All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Obama and his Treasury Department’s scheme

Sylvia ThompsonSylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture.

Ms. Thompson is a copy editor by trade currently residing in Tennessee. She formerly wrote for the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley California Newsletter and the online conservative blog ChronWatch, also out of California.
She grew up in Southeast Texas during the waning years of Jim Crow-era legalized segregation, and she concludes that race relations in America will never improve, nor will we ever elevate our culture, as long as there are victims to be pandered to and villains to be vilified. America is better served without victims or villains.

Rending the nation: Obama and his Treasury Department’s scheme

If any Americans think that the Obama Treasury Department’s decision to change the face of paper money has anything to do with good intentions, they are sadly mistaken. This move is another ploy by Barack Obama and his cadre of sycophants, behaving badly, to provoke divisiveness throughout the populace.

Under whatever guise Obama is cloaking this despicable move, he has delivered another blow to the American people, especially white people. Another in-your-face to all who hold this nation’s founding and history dear. Gains we may have made in race and gender relations in this country, by design, are being set back decades. There must be fifty ways (a la Paul Simon) to honor women of the civil rights and suffrage movements without spitting in the face of America’s heritage.

Classic liberal Greta Van Susteren, on her Fox News show, called the plan to remove Andrew Jackson from the twenty dollar bill and replace him with Harriet Tubman “stupid.” I will venture to say it was much more sinister than stupid, but I’m pleased that even a liberal mind sees through Obama’s machinations on this one.

Van Susteren offered, reasonably, that if the goal is to honor Harriet Tubman and the honor has to be with a monetary bill, why not create a bill specifically for her? A 25 dollar bill is Van Susteren’s suggestion. I read that Dr. Ben Carson, former 2016 presidential candidate, suggested a two dollar bill for Ms. Tubman. He could also see through Obama’s machinations.

Harriet Tubman’s work was indeed for liberty, but liberty for only black people. The women’s suffrage movement was for only women. Past American presidents served for the good of the whole country. Neither service should cancel out the other, as Obama and his Treasury drones have so insidiously proposed.

This man Barack Obama could not sink lower in my estimation. He is like a cancer eating away at the soul of the nation.

I hope it is not lost on anyone that Andrew Jackson was from Tennessee, a state that chose not to kowtow to Obama’s half-blackness in his election bids of both 2008 and 2012. My “no” votes were included in that mix. On his second run, he received even less support from Tennesseans. His resentment of Andrew Jackson probably runs deep and if nothing else, Obama is a vindictive creature.

The plan to place on the backs of the five and ten dollar bills only women involved with issues of racism and gender inequality in America’s history is similarly pernicious. It’s intention is solely to keep alive the specter of a shameful past and to engender discord and chaos among citizens. Only evil minds work this way.

Animus and mistrust between the races, and men and women, had been resolving itself over the years, but Obama’s regime has purposely halted that healing process. He and his administration have ripped open wounds and rubbed salt into them. All under the safety net of his “blackness.”

The Obama administration knows that it has a limited time to wreak as much havoc on the nation as it can before it is assigned to the ash bin of history, where it belongs. The question becomes can the nation avoid a literal insurrection before the miscreants are officially removed?

I think Obama and his puppet masters have been angling for some time now to provoke just such an insurrection – an actual military or militia-styled attempt to take down his corrupt regime. Such a move would give him an excuse to turn military forces against the American people.

He has deliberately culled the military of many patriotic, ranking officers and made conditions throughout the corps so anathema to many young patriots who volunteered that they have left the military. He may think he can pit what’s left of the forces against the American people, should there be such an insurrection. Some military personnel will follow his orders, as Commander-in-Chief. Others most assuredly will not, and therein lies the chance he would have to take. He just might be insane enough to take that chance.

My observation of the conditions in the nation is that we are at the point of violent disruption, and such a turn of events would be detrimental to us all. But Donald Trump’s entry onto the political scene has rekindled a fire in many otherwise disillusioned citizens. There seems to be a sense that maybe a political way out is still viable. What else, one could ask, could be responsible for so many otherwise politically disengaged people suddenly entering the process and voting for this man Trump?

