All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

A Typical American Family

NOT!!! This would make a great mini-series on TV; however, the problem is that none of the liberals would tune in thus the network would lose a substantial amount of ratings. It’s filled with high drama, and unbelievable actions by everyone involved. I feel sorry for Beau, he seemed to be the only “normal” person in the story.

What is amazing to me is that they are still getting away with all their discretions and felonious actions; all because everyone who matters in the U.S. today e.g., administration, DOJ, FBI, DA’s, local authorities, and of course the numero Uno – the media – hate Trump. 

Can you even imagine the screaming from rooftops by the democrats if any of Trump’s family would have committed any of these actions? Of course not!

The Biden’s: A “Hallmark Family…”Here is a REAL story: Joe Biden & his first wife, Neilia, had three children: Hunter, Beau and Naomi…  In 1972, his wife Neilia and Naomi, tragically died in a car accident…

Joe eventually married a woman named Jill (his current wife, the “PHD”)…

Joe already knew Jill, because she had been Hunter’s babysitter (Yeah, THAT seems like something out of “Father Knows Best” – marry the babysitter)… They had a daughter named Ashley,   who lives ‘a quiet life’ and is frequently in and out of rehab for various substance abuse issues…

Now sadly, the sanest, most normal one of the 3 surviving kids, Beau, died in 2015 from a brain tumor… He had been married to Hallie and they had 2 children, a boy and a girl named Natalie, who was 11 yrs. old when her dad died…

Enter Hunter Biden, in 2015, to “comfort” his brother’s widow… Mind you, Hunter is married at the time, to Kathleen Biden, since 1993… He starts screwing around with his dead brother’s wife in 2015… Hunter’s wife Kathleen finds out about it and they separate… Hunter moves in with his dead brother’s wife, Hallie, and her two kids, and they have a grand old time…

Hunter ultimately gets divorced from Kathleen in 2017… But, before that happens…

Hunter starts screwing around with a stripper, while still shacking-up with his dead brother’s wife, before his divorce is finalized and gets the stripper pregnant… Hailie kicks his butt to the curb supposedly for this indiscretion in 2018…

OK, at this point in the drama, he is still legally married to his first wife, living with his widowed sister-in-law and has knocked up a pole dancer… You following this…??? Can you begin to imagine if that was one of Trump’s sons…???

He denies the stripper’s baby is his, although a paternity test proves otherwise and eventually he marries yet another woman named Melissa in 2019 after knowing her for 6 days… And should you NOT believe all that you’ve just read, go to Google and put this in: 

…Hunter Biden’s wives and girlfriends…

Does the fairy tale end there…??? Why no, no it doesn’t…

This just sets the stage…

Enter the laptop from hell… Loaded with e-mails, text messages, photos, child pornography, videos and other sordid digital images of drug use and rampant weirdness…

Hunter Biden dropped the laptop off in Delaware, his home state, to get it repaired… It seems he dropped it in some water while in a meth-induced state of mind… He then neglected to pay the $m8500 repair fee and the laptop became the repair shop owner’s property for non-payment…

When the owner saw what was on it, he was so disturbed that he contacted the FBI… No response, it wasn’t a “noose” hanging in a NASCAR garage… The DOJ…??? No response, it didn’t involve Trump’s tax returns…

Eventually, it landed in Rudy Giuliani’s possession and he turned it over to the Delaware State Police ‘AFTER making 4 copies’ of the hard drive…

Turns out, there’s quite a lot of child pornography on there… Much of it involving youngsters on Hunter’s many trips to China…

The Chinese Communist Party uses this as a blackmail tactic…

They supply the young girls, they film you, unknowingly and then they can keep you “in line,” while paying you the big $$ to do their bidding, like lucrative deals with your VP father…

Millions of dollars were paid to Hunter Biden for favors with the U.S. Government while Joe Biden was VP under Obama…

For 8 years Hunter made the contacts and split the money with his father, referred to as the “Big Guy” in all e-mails detailing how their ill-gotten gains would be split-up amongst all the criminals involved…

Did Joe Biden sell out his country and used his meth head son to do it.?

