Tag Archives: America

Boo-yah America

OMG, This clip would be so funny if it weren’t so true and sad. Can you even imagine what the world thinks of the US right now. We are at best giving them all something at which to laugh. Folks we are being lead by a trio of  incompetent blithering fools. And what amazes me to end is the 35% of Americans who can watch this and think all’s well in Washington. Can you imagine what the Germans sitting in that audience were thinking? BTW, did any of our MSM cover this speech? I don’t know since I don’t watch any. Perhaps some of you saw it? No? Hmm, wonder why?

Putin and that pachyderm from China must be having the laugh of their lifetime. Do you think they may fear us at all? LOL

Be sure to turn your volume up during Pelosi’s speech. That is if you think volume may help, it didn’t help me and I had it turned away up.

OK, did you get all that she said? Good, please translate. Remember now, this woman is third in line for what used to be referred to as the leader of the free world.  Sleep well Americans.

Originally posted 2022-02-17 09:17:19.

What A Letter!

Folks, I know it’s Sunday, the Lord’s Day, and I did attend church this morning as my bride and I do every week. But then I come home and while I should have stayed off the computer, it was too cold outside (would you believe it was in the low 30′ last night; had to cover my tomato plants. Yeah I know shame on me talking about such mundane things to you folks up north), but then I digress as usual. Anyway I go online and start eliminating emails that are always filled with the goings on of the day, which usually contain more about the Third World Shithole in which we live. But one email I never delete without reading is from my dear friend and brother, Lobo

He had an attachment written by a Marine retired general for whom I have the utmost  regard and respect, albeit I never served under him, and I consider that my loss. We were; however, within shouting distance several times during our careers. His reputation  stands for itself.

I strongly recommend you read his letter, and for God’s sake, take heed and let’s continue our mission. Write some damn letters, make some phone calls, and above all else — MAKE SO NOISE!


The best places to start a study of today’s Washington are Congressman Jim Jordan’s highly readable book, “Do What You Said You Would Do” and the much longer, even more staggering, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” authored by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Both provide authoritative confirmation of the news that flies daily on the internet.

Former topflight college wrestler and one of the few members of the current Congress who aggressively supports the desires of his constituency, Jordan exposes such matters as the 6 January 2021 “insurrection” in the capitol and is harshly critical of colleagues, Republican and Democrat, who campaign using promises that are ignored once they take office. He also addresses lies like the “insurrection” of 6 January 2021, recently called, “worse than Pearl Harbor” by a “woke” Democrat politician.

Both books are most instructive. Every American who is concerned about what is happening to our once great country will find cause and confirmation of their concerns in the authors’ works.
Robert Kennedy, a gentleman who had a “… 40 year career as an environmental and public health advocate…” provides a detailed exposition of America’s catastrophic response to the COVID – 19 epidemic. By page xx of the Introduction, the reader learns that the lockdown strategy put 58 million Americans out of work and among other things contributed to, “a run-up in the national deficit … the interest payments alone will cost almost $1 trillion annually.” To add perspective, it takes $1,000 Billion to equal $1 Trillion. Adding insult to stupidity, according to Google, the National Debt is hovering around $29 Trillion.

That’s not all. Among other things, page xxi of the Introduction reveals that, “When Dr. Fauci took office, America was still ranked among the world’s healthiest populations. Not now. An August 2021 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked America’s health care system,” dead last among industrialized nations, with the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy.” And there’s more. Much more, including the page 29 revelation of published studies based on fictional information provided by an Illinois based “medical education” company. The company had 11 employees, including a “… science fiction writer and a porn star/events hostess.” Yessir, just “follow the science.” Read further and you have to wonder why many people, including Fauci are not in jail.

Both books ought to be on every bookshelf in America. Every day brings corruption on steroids into American life. The books are enough to prove that America is in serious trouble. Much of the mainstream media is useless. It is an ally of the “woke” and a megaphone for the distribution of lies and amazingly stupid and often unpopular policies.

An example of the media lapdog relationship with the Democrats is found in a recent internet video showing a Republican House Member announcing that the much ballyhooed Build Back Better Bill contains a proviso that the Federal Government will pay one half the salary of every print or electronic news reporter  THROUGHOUT THE NATION.

Think of it, a back door, government controlled news agency. Whose money will be used? Or even better, think of Dr. Josef Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda machine. It takes a seriously sick group of politicians to come up with that portion of the trillion dollar farce.

