All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

The Learning Curve

I’m losing it. Seriously! There is so much going on in  this country. Wait — can I still call it a country? Slays me, I don’t know? Anyway, I digress. Every now and again, I have to take a break from all the news and post something you would appreciate and actually learn something valuable. So here is one from Jim’s classroom.

Just in case you ever run across a democrat, don’t know why you would, but just in case you need to be prepared. So, pay attention here so you will be able to communicate with him or her. And if you ever get the chance to meet the guy who is THE expert at this sort of thing, you will fit right in. So, pay attention to this, there may be a test afterwards.

Now, aren’t you glad you learned all that?  OMG, and to think he is supposed to be the leader of the free world. HA!

Originally posted 2022-01-26 09:23:19.

Vax or No Vax?

With all the questions being asked, but no answers proffered, one has to wonder who is telling the truth, or perhaps it should be is anyone telling the truth. Personally, I do not believe his Highness Fauci, and haven’t from the very beginning.. His crutch is “science.” Wants us to believe him because it’s science and too complicated for us normal folk to understand so we are supposed to trust him.  Well, watch this short video where Rep Jim Jordan (R OH) asks some important  questions and listen to the answers, then you decide.

Is Fauci full of it or what? I took the VAX; have not taken the booster and do not intend to.  My choice.


Before you leave I have another short video for youy to watch. Let’s just call it a typical night out with the boys in LA County. Enjoy.

Wasn’t that fun? Just another night in a lawless third word shithole!


Originally posted 2022-01-25 10:22:04.

A Lawless Nation With Laws

Does that title make sense to you? It does to me. I am furious beyond belief. I would have posted this yesterday, but it was Sunday and time for another respite since it was the Lord’s Day. So I held off and posted it this morning.

Folks, I have reached the point that I sincerely believe this Third World Shit Hole in which we now live has completely gone insane, and no one, not a damn one, with very few exceptions, of our elected corrupt criminals seems to care. How far down the shit hole will we go before the average American says enough is enough? We are being overrun by illegal aliens and no one seems to give a hoot. As you watch this video from FOX News, think about those Catholic and Jewish charities to which you faithfully donate. I am Methodist and I watch very closely to what UMCOR donates. I have been on a mission trip to Cuba and seen first hand what they do. And it sure “ain’t” what the Catholic and Jewish charities are doing. Please check they are doing with your hard earned dollars.

This HAS GOT TO STOP! I believe 2024 will be too late to return to normalcy in the country many of you and I fought for and for which some of us shed blood!

May God bless this once great nation of good people, for surely He know it needs His help NOW!

Write you elected scum sucking derelicts and spew your guys out to them, especially you who live in one of those sucking blue states that frauded the last election. You know who you are: GA, PA, MN, WI, IL, CA, OR, and WA  You created the most fraudulent election that I, in my 81 years of living, have ever seen.

GOD please help us, Amen


TSA confirms it lets illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants as ID in airports


TSA confirms it lets illegal immigrants use arrest warrants as ID in airports | Fox News


Can you believe an arrest warrant can be used for identification to get on an airplane with me and my family? Why wasn’t the Dirtbag arrested, it was a legal warrant? GEEZ!

Yep that be them

Originally posted 2022-01-24 08:56:03.

Time for a Respite

Hi Gang, so much is going on in this once great nation, and often I get tired of posting about it. So, today, I am going to take a respite from it all, and give you three and one-half minutes of something to listen to and watch. I’m sure many of you have heard and watched this one before, but do it again brothers and sisters. If your blood runs like mine, you will get chills up and down your spins. Every now and then we need to remember there are folks in our society that really are true patriots. Sit back, crank up the volume, relax, and enjoy!

Lee Greenwood, et al.

Originally posted 2022-01-22 12:55:35.

We Are Screwed!

First it was gays and lesbians,, then it was the transgenders, and now the nonbinary. Had to stop and think about that one . I mean I knew , or at least I thought I knew, what binary meant, but just in case I went to old Man Webster. He says the noun binary means: ” a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation.” Got that? 

Pentagon Quietly Looking into How Nonbinary Troops Could Serve Openly

The Defense Department has quietly begun looking into how it can allow troops whose gender identity is nonbinary to serve openly in the military, three advocates familiar with the situation told

The Pentagon has asked the Institute for Defense Analyses, or IDA, which operates federally funded research centers, to study the issue, said the advocates, one of whom requested anonymity to disclose a sensitive topic.