Doesn’t this make you proud to be an American knowing we elected this scumbag as our leader and the Biden’s our first family?




Originally posted 2023-03-22 10:57:42.

God Help Us!

The following was sent to me by John Reim who is an old time 8th & I Marine long before me. He received it from another old “slider and glider,” Bill Marshall, Drum & Bugle Corps 1957-59. I don’t usually do religious posts, but this one hit me where it hurts, and I hope it does you too!.

                        Hate of Self… America in Decline?                                                              “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;                                 but when the wicked bearith the rule, the people mourn.”            Proverbs 29:2 KJV

                                                 And Mourn We Shall

A very scary thought, but not simply a thought,,, it is truth for “When the wicked bearith the rule.”  Riots, murders, crime of all sorts, corruption in government, contempt for America on the world stage. The wicked has more openly revealed itself beginning Jan. 21st 2021, and the price is being paid.

                                                       Hate of Self

As we watch the nation we love slide farther and farther from the ideals and dedication to the God the “Founders” relied on for guidance, it is because of the nonchalance of attitude we find ourselves in the dilemma we are presently facing. While attempting to understand the wandering of this nation towards its present state, there was a discovery that forces us to look back several decade to the regression of this nation. Let us begin with the Democrat agenda and the attitude of “Hate of Self.”

It is determined that today, over 30% of this nations population is now ,,, anti-American. Only 36% of our youth claim to be proud to be American. 40% of millennial claim no religious affiliation what-so ever. This according to Pew Research Center. The major reason of hate??? Dedication to God.

God is a hindrance. Hindrance of an agenda once considered sinful and immoral. Hindrance because God makes the rules and as long as God makes the rules to which we must live,,, they cannot impose theirs. Recent past, churches were vandalized and invaded because of this hate.

Beginning with the eliminating of prayers to the God of the Bible in public schools, escalating to same sex marriage, murder of the unborn, educating children K thru 12 on transgenderism and a past prayer on the floor of Congress to the monotheistic god Brahma that asked for a blessing of Congress. That prayer for blessing from a pagan god could very well become a curse.

God has been mocked, demeaned, ridiculed and mostly eliminated by this nation that once relied on His powers to guide it. When there are no longer pleas for guidance, blessings and freedoms “Endowed by our Creator,” – those guidance, blessings and freedoms will no longer be.

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” 

In this prophetic announcement by Washington, this nation was forewarned of disaster if / when this nation strayed from those rules. The choice, the determination, and the commitment of this nation to comply with the “Eternal Rules of Order” is nor a request,,, it is a command. A command from the Almighty Himself. The “Smiles” (blessings) of Heaven cannot be expected of given to this        nation or any other that breaks God’s “Rules of Order,” — as this nation has done.

History will verify. Judgement will come. Whether a direct command from the Almighty or a decision by Him to leave us to our own demise — still judgement will come.

This nation once blessed so favorably was a beacon to the world of what an obedient nation would resemble. Now no longer obedient,,, now no longer blessed. Now a nation in decline. Now under the present administration, a laughing stock to the world.

What blessing can come to a nation that has broken every “Rule” given humanity to live by in order to live by the rules of the “Politically Correct” and the Democrat agenda. Under the guise of tolerance of many broken “Rules” and the condemnation of opposing speech and action, a new and intolerant agenda of the “Far Left Democrats” will descend this nation into the most deceptive lie  since Satan said to Eve. “You will not surly die.” They did …. and so shall this nation if not soon realizing this great lie being told to us.

These presently running our government are Globalist, – New World Order — anti-God people.

To accomplish their agenda, this nation must become insignificant, weakened, non-Christian, unarmed and worldly minded. Either we believe their lie and die as a nation … or not and live.

Semper Fi,                                                                                                                           Bill Marshall

Thank you Bill and God bless you sir!

