Several folks have asked for more details about the book; therefore, I thought the best way to answer their requests was to show the “Contents” page. So, here it is. Some titles are a dead giveaway as to the content, but then others might be a play on words. Remember I only sell the hard cover, but for much less than you can get anywhere — it will be inscribed as you desire, and I eat the postage. If you are a Marine, or if you know a Marine, It would be a gift he or she will cherish and thoroughly enjoy. I guarantee it will rekindle many fond (and maybe not so fond) memories. The time set of the book is 1958-93.
- “Brewed on the Shores of the Chesapeake Bay”
- “From the Halls of Montezuma”
- Parris Island
- Infantry Training Regiment
- The Private’s World
- Schools Demonstration Troops
- Republic of Philippines
- Treasure Island
- Crossing the Pacific
- Welcome to Japan
- The Price of a Lucky Strike
- The Monkey House
- Battery D, 2nd Battalion, 10th Marines
- Drill Instructor School
- The DI
- The Platoon Leaders Course
- Schools Demonstration Troops—Revisited
- Republic of Vietnam
- ”Corpsman Up”
- Only a Sergeant
- Sparrow Hawk
- Sheer Terror
- Operation Hastings
- Anderson Trail
- Bordering on Ridiculous
- Cpl Gary Wayne Olson, USMC
- The Silent Majority
- Oldest Post in the Corps
- “Who the Hell’s Jim”
- Hail to the Chief
- My Officer Candidates School
- Staff Sergeant “Chesty”
- The Special Ceremonial Platoon
- Anchors Aweigh
- Company “E”
- Amphibious Warfare School
- Go Army!
- Methodist College
- Okinawa
- Marine Barracks, Lemoore, California
- Armed Forces Staff College
- Recruiting Station, Chicago
- College of Naval Warfare
- Huxley’s Harlots
- Landing Force Training Command, Atlantic
- The School of Infantry
- The Consequences
Originally posted 2016-02-15 22:29:40.