Category Archives: Recent Posts

Alice’s Restaurant

Nearly fifty years ago Arlo Guthrie produced a song that is appropriate to this day for two reasons. First it’s Thanksgiving and secondly, the sorry state of our society.  If you have never listened to the original recording of Alice’s Restaurant, you should. There is a link at the bottom should choose to do so — and you should. Warning, like most of his songs, it is long, but worth the time to sit back, listen, and learn. 

This post is so unbelievable I had to do some research to find out what college, town, city, state, and country would do something like this and here’s what I found. Edgewood College is a private “institution of higher learning” in Madison, Wisconsin which:

continues to be one of the least expensive private colleges and is committed to providing our students:

·         Challenging and engaging educational experiences

·         Small class sizes and personal attention from dedicated staff and faculty

·         An educational experience that connects learning, beliefs, and action.

I found that tuition is quite reasonable  at $13,765/semester , but what does your child get for that? Read the post and you decide.

‘Suck it up p***ies!’ sticky note mocking anti-Trump students being investigated — as a hate crime






Following the election of Republican Donald Trump to the presidency, one of the ways students at Edgewood College expressed their emotions was by placing sticky notes on a designated table in the commons of the Madison, Wisconsin, campus.

But Vice President for Student Development Tony Chambers informed the campus that someone took that idea and perpetrated “an act of cowardly hatred.”

Seems a sticky note with the message “Suck it up, pussies!” — along with a winking smiley face and a stuck-out tongue — was placed on the inside window of the school’s Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion (what? Someone actually gets paid to run this office, hell I could do that). Chambers called it a “targeted act of intimidation and cowardice” in a three-page letter, which includes an embedded image of what appears to be the sticky note in question.

“A great deal of fear, sadness, and anger among students, faculty, and staff resulted, especially for those that gather in the OSDI space,” Chambers continued in his letter. “The message was hateful and harmful toward members of our community. It violated every value that this institution considers to be at its core.”

With that, Chambers said representatives from campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement and diversity and inclusion gathered to decide “how to address the hateful message.”

“The group determined that the message constituted a Hate Crime, based on guidelines from the Jeanne Clery Act and state law,” Chambers wrote, adding that the school reported the incident to Madison police and that it’s “currently being investigated as a hate crime.”

Chambers also observed that “covert micro-aggressions and overt macro-aggressions appear to have taken on new fervor in higher education since our national election” and that the “frequency, boldness, and severity with which hateful acts have been occurring has, for many, signaled a new era of intolerance, fear, and mistrust in higher education.”

“Let me be clear: These types of acts will not be tolerated at Edgewood College,” Chambers’ letter concluded. “They are inexcusable, and those who have been identified as perpetrators of such acts have no place in our community.” (OMG, the audacity of such people, hang the interlopers, )



Originally posted 2016-11-24 09:48:45.

Could not resist this one.


LOL, sorry, I simply could not resist posting this one. It’s from Iron Mike himself, and you must know that he never minces words, so be careful, I have cleaned it up some. Enjoy my fellow warriors.

safe-space-proeliumI know you don’t know me. I know you don’t even think about me and when you do, it’s probably not anything nice. I’m the evil hegemonically masculine patriarchal oppressor to you feminists. I’m the jackbooted statist thug to you dope smokin’ long-haired hippies. I’m “The Man” to you racial activists. I’m the idiot who joined the military because I “wasn’t smart enough” to go get a liberal arts degree like you know-it-all 20-year-old college dipshits; and for some reason you hate me for that. I’m that guy with the rifle who signed on the dotted line for $24K a year so that you budding Marxist fucksticks could have the freedom to complain about me and the manner in which I provide it. I have a little message for you.

I see you there, in Portland… In Chicago… In San Francisco… In Bumf**k Directional School Liberal Arts College… You’re having your temper tantrums because ever since mommy dropped you off at Daycare 20 years ago you’ve been throwing them to get your way. Now you’re super pissed about the results of a presidential election where the other guy (and the only guy in the race for that matter) won.