Originally posted 2023-03-17 11:58:49.

Go Army!

Don’t know if anyone has seen this, I think I saw it a while ago, but don’t think I posted it. Anyway if I did, sorry about that, here it is again.

Additionally, I believe enough time has gone by for me to post the results of my poll on changing the clocks. I will say I am disappointed in you guys. Eighty-six hits on the post and only twelve comments. Clearly, that sucks! Why do I waste my valuable time even posting if you are simply going to read it and not even click if you like it or not and  then less than 14% of you take the time tell me keep it or ditch it. Sad! to say the least. Why do you even come and read the posts? Anyway twelve comments and  eleven said keep standard time. One felt the need to tell us that since he retired he doesn’t care what time it is. Hmm, I felt that way when I first retired, but wait till he gets to my age, and finds that the body and the mind doesn’t like changes and trying to adjust to something as evident as daylight is a little tougher.  So, if everyone says stop it and keep standard time, why are we still doing it? Send your congressman an email and tell him to stop it. I did, have you?

Anyway folks, meet the new Army, and bear in mind the Corps is not far behind them. Me thinks our CMC is having mental problems. I’ll post something about that late when I have time, but then some of you will read it and pass on.

Originally posted 2023-03-14 16:52:07.

Spring Ahead or Stop It?

This has been an ongoing discussion each time of the year when we have to play with clocks that don’t do it for us. So Greg has sent me a great discussion on the topic. Just for grins here is a poll, tell us what you think. Should we keep this changing twice a year or stop it. Just reply with yes or no. And if you feel a tad wordy tell us why you believe that.  I’ll tally the votes and let you know the results.

The daylight deception                                                     By: G. Maresca


As we spring ahead this weekend, the question remains will there be a fall back come November? The “Sunshine Protection Act” that sailed through the Senate with little debate last year would make Daylight Savings Time (DST) permanent year-round.  Efforts to make the Act the law of the land have stalled in the House where it must first pass before landing on the president’s desk – provided the “big guy” signs it into law.

Congress tried this once before in 1974 when DST would be year-round, hoping later sunsets would reduce energy consumption during the OPEC oil embargo. Months of children waiting for the school bus in the dark combined with no conclusive energy savings convinced Congress to end the law the following year.

Ever since we started springing forward and falling back, it has been a source of debate and consternation.  Many countries have managed without changing their clocks twice a year. Hawaii and Arizona, aside from the Navajo Nation, are the only venues in the U.S. that observe Standard Time year-round.

The railroads were instrumental in establishing Standard Time that was followed by the Standard Time Act in 1918 where the Interstate Commerce Commission created the time zones we still observe.  Standard Time is the local mean solar time of a degree of longitude aligned with the height and arc of the sun’s skyward journey where noon and midnight occur the closest within your time zone.

DST is defined as one hour ahead of Standard Time.

Provided DST is observed year-round, in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, the earliest sunset in December arrives at 5:38 p.m. The latest sunrise during the same period would occur 8:30 a.m. The sun would rise at 8 a.m. or later from Nov. 21 to Feb. 15. In parts of Michigan, Montana, and North Dakota, the latest sunrise would not arrive until after 9:30 a.m.

Native American lore speaks of “cutting a foot off the bottom of a blanket and sewing it on the top does not make it bigger.” DST does not save daylight as there is no increase despite what the clocks may read. The days always get longer as we approach spring as no act of Congress can change the tilt of the earth’s orbit or its axis and rotation.

What about every Saturday night we turn the clocks back one hour providing everyone an extra hour of sleep each weekend.  To catch up, we could skip Tax Day, April 15th, and Groundhog Day on Feb 2. Perhaps the biggest issue is getting the correct time in sync in your car and appliances and know when to change the batteries in our smoke detectors.

Somehow, we will survive.