These are no doubt patriots, some of whom were at the point of total despair or worse, thoughts of insurrection. They can now rally behind a non-ethnic, non-female (or gender-confused), patriotic man (of the alpha male mode) to lead America back to its original greatness. Only time will tell if their hope is well-placed.

I say it is a good thing that such a leader has emerged. Let’s hope that Almighty God is also in on the plan.

Originally posted 2016-04-25 10:01:57.


by Andy Weddington
Friday, 22 April 2016

When you rape, beat, maim, mutilate, burn, bury, and terrorize women, you destroy the essential life energy on the planet. Eve Ensler

Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues address sundry aspects of the feminine experience.

I’ve not seen them but from reading think of anything germane and so goes a Monologue – with the vagina as an empowering tool a recurring theme.

The New York Times writer Charles Isherwood said about the Monologues, “…probably the most important piece of political theater of the last decade.”

A curious word choice by Mr. Isherwood. But that’s a sidebar.

Anyway, interesting is the Monologues production led to the creation of V-Day – a non-profit movement, globally, to raise money for groups dedicated to ending violence against females.

Goodness, what a difference a couple of decades make.

Now our government is ordering (military) women into ground combat – the ultimate of violence – with all likelihood of facing men who will capture and kill them; after committing other despicable acts (all those, and then some, noted in Eve Ensler’s opening quote)?

And, a woman, with (real) blood on her hands, is the Democrat party’s leading candidate for the presidency?

Talk about pieces of political theater; that’s not fiction.

Only in America.

And seems we’ve yet to climax. Or we did decades ago.

Our reality is science, sanity, and civility are dying. And for what? Political correctness? Agenda? Money? Power?

We live madness.

Monologues about vagina aside, the dialogue about Hillary Clinton is simple.

Her core is a tangled malignant tumor of greed, deceit, crime, and power with her vagina (not her, per se) an opportunistic variable spotlighted center stage in today’s strange political theater. What a piece of work and one bad character, she. Terrible actor, too.

In dialogue what might folk, about the globe, offer?

America: Hillary Clinton is a damn mess with blood on her hands and unelectable.

Great Britain: Hillary Clinton is a damn bloody mess and unelectable.

Japan: Hirrary Crinton is a damn broody mess and unerectable.

Amen to that – (mis)pronunciation, accurate the innuendo or not, forgivable.

Alas, the drama continues. Though interesting, it’s alarming and disheartening theatre, for play it’s not.

What the United States desperately needs is good old-fashioned intimate and rigorous discourse – intelligent and serious dialogue based on fact and truth and reality.

Perhaps a good title for the theatre marquee – from which to commence said dialogue: Is America Disorganized, In Pieces, and Free-falling To Death Or Chasm?

After all, our country is at stake. Our friends believe the world. Anatomy cannot decide the American presidency.

Johnson, Lyndon B. that is, 36th President of the United States, said, “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”

A “W” or an “L” – that’s the bottom line in America.

Maybe we get lucky.

Headaches for now.

Originally posted 2016-04-23 09:19:42.

From the Halls of Montezuma

To the Shores of Gender Neutrality

By Ray Starmann


Another great truth filled dialog from a Marine who is not afraid to call a spade a spade. 

The Marines are facing their greatest fight; the battle to implement the lunatic gender neutral policies ordered by the Secretary of Defense and his willing executioner, Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus.

There is no doubt that Ray Mabus is going down in history as the worst Secretary of Navy in the long annals of the Marine Corps. Mabus is a disaster for the Marine Corps; a ready-made, machine fabricated, glow in the dark nightmare.

Ray Mabus is a politically correct cluster; one each, olive drab. No, disagree Ray, that fool doesn’t deserve Olive Drab; he probably doesn’t even know what that means; he’s a complete idiot.

Ray Mabus is a leftist Visigoth, a man who’s breaking the premier fighting force in the US and the world into a million, shattered pieces.

Whether Mabus is just a lackey following orders to keep his job and a key to the E Ring executive latrine, or an actual believer in the gender neutral fantasy world is unknown. Either way, two things are clear; Ray Mabus is no friend of the Marine Corps and the policies that he has helped green light are putting the country in mortal danger.