I’m not here to talk politics, or explain the Electoral College, or to tell you what hypocritical douchebags you are for doing the things you’re doing. No. I have a much simpler conversation to have with you. See, I read what you post on Twitter, Facebook, and your various internet blogs. I see you on the news breaking things, setting fires, and assaulting people of the opposite political belief. I see you there with your fat ugly unshaven feminist women and black power slogan screaming race baiters, throwing rocks and bottles at the lines of police officers trying to keep order in your own cities. I know your rhetoric.  I know all your identity politics stems from the Marxist activists and ‘intellectuals’ who have pushed the American left farther left than ever before.  I know you believe your “progressive” views are the supreme moral authority on every single issue and somehow this perception allows you to justify your totalitarian social views and hypocritical violent outbursts. You profess to hate half this country for their alleged bigotry while carrying signs that say “Love Wins!”

I also know you’re a coward.

I know this because you keep screaming, and blogging, and protesting, and even rioting… but you won’t start this “uprising” you keep going on and on about. If you really believe that your cause is just, that the majority supports you, and that the United States needs to be overthrown to make way for your progressive social utopia of sunshine and free shit… pick up a gun and start your revolution like every other communist group in history. See, I come from an organization that spent the better part of the last century training to fight a bunch of little commie heathens, and I have a pretty healthy respect for any Ivan who was willing to pick up an AK- 47 and parachute onto the continent ready to overthrow the USA. That takes some guts. You’re not like him though. You’re quite different actually. Ivan was in shape. You’re a bunch of ‘fat acceptance’ advocates who complain airline seats are too small for your 9,000 calories per day diet. Ivan was a proud masculine man. You have drag queens and fat feminist women with green hair. Ivan grew up mining coal and hunting wolves in the Urals. You want socialism because you’re upset that you can’t get a 6-figure job at age 24 with the bullshit arts degree you spent all that loan money on and haven’t done a day of physical labor in your life. Ivan was a veteran of Stalingrad, Afghanistan, and a dozen bush wars. You think “Call of Duty” is too violent and sexist. Ivan packed an AK-47 and knew how to use it. Those among you leftists now who even have weapons ditch them after you rob the liquor store or 7/11 and go hide out at your aunt’s Section 8 housing. You don’t have the discipline Ivan did, at least he used the sights. Ivan killed jihadists by the thousands. You make excuses for them and want to invite them into our country.

You all have your reasons for hating America and whether or not I agree isn’t even relevant. I took an oath as did all of my brothers and sisters in uniform to defend this country against all enemies foreign AND domestic. I will always protect your rights to free speech and expression through lawful and civil protest whether or not your cause is something I believe in. However, you seem to believe revolution and violence are the answer now, and that makes you a domestic enemy of the United States I protect and serve. Do it and I’ll teach you how we make the f**kin’ green grass grow. You keep saying you want a revolution, secession, a new Civil War and the election of Racist/sexist/homophobic/Republican/Nazi/xenophobic/dictator/Islamophobic/rich guy asshole” Donald Trump is the catalyst for you to take action and destroy every evil you perceive this country to stand for…

Well… We’re waiting. Shit or get off the pot.

Iron Mike

Originally posted 2016-11-20 14:03:24.

How callous can someone be?

What a disgrace. How callous can someone be? What have we become? Unbelievable!! I wish I would have been on that plane!!


STOCKTON, Calif. (AP) — The father of a California soldier recently killed in Afghanistan says he felt disrespected and hurt by passengers who booed him and his family when they were on a flight to meet his son’s remains.

Stewart Perry, his wife and daughter were on an American Airlines flight Monday from Sacramento to Philadelphia with a transfer in Phoenix to receive the remains of his son, Sgt. John Perry, of Stockton, when the flight was delayed, the Stockton Record ( reported Saturday.

Perry, an ex-Marine (former Marine) who lives in Stockton, said the flight to Phoenix was 45 minutes late and the crew, fearing the Gold Star family could miss their connecting flight, made an announcement for passengers to remain seated to let a “special military family” deplane first.

Perry said several passengers in first class booed, complaining that it was “baloney” and that they paid first-class fares. He said he doesn’t know if the passengers from Sacramento knew there was a Gold Star family on board or whether people sitting in the coach section complained.