If something must take place during daylight hours, adjust the hours, not the clocks.  People can decide if they want to start their day earlier like construction crews in summer. There is nothing stopping schools or businesses from adjusting their schedules. Legislating the hands of a clock is akin to mandating that winter temperatures will now be reported as ten degrees higher to make us believe we are warmer.

According to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, changing the clocks causes “misalignment between our circadian clock and environmental clock.” Translated the bi-annual time changes upsets our biological rhythms and sleeping pattern, which leads to a greater risk of heart attacks, strokes, and car accidents. The Society for Research on Biological Rhythms called for ending DST, citing its negative effects on overall health and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine agreed.

 Provided we keep yearlong Standard Time or DST or decide to maintain the bi-annual change of clocks, there will always be late and early sunrises and sunsets.  Returning to one yearlong time saves the inconvenience, annoyance and lost productivity that comes with switching twice a year.

We tried permanent DST before and it failed. Will we ever learn? This column, including a plethora of health professionals, supports making Standard Time – permanent.

Every day brings with it just so many hours of daylight and to continue to play three card monte with the clocks is no solution but an illusion.

The time to be heard is now as your House representative has yet to vote on the “Sunshine Protection Act.”

Okay, don’t forget to give me you answer and if you are adamant about keeping or stopping it, do as Greg suggests, fire off an email/letter/phone call to your congressman. Thanks and Semper Fi, JB



Originally posted 2023-03-10 08:59:45.

A Day I’ll Never Forget

It happened sixty-five years ago, but for me it was just yesterday. From the book.         

                                                              ~ 2 ~                                                                                                                     “From the Halls of Montezuma”

   Woody and I eagerly walked into the recruiter’s office in downtown Baltimore the next morning. A Marine sitting at a desk reading a newspaper asked, “What do you kids want?” We told him we wanted to be Marines. He asked why we weren’t in school. We proudly proclaimed, “We quit!” He told us to go finish school then come back to see him after graduation. I’m convinced he was using reverse psychology on us. We literally had to talk him into letting us join.

He told us he might be able to get us in, but it would have to be for four years since we were high school dropouts. So? Anything was better than spending another year in school.

I’m not sure why or when I decided I wanted to be a United States Marine. There were probably several reasons for this choice. One may well have been that I was exposed to the Marines at an early age. My brother-in-law, John, was a career Marine. I spent a few weeks with him and my sister during the summers in the mid-fifties and I particularly remember visiting Quantico, Virginia, when John was a sergeant. His military occupational specialty (MOS) was explosive ordnance disposal (EOD); these are the guys called today when there’s a bomb threat.

While there, I went to work with him on occasion and I’m quite sure these experiences influenced me wanting to be a Marine.

I saw the movie Battle Cry at an early age, but had not yet read the book; heck, at this point in my life I had not read any book. I did read it years later, as it would serve me well due to a strange set of circumstances.

I am sure the uniform also had some influence. I mean, let’s face it, does anybody have a uniform as sharp as Marine dress blues?

To be truthful, the Marine Corps’s reputation for making men out of boys was something I badly needed at the time. At this point in my immature life, I needed the Corps more than it needed me.

Whatever the attraction, I was convinced very early in life that I was going to be a Marine.

On March 6, 1958, after completing all the paperwork and physicals at Fort Holabird, Maryland, I said goodbye to Mom and Dad. Woody and I then boarded a train at the Baltimore station, along with several others, bound for Parris Island, South Carolina, where the Marine Corps’s East Coast recruit training facility was located. The recruiter entrusted to me a large, sealed manila envelope. I was to deliver it to someone in command when we arrived at our destination. He informed the group that I was in charge—my first responsibility as a future Marine.

The train ride remains a vague memory to me except that we were assigned to a specific car where we were told to remain for the entire trip. I recall that some of the boys brought along a considerable amount of beer smuggled in their baggage, which they shared with some others. I was too nervous to drink. I remember one of the boys boasting as to how he was going to breeze through this training—he wasn’t going to take any guff from the drill sergeants.