The forced implementation of gender neutral policies and women in the combat arms and special operations units of the Marine Corps was made official on April 1, 2016, when the deadline passed for the Congressional review of Ash Carter’s authorization in December of 2015. Where were the congressmen and senators who knew better? Asleep at the wheel, or simply worried about their own careers – surely the latter.

Last year, both Ray Mabus and Ash Carter decided to not only ignore, but not even examine the Marines’ $36 million, 9 month study which pitted all male units against coed and all female units in simulated combat environments. The all male units performed better in every test than the coed or all female units.

Mabus and Carter also chose to ignore the fact that female officers had gone 0 for 26 at the Marine Infantry Officers’ Basic Course in 2015.

Several months ago, Mabus demonstrated his complete and utter ignorance of combat and the combat arms when he wrote this diatribe for the Washington Post editorial board.

As the nature of warfare becomes more dynamic and unpredictable, we need to be the strongest force possible, and diversity is one of our greatest strengths. When we talk about diversity, we mean the full spectrum of demographics, but even more important, we mean diversity of thinking. The Marine Corps Times has highlighted an anecdote about the creative, expeditious way a four-woman team in the Marine Corps’ study confronted an 8-foot obstacle; an American Forces Network report featured female Marines who demonstrated that gender does not define their service. These are the thinkers we need in every part of our force; they will maximize our combat effectiveness. OMG.

According to Mabus, wars are won by diversity of thinking. Apparently, military history and $36 million dollar studies are irrelevant for measuring how women will perform in the combat arms. What counts as a major indicator is the fact that four female Marines managed to scale an 8 foot wall.

Mabus, I can find four 10 year old Girl Scouts selling cookies who can scale an 8 foot wall.

Forget about shooting the enemy point blank in the face or sticking a bayonet in his guts. What counts is diversity of thought.

With the complete disregard of the study and the results from Marine IOBC and his refusal to consider a requested waiver to stop women from serving in the combat arms of the Marine Corps, Mabus paved the way for the chaos engulfing the Corps today.

In a Jan. 1 memo to Marine Commandant Gen. Robert Neller, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus requested a “detailed plan” on how the service will fully integrate its boot camp and Officer Candidate School. The plan is due Jan. 15 and will be implemented by April 1, the memo states.

“The Department of the Navy’s implementation plan must include gender integration of Marine Corps enlisted recruit training and officer candidate school,” Mabus wrote. “In this submission, identify where, if anywhere, this training is already integrated, where it is separate, and specific steps that you will take to fully integrate these trainings.”

In a second memo from Mabus to Neller on the same day, the SecNav directed the Marine Corps to conduct a full review of its military occupational specialty titles in an effort to ensure that they are gender neutral.

Every Marine is a rifleperson. It’s so cute; it’s soooo Sanders.

Furthermore, the Marine Corps is mandating so-called “unconscious bias” training, the Corps wide brainwashing to convince Marines that all genders are neutral and that the five foot, 90 pound cheerleader in fatigues is going to take down a 6 foot, 200 pound Ivan in hand to hand combat with her KA-BAR.

Col. Anne Weinberg, deputy director of the Marine Corps Force Innovation Office, recently told journalists that the Marine Corps would send mobile training teams to installations across the country in May and June to give a two-day seminar to majors and lieutenant colonels, who will later offer the training to their subordinates, reported.

Mobile training teams, sounds very Maoist, very Soviet SMERSH-like to me, Comrade Colonel Weinberg from the Komitet.

“You’re in the field, you only have this certain amount of space for billeting and you’ve got three women and six guys. How are you going to billet?” Weinberg stated. “Just some of these common sense things that these units probably haven’t had to deal with … that ground combat units haven’t had to deal with, but we’ve been dealing with in the rest of the Marine Corps for generations.”

Billets in the field; Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot? Amen! Col Anne, have you ever been billeted in the field? OMG. Shut up Colonel, you are nothing more than a Kool Aid Drinker!