Someone who is nonbinary identifies as neither male nor female, often using “they” and “them” as their pronouns and marking their gender as “X” on forms that have that option.

It is unclear exactly how long the research has been going on, but SPARTA, an advocacy group for transgender troops, put researchers in touch with several nonbinary service members this month.

SPARTA President Bree Fram, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, likened the effort to the study the Pentagon asked Rand Corp. to conduct in 2015 before lifting the ban on transgender people serving in the military. Bet this LtCol was fun to work for.

“Speaking with non-binary troops and defense officials to understand what regulation changes may be necessary is a great first step,” Fram said in a statement to “We are hopeful this will allow non-binary individuals to serve authentically and realize their full potential in the military.” Why should they, do we need them? 

Jennifer Dane, executive director of LGBTQ military advocacy group Modern Military Association of America, said members of her organization have also spoken with IDA and believes initial conversations about open service by nonbinary troops began last year.

Asked for comment, IDA referred to the Pentagon, which declined to comment “at this time as we do not provide information that may or may not be part of the Department’s research efforts.”

There is no explicit ban on nonbinary service members, but there is also no official recognition of their existence or guidance about how they should adhere to gendered policies, such as what uniform to wear or where to shower.

Advocates say policies allowing transgender troops to serve openly have made it somewhat easier for nonbinary service members, but add they still face hurdles because there is no official recognition of nonbinary gender identities.

If policies are changed to allow nonbinary troops to serve openly, it would be the latest move to make the military more inclusive for LGBTQ people. Again, why? Do we need them or do they need us to forward their agenda?

It’s been just over a decade since the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the law that banned open service by gay, lesbian and bisexual troops.

In 2016, the Obama administration lifted a ban on transgender troops. Former President Donald Trump reinstated the ban in 2019, but President Joe Biden lifted it last year shortly after taking office.

Dane said she is hopeful the research on nonbinary troops will lead to policy changes, but expressed concern that “there’s going to be a lot of hurdles, more so than transgender, I think, because there’s no binary on it.”

But as more people in younger generations identify as nonbinary, including in official documentation such as passports and driver’s licenses, Dane said an open service policy will be crucial to recruitment and retention. A 2021 study by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law found about 1.2 million U.S. adults identify as nonbinary 76% of whom are under age 29. Don’t you just love it when they spout figures like this? How did they determine these numbers? Certainly one has to trust them, I mean look from where they came. Ha!

“To get the talent, obviously, you’ve got to kind of get with the times,” Dane said. What talent are we talking about. You mean men and women to find, close with, and destroy the enemy?

Dane also pointed to a recent Air Force decision to allow email signatures to include someone’s pronouns, including they and them, as “opening the door to further conversation” about nonbinary troops. “Aim High”

The Biden administration has taken steps to be inclusive to nonbinary people at agencies besides the Pentagon.

The State Department last year issued a passport with an “X” gender marker for the first time.

The Department of Veterans Affairs also recently announced that transgender and nonbinary veterans can identify as such in their official department medical records.

While stressing that he could not speak to the military’s current research efforts, Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center, which researches issues of gender and sexuality in the military, said he believes there are three categories of policies the military might have to consider as it looks into open nonbinary service.

The first are policies that likely won’t need to change at all, such as nondiscrimination policies that already ban discrimination based on gender identity.

The second are policies that could be made gender neutral, such as some uniform standards – changes Belkin said would benefit not just nonbinary troops but also female troops.

The third category are policies the military can’t or won’t make gender neutral, such as where to shower. In those cases, Belkin said, commanders could consult with the individual nonbinary service member about which gender’s standards would be more appropriate to follow. Oh, that’s nice, As a Nonbinary I get to choose with whom I shower.

“The opponents to nonbinary service, just like they did for Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and just like they did for Obama’s transgender policy, they’re going to insist that implementation is so complicated and so hard, in fact it’s so complicated that it can’t be done. That’s complete bull—-,” Belkin said. “Implementation is not complicated. Period, full stop. The military could easily pull this off tomorrow. It would not be a big deal.”

Aaron Belkin himself. Of course it would not be a big deal says Belkin. He knows this as a fact because he has experience in what military service? NONE!


Finally, you MUST watch this short video as it deals with the reality of the question, what is the DOD doing. Preparing the militaries for war or developing a national social club for the minority groups? Surely that will help with recruitments and retention. Watch and you decide. I believe we’re screwed.

Yes, I believe we are certainly screwed folks.

Originally posted 2022-01-19 10:40:04.