Tag Archives: Biden

All-Star Strikeout

Greg hits another Home Run!

By: G. Maresca

As Major League Baseball (MLB) opened its season to sunny skies with every team playing on the same day since 1937, the game’s executives seem intent on beheading the golden goose with the woke ax of the Cancel Culture.

Given the issues with two recent Georgian elections, the state’s legislature passed a bill that would strengthen the integrity and fairness of their voting laws.  The MLB suits and their Democrat allies including President Biden disagreed labeling the legislation “an atrocity” and “Jim Crow.”  As a result, MLB’s midseason summer classic – its annual All-Star game and amateur draft that were to take place in Atlanta – will be relocated to Colorado that has similar voting laws.

The president’s distortion of the Georgia law is intentionally divisive since he promised to unite the nation at his inauguration.  Even the left leaning Washington Post awarded Biden four Pinocchio’s.

MLB’s certitude is business as usual.  During last year’s abbreviated season, MLB stenciled a Marxist organization’s initials on pitching mounds leaguewide.  Despite their All-Star boycott of Georgia, MLB announced an expanded television deal with China.  MLB must not realize that in China they eat their bats rather than swing them.

MLB should showcase their All-Star game in Wuhan.  Surely, the Uighurs in their Xinjiang province “re-education” camps would tune in. Even Secretary of State Antony Binken said China is committing genocide against the Uighurs.

The media needs to question Biden on how a law committed to voter integrity in a state that he won warrants a boycott, while communist China gets a pass.

The Georgia law will require absentee voters to provide identification when requesting and mailing in their ballot.  Likewise, ballot drop boxes that were temporary during the pandemic will continue but be reduced.  There were no drop boxes prior to COVID, ever.

What will MLB do when other states pass similar voter integrity laws? Stop playing games in those states?  Why are any of the 81 regular season games being played in Atlanta if this law is so egregious?

Politics injecting itself into professional sports is vogue.  In July 2016, the NBA pulled its All-Star Game from Charlotte, N.C. because a state law mandated that transgenders use bathrooms according to their birth gender. After the law was repealed, the NBA rewarded Charlotte their 2019 All-Star game.

Political division is nothing new, but the ridiculous and despotic reactions are.  Perhaps MLB is auditioning for their future masters – the Chinese Communist Party?  No need to concern yourself with voter suppression when there are no elections.

Georgia is in no way suppressing legitimate voters, but their law does make it harder for illegitimate voters – and that is the crux – for Democrats.  MLB has smeared Georgia’s elected majority as racist and anti-democratic.

State officials should sue for defamation.

Here is MLB lecturing on election integrity when nothing is more fraudulent than an MLB All-Star ballot, where voting early and often is creed.

Drive to the park, buy a beer at the game and you will need identification.  Producing identification is not voter suppression; it is voter certification.  And you better have your immunization card updated to enter because that is next.

Sports should be apolitical, but it is the weak and craven who fail to step up to the plate and make it so.  Georgia showed uncharacteristic courage for politicians something MLB and the crony and woke CEOs at Atlanta based Delta Air Lines and Coca-Cola severely lack.

If other legislatures and organizations would exhibit such resolve perhaps, a real examination, without the name calling about why one group has lagged behind in most metrics despite decades of unconstitutional subsidies and preferences.  Then we could address some real causes: 70% children born out of wedlock, 52% of murders, 37% of abortions among a culture that is only 13% of the population where entitlement and victimization handcuff advancement while atrophying young minds.

Bureaucratic elites are in lockstep with the anti-liberty, totalitarian, Constitution-hating zealots who occupy Washington.  This decision by MLB is just the latest example.

Sports is entertainment, not a political movement.

Until conservatives can boycott as effectively as leftists, expect more of the same.

Conservatives need to take a final homerun trot around the MLB bases of going, going… gone.

Good luck with your new friends, MLB.


Originally posted 2021-04-09 11:02:17.

The Border Issue

In case you have not been keeping up what’s going on at the southern border; I know it’s hard because DHS is not allowing any reporters anywhere near the border. But, they couldn’t stop my very favorite Senator Ted Cruz, the only one BTW who is pushing term limits knowing he will be out of a job. Albeit, they definitely tried to stop him from seeing the conditions and filming under the guise of “respecting their dignity” — yeah right. You will have to copy and paste into your browser. Why isn’t the MSM shouting to the rooftops, oh, I forget, they don’t care as it’s a Biden issue.


Originally posted 2021-03-30 13:29:12.

Biden’s Border

 Is An Absolute Nightmare

This surely is not a surprise to anyone is it? I mean we knew this would happen. If this keeps up during his and her four years in office Hispanics just might be the majority population in the U.S. , and we all know who they they would vote for. Hell look at the T-shirts. I wonder where they got all them. Who bought them, who issued them, and where did they pick them up at? Folks, we are fast losing our country. How can we sit back and allow this to happen.

Meanwhile the GOP is trying frantically to decide what to do about Trump since some of them didn’t like his speech at CPAC, including old Mitch himself; need to get that closet RHINO out of office. Folks, the U.S. is in total chaos.



PJ Media

There were a lot of things we knew we’d be getting if Joe Biden ascended to the Asterisk (h/t VodkaPundit) Throne. We knew his handlers would have to run a modified version of the basement strategy that they employed during the campaign. It’s difficult to hide the president of the United States but they certainly can’t let the babbling moron out in front of the cameras too much. Look into his eyes whenever he makes one of his infrequent, limited public appearances. He almost always looks like he has no idea where he is.

