Colonel Jim Bathurst’s recently published book now prominently graces the shelves of the gift shop of #17 on the list of the top 20 museums in the United States (USS MIDWAY MUSEUM), as rated by YELP, and published in USA Today.
In it, Colonel Bathurst chronicles his nearly thirty-six year calling in the United States Marine Corps where he rose from Private to Colonel. His unique service over that extended period included as an 0311 infantry sergeant in the Vietnam War serving as a platoon commander (a lieutenant’s billet). He was awarded a Silver Star medal, Bronze Star medal with Combat “V,” a Purple Heart, and a combat commission to second lieutenant. Vietnam provided him a vast range of leadership challenges. “Combat is the ultimate challenge for any Marine leader,” Colonel Bathurst states emphatically. As with most Marines, Vietnam changed his life forever.
Upon arriving home, still an enlisted man, he was slotted to be the platoon sergeant for the famed Silent Drill Team at 8th and I St, Washington, D. C., but his quick promotion to second lieutenant, recommended by his commanding officer for exceptional leadership in Vietnam, changed that and he became the commander.
During that tour, while serving temporarily at Camp David as security officer-in-charge, he was errantly chewed out face-to-face by President Lyndon B. Johnson, an encounter he details in the book in all its bombast-Johnson threatening to send him to “VET NAM”. The Commander-in-Chief of all military personnel of the United States could not even distinguish a Marine Vietnam veteran, despite the various high awards for heroism he wore as colored ribbons above his left breast pocket, who had served his country in time of war honorably and heroically. Jim has never forgotten nor forgiven. Including it in the book at the encouragement of his editor has provided some settling of scores. Reading those few pages is worth the price of the book just to comprehend firsthand the ineptness of some who acquire the power of the White House.
Colonel Bathurst held various command billets from platoon commander on up including Commanding Officer of 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, the battalion made famous by the book and movie Battle Cry written by Leon Uris and referred to as “Huxley’s Harlots.” Just prior he had commanded for three years the Marine Corps’s largest recruiting station-RS Chicago. He retired as Commanding Officer, School of Infantry (East) at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina in 1993.
General Peter Pace, the first Marine officer to hold the position as Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, said of the book: “Reading Jim’s book is like coming home… ” The book has received commendatory reviews in such prestigious military organizations and magazines as Leatherneck, Marine Corps Association, Military Writers Society of America, Naval Historical Foundation, U.S. Veteran’s Magazine, as well as numerous favorable online reviews by readers, such as those who purchased the book on Amazon.
Normally, a single-item seller is not the chosen vendor for books. However, with the cooperation, interest, and willingness to give the book a try, Event Network, Inc., the leading operator of gift shops for aquariums, botanical gardens, museums, science centers, and other highly regarded cultural attractions, agreed to a vendor agreement for the one book.
Colonel Bathurst, appreciative of their assistance in getting the chance to offer his book to the visitors of these military museums says, “Event Network is a company that cares; on their website they emphasize they are a “for purpose and in service” company, and they proved to be just that.”
As for writing the book itself, Colonel Bathurst says, “I wrote this in the hopes of guiding young Marines, both enlisted and officers, so that they can consider my advice about the demanding requirements of leadership a Marine encounters daily… ”
Colonel Bathurst is retired in Florida with his wife Nancy and two Siberian cats and a rescued Dachshund named Edgar. He is often invited to speak on such occasions as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc. He will be doing book signings at various locations, perhaps even the USS Midway Museum.
In summary, Jim Bathurst expresses it best when he writes “… the Corps was not a job, a career, or even a profession; it was-and still is-a way of life.”
He may be contacted at

Major Dennis Copson is a retired United States Marine and is a resident of Oceanside, California. He is a freelance writer and editor.
Postscript: Sadly, this post no longer is valid, they have ceased ordering the book. And I have broken the ties with the publisher; therefore, should you choose to buy the book come straight to me at or click on the contact link on the left.