Category Archives: Recent Posts

Criminals at Work


Is this disgusting or what? And do not be naive to the point where you think these are isolated incidents! I live in a state where I do not trust any thing run by the government, they are all power-hungry money grabbing crooks! Click on the below link and watch crooks at work, all trusted women at polling places during the primary. The question is whose names were on those ballots they are stuffing, what candidate. Of course the libs will say they were Trump ballots. Really? That’s laughable since he did not get one vote is 31 districts in Ohio. LOL




Democrats Busted On Camera Stuffing Ballot Boxes

Originally posted 2016-10-27 13:48:01.

She’s a CROOK!

This is it, it should be over now, but the Hillary fans will still not accept the fact, yes, I said “fact,” that she is a criminal. If you cannot accept that she is a criminal, then, I am sorry your are a blind idiot. This is coming from one of the most liberal news programs on TV. Give it up folks, she is a lying, thieving crook! You don’t have to watch the whole thing, there is enough there to throw her ass in jail. Will the Attorney General of NY shut down the Clinton Foundation? I would not bet a nickel on that. They are all crooks! This is all absolutely crazy, what has our country become? This woman who is a proven crook could very well run our country (and the world) for the next four years. OMG wake up America!





Originally posted 2016-10-27 13:33:47.