My Open Letter to Mr. Mattis

I thought long and hard about this post, but after doing my due diligence to get the full drift of your senseless, destructive, undeserving slander of our president, I cannot hold back. Just so you know, this is from a retired Marine colonel who spent nearly as much time in uniform as you. And considering my love of the Corps and my brothers and sisters, it does not bother me one bit to state without any equivocation you are a disgrace to our Marine uniform.

Who do you think you are to speak out in such a disgraceful manner against a sitting president? Do you believe your rank entitles you to talk such trash? By your recent actions and words, you’ve aligned yourself with the Hollywood trash who think anyone with half a brain would take anything they say with a grain of salt. You Mr. Mattis (I will not call you by your rank — you do not deserve it) are a disgrace to my Corps. I believe the only people who genuinely care about what you said are your fellow Marines who are disgusted with your pompous ass.

According to your own words you have over 7,000 books in your library. It’s now obvious to me you have not read any of them. You said, “We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers.” WHAT? Are you kidding me? Where have you been lately, under a rock? Countless people killed and injured including many police officers, millions and millions of dollars’ worth of buildings destroyed and burned to the ground, many privately-owned stores and commercial establishments who had just opened after being closed because of the virus, all gone. Major stores looted; nothing left on the shelves. Yet you call that a small number of lawbreakers?

Then the biggest lie of all is when you state no president in your lifetime has been as divisive as President Trump. Where were you during the eight years of Obama? Oh, that’s right he fired your ass too. It seems the only arena in which you have been able to keep a job is in the military. Hmm, what does that tell me? Remember Mr. Mattis, I was there, well before you.

I always had my doubts about you especially after you fired a great Marine friend of mine whom I had a small hand in shaping his career. He told me things about you that caused me to believe you were nothing more than an egotistical liberal. I was, however, surprised when you took the job offered by President Trump to be our Sec Def.  But then he too fired your ass. I have not researched it in detail, but I do believe you are the first general to ever be fired by two sitting presidents, the first a liberal racist and the other a conservative doer. How does that feel? How’s that for a legacy?

You Mr. Mattis are a despicable, egotistical, self-centered person of no value to my country.

Signed; Jim Bathurst, Col, USMC (Ret)


Originally posted 2020-06-05 10:50:12.

Found: A Real Life Progressive

Good day folks, I hope your Saturday is going as well as mine. As you should know I don’t mind discourse of things I post here, but there are some rules. And if those who choose to comment do not abide by them, I simply block them. I do not allow vulgar language, nor getting personal.  I understand completely why someone would use an email address of  I mean no one  chooses to use their real name in that manner. But,  I do expect someone who wants to comment here to at least identify themselves with their name. I really have no trust, belief, or time for someone who uses the name “Redacted,” I simply shut them down, albeit this will be a first.

How can you even trust anyone who is afraid to use his/her name, I mean heck, the person knows my name and my email address, but they choose to hide their identity. Which is what I would expect of someone who espouses the kind of philosophy as shown below. Rather than answer his/her last hoot, I’ll invite my followers to do so, but a rule is a rule. I will not allow any more emails coming from “Redacted.” Either tell us who you are or remain a mystery and talk to yourself.

First is “Redacted’s” reply to the original post entitled “Why Trump in 2020.”

“RINO Trump. Bigger socialist than Obama. Bigger gun grabber than Obama. Outspent every liberal president over the past 100 years combined. Tramples the Constitution more than Obama. Put out advisories causing governors to issue unconstitutional state lockdowns, plunging the economy into depression over something the CDC now admits has a 99.74% survival rate. And he gets republicans to cheer for leftism. Bigly.

Who is living under a rock? That would be you, Jim.”

I responded with: LOL. OMG. Unbelievable, finally a real live progressive commenting on my blog. Wow, I love it. You have been listening to the MSM news too much sir/ma’am. Bigger gun grabber, bigger socialist than that racist Muslim loving pig before him? I cannot even find reason nor rationale worth repeating all your other “claims” because you cannot back up your mouth with facts. And most of all, you do not even have the integrity to state your name so you must not honestly believe anything you are saying. That’s manly or womanly of you. Carry on!

Then he/she responded with this; you may have to pause once in a while to control your laughter:

“This is a joke, right? RINO Trump has outspent every liberal president over the past 100 years combined and he did it in less than 4 years. How’s that taking away anyone’s golden egg? You think he’s going to suddenly become conservative and respect the Constitution in his last four years? He’s a bigger socialist than Obama. And he has you cheering for it.

If he’s “beholden to no one” then why did he pick all of the people in his administration from the same pool of subversive, anti-American Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Goldman Sachs, George Soros affiliates, lobbyists, etc.?

“Receives no kickbacks, let alone his salary.” Sure. RINO Trump gives back his $400K salary, but he has cost taxpayers over $130 MILLION in golf AT HIS OWN RESORTS. Do the math, that’s a hell of a trade off. Plus he gets free security at all of his properties now, courtesy of taxpayers.

Hillary not locked up, never going to be locked up; he protects his cousin and enacts her agenda of more big unconstitutional government.
No wall. Mexico not paying for it. Illegal aliens pouring across the border; RINO Trump expanded catch-and-release.
RINO Trump did more gun control than Obama and wants more.
RINO Trump trashes the Constitution as much, if not more than Obama.

And you cheer for him.

Keep on lying for the man. You’re throwing away your integrity on a lifelong NY liberal charlatan who is destroying America.”

I simply cannot get my arms around someone who honestly believes what he/she is saying. Really? Nothing said can be factually proven to be even close to the truth. OMG,. I love it. Followers comments are welcome.


Originally posted 2020-05-30 10:52:53.

Why Trump in 2020?

Okay Folks, I’ve been silent long enuff, it’s time to speak up again. Here are the many  reasons why Donald Trump deserves to be reelected. If you disagree, you’ve been living under a rock!?

I like this guy, he doesn’t hold back., lays it all on the line, and I can find nothing wrong or incorrect with any of his facts. but then you be the judge. Six minutes and thirteen seconds of truth for which liberal Washington has no defense.


Originally posted 2020-05-29 10:42:54.


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