Category Archives: Current Events

A Crime Scene Where the Victims Wore Masks

We, as normal Americans, are too stupid to have any opinions or to think for ourselves — so believe our elected officials, especially those from the entire administration, even some of our GOP RINOS. But I sincerely believe their day is coming with each passing month until doomsday in November. God, help us to be able to sustain sanity until then. A very well written piece from the WSJ

From the Wall Street Journal


By Gerard Baker

A Crime Scene Where the Victims Wore Masks

As terrified passengers stumbled from the train at the 36th Street station in Brooklyn last week, it was noticeable how many of them were complying with the mandate that to enjoy the privilege of venturing into the underground abyss known as the New York City Subway system, you must be wearing a face covering.

There they were, desperately fleeing a gunman or bravely helping rescue injured passengers, but still dutifully playing their part in the absurdist theatre of pandemic regulations scripted and directed for us by our little overlords.

Those flimsy pieces of fabric might have offered some minimal protection from the noxious fumes of the smoke bombs that Frank James allegedly set off in that subway car. But they were never going to be a match for the bullets fired from the 9mm semiautomatic handgun recovered at the scene. Many innocents were wounded, and it is something of an Easter miracle that no one was killed. For the millions of people who have dared to ride the city’s subway this year, the greatest danger to life isn’t some escaped molecule of a virus of rapidly diminishing potency. That exiguous risk is dwarfed by the combined threat of being pushed in front of an oncoming train, stabbed, hit in the head by a psycho with a hammer, robbed at gunpoint or being sexually assaulted. The number of robberies on the subway so far in 2022 is up 72% from the same period in 2021. There is no easily discover-able record of how many maskless riders have been struck down this year by Covid.

It’s hard to think of a tableau that better captures the disordered priorities of our governing classes than that scene in Brooklyn.

The politicians and bureaucrats who run almost all major cities, many states and the federal executive branch seem to care more about preserving the symbol of their authority that mask mandates represent than about the actual physical safety of citizens. In their warped ideology, crime is the result of material deprivation, prejudice and wicked police officers. The real need for enforcement is shown by those tempted to show their faces in public.

Masks are only an example. It’s hard to recall a time in recent American history when there has been such a monumental mismatch between the priorities of the people who govern us and the needs of the people. On issue after issue—crime, inflation, immigration— we have leaders so entrenched in their ideological priors that they seem incapable of, even uninterested in, addressing the actual challenges faced by hard-pressed Americans. Joe Biden was at it again last week with inflation. It has been clear for a long time that the return of this old horror is the largest threat to living standards and economic stability. But acknowledging that would have required the Democrats to abandon their ideological goals of ever-higher spending and forced them to reorder their governing priorities. So they didn’t.

Now, unable to dismiss it anymore, they have offered not a serious set of policies to relieve inflationary stresses, but a series of public-relations gimmicks that will have virtually no alleviating impact. Lifting the summertime ban on blended ethanol fuel will be about as effective in addressing higher energy costs as publicly shaming greedy corporations or blaming Vladimir Putin.

On immigration, the administration instinctively reflects a progressive mindset that regards border control as racist. It spent the better part of a year undoing the immigration restrictions imposed by its predecessor. As the inevitable border surge swelled, it feigned some concern. Now, as apprehensions of aliens in border areas reach their highest level in 22 years, what is its response? The repeal of Title 42, a measure that had been effective in curbing illegal crossings.

Interestingly, as the pandemic rationale for that measure is no longer deemed operative, the administration insists elsewhere that the emergency continues when it suits it. So, even as the nation yearns to return to normality, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week announced another extension, for 15 days, of the federal mask mandate on airplanes and public transportation. It had been scheduled to end this Monday at long last. (And on Monday a judge in Tampa, Fla., held that the mandate exceeded the CDC’s statutory authority.)

On it goes. from needless bailouts for student loans to a fixation on sacrificing energy capacity in pursuit of long-term climate goals, Democrats display an unerring focus on aims Americans don’t see as pressing—or even necessary.

Obdurate insistence in the face of evidence of both rising unpopularity and accumulating failure is a common political flaw. No leader willingly acknowledges the irrelevancy of his policies. but it seems to be especially embedded in the modern progressive philosophy that the rulers know best; that they, by dint of their scientific expertise and moral superiority better understand our true needs.

