Tag Archives: animals

Another Day at the Laundromat

Every now and then something comes from one of my Marine brothers that is a must see, I have to post it. This would be so hilarious if it were not so tragic. What is wrong with these people? These women are acting like animals. That’s the only way to explain it; living breathing animals. And the men can’t seem to handle them either. I wonder what trivial thing started it all? One of these cars is a BMW. They have no thoughts about what they are doing…..none. This is a culture problem.


Originally posted 2017-09-30 16:09:11.

Hanging Out

For those of you who know me well, you understand my passion for animals; I love them all. My bride says I would rather wreck the car than run over a  squirrel, and she’s probably right! She also asks why I do not have the same love and affection for people as I do for animals. That’s easy to answer. Just look around you at the world and our society today. Nuff said. BTW, the initial photo is of Nadeah, our first mommy when we started raising Siberian Kittens.

During these very troubled times with the China Virus (Geez, I like that name, thank you Mr. President), the hypocrisy within our judicial system, and the political rivalry that is literally tearing our country apart, I thought it a good idea to post something nice for a change. Maybe the liberals out there, will enjoy it as well, albeit I doubt I have any following this blog. Please, sit back, turn up the sound a tad and enjoy watching what we humans are incapable of doing.  Note the differing species.


Originally posted 2020-05-05 10:46:07.