All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.


Many have asked me if I support the republican party? Sorry, but I do not. In fact, I do not call myself a republican (small case). I have to state I am one to get the right primary ballot, but that’s the extent of me being one of them. Many people have wondered how Trump rose to such popularity so quickly, and why has the RNC did not endorse him. Well, I think I know, but  I will not go there just yet.  I received the following from several fellow non-republicans via email and although somewhat crude English-wise, it sure spells it out; even those living under a rock these days should be able to comprehend its message.I don’t know who wrote it, but  I think it is great!  Let’s call it, Why Trump has such a following. Enjoy
Racoons2You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately! You call the city—four different exterminators—nobody could handle the job. However, there is this one guy who says he guarantees  to get rid of them—so you hire him. You don’t care if the guy smells, you don’t care if the guy swears, you don’t care if he’s an alcoholic, you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you don’t care if he voted for Obama, you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack—you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy! He’s the best! Period!

So, here’s why we want Trump, yes he’s a bit of an ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two-faced & gut-less, and illegals are everywhere. We just want it all fixed! We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he insults people, we don’t care that he had been friendly with Hillary, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s been married three times, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t care that he doesn’t know the names of some Muslin terrorists. This country is weak and bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals from all over the world. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country where we were born and raised. “WE JUST WANT IT FIXED,” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.  We’re sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, Republican Party, and sick of illegals. We just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but doesn’t have lobbyist money holding him, he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him, all we know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, has built a lot of things, created a lot of jobs, AND he’s not a cowardly politician. And, he says he’ll fix it. And, we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or called a liar.

Also, we don’t care if the guy has bad hair.

We just want those damn raccoons gone. Out of my house—NOW!


Originally posted 2016-03-15 16:22:33.

Lawmaker Blasts Plan to Cap Military Pay Raise




From MOAA’s Website. This organization accomplishes more for our military service men and women than any other. It used to be called TROA (The Retired Officer’s Association), but changed their name to include all officers not just retired. I have been a life member since I retired and I use their site to contact my representatives almost weekly. Lindsey Graham has always been a champion of our military men and women; one of the few I would not classify as a RINO. As you read this, ask yourself, just whose side are the service chiefs on? I really can’t answer that myself. They must be drinking Attorney General Lynch’s brew — ya think?

March 11, 2016

At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday, Personnel Subcommittee chair Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told service chiefs he’s not happy DoD is proposing yet another reduced military pay raise for 2017.

“For the last three years, this administration has failed to allow service members’ pay to keep up with the private sector wage growth,” said Graham. “This is the fourth year in a row where the department is short-changing service members.”

The proposed 1.6 percent pay raise is being touted by DoD as the largest raise in the last four years. However, it is still below the average American’s 2.1 percent raise, as measured by the Employment Cost Index (ECI). If Congress doesn’t reject the Pentagon proposal, the cumulative four-year pay gap will increase to 3.1 percent.

Graham also took issue with the Pentagon’s proposal to make changes to the new blended retirement system scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1, 2018 for new entrants.

Under current law, the new system cuts military retired pay by 20 percent, but provides up to a 5 percent government match to service members’ deposits in federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) accounts. Government matching begins when a service member reaches three years of service. DoD’s budget proposes delaying government matching until the fifth year of service.

This proposal directly counters one of the main reasons why Congress originally approved the change to retirement: to provide a retirement benefit to more service members, especially the majority who do not stay for twenty years.

“Let me be clear. It is our commitment to the many service members who go out on deployment before reaching their fifth year of service that they, too, have earned some retirement,” said Graham.

MOAA agrees with Sen. Graham’s concern on both the pay raise and TSP matching issues.

– See more at:

Originally posted 2016-03-12 11:18:45.


Col AndyAnother verity from the Colonel of Truth. If only there was a way to ensure this lady reads it, but then . . . . what would she do differently? She is not just a Kool Aid drinker, she’s the brew master.

In God We Trust

Attorney General Lynch,

Recent interviews (of you) concerning the investigation into the private email server, reckless handling of America’s secrets by then sitting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and more, I’ve seen. And pondered.

Your facial expressions, body language, and elusive and sometimes curt sounding answers to questions cause wonder and concern.

Mrs. Clinton, on the campaign trail, has repeatedly said, “No bank too big to fail. No executive too powerful to jail.”

How remarkable – she is capable of uttering a truth.

As you are surely familiar, following is the Mission Statement posted on The United States Department of Justice website:

To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

Though searching exhaustively elsewhere on the website, I found no exemption to compliance with law for anyone named Clinton, nor any other surname, nor anyone running for elected office to include the presidency.

Mrs. Clinton’s truth aside and considering your department’s mission but three words guide you carrying out your responsibilities: Sworn. Oath. Duty.

To those obligations, I add three words, three standards of personal behavior and conduct, that guide U. S. Marines (and Sailors): Honor. Courage. Commitment. These Core Values, in complement (to sworn duty), make for good order.

A thought from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

You, Madam, are anywhere. We, your countrymen, everywhere, are watching.

In closing, Madam Attorney General, see to justice; and in all that implies to include timeliness.

Thank you for your service to country.


A. F. Weddington
U. S. Marine (Retired)

Originally posted 2016-03-12 10:45:44.