With each stop along the way, our car became more crowded with more boys on their way to this infamous place with an exotic-sounding name—Parris Island.

Most of us were asleep when the conductor shouted out that this was our stop—Yemassee, South Carolina. I stepped off the train into total darkness with a cigarette in my mouth. Suddenly it flew off somewhere into space with what I thought were a few of my teeth. This cantankerous fellow, wearing a hat I’d last seen on a bear with a shovel in his paw on U.S. Forest Service posters, was screaming for us to do something. I had no idea then how symbolic that hat was nor that I myself would someday wear it.

Everyone was running in circles, bumping into each other, falling down. The greeting Marine was screaming, “Move! Move! Move!” which we were certainly doing but had no idea where to. I heard someone crying out for his mother. Another boy was screaming for help—surprisingly, he was the one who bragged about not taking any guff from the drill sergeants.

Absolute chaos ensued. Finally, he pointed to a building. We all ran towards it, jamming the doorway, attempting to get through it and out of the way of this insane person’s wrath.

Inside the building were steel beds stacked two high with a bare mattress lying on them and bright lights in the ceiling with shades hanging over them. The Marine thundered, “Get in a rack!” What the hell is a rack? we wondered. I didn’t recognize anything that might be a rack, so sheer chaos continued as we all tried to figure out what exactly this fellow was directing us to get into.

Finally, some jumped into one of the steel beds whereupon we all followed suit; some beds even had two boys squeezed together. The Marine yelled, “Freeze!” Immediately the room fell into total silence except for the springs of the steel beds squeaking slightly as we all lay very still. He turned out the lights, and slowly paced up and down the center of the room while telling us we were turds, slimy civilian shit. We were in for one hell of a time when morning came, he warned, so we had better get some sleep since it would be the last time sleep would come for the next four months.

Welcome to boot camp!

As I lay there, I could hear the muffled sounds of boys sobbing, probably wondering like the rest of us, What the hell have I gotten myself into?

 I don’t know how long I slept or if I even slept at all, but suddenly the lights came on and a loud banging sound awoke everyone as the same Marine was screaming at us to stand in front of our racks. The large metal trash can he’d thrown was still rolling around the floor as we scrambled from our supremely uncomfortable beds—now to be known as “racks.” We were then herded outside onto a greyhound-type bus. I had no idea of the time except it was pitch black and cold.

As I was boarding the bus, I remembered the manila envelope still lying on my rack. My first responsibility as a Marine and I’d blown it. I really did not want to approach this crazed Marine, but I had to retrieve that envelope. I reluctantly began, “Mr., I need to go back into the building to—” I never finished the sentence. He was screaming and spitting saliva in my face. I had no idea what he was saying, but I sure wasn’t going to ask him to repeat it. He shoved me towards the building. I ran in, grabbed the envelope, and bolted back outside.

By the time I returned to the bus, I was the last one to board there by forcing me to sit next to the ill-tempered, Smokey Bear-hatted Marine. I developed goose bumps as I took my seat, so close to this fearsome devil that I was expecting him to chew my head off just for kicks.

I distinctly remember the bus passing through a gate and seeing the Marine sentry smiling as we drove past. Other than swamps on both sides of the road, I could see nothing out the window, nothing that gave a hint of civilization.

We finally came to some buildings whereupon we were herded off the bus into a classroom filled with school chairs, the types that have a small desk attached to them. There were other Marines waiting there for us.

After much shouting for us to find a seat and sit our slimy civilian asses in it, we were required to fill out a postcard addressed to our parents. We were told to write to them that we arrived safe and would write again later. Then they hurried us into another part of the building where we went through a line holding a metal tray out in front of us while someone piled food onto it. We ate in total silence. When we finished—mind you, this was not as leisurely a breakfast as we were accustomed to at home—we were herded back into the classroom. The sun was just rising on our first morning as recruits—literally as well as symbolically.

Oh what a day it was!



Originally posted 2023-03-06 12:27:28.