Thus far, they’ve been fairly successful at playing “Hide the POTUS.” No State of the Union address. No press conferences. We do know what his dog is up to though.

We also knew that letting any Democrat near the White House would mean the open-borders crowd would have a field day. Modern Democrats can barely hide their disdain for the United States. They have no respect for things like U.S. citizenship or national borders.

Donald Trump led with border security during his 2016 campaign kickoff for a very good reason. It’s a grave concern for millions of Americans but Democrats and squish Republicans haven’t been taking it seriously for decades now.

We’re not even two months into the puppet president’s first term and the Mexican border is already the hottest of messes.

Bruce wrote about it yesterday:

Things have gotten so bad that Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, is asking DHS staff to volunteer to help deal with what he is calling an “overwhelming” number of migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border. Mayorkas emailed DHS personnel on Monday to plead for help.

It’s a real comfort knowing that Susie in HR is being asked to help control the border that the Sinaloa Cartel uses to cross into the United States.

As Bruce notes in his post, the decisions that are creating and perpetuating this crisis are being made by people who are far away. This has always been one of the most infuriating aspects of border policy to me. I’ve spent my entire life living close to the Mexican border and when I hear politicians who aren’t from border states discussing the situation it’s immediately clear that they don’t know what in the hell they’re talking about. True, there are some from border states who are part of the problem, but I blame that on the brain corruption that hits most who go to Washington.

Several years ago during one of my appearances on the old Fox News Channel show Red Eye, we were having a panel discussion about Arizona’s SB 1070 law. I was the only one on the panel who had ever lived near the border. I said, “Whenever I hear a bunch of people from the Northeast talking about the Mexican border it sounds like a bunch of men discussing menstrual cramps and acting like they understand them.” Now, let’s face it that’s a good one. LOL

,Of course, COVID-19 now adds an extra security concern to the border problem. The same liberals who would prefer that American citizens be COVID prisoners in their own homes are just fine with a flow of illegal crossings that can’t be monitored, which Stacey wrote about on Tuesday:

While Americans’ freedoms and liberty have been crushed for nearly a year and state leaders just now lifting government mandates are called Neanderthals by the president, illegal immigrants pour over the border and into the interior unfettered—with President Biden’s apparent blessing. With hypocrisy like this, people should stop wondering why policies that put their safety, security, and prosperity as the top priority were so attractive to American voters. And they should be shocked when that perspective grows.

Who needs contact tracing, right?

Again, we aren’t even eight weeks into this. Jobs have been killed. Iran is getting bolder. China is having a laugh. And the Mexican border is a chaotic nightmare.

But nobody’s had their feelings hurt by mean Trump tweets.

All’s well with the liberals, they are having so much fun playing with our Nation. Meanwhile we conservative, constitution loving folks just talk about how bad everything is. 

Originally posted 2021-03-11 09:20:23.

Bunkerville Redux

Hi Gang, so much going on it’s tough to keep up with it all. As you know I watch no TV news programming. However, I received an email from my dear friend, and fellow Marine brother this week. Dave follows the blog and he sent me the name of the news program he watches. I checked it and I like it it too. So if you are interested in a news program that gives a fair and balanced programming, check it out. David even sent me a list of where you can find it depending on your device.

Find Newsmax TV on:

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  • DirecTV Ch. 349
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I have it on my computer and listen to it while I am doing other things, and when they are on a segment that I want to watch, I simply open it.

Okay, on to the swamp and see what these slimy devious creatures are up to, hell, one never knows do we? Anyway, my brother blogger BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!  had a great one out today.  And here is the link, what a lot of info. Please go there and see whatr the swamp is still trying to cover up.

FBI Wray refused to discuss the death of Capitol Cop Sicknick – a repeat of Vince Foster Coverup


Okay something to smile about.



Originally posted 2021-03-04 12:37:49.


Hello  and welcome to my Monday morning epiphany. How many of you watched the Don’s speech yesterday at CPAC? After having one heck of a time trying to find where it was appearing for viewing, my electronically wizard Bride finally found it on her iPad. I understand it started late for what reason I know not., but it worked out great as I had my Sunday Happy Hour single malt and cheap cigar while listening intently to every word. 

I was absolutely thrilled when he called out, by name, the “Slimy Seven,” and even slammed old Liz Cheney, she really thinks she is something. Not! I do believe he hit every point that needed to be mentioned. After listening to him, I have fallen off the idea of a third party; he’s right, the Republican Party needs to be fixed. A third party will never become anything and could certainly pave the way for a larger Dema-scum party. Which brings me to my point.

After the speech, I did  something I said I would never do again i.e., contribute to any political group, My bride and I went to the title website and contributed $255. I know  what I said, but I personally believe in Trump; we need him on the road campaigning for the right candidates, I get it. I feel confident donating to his website. Yeah, I now it’s probably all going to the same pot, but if he is going nationwide for the next two years campaigning for candidates, maybe in some small way my measly $250 may help. We NEED to win back both houses in 2022, and win big to stop all the incredible things Joe has already done to our country and will have done by then.

When was the last time a president spent four years in office, took all the abuse to him and his family, accomplished so much that most Americans don’t have a clue about or the importance of what his administration did and never took a damn dime in salary? Name one.

So, if you feel the urge I would ask you to go to the title website and contribute to rebuilding the GOP.

Semper Fi Brothers and Sisters;


Originally posted 2021-03-01 10:47:58.