red-shirtREMEMBER to wear red when you go to the polls on Tuesday. Can’t have any political logos or candidates names or anything like that on it. Just a plain red shirt. If you have been living under a rock of late — as I have been wanting to do LOL — the purpose is to show there are people at that polling place who belong to the GOP. If the media is there and they film folks with red shirts and suddenly that voting district produces no GOP votes as allegedly happened in several districts during the primaries, they’s been caught.

I truly believe this is going to be the most fraudulent election of my lifetime.  And I think it will get ugly fast.

Originally posted 2016-11-06 10:39:56.

Here We Go Again

You know what? I am so sick and tired of reading about this woman who could very well be our next POTUS. So, here’s another one dealing with her using her maid as one of her many secretaries to aid her as Sec State by printing documents that were clearly marked as classified. Big deal? Well, yes it is, but the point is, it is but one piece of her personality traits, her treacherous ways, her lying, her deceit, her carefree use of power, her disregard for the lives of others. The woman has so much baggage I am simply dismayed by how anyone can see past all that and pull the voting lever for her.  It has to be someone who does not think like me, or love this country as I do. It has to be someone who uses a gauge to select a person for the highest office in the world that is totally foreign to me. OMG We need a divine intervention here or we as a Nation are doomed.110416santos_05rs_135877826



Originally posted 2016-11-06 10:27:20.

Trump or Her. That’s it!

Another barn burner from Col Andy.  And an opportunity for me to say something to the voters. There are only two choices here folks, but you say whoa, there are several running. That’s true, but you still only have two to choose from. A vote for anyone, except Trump (even Micky Mouse) is a vote for “Crooked Hillary.” Do you really understand that? As my neighbor said to me that although he is a member of the GOP, he cannot vote for Trump because he has too much baggage, (yeah I know, I damned near fell off my porch laugfhing when he declared that asinine statement). So, he is going to vote for one of the other near-do-wells running.  Okay, there is a GOP vote for Crooked Hillary, because all the other guys running don’t count.  Perot got Clinton elected. So if you claim to be a member of the GOP and you do not vote for Trump OR you do not vote at all you are electing Crooked Hillary.  Thanks. Not!



Originally posted 2016-11-04 15:53:16.

From A Fellow Marine

Wow, wow, wow! I have heard many discussions on abortion, but I have never ever heard it explained in these terms. Do you wonder of which party he speaks, care to guess? This is a must hear before you pull any lever come Tuesday,  and it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. Listen to him and you tell me of whom he speaks, if you dare!


Originally posted 2016-11-02 15:52:41.

The Iran deal RUSM?

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry listens during a panel discussion at the Anti-Corruption Summit in London, Thursday, May 12, 2016.(AP Photo/Frank Augstein, Pool)

This post is so disgusting, I am afraid to even comment about it. We gave them $150 billion and what are they doing with it. Then we gave them another $400 million, and NOW we are lifting sanctions against them. unbelievable! Way to go Kerry.  What’s next? You have to watch this to even believe it. Lord help us as we know not what we are doing.



Originally posted 2016-11-02 14:59:44.


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