All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

A Very Intelligent Young Lady

cropped-DEAD-STUPID-e1457537417619.jpgYowser! If you like Hillary Clinton I would not watch this young lady’s video. But wait a minute, if you do like her, maybe you NEED to watch this well-written, well-articulated diatribe about the very woman of whom I speak. It is great and filled with so much truth — WOW! I love it, I even watched it twice for fear that I may have missed something. Comments please, I’d’ like to know what you thought about it. Of course if you are one of “those” of whom she speaks, you need to do what she recommends before you comment on this blog, and let me know what you found under there. Oh Dear God, excuse me, I have to go watch it again!!



Originally posted 2016-04-13 16:30:31.


Another good one from The Colonel of Truth.I still find it incomprehensible as to how someone, anyone can be in support of this woman. They have to be so blinded by some strange ideology, prejudice, or bias that disallows logical understanding of facts. Or, there is always the chance they are simply stupid. Yes, I think it’s the latter.
Col Andyby Andy Weddington
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Make crime pay. Become a lawyer. Will Rogers

These days, disturbing as they are, of confusion about race, gender, and whatnot, let’s be clear. President Obama is a black male. And he’s a lawyer. Hillary Clinton is a white female. And she’s a lawyer.

Some believe President Obama is a criminal. One day charges may come. Some believe Hillary Clinton is a criminal. One day (soon) she may be indicted.

Pay attention.

First point of order, the opening word of the title is not misspelled.

Recently, veteran Fox News Channel journalist and Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace interviewed President Obama.

He asked questions about not-so-serious things and about serious things not-so-seriously.

As to questions about the ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct of business, in email through a private non-secure server, while Secretary of State, President Obama said…

“And what I also know, because I handle a lot of classified information, is that there are — there’s classified, and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and there’s stuff that is being presented to the president and secretary of state, that you might not want on the transom, or going out over the wire, but is basically stuff that you could get in open source.”

Nonsense! And he knows it. And Chris Wallace knows it. And anyone who has had a security clearance knows it.

Moving along.

Hillary Clinton says she is not under investigation only that the FBI is conducting a routine “security review.”

Nonsense! The FBI investigates crimes.

Supporters of Mrs. Clinton say the material was classified after the fact and she did nothing wrong.

Nonsense! That is not how it works.

Lawyers and legal scholars say the element of intent is important and may be the out for Mrs. Clinton.


Question: How did Mrs. Clinton go about setting up a private non-secure server, in her home, conduct state business over personal email to include compromising classified information of the highest order (such it was redacted and can’t be released) germane to national security in thousands of transmissions during her years of tenure thereby circumventing law and procedures for government record-keeping, etc., and not intend to do so?

Question: Once under scrutiny, how could Mrs. Clinton go about deleting email, destroying equipment, and giving false public statement after false public statement absent intent?

And the questions go on and on, as to intent, but enough.

President Obama also told Mr. Wallace he believed there was negligence (not intent to harm America) by Mrs. Clinton but vowed, adamantly, that no one was above the law and justice would take its proper course.

But a trained lawyer, who taught (Constitutional) law, should well know to remain silent. Period.

President Obama, for his own (consistent) past of wrongly injecting himself into due process and uttering falsehoods, is not credible. He’s not trustworthy. (Note: Trustworthiness is not inherent in the office of the presidency it’s a human trait that must be demonstrated – proven.)

Hillary Clinton is absolutely not trustworthy.

The nagging thought since thinking about that interview is if President Obama had another daughter she’d look like Hillary Clinton.

Ergo, the logical conclusion – blackmale whitewashing Clinton.

Face paint not required. Red tape will mask.

It pays to be a lawyer.

And we’ll pay.

Wait and see.

Even Will Rogers would be hard-pressed to find any humor in all this nonsense.

Post Script

President Obama interview transcript:

Originally posted 2016-04-13 09:22:15.