Like all such authoritarian conceits, it doesn’t survive long in a democratic environment. That helps explain why leftists are so panicked at the thought of losing control over information, why they feel so threatened at the thought that a communications channel such as Twitter might fall out of their hands. Anything that challenges their right to go on pursuing their priorities is “disinformation.”

But it won’t take the intervention of a rogue billionaire to restore democratic equilibrium. A popular reckoning is coming.

November 8th 2022 is the Democrat’s  D-day. Get ready Americans!


Originally posted 2022-04-19 14:52:13.

Does Watching TV Make You Stupid?

Well, watch the video and you may learn just how stupid you really are. It’s amazing how Americans are duped by watching TV shows and especially the commercials.

Now, I know not how accurate the actual figures are, but they come from the government. Of course, we all know how well we can trust the government, but I suspect the actual figures are close to reality. It will probably surprise some fo you to learn the population breakdown between blacks and Hispanics. However, if you watch the new shows on TV, and especially those horribly biased commercials placed by nationally known companies I’m sure that’s what caused the highly skewed estimates by Americans. Just who are these commercials aimed at, you and me? I doubt it.

Originally posted 2022-04-15 12:45:52.

Silent Majority –

– get out from under your rock and off you butt and DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN BITCHING TO YOUR NEIGHBOR!

When I wrote “The Book,” I was forced to add another chapter after a dinner out with our neighbors at the time. The book was basically done; Dennis and I were in the throes of rereading the chapters over and over editing for errors. I became so upset at that dinner, my bride and I left before desert and came home. I went straight to my office, fired up my computer, opened a new Word doc, and did what Denny always told me to do – just put words on paper. I finished spewing out words around 0300 and emailed the doc to Denny. Of course him being on Pacific time and me on Central, it arrived around 0100 his time. 

The next morning Denny called me and jokingly said “Wow, were you pissed or what?” He had been trying to get me to say something about how we were treated upon returning from Vietnam, but I refused. I simply wanted a dead horse to die once and for all. Therefore, needless to say, he was elated by my rant. Instead of it becoming the last chapter, it became #28, which was where it belonged.

Why am I telling you this you ask. Because I still feel the same way today about the so-called “silent majority” as I did when I wrote that chapter. They suck. Their cowards. Traditionally, they are a group  self indulged, self absorbed, lazy folks who bitch and complain about everything, then do nothing – – absolutely nothing! There is no organization about them. Many are well educated, but they live in their own world, they only have time to bitch, of which they do a lot. Where am I going with this? Watch both video s in the order I have them listed and your question will be answered. Be sure to read some of the comments afterward. Many, I’m sure are part of the silent majority.

Questions? I do. Are you using a Harry’s Razor? Or what about any Gillette product? I used a Harry’s razor for years, that is till they came out woke over a year ago. I trashed the razor and bought a Gillette, that is till they went woke. Now I use my electric razor more often, except when I want a really close shave, then I use my Schick until my Jeremy’s razor order comes in.

When will the silent majority wake up and realize the power they have when opening their wallet? Who still buys China junk? My bride wanted a new fridge and wanted the new GE style. We had to wait seven months because the one we chose was made in America. We could have gotten a similar model in two weeks, but made in China.

Who still buys Woke Coke products? Who still pays $6-8 for a cup of coffee at Starbucks? Folks the list goes on and on. How about Disney’s latest comments? I guess they’ve lost sight of in which state the world is located. Taking on our Governor is not a smart move. Walt must be screaming from his grave. PLEASE wake up and understand the power you have. Open your eyes and ears, watch the TV commercials and see who is filling their ads with BS. BTW, that will be my next post, watch for it, it’s another real eye opener.

PS, when you discover another woke company, send me the info and I will keep a running list of these companies that hate us, but want us to buy their product.

Originally posted 2022-04-03 17:39:50.

Thank You!

For those of us who were there, this is OUR DAY! Enjoy it as best you can, but remember those who cannot. Even to this day, I stand by what I say in Chapter #28, The Silent Majority, of the book, kiss my ass!

                     Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters of all branches;                       WELCOME HOME!

Originally posted 2022-03-29 09:38:18.

A Sunday Respite

Well, sort of. It really is a break from the normal news of the day or should I say the no news of the day because we only hear, as Greg says “if the story fits — their agenda.” Anyway, I love stories with happy endings. Try this one on for size. This story is about a millennial who gets her comeuppance. Enjoy and have a great Sunday.

Of course we all know this was staged, but it sure is true with the young ones today and what they expect. LOL

Originally posted 2022-03-27 09:48:59.