“It was just disgusting behavior from people in first class; it was terrible to see,” Perry said.

Originally posted 2016-11-20 12:50:05.

The Price Is Riot

The war of words continues. A very interesting article regardless of where you sit.




Cecile Richards, President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America By David Shankbone (Own work)

By Tony Perkins
Originally published in Tony Perkins’ 
FRCAction on November 16, 2016
Tony Perkins is the President of the Family Research Council (FRC)

I wouldn’t be shocked that this group is going the extra mile to undermine the legitimate transfer of power (said former Senator Scott Brown, who watched the marches sweep through his own city of Boston). It comes to question whether they are using taxpayer money appropriately or even legally. This goes above and beyond their duty and ability to provide services for women.No wonder there are so many anti-Trump protests. Apparently, there’s good money to be made in joining them! Barely a week after his election, Donald Trump is already creating jobs. Thanks to Planned Parenthood Action, Americans can make a good living joining their phony demonstrations against the president-elect. Craigslist ads like “STOP TRUMP—up to $1,500/week. Hiring immediately. Call today, start tomorrow! $15-18 hourly rate + bonus + overtime, up to 77 hours per week!” have been running in major cities like Denver and Philadelphia for weeks. Clearly, the end of the election has only been the beginning of another phase of manufactured outrage.

Of course, questions have been swirling around Planned Parenthood’s use of taxpayer dollars for years. And while it’s illegal for Cecile Richards’s group to spend a penny of the government’s money on political advocacy, a full bank account certainly gives them the flexibility to. The reality is this:  Any group that can afford to spend $30 million influencing an election doesn’t need a half-billion in taxpayer assistance. For too long, Americans have been on the hook for the group’s corruption while women who need honest and safe care take a backseat to Planned Parenthood’s politics. (And unpopular politics at that!)

In the meantime, talk about an embarrassing display of the Left’s crumbling support. Cecile Richards’s group is so desperate for “followers” that it has to invent some. The Craigslist ads are exposing this movement for the mirage it is. This is exactly the kind of deceptiveness that we’ve come to expect from the Left. In this just-finished election Americans had a front-row seat to the dirty tricks liberals were using to disrupt Trump rallies—and worse, cheat the system. Thanks to undercover videos by James O’Keefe, voters learned that liberals were even willing to pay the “mentally ill” to disrupt Trump rallies in many cases with the full knowledge of the DNC and Clinton campaign.

report by Fox News, based on arrest records of those arrested during a demonstration against Trump in Portland, showed that less than half voted. Something isn’t right when people will go to the trouble of protesting—and even getting arrested—but they won’t exercise their most basic and fundamental right as a citizen to vote. The bottom line:  don’t allow the manufactured outrage of the Left to mislead you into thinking that this effort is anything more than a vocal, well-funded minority.

Originally posted 2016-11-20 12:40:04.

Another View of Snowflakes

This is an interesting piece that perhaps provides another view of Millennials and why they are they way they are. This is an interesting take on the snowflake theory. It’s worthy of the read and thought, IMHO You read and decide.

We’re Not Snowflakes: How Millennials Approach Conflict

By Rebecca Whitworth
Over the last week, a new topic trended on my Facebook. Since it had nothing to do with the election, I was immediately interested. A study of a new male birth control drug had been discontinued after several men suffered from extreme depression; one committed suicide. The reaction from my female friends was unanimous. “Sure, we have to take birth control and suffer the side effects, but men get to quit as soon as they get uncomfortable.” This outrage led to a lot of backtracking as soon as they realized they were essentially making fun of suicide, but their reflexive outrage reminded me of another argument. A few weeks ago, there was a flare of pro-choice memes. The resounding chant was “Babies are not a punishment for sex.” I stared at that for a minute, not even sure how to react. No, they’re not a punishment, but they are the biological result. We’ve evolved for thousands of years in such a way that sex reliably produces babies.


It took a while, but I finally realized that my friends believe they have a right to have sex without getting pregnant. They believe that there should be a foolproof way for them to prevent having babies, free of side effects.