Malkin: Requiem for a VA Victim

This story tugged at my heart, as it should for every red-blooded patriot. Society’s attitude towards our military is much different than it was fifty years ago , or even twenty-three years ago when I retired. I am constantly thanked for my service, and while I do appreciate it very much, there is a growing feeling within me that thinks it may be a facade. Has it merely become a fade to thank a Vet? Do these kind, well-meaning folks really appreciate what we have done? Or are they simply following the crowd? I don’t want to demean in anyway their show of gratitude as it can go a long way to help our Vets. However, do these well-meaning and kind folks really know what is going on with our Vets? I think not. Our government needs to establish some priorities and put its money were the people’s mouth is. Surely, let me rephrase that, “hopefully” our Vets deserve a higher priority than the illegals streaming across our borders, the fraudulent millions on welfare , and the refugees welcomed to our shores by the Chicago Street Hustler and his band of cronies. Politicians rant and rave, promise to help, get re-elected, then disappear. Michelle puts forth some very interesting thoughts and ideas — will anyone listen? Donald, you promised, so please do something in January 2017 to help our Veterans! 

Why was this incident not on every evening news cast? You’ll have to answer that one, I have to go take my blood pressure meds!

michelle_malkin_55What does a suffering military veteran have to do to force an unresponsive government to change its ways?

How about self-immolating in front of his VA clinic? Hello, paper-pushers and desk jockeys? Are you there? Would the heat, the smoke and the smell of burning flesh rouse you in the least?

Nope. Apparently, even this horror is not enough to move the inert bureaucrats at the Department of Veterans Affairs — let alone the indifferent tango dancer-in-chief.

While President Obama sashayed in Buenos Aires two weeks ago, proud Navy veteran Charles Richard Ingram III, 51, made his last life’s journey. He walked nine miles from his home in Egg Harbor Township, N.J., to the curb in front of the Northfield, N.J., VA clinic on New Road.

With a large blue wooden cross looming on the side of a chapel in the background, Ingram stood on the lawn, poured gas all over his body and lit a match. A firefighter told The Daily Beast that the retired chief petty officer, known as “Rich” to family and friends, was “100 percent burned.” A bystander had rushed to his side with blankets to snuff out the flames and first responders arrived within minutes.

But it was too late.

CPO Ingram leaves behind a grieving wife, two young children ages 3 and 5, and a charred patch of brown and blackened grass 75 feet from the entrance of the VA’s Atlantic County Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC).

The bloated VA system now employs nearly 400,000 people to carry out its purported “mission of caring.” The CBOCs were established to “to more efficiently and effectively serve eligible veterans and provide care in the most appropriate setting,” according to the feds. But nobody from Ingram’s CBOC — one of 800 such offices run by the VA, which boasts a record $150 billion budget — was there to help on that Saturday when Ingram perished. Why not? Because the facility is closed on weekends. Its daytime, weekday hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) serve the convenience of the government employees, not of the men and women who put their lives on the line for their country.

Area veterans’ advocates and local officials in both political parties have pushed for years to address chronic under staffing and Soviet-era wait times. The Atlantic City Press reports that there is just one lone psychologist to provide therapy to 200 veterans on any given day.

“To make matters worse,” local Democratic state senator Jeff Van Drew (who worked in the VA system as a dentist) pointed out last week, “there are no Veterans Affairs hospitals in the region, so even if a veteran is able to schedule a timely appointment at the nearest VA hospital, he or she would have to travel hours to Philadelphia, Penn., northern New Jersey or Delaware to receive care.”

Would it have been too much to ask the VA’s employees to open for just one day of weekend appointments and one weekday of late-night appointments? Apparently, that was too much of a sacrifice for the 8-to-4:30-ers. Vets’ groups petitioned for extended hours for years. Nothing happened.

How about a pilot program to free the VA’s hostages and allow vets to receive health care from personal doctors and local hospitals, as Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J., has long proposed? There must be no escape hatches, anti-privatization special interests have decreed. All must suffer for the Greater Good.

Flacks for the Wilmington, Delaware, VA Medical Services facility, which oversees Ingram’s South Jersey clinic, downplayed appointment delays and vets’ complaints after Ingram’s sacrificial act. Instead, the bureaucrats blithely touted their “telehealth” services via computer, “group therapy” and “additional social workers.” Nothing to see here, move along.

When Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc burned himself to death on a Saigon street corner to protest abuses by the Diem government in 1963, the world took notice. The monk left behind his crystallized bones, intact heart and an inflamed movement to end repression against his people. American journalists played a key role in amplifying Duc’s message and ensuring that his death wasn’t in vain.

Where are the national media voices and advocates for U.S. Navy CPO Charles Ingram and the countless other martyrs victimized by the VA?

If a loyal veteran burns himself to the ground in a forest of government bureaucrats, will anybody hear him?

NOTE: God bless you Michelle for keeping these sort of tragedies front and center.

Originally posted 2016-04-07 11:26:28.