The above examples show why the internet is a major source of current news, especially news that most major print and electronic media outlets ignore or even lie about.

More samples of internet content are found in January 19th’s early morning internet intake. It included four articles and a highly informative video, all overlooked by the lapdogs. All spread the stench of official corruption, incompetence, lies and, illegality that abound on a daily basis.

The intake started with a missive entitled, “Bad Border Crisis – Mexico a Larger Crisis.” It included, as an attachment, a copy of a speech delivered by the former Director for Texas Homeland Security from 2007 – 2018. He had much to say about our border with Mexico; however, his starting point was that “… Mexico is on the brink of becoming a failed state.” He went on to note that the cartels currently have influence over the Mexican government and upon failure of the government, they will move in and take full control of Mexico.

The cartels already have operatives in the United States to keep an eye on police activity and run the deadly drug distribution network (they must have celebrated the Defund the Police insanity as a true gift). A Mexico under full control of cartels, some of which are already smuggling lethal Chinese drugs into the US via our southern border, is a potential national security threat of the highest order. The cartels will expand the number of US based drug and human smuggling operations. To do so, they will add the necessary violent criminal manpower.

Our current Secretary of Homeland Security has said, “The Border is Closed.” That is a blatant lie. Border officials have repeatedly stated that, “we have lost control of the border.” The US Government has done nothing to close the border. The number of illegals and flow of lethal drugs continue to increase. China’s involvement continues to increase. Who are the illegals? What are they? Why doesn’t Washington care about the drugs and associated deaths? Border patrol officers are shot at from Mexico. Washington does nothing. Why? The Southern Border. Is clearly in a catastrophic state. Why does the Federal Government not do its DUTY and actually close the border?? A nation without a border is no longer a nation.

And why, in the name of God, are Illegal immigrants allowed to use arrest warrants as ID alternatives in order to board aircraft? That gem was initially announced by the Transportation Security Administration on 21 January. According to a 22 January internet report, it was confirmed by the Western Journal the same day. Whose aircraft? Where do they go? Why? Who pays for the flights?

The second internet offering was an edition of “Fred on Everything.” The subject was the crumbling American educational system. One of the more maddening facts surfaced when our educational system was compared to those of other countries. It was reported that, “America’s mathematics teachings are being dumbed down because math is racist.” How insane! Where is the nation’s Department of Education as parents fight Board of Education introduction of pornography in grade school curricula and libraries? Where is the Department of Education while math is being “dumbed down” or porn is being taught in grade schools? Get rid of it.

Next comes the internet report that the Department of Defense is “… quietly looking into how nonbinary troops can serve openly.” This, and the DOD effort to identify racists and right wing extremists in the services, is occurring just as Russia masses infantry, artillery, armor and combat support commands on the Ukrainian border. Shades of 1939 Europe and the Nazi force buildup on the Polish border.

If Russia invades Ukraine, Europe either goes to war or faces the prospect of possible further Russian ambitions to recreate the Soviet Empire. If Europe prefers freedom to possible subservient domination, highly possible NATO commitments will force American participation.

Of much greater importance, just as Russia threatens to invade the Ukraine, Communist China is drooling at the prospect of occupying Taiwan According to internet reports, DOD has openly stated that wargames against China have repeatedly resulted in America’s defeat.

Unfortunately, even cursory discussion of DOD and the services requires a separate paper. However, it is worth noting that DOD is now slow rolling a congressional demand for a report concerning the gift of roughly $80 Billion worth of military equipment to Afghanistan’s Taliban. The report was due two months ago. There’s trouble in the wind. Real trouble.

One military related matter that was not mentioned in the 19 January string of early emails is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) unbelievable phone call to his Chinese counterpart. He told the Chinese general that, should America decide to activate the nuclear launch system with China as the target, he would give the Chinaman a warning phone call. Reports of that phone conversation were received with amazement by government officials and the public. Nothing has since been said or apparently, done about that call.

It is reasonable to assume that China’s decision making chain of command for launching nuclear strikes is shorter than ours. The Chinese could launch a first strike nuclear attack and then claim, for public benefit, that their attack was prompted by a warning phone call. Or the call could actually be made as the activation system is working its way through the chain only to be stopped for some reason. At that point, China would have every reason to launch its nukes. Much talking about nukes. Little thinking.
The final example of one morning’s internet intake is a Lawrence Sellin article discussing the amount of taxpayer money Fauci has spread around to support questionable biowarfare research. Fauci is no friend of America.

