulted and its proceedings be interrupted with impunity.” It is obvious the Founders did not want to subject the federal government to the sway of any state government.

Moreover, D.C. statehood would violate the intent that states have substantial land mass. Aside from the original 13 states, no state was smaller than 30,000 square miles until Hawaii entered the union in 1959. However, with a total of 137 islands and over 10,000 square miles, Washington D.C. does not even come close.

If that’s not enough, the 23rd Amendment enfranchised D.C. residents in presidential elections with three Electoral College votes, tenured its venue and size, designating it as the “seat of Government.” The amendment established that the only way to repeal a constitutional amendment is with another amendment.

It was no oversight that the nation’s capital is not a state, but rather an exclusive territory under the absolute authority of Congress, where elected representatives and senators from every state in the union could meet on neutral ground to conduct the nation’s business.

The nation understands D.C.’s unique constitutional status. A 2020 Gallup poll said 64% of Americans opposed DC statehood vs. just 29% in favor. Sorted by party and region, there were “no major subgroups of Americans voice support for DC statehood.”

If the city’s denizens do not appreciate their longstanding historical significance, they can always vote with their feet and move. This legislation symbolically labeled H.R. 51 would turn the District into exactly what the Founders rebuffed.

In a dichotomy of the times, Democrats desire to localize what the Constitution explicitly has federalized, while at the same time trying to federalize everything else. The statehood push is ultimately a power play for Democrats who want to turn D.C. into a city-state as the deep blue District will guarantee them two seats in the Senate changing the chamber’s partisan composition in their favor. With the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee wanting to pack the Supreme Court, adding two additional Senators via D.C. is a Democrat two-fer.

Democrats’ carry-on like this because they know Republicans will not put up a fight. Here is yet another version of Democrat unity and healing where the end goal is a one-party totalitarian centralized state.

This legislation is nothing but a power grab in the first-degree. If it were truly about statehood and the fabricated mantra of “taxation without representation,” Democrats would introduce legislation for D.C. to become part of Maryland from which it was initially ceded. But that doesn’t work as it would not obtain the desired two additional Senate seats.

Without missing an opportunity to race bait, New York Democrat Rep. Mondaire Jones, called arguments against D.C. statehood “racist trash.” Naturally, if you oppose D.C. statehood on any level be it Constitutional, historical, you name it; you are to be smeared as a racist because a majority of its residents are black.

With the Senate filibuster requiring 60 senators to advance any legislation, the odds of D.C. statehood are formidable. Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia said he will not support the legislation or efforts to eliminate the filibuster. “If Congress wants to make D.C. a state, it should propose a constitutional amendment,” Manchin suggested.

Manchin is one Democrat who actually gets it.

Perhaps more will join him.

What  did surprise me was the  29%  who were in favor of making it a state. I wonder how many of those were ignorant, as I, about its history?

Originally posted 2021-05-06 14:13:55.