Category Archives: Recent Posts

Trump or Her. That’s it!

Another barn burner from Col Andy.  And an opportunity for me to say something to the voters. There are only two choices here folks, but you say whoa, there are several running. That’s true, but you still only have two to choose from. A vote for anyone, except Trump (even Micky Mouse) is a vote for “Crooked Hillary.” Do you really understand that? As my neighbor said to me that although he is a member of the GOP, he cannot vote for Trump because he has too much baggage, (yeah I know, I damned near fell off my porch laugfhing when he declared that asinine statement). So, he is going to vote for one of the other near-do-wells running.  Okay, there is a GOP vote for Crooked Hillary, because all the other guys running don’t count.  Perot got Clinton elected. So if you claim to be a member of the GOP and you do not vote for Trump OR you do not vote at all you are electing Crooked Hillary.  Thanks. Not!


Originally posted 2016-11-04 15:53:16.

From A Fellow Marine

Wow, wow, wow! I have heard many discussions on abortion, but I have never ever heard it explained in these terms. Do you wonder of which party he speaks, care to guess? This is a must hear before you pull any lever come Tuesday,  and it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. Listen to him and you tell me of whom he speaks, if you dare!

Originally posted 2016-11-02 15:52:41.

Mabus – a pig in a suit


OMG RUSM, what next? What can we see coming from that imbecile Mabus before Trumps throws his ass out of office without any turnover for his successor. OMG

milkHere’s the hero Mabus named a USN ship after, convicted pedophile Harvey Milk, ain’t he cute, hasn’t he done so much for our Nation, how many children has he molested to-date? Wow, we have gone under as a Nation, if that woman gets elected, I promise I will fly my US flag upside down for the entire fours years, but then maybe she won’t last that long?


I have known a few Sailors in my lifetime, many were enlisted and damn proud of their rating. I know of one Boatswain Mate who is spinning in his grave over this tragedy, but then what does Mabus know, nothing, he’s lacky pig in a suit. Come on Trump, hurry up sir, we need you NOW!!!!













Originally posted 2016-10-30 14:44:21.

Who is this person?

If you do not know, you need to find out about her NOW! You know what? It just keeps getting worse and worse, and deeper and deeper. Where are our checks and balance, have we lost them? What are our agencies doing to keep us safe and government transparent? I think we are toast folks!




Hillary’s #1 aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders (Watch before voting!)

Originally posted 2016-10-29 17:13:20.