I’m not sure what universe or Marine Corps Colonel Anne Weinberg is residing in, but the Marines on Bloody Ridge, on Iwo, in Kuwait, in Fallujah, didn’t’ have any “billets.” Nor did the Marines on Operations Hastings, Union II, and Mississippi, or at Khe San in Vietnam

Brig. Gen. James Glynn, the Marine Corps’ director of public affairs, said that the purpose of the mobile training team will be to “begin to facilitate the cultural change.”

Glynn sounds just as clueless as Colonel Anne “Rosa Klebb” Weinberg about the realities of ground combat.

To complete the utter destruction of the Corps, units will be ordered to meet quotas of 25% to 35% females in infantry, armor, artillery, Marine Recon and Marine Raider organizations.

God help us all.

Obviously, no amount of evidence from Elaine Donnelly’s Center for Military Readiness, from the study, from years of watching women struggle physically at certain tasks in the Marines, from the common knowledge that women do not have the upper body strength, aerobic lung capacity and aggressiveness to complete the missions required of the combat arms makes any difference to the social engineers.

The policies will be implemented even if the US Marine Corps dies, which it will.

The Marines will soon look like every city fire department that is under legal pressure to hire women. But, fire departments are able to tuck women away at the station on a computer while the guys siren out, hump the gear and put out the fire.

When you have a Marine Infantry battalion with a TOE of 400 grunts and now 120 of them are women, you aren’t hiding anything. You’re now advertising yourself to the world as the force that is going to lose every skirmish, firefight and battle.

The Denver Broncos have just become the Little Sisters of the Poor, courtesy of the Obama Administration.

Still, there are a small percentage of women in the Marine Corps and in every service who have bought into the feminist fantasy deception. Any woman who thinks that an edgy “You Go Girl” attitude is going to get the new Marine Corps through future battles is out of their mind. Any woman who thinks that just because they do kick boxing in the gym that makes them tough enough to go on a sustained combat operation in the boonies with a Marine grunt unit is delusional. Any woman who thinks that because they can jog faster than some Millennial loser in Capris and a Taliban beard, they’re going to be able to survive sustained combat operations with a Marine Raider unit is nuts.

The fantasy will go out the window the moment the first hostile round goes down range. Just ask the Israelis. They had women in combat in the ’67 War and had real problems. They pulled them out of the combat arms and made them instructors until 2000, when they were under pressure again from social engineers to put women back in the combat arms. According to the Israeli news service, Arutz Sheva, the problems of women in the combat arms of the IDF have been covered up for the last decade.

Imagine that.

The good thing is that most women in the Marine Corps and in the US military want to stay out of range of the combat arms and special ops and for good reason; these jobs are brutal, they grind men down to the bone and you can get killed doing them.

The bad thing is Ray Mabus and Ash Carter don’t care what most women in the Marine Corps want. Mabus and Carter haven’t been within 2,000 miles of combat, yet these two boobs are making life and death decisions and deciding the fate of the Corps.

Want to know what Marines in the past experienced in combat? Want to know what women in ground combat units can expect?

Read E.B. Sledge’s, With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa, John Wukovits’, One Square Mile of Hell, the Marines at Tarawa, Phil Caputo’s, A Rumor of War, James Webb’s, Fields of Fire, Karl Marlantes’, Matterhorn or We Were One – Shoulder to Shoulder with the Marines Who Took Fallujah by Patrick O’Connell.

Read those books, and tell me if this is something you want your sister, daughter, wife or mother to experience. Tell me if this is something that you think is doable and realistic and not just downright suicidal and a fantasy based on false premises.

Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Tinian, Guam, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, the Frozen Chosin’, Khe Sanh, Hue, Khafji, Fallujah…

Those famous Marine battles all had one thing in common; the Marines won, the bad guys lost.

The Marines aren’t going to win anything anymore and every Marine knows it now, including General Joe Dunford.

What the hell is General Joe thinking? What the hell is Ray Mabus thinking? What the hell is Ash Carter thinking? What the hell is President Obama thinking? Thinking? None of them are doing any thinking; they are simply trying to save their careers, and their legacies. Met a fresh-caught Brigadier of late ; amazes me how fast one can become a Kool Aid drinker. Absolutely amazing, and so disappointing as well.

God only knows.

