All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Another Day at the Laundromat

Every now and then something comes from one of my Marine brothers that is a must see, I have to post it. This would be so hilarious if it were not so tragic. What is wrong with these people? These women are acting like animals. That’s the only way to explain it; living breathing animals. And the men can’t seem to handle them either. I wonder what trivial thing started it all? One of these cars is a BMW. They have no thoughts about what they are doing…..none. This is a culture problem.


Originally posted 2017-09-30 16:09:11.


Someone, anyone, dare to tell me what president, at least in my lifetime (76) who would do what President Trump did here? I can think of one or two who “might” have, but you can bet the last fellow would not had taken time from his schedule. Please copy, past, watch and listen to the video, then pass it on to your progressive friends, that is if you have any. I don’t, so you can pass a few for me. He even made the wounded officer laugh! God bless you sir!

I wonder how CNN will air this, probably be blamed for holding up air traffic at the airport.

Originally posted 2017-09-29 14:44:01.

David J. Harris Jr. Speaks for Me

I am sure you have seen lots of videos on the recent millionaire NFL scum, but this one tops all that I’ve seen. Mr. Harris definitely speaks for Jim Bathurst. It’s powerful. Watch and if you agree, please pass it on; it needs to go viral.

Originally posted 2017-09-28 16:33:43.


Having spent half of an Okinawan 13-month tour at Camp Courtney as the S-3/S/4 of HQ Bn, 3rd MARDIV, so I know the view Greg talks about very well, and yes the legend is true. Not just soldiers, but many civilians as well took advantage of the view to die for.

But then I digress and must at agree wholeheartedly with Greg about the POS of whom he writes. He was one of Trump’s mistakes during his first tour. He should have listened to Mattis and Dunford, but now he can make amends. Charge the POS for treason!



A General’s Consensus                                                    By: Greg Maresca

Legend said the cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean at Okinawa, Japan’s Camp Courtney, the headquarters of the commanding general of the Third Marine Division, was where Japanese soldiers committed harakiri rather than be taken prisoner during World War II.

You could say the view was to die for.

It was also my introduction to the palatial digs of MajGen. Steven Olmstead, as the food delivery detail I was assigned to made it obvious this wasn’t your typical stopover on mess duty.

Fast-forward to December 2018 when President Donald Trump nominated Gen. Mark Milley for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCOS), against the wishes of Secretary of Defense and former Marine Gen. James Mattis and then-JCOS chairman Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford. Milley would serve as chairman from 2019 to 2023 under Presidents Trump and Biden.

Mattis and Dunford were vindicated when in Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s book, “Peril,” revealed how Milley called Chinese Gen. Li Zuocheng on Oct. 30, 2020, four days before the presidential election and again on Jan. 8, 2021, two days after Trump supporters marched on the U.S. Capitol.

Milley stated, “General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable, and everything is going to be OK. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you. General Li, you and I have known each other for five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”

This is not treason?

Sen. Marco Rubio responded in a letter to President Biden that was obviously ignored.

“I do not need to tell of you the dangers posed by senior military officers leaking classified information on U.S. military operations, but I will underscore that such subversion undermines the President’s ability to negotiate and leverage one of this nation’s instruments of national power in his interactions with foreign nations.”

In Woodward’s book: “War,” Milley declared Trump was the “most dangerous person ever” and a “fascist to the core.” Such statements violate Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice by slandering the commander-in-chief.

When questioned about Woodward’s books, Milley claimed he hadn’t read any of them.

Who believes that?

Such candor defies credulity.

Perjury anyone?

Moreover, Milley made himself a part of the chain of command for January 6th and issued an order to the commander of the D.C. National Guard that he was in charge. Milley also assessed the Afghan army believing it capable to stand on their own and that Ukraine would fall in 72 hours. Milley was not shy in defending the teaching at West Point of Marxist-based Critical Race Theory, saying, “I want to understand white rage and I’m white,” at a House Armed Services Committee hearing.

Milley’s treason, disloyalty and incompetence were inexcusable.

During the last four years, accountability in the Defense Department has been MIA.

Before leaving office, President Joe Biden pardoned Milley.

Since then, Hegseth ordered the Pentagon’s inspector general to investigate Milley to determine if he “undermined the chain of command during President Trump’s first term.”

Many generals are chairborne desk jockeys concerned more with politics than with military preparedness. Milley is another in a long line of flag officers who carried water for the Military Industrial Complex that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.

Like presidents, generals are not all created equal, where only a few leave a historical footprint, while most just fade away – Douglas MacArthur notwithstanding.

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has revoked Milley’s security detail and suspended his security clearance while exiling his two portraits from the Pentagon.

If justice is to be served, Milley should be court martialed for treason having betrayed allegiance to the United States by giving aid and comfort to a foreign power in a state in open hostility with us.

A compromised general was pardoned by an equally compromised president.

Treason is the one exception to a presidential pardon. The act of pardoning someone who committed treason is also treason.

Milley most likely never took in the view at the general’s mess at Camp Courtney but being a DEI warrior, I am sure he is familiar with how any Asian culture would handle his situation having only himself to blame.