Washington is not a swamp. It is a malfunctioning open air sewage treatment plant. The lies, corruption and power grabbing must be stopped. America is not just going in the wrong direction; it is sliding rapidly downhill toward the loss of freedom and the tyranny of communism. Look at the 6 January protestors who are still confined in a DC jail. What happened to “a speedy trial?” What is being done about reports of prisoner abuse? Why are they jailed when real rioters and insurrectionists burned down government buildings and attacked policemen during the 2021 riots run free?

There are signs that the American people are catching on. Great! But not enough. The lies, insanities and illegalities continue unabated. Military veterans who have gone many places and seen so many things in peace, or often in war, have a broader background than others. They should be prominent in the defense of America. Washington should be barraged with letters by the thousands. Numbers count to politicians. Veterans should identify themselves. They are citizens who contributed to America’s defense. As a group, they have clout. And they should encourage friends and relatives to join in the effort. It’s their country, too. They must be heard.

Please start the hobby of tormenting DC with letters. We have a huge, target rich environment. Expand upon subjects in this paper. Go after others … crime; inflation; the failure to investigate $1.5 Billion the Chinese gave Hunter Biden; the police who beat a defenseless woman’s head with nightsticks during the 6 January demonstration; and empty grocery store shelves. Given what goes on in the sewage treatment plant, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Major General Jarvis Lynch, USMC (Ret).

Originally posted 2022-01-30 17:40:29.

Got Mail?

I know it is Sunday, the Lord’s Day, and I was going to take a respite, but then this came across my computer screen. WOW! It would be funny if it weren’t so terrible. It’s almost unbelievable , but watch the videos and decide for yourself. Has anyone seen this on national news? I don’t watch the news so I don’t know. All I can say, who would want to live in CA, and especially in LA?  But then to each his/her own I guess. That place has become a lawless Third World Sh*thole! I don’t know which is worse Chicago or Los Angeles?? Copy and paste the URL below and watch  the actual videos of what is going on and see why your expected packages may be a little late. You might even see yours LOL.


Absolutely unbelievable!!!!!!! Comments welcome!

Originally posted 2022-01-16 11:24:08.

The Corps Part IV

Okay Marines, don’t know if you picked up on this back in September when it happened. I did but I saved it for this series on “The Corps.”

A Sikh Marine is now allowed to wear a turban in uniform

From The Marine Times

The new headgear for Sikh Marines.

On Sept. 23, 1st Lt. Sukhbir Toor possibly became the first Marine lawfully wear a turban in a Marine Corps uniform.

The Marine Corps granted Toor the ability to wear his turban, uncut hair and a beard in uniform, in accordance with his Sikh faith, unless he deploys to a combat zone or while he is wearing a dress uniform in a ceremonial unit, The New York Times first reported.

The young Marine and the lawyers who represent him said the accommodations mark progress, but do not go nearly far enough accommodate the Marine in his Sikh faith.

The accommodations he was granted, “effectively amounts to a denial … it’s almost asking someone to compartmentalize their identity,” said Giselle Klapper, his lawyer from the Sikh Coalition advocacy group.

After several requests and lawsuits the Army changed policy in 2017 and now allows Sikh soldiers to wear articles of their faith and turbans with minimal restrictions.

Toor, the son of Indian immigrants, joined the Corps in 2017 and is serving as an artillery officer in 3rd Battalion, 11th Marines, at Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center Twenty nine Palms, California.

The Marine told The New York Times that when he first joined he was willing to cut his hair, shave his beard and wear the traditional Marine Corps covers, believing it was wrong to ask for something from the Marine Corps before he gave anything back.

But when he was selected for promotion to captain in the spring, he decided it was time to ask.

“I finally don’t have to pick which life I want to commit to, my faith or my country,” Toor told the Times. “I can be who I am and honor both sides.”

Sikhs traditionally wear five articles of faith that signify commitment to their religion. The articles include a small wooden comb known as the “kanga,” a small knife or ceremonial sword called “kirpan,” cotton “soldier shorts” or slightly longer underwear called the “kachera,” a small steel bracelet known as a “kara,” along with going without cutting their hair or beard, known as “kesh.”

The turban, or dastaar, over the centuries became closely linked to the Sikh religion. It is in the code of conduct and bears nearly the same amount of importance as the other articles, according to Learn Religions.