I was thrown for a loop. But that logic explained so much. I grew up to understand that the world was a preexisting system, full of established hierarchies and old traditions. When I look at situations, I seek patterns. In hierarchies, I look for where I fit and how I can be effective. However, this was not what I was taught in school.

In school, our heroes were Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Their faces stood ten feet tall in my middle school auditorium. These were heroes that made a stand through non-participation. Over and over, we were taught that disagreeing with something was enough to force change.

English class required us to read books that dramatized the lives of the downtrodden, the underdogs, and even the morally reprehensible. One detailed how a poor boy who had done even more poorly in school forged his high school transcript to get into college. Another detailed the final days of a murderer, who was the protagonist of the story. The worst, Perfume, told the story of a psychopath who hunted women to turn their scents into perfume. He was also the protagonist.

I say “protagonist” deliberately because these men weren’t touted as heroes outright. But between these books and the entire semester we spent on books detailing graphic deaths, the tone was uniform and clear. We were taught that survival means working outside of the system, and we were forced to stare at our own mortality. And the books told us that our lives would be even shorter if we played by the rules.

In history class, we learned about the wars. But the people we learned as heroes were those who took a pacifist stance, who simply refused to participate. We learned about desertion from the Vietnam War, but we didn’t learn that it was wrong. And we certainly covered the Vietnam protests, but never covered the discrimination and violence faced by veterans upon their return. The message was that protesters were attacked, usually for just protesting, because protest was a powerful weapon. We were taught about Rosa Parks, the Suffragettes, and more aggressive protesters such as Malcolm-X. We learned the moral way to affect change was to refuse to participate in the system. The message was that all uses of force were oppression, and that oppression was evil. Not only was boycotting moral, it was the only moral route.Outside of class, we watched movies and played games and read comics all designed to glorify the rebel and the anti-hero. It played perfectly into our teenage angst. Our heroes overthrow evil corporations. As long as they were fighting, it didn’t matter how they kept going; most action heroes are rough-around-the-edges, hard-drinking wrecks outrunning their emotions. We learned that the struggle was more important than the success—what good was a hero without a tragic back story? The ends justify the means.


All my favorite characters—the stoic, loyal type that was honor-bound to their cause or their chain of command—never saw the end of their movies. Sacrifices to the plot. That’s what you get for trusting the system.

Further, and even worse, we saw our heroes attack our government. Again and again, we saw the “Pocahontas” plot line—the noble savage fights off the arrogant white man. In Avatar, the film stopped trying to mask its agenda and put the evil mercenaries in American military uniforms. We saw, repeatedly, that the government had shadow programs, and all shadow programs went rogue. We were taught that government transparency was the only way to keep us safe. We were never told, though, that everything the civilians know, the enemy knows, and that some secrets are kept for a reason.

Essentially, every moment our parents weren’t around, we were taught to act out. We were taught that if we hated something enough, it would change for us. That if we disliked something, we were morally obligated to boycott it, and to be vocally angry about it. We were told that we could be anything, but that the only thing worth being was a rebel. We learned that the strong bend the world by sheer force of will.

That’s why millennials feel the rules don’t apply to us. Not because we were told we were “unique, special snowflakes.” Certainly not because we were given participation trophies—most of us saw through that, and some took it as an insult. (Really? I might disagree with her on this point) It’s because of how we see the world. Because the system is rigged and the rules are dangerous, we don’t have to accept them.

If my peers were taught like I was, it explains why they request “safe spaces” at college instead of arguing—if boycotting is our most effective tactic, the best way to win an argument is to refuse to have it. It makes sense if our work ethic suffers when we don’t agree with a new company policy, because we see participation as paramount to support. We invent new words to describe the new genders and identities we’ve decided need to exist because it is our duty to bend the world towards what we believe. When an endangered animal is shot on the other side of the world, we tweet and post and yell about it, because outrage alone can create change.

Perhaps it’s not so surprising, then, that the millennial reaction to conflict is flat rejection. It’s always worked for us before.

Originally posted 2016-11-20 12:31:38.