I know what our enemies are thinking. They’re thinking, it’s time to make a move. I know what our enemies are doing. They’re locking and loading and they’re doing it with a big grin on their faces.

From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Gender Neutrality

We fight the feminists’ battles on the land and on the seas….

Originally posted 2016-04-18 11:09:42.

A Very Intelligent Young Lady

cropped-DEAD-STUPID-e1457537417619.jpgYowser! If you like Hillary Clinton I would not watch this young lady’s video. But wait a minute, if you do like her, maybe you NEED to watch this well-written, well-articulated diatribe about the very woman of whom I speak. It is great and filled with so much truth — WOW! I love it, I even watched it twice for fear that I may have missed something. Comments please, I’d’ like to know what you thought about it. Of course if you are one of “those” of whom she speaks, you need to do what she recommends before you comment on this blog, and let me know what you found under there. Oh Dear God, excuse me, I have to go watch it again!!



Originally posted 2016-04-13 16:30:31.


Another good one from The Colonel of Truth.I still find it incomprehensible as to how someone, anyone can be in support of this woman. They have to be so blinded by some strange ideology, prejudice, or bias that disallows logical understanding of facts. Or, there is always the chance they are simply stupid. Yes, I think it’s the latter.
Col Andyby Andy Weddington
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Make crime pay. Become a lawyer. Will Rogers

These days, disturbing as they are, of confusion about race, gender, and whatnot, let’s be clear. President Obama is a black male. And he’s a lawyer. Hillary Clinton is a white female. And she’s a lawyer.

Some believe President Obama is a criminal. One day charges may come. Some believe Hillary Clinton is a criminal. One day (soon) she may be indicted.

Pay attention.

First point of order, the opening word of the title is not misspelled.

Recently, veteran Fox News Channel journalist and Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace interviewed President Obama.

He asked questions about not-so-serious things and about serious things not-so-seriously.

As to questions about the ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct of business, in email through a private non-secure server, while Secretary of State, President Obama said…

“And what I also know, because I handle a lot of classified information, is that there are — there’s classified, and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and there’s stuff that is being presented to the president and secretary of state, that you might not want on the transom, or going out over the wire, but is basically stuff that you could get in open source.”

Nonsense! And he knows it. And Chris Wallace knows it. And anyone who has had a security clearance knows it.

Moving along.

Hillary Clinton says she is not under investigation only that the FBI is conducting a routine “security review.”

Nonsense! The FBI investigates crimes.

Supporters of Mrs. Clinton say the material was classified after the fact and she did nothing wrong.

Nonsense! That is not how it works.

Lawyers and legal scholars say the element of intent is important and may be the out for Mrs. Clinton.


Question: How did Mrs. Clinton go about setting up a private non-secure server, in her home, conduct state business over personal email to include compromising classified information of the highest order (such it was redacted and can’t be released) germane to national security in thousands of transmissions during her years of tenure thereby circumventing law and procedures for government record-keeping, etc., and not intend to do so?

Question: Once under scrutiny, how could Mrs. Clinton go about deleting email, destroying equipment, and giving false public statement after false public statement absent intent?

And the questions go on and on, as to intent, but enough.

President Obama also told Mr. Wallace he believed there was negligence (not intent to harm America) by Mrs. Clinton but vowed, adamantly, that no one was above the law and justice would take its proper course.

But a trained lawyer, who taught (Constitutional) law, should well know to remain silent. Period.

President Obama, for his own (consistent) past of wrongly injecting himself into due process and uttering falsehoods, is not credible. He’s not trustworthy. (Note: Trustworthiness is not inherent in the office of the presidency it’s a human trait that must be demonstrated – proven.)

Hillary Clinton is absolutely not trustworthy.

The nagging thought since thinking about that interview is if President Obama had another daughter she’d look like Hillary Clinton.

Ergo, the logical conclusion – blackmale whitewashing Clinton.

Face paint not required. Red tape will mask.

It pays to be a lawyer.

And we’ll pay.

Wait and see.

Even Will Rogers would be hard-pressed to find any humor in all this nonsense.

Post Script

President Obama interview transcript:

Originally posted 2016-04-13 09:22:15.