In June Lt. Gen. David Ottignon, the head of Manpower and Reserve Affairs wrote a letter granting Toor the ability to wear the turban and unshorn hair, but only in limiting circumstances.

“The real world consequences of the failure of a forward deployed Marine unit, such as the one you lead, could jeopardize the lives of Marines and those relying on them to complete their mission,” the general added. “The Corps cannot experiment with the components of mission accomplishment in forward units without assuming the risk of mission failure.”

Under the initial restrictions Toor was prevented from wearing his articles of faith while he was assigned to units that may deploy on short notice, like 3rd Battalion, 11th Marines, where he currently serves.

“Look, I’m on the ground level with the trigger-pullers every day,” Toor told the Times. “To them, I don’t think it makes a difference. We have men, women, people of all races in my platoon. We all wear green, we all bleed red. My Marines didn’t respect me because of what I had on my head.”

Toor also was banned from wearing a turban or beard in dress uniform in any ceremonial position, arguing it would hurt recruitment along with the Corps’ ability to convince the American people that it was “cohesive group of warriors capable of defending the nation’s interest.”

Toor immediately appealed the decision and received slightly greater accommodations that allowed him to wear a turban and beard while in garrison.

But he says the deployment restrictions and the restrictions on ceremonial units that remained were still unacceptable.

Klapper argued the deployment restrictions might put Toor’s career at risk if the Corps forced him to choose between a deployment and his beard.

She was also appalled by the reasoning by the Marine Corps when it came to ceremonial units.

“We’re saying the reason you can’t serve, or you can’t maintain your religious identity, the reason we have to erase essentially your religious identity is because you are in a public facing role” the lawyer said. “That to me is problematic because in reality it’s not under the law a reasonable argument and it’s also just extremely outdated in my view.”

The Marine Corps has not yet responded to questions about Toor or the branch’s decision to limit his accommodations.

Klapper and the other lawyers representing Toor have since sent a letter to the Marine Corps asking it to reconsider its decision in this case with the hopes that the Corps will either follow the Army’s precedent or at least work with Toor’s representatives to come to an agreeable solution.

But, if the Marine Corps does not come to the bargaining table or accept greater accommodations, the lawyer is prepared to sue the Corps in federal court, she said.

Appears no one in authority within the military is capable of uttering the word: “NO”. What about Women Marine Sikh’s. Can they wear that diaper on their head and cover their face? Of course, CMC Berger can’t say no, SECDEF will chew him out. Plus, we have to follow the U.S. Army’s lead. I mean hell we are no longer a separate and distinct service. Check out the Army’s story. Copy and paste the link below; you won’t believe it! If it wasn’t so tragic it would be laughable. I’m sure this uniform change will really help the poor recruiting issue.


Originally posted 2021-11-27 10:03:48.

What Lessons?

Good Day Friends, Brothers and Sisters.

I have been out of comms for nearly a month. Left on 27 July for a trip up the East Coast in the RV to visit friends, brothers, and family and returned this past Monday.  But then you don’t need to hear all about that. What I did do of import was remove myself from eveything newsworthy.  China could have nuked LA and I would have been oblivious. I sent out an email asking to hold all emails; sadly, some of you did not do that. I answered no emails, simply deleted them without reading them. I did not want to know what was going on in this once great nation, nor what that incompetent jerk living in our white house was up to. No emails, no internet, and no TV. What joy that was. Oh I did hear rumblings about things like Afghanistan, but could have cared less. I mean, let’s face it, I knew anything that administration would attempt would be a disaster since no one there has a lick of sense and any one in the military wearing a star and many wearing eagles are incompetent as well. 

So now I am back, but remain aloof of the goings on in the sandbox. At my age and station in life, I really could care less. It has become somewhat fun watching what “they” do.  American’s, in general are stupid, absolutely stupid! I read this a.m. where “his” approval rating is down to 44%. Which tells me 44% of our population are absolute imbeciles.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know Nancy and I have returned and I will try and keep the blog going, but mind you it might be about things other than that idiot in the WH.  I did run across this one and thought I’d share it with you. Just another example of how stupid we are.

Semper Fi; Jim


CIA Chief of Station, Saigon, Thomas Polgar, April 1975



Postscript: Paragraph 5 says it all

Originally posted 2021-08-25 12:25:41.